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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-17 11:20:09
  • 77


关于”五种基本句型“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Five basic sentence patterns。以下是关于五种基本句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five basic sentence patterns

1、When the covering soil was thick, the results of other three sites would be consistent. 当上覆土层较厚时,其他三种模型结果基本一致。

2、Then two basic operations of K*TDG are discussed: addition and multiplication. 然后讨论了K~*TDG模型的两种基本运算:加法和乘法。

3、A new high performance device, fast-response silicon liquid crystal spatial light modulator has been developed. 本文介绍了一种新型空间光调制器——硅基底液晶光阀。

4、The utility model discloses an exclusive used welding head for dismounting integrate plates, which belongs to a hardware tool. 本实用新型是一种拆卸集成片专用烙铁头,属于五金工具。

5、The Xingyi kungfu crossing fist is one of the five basic punching maneuvers used in Xingyi. 兴义功夫交叉拳的五种基本冲压兴义使用演习一。

6、A new silicon-based bulk micro-machined amperometric microelectrode biosensor is designed and fabricated with anisotropic silicon wet etching. 本文提出了一种新型的硅基衬底体硅加工安培型微电极生物传感器。

7、The effect of 5 different structural forms of the polysaccharide of Corilus Versi-color on the growth of 3 transplanted tumors is reported. 1 . 本文报道了五种不同结构剂型的长白云芝多糖对三种可移植性癌瘤生长的影响。

8、We designed a multi-channel taste sensor array based on biological lipid materials. 针对基本的五种味觉物质,给出了有关测试结果以及一些有意义的结论。

9、FXG is an XML-based graphics interchange format for Flash, containing graphical and text primitives, following the Flash Player rendering model. FXG是一种基于XML的图形交换格式,用于Flash,包含基本的图形和文本,遵循Flash播放器的渲染模型。

10、A corporate-level strategy characterized by an absence of significant change. 稳定型战略是一种公司层战略,其特征为基本不进行重大的变革。

11、The muddy coast in the South of Northern Jiangsu is classified into stable deposition, unstable erosion, and fundamental stability. 苏北南部淤泥质海岸可分为稳定淤涨型、侵蚀不稳定型和基本稳定型三种状态。

12、Hardware the hardware fittings with basic ambry is hinge and drawer (slippery course) . 五金件橱柜基本的五金配件是铰链和抽屉(滑轨)。

13、Currently a single resource management model can seldom meet various grid computing requirements, such as dynamicity, scalability and adaptability. 本论文在分析比较现有网格模型的基础上,提出了一种新的资源管理模型—分级市场模型。

14、In this thesis, we use both Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Weight Array Model (WAM) to predict the splice sites. 本文基于隐Markov模型(HMM)和权重阵列模型(WAM)两种方法来剪接位点。

15、The character of "Zan" has five different meanings. Its basic meaning is assisting and ilrating, and others are extended meanings. “赞”字在上古有五种含义,最基本的意义为“助”、“明”,其它皆其引申之义。

16、There are eight fundamental types (of values) in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, thread, table, and userdata. Lua 中的基本类型(值)有 8 种: nil,布尔型,数字,字符串,函数,线程,表 以及 用户数据。

17、For instance, Guangdong' s Yueyue has three types and Chaoyue has four, all of which inherited those in ancient China. 广东的粤乐,它有着三种类型的五声音阶;潮乐也有着四种类型的五声音阶。这都是中国古代仿承发展过来的。

18、Two kind of types, mather nature artists and father nature artists. 两种类型,几母本型艺术家和父本型艺术家。

19、Many Cering algorithms have been investigated, which are classified into several types: partitioning cer, hierarchy cer, density-based cer, grid-based cer and model-based cer. 目前,已经出现了很多聚类算法,主要有以下五种:基于层次的聚类、基于划分的聚类、基于密度的聚类、基于网格的聚类以及基于模型的聚类。

20、The basic principle model was established on the various impulse turbines. The basic principle formulas, the formulas of kinetic energy and direction of outflow were deduced strictly. 将各种按动量定理工作的冲击式水轮机作为研究对象,构建其基本原理模型,严谨地推导出原理模型基本方程及其数值解。

21、Chapter 5 provides a new algorithm of image sharing, which based on grey half generation and sharing ideal. 本文第五章给出了一种基于灰色生成和共享思想的图像分存算法。

22、Five-person dungeons are a cornerstone of World of Warcraft. 五人地下城是魔兽世界的基本要素。

23、So those are the four core models within the Schneider model. It says that typically in the company, there's a primary culture and then a secondary supporting culture. 因此,Schneider模型有四种核心模型,它认为:公司中一般都有一种基本文化,然后还有一种支持性文化。

24、Qingyang sachet There are five general types: head-mounted, shoulder horizontal type, chest hanging type, shoulder type, pedal type. 庆阳香包大体有五种类型:头戴型、肩卧型、挂型、背负型、脚蹬型。

25、Bugs come in three basic varieties: coding bugs, documentation bugs, and requirement bugs. 有三种基本类型的错误:编码错误、文档错误和需求错误。


26、The invention relates to a quinary polymerization fluororesin containing hydroxy and a synthesis method of the quinary polymerization fluororesin. 本发明涉及一种含羟基的五元共聚氟树脂及其合成方法。

27、It is composed of two parts. The situation of the Prime Five's name and the Prime Five's address. 本章以五畜名称的种类和五畜呼语的种类等两个部分组成。

28、The utility model relates to a double-door interlinking alcohol stove which belongs to the technical field of civil hardware. 本实用新型为一种双门联动酒精炉,属民用五金领域。

29、Voltage reference diode. Reference voltage 6.20 V (typ). 基准电压二极管。参考电压6:20五(型)。

30、The article introduces the principle and several processes of compressing and forming on cotton stalk fuel, and it also disciples equipments involved. 本文介绍了棉秆燃料压缩成型技术的基本原理,并描述了几种棉秆燃料压缩成型的工艺过程和压缩成型设备。

31、So these are the five basic premises that we talked about. 这就是五个基本前提。

32、Graphic logo torch into the basic type, red, reflect a kind of sloping triangular young, dynamic, breakthrough. 标志以火炬的图形化为基本型,红色、倾斜的三角型体现一种年轻、动感、突破。

33、Ring-opening of two types of N-tosyl aziridines with hydroxyl compounds has been studied. 本文研究了羟基化合物对两种类型N-对甲苯磺酰基氮杂环丙烷的开环反应。

34、Chapter five starts from the basic model of the running of the micro-finance business, and then introduces the characteristics of our business model of micro-financial services; 第五章从微型金融业务开展的基本模式出发,提出了我国特色的微型金融业务经营模式;

35、We handle various kinds of hardware products. 本公司经营各种五金产品。

36、Food is composed of five essential nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. 食物由五种基本营养组成:碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪,维生素和矿物质。

37、It was an even opening period as both sides probed for an opening. 开场阶段的局面基本是五五开,双方都想率先打破僵局。

38、However carpet comes in two basic grades – heavy and extra heavy duty. 这是因为地毯有两种基本的等级-厚型或者加厚地毯。

39、Influences of different cement matrix and ceramic on the piezoelectric properties, dielectric properties and ferroelectric properties of the 0-3 cement-based piezoelectric composites are studied. 研究了五种不同水泥基体及三种不同陶瓷功能体对0-3型水泥基压电复合材料压电、介电、铁电性能的影响。

40、A software cost estimation model based on Fuzzy Decision Tree(FDT) is presented. 提出一种基于模糊决策树的软件成本估计模型。

41、The durabilities of some bentonites and Na-and Ca-base bentonites mixture was investigated by means of absorbing methylene blue method and strength method. 本文用吸兰量法和强度法考察了五种膨润土的耐用性和钠基与钙基膨润土混合后的耐用性。

42、The model, which uses Mitsubishi gasoline engines or diesel Isuzu engines, is one of the cheapest SUVs available on the market. 该车型使用三菱汽油发动机或日本五十铃柴油机,是目前市场上最便宜的一种运动型多功能车。

43、Land exceeding 35 hectares outside the basic farmland; 基本农田以外的耕地超过三十五公顷的;

44、It consists of five types of fundamental circuits including inverter, NAND gate, NOR gate, ternary inverter and T-gate. 其中包括倒相器与非门、或非门、变形反相器和T门共五种基本电路。

45、A nwe kind of thinned cylinder array with discrete baffle has been designed. 本文设计了一种新型的离散障板稀疏圆柱基阵。

46、Fifth, basic conception of Futsal soccer promotion in Lanzhou colleges. 第五、五人制足球运动在兰州高校推广的基本构想。

47、The corporation fund and contract fund are two governance fund modes. 公司型基金与契约型基金是两种基金治理模式。

48、In order to solve this problem, we propose a method allowing non-uniform sampling on st plane. 为了解决这种情况,本文提出了五维光场模型的聚焦平面非均匀采样方法。

49、Generally, there are three types of film translation: subtitling, dubbing and voice-over. 电影翻译基本分为三种类型:字幕翻译,配音和覆盖画外音。

50、The fourth and fifth chapters establish two kinds of optimization models of asset-liability portfolio based on the control of duration gap. 第五章建立了基于资本充足率约束控制预留缺口的资产负债组合优化模型。


51、Finally the article raises5approaches that abase the demand of foreign exchange reserve scale on the basis of taking advantage of its utilization. 最后提出了在发挥其基本职能的基础上最大程度地降低外汇储备规模要求的五种途径。

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