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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 19:58:25
  • 107


关于”打招呼的句子“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Greeting sentence。以下是关于打招呼的句子的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Greeting sentence

1、Hi guy/new, just say hello to everybody/everyone! 来,和大家打个招呼!

2、Mr. Liu, playing with friends a call. 刘总,跟网友打一个招呼。

3、I just stopped by to say hello. 我只是顺道过来打个招呼。

4、Now, seeing them together, she would know from the way he greeted her. 现在同时看到他俩,妻子从他和她打招呼的样子上就能看出来。

5、Will you say hello to your neighbor? 你会主动和新邻居打招呼吗?

6、He said hello to me, but I didn't acknowledge him. 他跟我打招呼,我没答理他。

7、Sinis caught sight of Theseus and hailed him. 辛尼斯看到忒修思,就和 他打招呼。

8、They greeted each other stiffly, without affection. 他们生硬地打着招呼,没有一丝爱意。

9、This didn't cause her to stop extending her paw for a greeting. 但这不会停止它伸出爪子来打招呼的行为。

10、Victor warmly greets a man named Nikola and his daughter Mila. 维克多热情地向一个叫尼古拉(Nikola)的男子和其女儿米拉(Mila)打招呼。

11、 I just stopped by to say hello. 我只是顺道过来打个招呼。

12、Michael walks up and greets him. Michael走近并向他打招呼。

13、Walking into his new, 3, 000-square-foot house, he greeted Becky. 走进他那个崭新的3000平方英尺的房子,他跟贝基打招呼。

14、How is the world around you? 你周围的世界怎样?

15、He greeted us with civility. 他谦恭地同我们打了招呼。

16、Wave. Wave to mom at home. 挥手,跟屏幕前的老妈打个招呼

17、Han Hua makes acoustical call with everybody first. 韩华先跟大家打声招呼。

18、She turned away without leave. 她没打招呼,径自走了。

19、MC-Can you greet us in Chinese then? 那么你能用中文和我们打招呼吗。

20、Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你。

21、I have to go say hello to her. 我得去跟她打个招呼。

22、She greeted the man by mistake. 她错跟那个人打了招呼。

23、I greeted him but he didn't respond. 我跟他打招呼, 他没答理我。

24、Mayalways be I ought to go over any goodd say hello. 也许我该走夙昔打个招呼。

25、He salted his friend with a wave of hand. 他挥挥手向朋友打招呼。


26、I just come by to say hello. 我只是顺道来打个招呼。

27、The one on the right is a smile of greeting. 右边是打招呼的微笑。

28、We spoke a ship with the whistle. 我们鸣笛与过往船打招呼。

29、Say hello to my little friend. 来跟我的小朋友打招呼。---《疤面煞星》。

30、He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter . 他打了个响指招呼服务员。

31、欢迎再次光临 Welcome back (打招呼时). Thank you and have a day (离开时).

32、She greeted us with a nod of the head. 他皮笑肉不笑地和我打了招呼。

33、nod  (head)点头She noticed him merely with a nod.  她仅以点头向他打招呼。

34、He greeted me with a greasy smile. 他皮笑肉不笑地和我打了招呼。

35、The waiter greeted us in a friendly tone. 那侍者用友好的口气同我们打招呼。

36、Not really.He might be saying hello to us. 并非如此。他可能会向我们打招呼。

37、As I'm out here meeting and greeting the tourists, 我在这里见游客、打招呼,

38、Oh, before I forget, my mom says hi. 哦对了,我妈让我跟你打个招呼~

39、So the leaser asked:"Why didn't he greet me?" 领导:“他为什么不对我打招呼?”

40、High Shiyuan kick back, take the initiative to greet the president. 高诗远打水回来,主动向校长打招呼。

41、Apologize to my friends for not greeting. 因没有主动打招呼而向朋友道歉

42、Beijing people will say in the near future: will you eat dumplings? 北京人未来一段时间打招呼都说:你又吃包子了吗?

43、Shall we say hello? Excuse me... 我们去打个招呼吧?

44、They'd greet you with a grin. 他们乐呵呵地跟你打招呼。

45、He greeted her by saying “Good morning”. 他向她打招呼,说“早上好”。

46、He greeted them both with a cheery 'Hullo, hullo! 他高兴地向我打了一下招呼。

47、Wendy greets Michael as he enters the office. 温蒂向正要进办公室的迈可打招呼。

48、Seeing a mzungu, they had shouted a greeting. 看见来人了,他们一起打招呼。

49、Say hello to the Rollerphone concept! 和腕式手机的概念打声招呼吧!

50、Greet people with eye-contact, smile and politeness. 打招呼要注视对方,微笑并有礼貌。


51、I looked down to greet it. 我低下头向它打招呼。

52、Yo-ho-ho - Salutation, expression of delight. 打招呼,表示开心。

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