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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 03:32:22
  • 78


关于”连词成句的诀窍“的英语句子43个,句子主体:The knack of conjunctions into sentences。以下是关于连词成句的诀窍的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The knack of conjunctions into sentences

1、You have to learn the tricks of the trade if you make your own living. 如果自己谋生的话,你必须学这行生意的诀窍。

2、That's what Southall did to get his job. 这也正是索思豪尔获得该工作的诀窍。

3、But I think the recipe for success is the one that you are already following. 但是我想,获得成功的诀窍其实就是你现在已经在实践的。

4、The secret is a sharp knife and a firm hand . 诀窍就是得有一把快刀,和一只果断的手。

5、The trick is planting seeded watermelons near the seedless ones. 有一种种植的诀窍,就是把有籽西瓜种在无籽西瓜附近。

6、The real trick in emergent design is discovering these patterns. 紧急设计的真正诀窍就是发现这些模式。

7、Charging users according to calorimeter temperature control valve is a trick. 按热量表收费的用户使用温控阀更是有诀窍。

8、You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of sucess. ( Charles Chaplin ) 必需信任自己,这是获胜的诀窍。(卓别林)

9、Now, lets look into some more advanced training tips, and how to gurantee success on the training ground. 现在,让我们来看一些更多的训练指南,以及如何在训练上取得成功的诀窍。

10、Here are some more tips to keep your tech gadgets and span. 以下是更多让你的科技产品一尘不染的诀窍。

11、Mr. Hennig: That would be a recipe you'd keep to yourself. 海宁:那将是一种你自己心知肚明的诀窍。

12、There are some tricks, exercise physiologists say, but also some risks. 运动生理学家指出,其中有些诀窍,但也有些风险。

13、We agree to keep confidential all your technical information and know-how. 我们同意对你方的所有技术信息和技术诀窍保密。

14、The trick is to find a good cookbook and a process that is easy to follow. 诀窍是:找到一本好“食谱”和一个易于遵循的步骤。

15、Tradition, know-how and skill: these three words sum up the craft of the Sabbadini family in the jewellery field, a craft handed down from generation to generation. 传统、诀窍和技巧:这三个单词总结了Sabbadini家族在珠宝领域世代相传的工艺。

16、You know I'm lousy at Occlumency, I never got the hang of it. 你知道我大脑封闭术练得多差,一直找不到诀窍。

17、The trick is to use a relative path instead of the absolute map path. 诀窍就是使用相对路径而不用绝对映射路径。

18、NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS: Uphill battle, but slow and steady wins the race 新年的决心:任务艰巨,但是稳扎稳打是制胜的诀窍。

19、The manager of the Personnel Department told us something as to the tips of taking an interview. 人事部经理给我们讲了一些有关面试的诀窍。

20、If you want that, the trick is don't reinforce it all the time. 如果你想达到这个目的,那么诀窍就是,不要进行连续强化。

21、The trick is to separate the different objects such, that they are compilable separately. 诀窍是分离不同的对象,即将它们分开编译。

22、This is the trick that permits indoor, parachute-free "sky diving". 这就是室内无伞蹦极跳得以进行的诀窍。

23、Carbon reduction expert Qiu Jizhe teaches you a few tips to save money on your utility bills. 减碳专家邱继哲告诉您一些节省电费的诀窍。

24、The trick to learn a lot is not to learn a lot at once. —— Locke 学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。

25、Mr. Greenblatt had a knack for working with female leads. 格林布拉特先生深谙与女主角合作的诀窍。


26、Dad: Go for it. Keep pedaling, you'll get the hang of it! 爸爸:开始吧。继续踩,你会抓到诀窍的!

27、So are there any tips on the road towards success? 那么成功的道路有没有什么诀窍呢?

28、The trick to the success is simply to be organised, efficient, and to stay positive about it. 成功的诀窍在于有组织性、有效率,并且保持乐观的心态。

29、One Wow to the good life. 一个能让人过上幸福生活的令人惊奇的诀窍。

30、It cannot be had at any price by those who are not intentionally searching for it. it cannot be given away, it cannot be purchased for money, for the reason that it comes in two parts. 对那些不曾刻意手觅成功诀窍的人来说,花再大代价,也学不来这个窍门。这个公式既不能免费奉送,也不 能用金钱买卖,因为这个秘诀分为两个部分。

31、Tricks of the Trade: Will now begin following the first damaging attack. 嫁祸诀窍:现在会从紧接的第一个伤害性攻击开始计算。

32、The clue is to make the contact-time as long as possible when you get your fingers on the hold. 诀窍在于尽可能延长手指抓点的时间。

33、People often ask me: learn English what's the trick? 常有人问我:学英语有什么诀窍?

34、An easy tip for both seeming and being more self-confidence is to speak slowly. 对于看似和实为更自信的小诀窍就是要慢条斯理。

35、There are two or three tricks to being a good sailor. 想成为一名出色的水手是有两三个诀窍的。

36、See here for six tips to woo your lover. 追求心爱对象这里(See here)有六点诀窍,不妨一试。

37、The trick is to use another style sheet, generate_html.xsl, in Listing 10 to turn start.xsl into a more typical style sheet. 诀窍是使用清单 10 中的另一个样式表 generate_html.xsl将 start.xsl转换成更典型的样式表。

38、There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. 成功没有诀窍。它是筹备,苦干以及在失败中汲取教训的结果。鈩。

39、The trick is to find your midnight kisses, then move on. 诀窍在于找到你午夜的吻,然后继续前进。

40、To many people out there get all antsy to have their internetmarketing look like a recipe. If it looks like a recipe it is a recipefor disaster. 很多人把互联网营销当成是有捷径、诀窍可循的,但是这种捷径、诀窍引发的往往是灾难。

41、While others are looking for the secrets of success, take the time to define what success actually means to you. 当大家都在寻求成功的诀窍的时候,花点时间给自己定义成功于吾何意?

42、Do you have any tips or tricks you can share? 你有没有可以分享的小贴士或者诀窍呢?

43、FAO provides the technical know-how and in a few cases is a limited source of funds. 粮农组织提供技术诀窍,在少数情形下也成为有限资金的来源。

44、Second, the organization requires know-how in a particular field – which becomes a ‘sunk asset’ and part of the influencing organizational environment. 第二,组织需要某一特定领域的诀窍——这些诀窍会变成一种“沉默资产”,以及影响性组织环境的一部分。

45、The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. 过去,市场营销的成功诀窍简而言之就是一分钱一分货。

46、HX:This is a trick of the trade. 胡:这就是我们的职业诀窍了。

47、Self-trust is the Number1 secret of success. 自信是完成的首要诀窍。

48、Gimmick: death - row inmate get a week's reprieve for every correct answer until. 诀窍:死刑犯答对一个问题就多活一个星期,直到。

49、I'll discuss the trick to linking to non-computer resources in a later section. 在后文中,我将讨论链接非计算机资源的诀窍。

50、The trick is to use anelement with the disable-output-escaping="yes" attribute. 诀窍是使用元素以及 disable-output-escaping="yes" 属性。


51、If you ever sawed wood you already know the trick. 如果你看过锯木头你就会明白其中的诀窍。

52、Dustin M. Wax is a contributing editor and project manager at lifehack.org. 达斯汀·M·瓦克斯是lifehack.org(生活诀窍)的特约编辑和项目经理。

53、Should kindle fire by wonderful device! 竟然有神妙的诀窍使火点燃?

54、Every good cook has his or her secrets for setting up the kitchen. 每个好的厨师都有自己的设置厨房的诀窍。

55、He has a knack of teaching arithmetic. 他教算术有诀窍。

56、Why is it one of the knacks to know the process? 为何了解这个过程是诀窍之一呢?

57、The trick is encoding this description in the compact syntax of regular expressions. 诀窍是使用规则表达式的简洁语法来编码这种描述。

58、Let's create a utility to exercise your newfound mojo. 让我们创建一个实用程序,以练习您新发现的诀窍。

59、The recipe for creating dynamic checkboxes consists of three major pieces 创建动态复选框的诀窍包含三个主要部分

60、Boys, do you want to know tips to go after girls? 男生,你想知道追女生的诀窍吗?

61、The key to the Spanish clothing chain is efficiency - with a side order of fashion sense. 西班牙服装连锁品牌ZARA的诀窍是效率— 一种带有流行判断力的工作流程。

62、Listen to this programme with Yang Li and Jo Hunter to learn some useful expressions and pick up some tips on how to look good. 本期节目杨莉和周亨特在讲解一些常用英语词语的同时还为女性朋友们提供一些化妆的小诀窍。

63、Now what we need badly are know-how, engineering services and technical assistance. 现在我们急需技术诀窍、工程服务和技术援助。

64、Boylan told him later, saying he had learned his trade watching Mr. Graham perform. 他说,他在观看格雷厄姆的表演时学会了吹牛的诀窍。

65、Here are some tips about what to do about tennis elbow. 这里关于网球肘怎麽办有一些诀窍。

66、Here we teach you special tricks that make colognes stick. 接下来我们要教大家让香水久留不散的诀窍。

67、My favorite Definer Firefox trick? 我最喜欢的Definr火狐诀窍?

68、Keep pedaling, you'll get the hang of it! 继续踩,你会抓到诀窍的! 提米:(踩踏板)哇!

69、Rita : I'm practising Tae Kwan Do. I think I'm getting the hang of it now. 莉达: 我在练习跆拳道,我想我已掌握诀窍了。

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