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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:44
  • 155


关于”母爱的句子“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Sentences of maternal love。以下是关于母爱的句子的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences of maternal love

1、Some kids become high-achievers to compensate for their parents' disinterest. 一些孩子取得了很高成就以此来回报父母的无私(的爱)。

2、Zhao Fu privately appealed to zhao mother, also cannot too spoiled child. 赵父私底下也劝解赵母,不能过于宠爱孩子。

3、The only routine damage a troubled child can inflict on a parent's career is by being so troubling that they distract the parents from their work. 爱惹麻烦的孩子给父母事业造成的唯一常见麻烦,是害得父母从工作中分心。

4、"For example, around 70% of moms surveyed named a child to whom they felt closest and only 15% of children thought their mothers were equally close to all children, " says Pillemer. Pillemer说:“约70%被调查的母亲能说出她们觉得更亲近更喜爱的孩子,而只有15%的孩子认为自己的母亲对待所有的孩子是同等的。”

5、Parental love is like a towering tree, the children wind shelter, sun shade light! 父母的爱就像一座参天大树,为孩子迎风避雨,遮阳挡光!

6、A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on . 做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。

7、Hers is a true example of the strength of a mother's love. 她所做的一切正是展现母爱力量最真实的例子了。

8、Loving mother of the arm is composed, the children could not sleep in it sweet? 慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜?

9、His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood. 父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。

10、Strength of a mother's love can be propelled to the extent to raise up a car supressed upon her own kid. 母爱的力量可以大到举起压在爱子身上的小轿车。

11、Some parents, alas, lack the means to treasure their children. 可是啊,有些父母却缺乏珍爱孩子的物质条件。

12、The loving mother's arm is composed of mercy, children sleep in it can not sweet? 慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜?

13、Fathers and mothers should be neither too strict nor too indulgent . 父母亲对孩子既不能过严也不能过分溺爱。

14、It is universal that parents love their children, but we need to acknowledge that the ways that parents from different cultures show their love towards their children are so much different. 父母爱子女,这是普天之下的一个常理,但是,我们需要承认,不同文化中的父母疼爱子女的方式是非常不同的。

15、Interviews with her mother's friends revealed a picture of a doting parent who was industrious and civic-minded. 与母亲的朋友进行一番沟通后,一副勤勉、有社会意识、溺爱孩子的母亲形象跃然而出。

16、Some mothers wrote with their tears and pain in their children's mind; some left their love and beauty on their children's life journey… 有些母亲将眼泪和创痛写在孩子的记忆中; 有些母亲将爱和美好印在孩子的人生之旅…

17、Many only children, due to the over-indulgent attitude of their parents or grandparents, neither accept criticism nor bear any complaint. 许多独生子女,由于父母或祖父母的溺爱,既不能接受批评,也不能忍受一点埋怨。

18、Can the love of parents for their children overcome initial prejudices? 父母对子女的爱可以克服初期的偏见吗?

19、Rev. Yew and wife Maryann have two sons and four grandchildren. 游牧师与师母陈慈爱女士共有两位儿子以及四名孙儿。

20、The most important thing a father can do for his children is loving their mother. 一位父亲能为他的孩子做的最要紧的事是爱他们的母亲。

21、A mother in the life and death, the child to health, but to their own death, perhaps, this is the essence of motherly love. 一位母亲在生死关头,将孩子推向生,自己却走向死,也许,这就是母爱的真谛。

22、Now, she is still continued to service for the children well. 现在,仍然秉持着“童心母爱”继续为孩子们服务。

23、General idea(Synopsis):This story tells about the love to her child of a great mother. 故事梗概:这个故事写的是母亲对自己的孩子的爱。

24、"I beat him for the name of love", how do you interpret the "love" of his stepmother? “爱他才打他”,你如何理解继母对孩子的“爱”?

25、If his parents vow to show more love, more discipline and less anger, then he will react by behaving like a well loved self disciplined child who respects his parents and toys. 如果他的父母能给孩子更多的爱和耐心,能很好地管教他,少对他发脾气,那他就能变成个自律的,可爱的,懂得尊敬父母和玩具的好孩子。


26、Small talk about love and Zhou Baomin decided to sell the house for mother. 谈小爱和周宝民决定卖掉房子为母亲治病。

27、No unselfish, self-sacrifice of maternal love help, the child's soul is desert. 没有无私的,自我牺牲的母爱的帮助,孩子的心灵将是一片荒漠。

28、My mother giving me the love, I could not have ten life-ching, my mother is very ordinary, but her extraordinary love, gave me unlimited power. 我的母亲所给予给我的爱,可能我十辈子也还不清,我的母亲很平凡,但她不平凡的爱,给了我无限的动力。

29、"In the past, parents did not dote so much on their children, " he says. “以前,父母并没有这样溺爱孩子的,”吾郎说,“父母忙着工作,也没有太多的钱。

30、The girl's mother Rielle Hunter worked on Edwards's 2008 presidential campaign. 孩子的母亲瑞尔*杭特是爱德华兹在2008年总统竞选中的工作人员。

31、The challenge is to explain your mother, someone else's mother or motherhood in general in just six words. Here are some examples 这个活动的要求是你只能用六个单词来形容你的母亲,别人的母亲或者母爱。这儿有一些例子。

32、When my beloved firstborn son arrived, she wasn't there to be his godmother, as I was to Gemma. 当我深爱的第一个儿子出生后,她也没有像我当初那样做吉玛的教母那样来当我第一个儿子的教母;

33、Botn father and mother have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness. 父母都有一个神圣的职责:用爱心和正直来培养孩子。

34、Our parents 's love is great and self-giving so that we never can requite it all life. 父母的爱是伟大的、无私的,我们一辈子也报答不了他们!

35、It's hard indeed, ' thought Polly, 'if he takes only to one little motherless child, when he has another, and that a girl, before his eyes.' “如果他只爱一个失去母亲的孩子,而另一个失去母亲的孩子就在他的眼前,那真是太残酷了,”波利想道。

36、The arms of mothers are made of tenderness; in them children sleep profoundly. 慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子们睡在里面怎能不甜?

37、The amount of affection and attention she gave to her child was categorised into groups ranging from 'negative' to ' extraant '. 母亲给予孩子的关爱和关注程度被分为从“消极”到“溺爱”几个等级。

38、About Eva: She’s my soulmate, and an awesome mother to our kids. 关于爱玛:她是我心灵的伴侣,是孩子们很棒的母亲。

39、Since mothers are responsible for the birth of children, they should not shirk any responsibility of love and care. How can a woman love anybody else if she shows no love to her own child? 孩子是因为母亲的原故降生到世上,作为母亲,负有无可推卸的责任来爱惜、呵护他,试问一个母亲如果连自己的亲生骨肉都不爱,她还能爱谁呢?

40、The world there is a most beautiful voice, and that is the call of the mother. (Dante) 慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜?

41、Maternal love is how strongly, selfish, madly occupy our whole heart feelings  没有无私的,自我牺牲的母爱的帮助,孩子的心灵将是一片荒漠

42、The laughter of a child, a smiling face recall a parent's love. 从孩子的笑声,他的笑面中忆记父母的爱护。

43、Indian parents continue to have a greater-than-average involvement in their children's love lives. 印度父母对子女的爱情生活仍旧进行过多的干涉。

44、As the one child policy puts into effect, most parents will spoil their unique children more, because they are the apple of their parents' eyes. 由于独生子女政策的实行,大多数父母都会更加宠爱他们唯一的孩子,因为他们是父母的掌上明珠。

45、They adapted quickly to the new mothering style and grew up to tend carefully to their own offspring. 它们很快适应了新的母爱特征,长大后对其子女也关爱有加。

46、Think Baby Einstein. 世界各地的父母都在寻求让子女成才的良方。想想“小爱因斯坦”吧。

47、Darius is the son of current record holder Alice and the grandson of earlier owner of the crown Amy。目前世界最大兔子纪录保持者爱丽丝是达利斯的母亲,先前的纪录保持者艾米是他的祖母。

48、Before I was a mother I was a daughter, infused with energy and the unspoken reassurance that my parents would always be there. 在我做母亲之前,我也是一位女儿,满载着青春的活力和父母难以言喻的关爱,总觉得父母会一辈子在那里。

49、Even though his loves his adoptiveparents they should still be punished because they bought him knowing he hadbeen abducted from his own family. 尽管他爱自己的养父母,但是养父母依然要被惩罚,因为他们明知这孩子是拐来的。

50、Widow mother in contemporary love story always loves to use her power excessively to suppress her son and meddle in his affair when he fells in love. 当代言情小说中寡母总是爱滥用母权,干涉和压制儿子的婚恋选择。


51、Mother's arm is posed by the love, the children could not sleep in it sweet? 慈母的胳膊是由爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不香甜?

52、Birbal knew King Akbar loved his grandson, Khurram, very much. 伯博知道国王阿克巴很爱他的孙子库茹阿母。

53、Many parents indulge their kids, smother them with love and deny them nothing. 许多父母放纵孩子,溺爱小孩,什么都答应他们。

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