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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-04 08:04:25
  • 92


关于”至的重点句子“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Key sentences from to。以下是关于至的重点句子的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Key sentences from to

1、Semantic Analysis is the key of whether sentence processing can get breakthrough or not. Semantic Analysis has played such an important role in NLU. 语义分析是句处理阶段能否取得突破的关键,在自然语言理解中起着举足轻重的作用。

2、E-payment is the core factor and crucial process in electronic commerce and its security has attracted more and more attention of the people. 电子支付是电子商务的核心环节和关键步骤,其安全性日益成为人们关注的焦点。

3、In this way, we have a word-pairs list in a sentence sorted by R's order. Later, we can get a dependency grammar tree from this list. 这一系数直接面向依存文法分析,以此得到一个句子中各个词的搭配关系强弱序列表,以后将要从此表中得到依存文法树。

4、When doing translation, for the translator, buried in numerous and complicated documents, every sentence, even a word is of upmost importance. 做笔译工作,埋头于纷繁复杂的文件中,每一句话甚至一个单词都至关重要。

5、From extensive project quality management to key process management, emphasis process management, the quality management countermeasure have been given. 从项目质量的粗放型管理到关键工序、重点工序管理,提出了质量管理对策。

6、This method synthesizes the sentence semantic based on semantic, context, and word. By using iteration algorithm to describe contribution of each sentence, a better experiment results can be obtained. 该方法从义面、义原、义境三个侧面来综合描述句子的语义,并通过迭代求解各方的权重,从而使计算结果达到最优。

7、But in family-based treatment, the emphasis is on weight gain first, and parents take the pivotal role. 但家庭治疗的重点是父母起到关键的作用。

8、From construction start to acceptance monitoring the process control of engineering quality is important and key link. Through the intensif… 重点论述了施工过程的策划和控制,即从开工到竣工验收是工程质量过程控制的重点和关键环节。

9、Bink's own critical birthday was barely a month away. 宾克离这个关键的日子只剩下不到一个月了。

10、Threshing is one of the key factors relating to the corn seed processing and the seed quality. 脱粒是玉米加工的关键环节,也是影响质量的一个重要因素。

11、Use: Restores 1050 to 1750 health. 使用:恢复1050到1750点生命值句号。

12、Double-click that method and type another period. 双击该方法并键入另一个句点。

13、Our e-services are key. 我们的电子服务才是关键。

14、Please note: White-hat is crucial and required! ! ! 请注意:白帽子是至关重要的,需要!

15、Thee-mail opt in list is also crucial. 电子邮件列表中选择也是至关重要的。

16、If you are not comfortable reviewing DRDA information, the key thing to look for is the SQL statement that you are trying to execute. 如果在查看 DRDA 信息时有些迷惑,那么可以抓住关键的一点,那就是要执行的 SQL 语句。

17、The key to using this structure is to reorganize the original material so as to turn it into outside-part structure. 英译汉时运用外位语结构的关键是对原句进行重新组合,使其转换为外位语结构。

18、Follow up mega project, ensure the success of key area and projects . 重点项目的直接跟踪,确保重点区域和关键项目的成功;

19、In Beyene’s case, that was key. 在Beyene的例子中,这是关键。

20、UNION ALL is a keyword that concatenates all the Select statements. UNION ALL 是将所有选择语句连接起来的关键字。

21、The wife is the key of the house. 妻子是一家的关键.

22、A key question at ROFLCon is what makes one meme succeed when thousands of others fail. 对于ROFLCon网来说,关键的问题是,当一千个点子失败以后,怎么能让一个点子成功。

23、Meanwhile, it expounds such key technologies as multi-threading and electronic maps loading and displaying. 重点介绍了多线程技术,电子地图的读取和显示等关键技术。

24、The point is, we've managed to teleport it from A to B without the one and the zero getting confused, " she said. 关键是,我们能够将其从A点传送至B点,而不将0和1混淆”,她说。

25、Use: Restores 1350 to 2250 mana. 使用:恢复1350到2250点法力值句号。


26、In other words, he saw that the rats were dreaming of important junctures in their day. 换句话说,他看到了老鼠梦到了它们在白天经历的重要关头。

27、All the new savepoint statements are supported by ESQL/C clients starting with version 3.50.xC3. 从 3.50.xC3 版本开始,所有新的保存点语句都得到了 ESQL/C 客户机的支持。

28、It is well known that light travels in straight lines. 众所周至,光以直线传播。—— 主语从句。

29、De-clutter: Go back to your core purpose and focus on what matters. 明确目标: 回到核心目标和将重点放到关键问题上。

30、This algorithm firstly searches for the central node of the query keywords, and then searches for the keyword nodes through this central node to construct the subgraph. 该算法首先搜索得到与所有查询关键字相关的中心节点,再通过中心节点搜索连接成子图。

31、Resources that can be replenished, like China's bamboo, will be crucial. 可以得到补充的资源(如中国的竹子)将是关键。

32、This doesn't mean that every single keyword needs to be there, or that they should be showing in each and every sentence, but they should at least be reasonably visible, if not prominent. 这并不意味着每一个关键字都必须出现,或他们应该出现在每一个句子,但他们至少应该合理地出现,而非突兀。

33、Afterlife studies, to coin a phrase, has been an empty field, at least until now. 换句话说,死后重生的研究,至少到现在还是一片空白的领域。

34、Because the starting point is not checked for cyclic data and 'Frankfurt' must not be connected again, it is eliminated in the CONNECT BY clause (Arrival 'Frankfurt'). 因为没有检查循环数据的起始点,并且不能再次连接到 “法兰克福市” ,所以将从 CONNECT BY 子句中删除该中转 (Arrival 'Frankfurt')。

35、This idea of reversibility is critical to understanding quantum computing. 可逆性观点是理解量子计算的关键。

36、Yet research shows that the father-child bond is crucial to a kid’s future success. 但是研究表明父子纽带对孩子未来的成功至关重要。

37、Pair ungho gentleman took good care, zijun was warm. 成浩对子君关心备至,使子君感到温暖。

38、Put another way, matching starts at the far left of the index key and proceeds rightward. 换句话说,匹配从索引键的最左端开始并向右匹配。

39、My point is that it is crucial that a balance be found. 我的观点是找到一个平衡点是至关重要的。

40、Akio's father, Shoichiro Toyoda, made a subtle remark to the assembled group, according to people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士说,丰田章男的父亲丰田章一郎对与会者说了一句微妙的话:“为何这些日子来所有的关键决策都是由渡边君和木下君作出的?”

41、The handle to UPPERCASE.so is closed by dlclose, and the dll is unmapped from memory. dlclose 关闭到 UPPERCASE.so 的句柄,并且从内存中取消 dll 映射。

42、As a necessary infrastructure of the E-commerce, electronic signature law determines the solution of two critical legal issues. 电子签名法作为电子商务时代必要的基础设施之一,关系到电子商务的两大至关重要的法律问题。

43、Augustan Age as the key turning point of Republican Rome to imperial Rome, played a important role in the nexus. 奥古斯都时代作为罗马从共和走向帝制的关键转折点,起到了承上启下的重要作用。

44、Daniel Pay attention to punctuation, especially to the correct use of commas and periods. 注重标点,出格是逗点和句号的不错施用要领。

45、The handle to lowercase.so is closed by dlclose and the dll is unmapped from memory. dlclose 关闭到 lowercase.so 的句柄,并且从内存中取消 dll 映射。

46、Crtical load testing is significant in reducing large software risks. 关键的负载测试对于降低大型软件的风险至关重要。

47、The style will be critical in the delivery of epideictic speech, style is your word preference and syntax. 在做词藻华丽的演讲时,风格至关重要,它体现在你的用词偏好和句法上。

48、Using the algorithm described in the preceding section, we can calculate the fastest curved path to get from the current waypoint to the next waypoint. 用前面讲过的算法,我们可以计算从这个关键点到下一个关键点最快的弧线路径。

49、I think that respecting for the child, trying to be his or her close friend is the key of family education. 我认为尊重孩子,争取做孩子的知心朋友是这一年令段孩子的家庭教育关键。

50、In other words, what you get there is a key to what is the entire outline of Acts Look back at Acts 1:8. 换句话说,这就是使徒行传大纲的关键,回到使徒行传第一章第8节。


51、The phenomenon of Chinese learners' non-use of relative clauses cannot be attributed entirely to language background, and language proficiency may also play an essential role. 中国学生“不使用”关系从句不能完全归结为受母语的影响,英语语言水平也起到了至关重要的作用。

52、While much of this boils down to semantics, your choice of words are critical. 归根到底就是语义学,你所选择的语句是至关重要的。

53、In recent years, research on dependency parsing becomes active, because dependency grammar benefits to represent the relation between terms. 近年来依存句法由于其利于描述语言中词与词之间的关系、突出核心词的特点日益得到重视。

54、He dropped a bottle in the kitchen and nicked himself on broken glass. 她把厨房门重重地关上,我甚至听到了碟子的震颤声。

55、Again, the only point here is that they see themselves as anti-absolutists. 回到主题上来,现在唯一的关键点就在于,英国人把自己当做反绝对主义份子

56、The phrase has been used on his day ever since. 从那以后这句话一直被沿用至今。

57、Crosslinkers having a covalently bonded phosphorous atom, the phosphorous atom having at least one covalently bonded oxygen atom. 具有共价键合的磷原子的交联剂,所述磷原子具有至少一个共价 键合的氧原子。

58、You see the same methods that you saw in the editor when you typed the period after session. 您会看到与您在会话后键入句点时出现在编辑器中的方法同样的方法。

59、We see three bonding pairs so this is a triple bond, indeed a multiple bond. 我们看到3对成键电子所以这是一个三重键,它确实是多重键。

60、Historically, angular momentum is what clued in physicists to the quantum-gravitational implications of string theory. 历史上,角动量正是让物理学家注意到弦论中含有量子重力的关键。

61、A change in emphasis will be essential. 侧重点的改变至关重要。

62、In general, that data would live in a child table with a foreign key relation to the table contacts. 通常,那些数据 应该存放在一张子表中,子表的外部关键字关联到表 contacts。

63、Barrel Key : A key with a bit projecting from a hollow cylindrical shaft. 桶的关键: 一个关键的圆柱形空心轴有点投影从。

64、This algorithm firstly searches for the matching keyword nodes of the query keywords, and then bridges these keyword nodes through the central node of them to construct the subgraph. 该算法首先搜索得到与查询关键字匹配的关键字节点,再由这些关键字节点的中心节点将它们连接成子图。

65、So efficient power management becomes a key factor in electronic design, and high conversion efficiency and stabilized output voltage are two main performance objectives. 因此,高效电源管理就成为电子设计中至关重要的因素,其中电池的能量转换效率和节能方面是关键部分。

66、This thesis makes a contrastive study of English and Chinese relative clauses from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. 对英语关系从句外置而言,至今为止还没有人做过关于该结构的习得研究。

67、The key strokes to split inputted string. 用来对所输入字串断句的按键。

68、This summary information allows you to determine the heavy hitter SQL statements in your applications. 该摘要信息使用户能够确定应用程序中的关键 SQL 语句。

69、This is a critical component of rebalancing China's future growth from coastal to interior regions. 这是中国从沿海至内地重新调整未来经济增长的一个关键部分。

70、Employees shall be required to retain emails related to essential, or mission-critical, projects. 职员须保留涉及要点,或关键任务,项目的电子邮件。

71、Fourth, Chinese learners' non-use of relative clauses does not necessarily mean that they avoid using relative clauses. 此外,中国学生“不使用”关系从句并不意味着他们一定是在回避使用关系从句。

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