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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-26 06:32:07
  • 159


关于”减肥的句子“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Sentences to lose weight。以下是关于减肥的句子的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences to lose weight

1、In fact, well-planned weight-loss diets, such as The Mayo Clinic Diet, allow for snacks to help manage hunger and reduce bingeing. 事实上,精心制定的减肥计划是允许零食填补饥饿,从而减少饱食的,比如说梅奥诊所的减肥食谱。

2、About Weight-losing Nowadays weight-losing has become popular among young and middle-aged women. 减肥如今减肥已成为深受年轻人和中年裙钗。

3、The egomaniac doctor diets. 这是自大狂医生减肥法

4、I started bicycling to help me get in shape, but swallowing all those bugs made me gain weight! 我开始利用骑脚踏车来减肥(维持身材),但吞噬那些一路飞来的小虫子令我增肥!

5、Should healthy obese people lose weight? 健康型肥胖人员是否应该减肥呢?

6、That's what happens with Leonardo. 这就是达芬奇的减肥成果

7、What's on your diet menu? 你的减肥餐是什么呢?

8、Facing the rapidly-changing weight-loss market we will make brilliant achievements in the trade of weight-loss and cosmetology in china. 面对日新月异的减肥市场,必将为中国减肥美容业再创辉煌业绩。

9、"THE BIGGEST LOSER" is a reality-TV format, broadcast round the world, that encourages gravitationally challenged contestants to reduce their weight. “减肥达人”是一档在全球热播的真人秀节目,鼓励超重的选手减肥。

10、Obesity: Calories or content: what is the best weight-loss diet? 肥胖:热量还是份量? 什么才是最好的减肥餐?

11、But for the elephant leg this if the cirtances are especially serious dieters, want to reduce weight, still want to eat bitterness of, so, would have the first step result reducing weight. 但是对于大象腿这种情节特别严重的减肥者来,要减肥,还是要多吃吃苦的,这样,才会有第一步的减肥效果。

12、I think in many ways the exercise lose weight lose weight easy the best results. 我以为在好些个的减肥要领中运动减肥轻便易行见效最佳。

13、Enzyme slimming way is quite popular in Japan, enzyme can promote fat to decompose then achieve the goal of reducing weight . 酵素减肥法在日本相当流行,酵素能促进脂肪分解,达到减肥的功效。

14、Well, my doctor said that the best way to slim down is to think about your long-term health. 我的医生说最好的减肥方法是制定自己的长期减肥计划。

15、Some fat from your gut? Not a problem. 减肥?,没问题。

16、We 'lose' weight which makes our trousers 'loose'. 我们减肥( 蟥'lose')会让我们的裤子变松('loose')。

17、Use a weight loss support group with tips from a personal trainer in this free video on weight loss. 使用本关于减肥的免费视频与技巧减肥支持从私人教练组。

18、Have you seen Henry lately? For two months he's been on this special diet to lose weight. 这句话的意思是:“你最近看见亨利没有? 他为了减肥,按照特殊的食谱吃了两个月。

19、You can write a diet book. 你可以写一本减肥书

20、9 - I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already. 我在用威士忌减肥法,已经一下子减了三天了。【睡过去三天了】。

21、Let me be honest again: even with the concepts below, weight loss isn't going to be easy. 不过还是有句针砭箴规:就算是知道了底下这些观念,你的减肥之路也不会变得多轻松。

22、Start losing weight today with this 28-Day Diet Meal Plan to Lose 8 Pounds This Month. 见“一月减肥8磅的28天节食计划”,就从这里开始减肥吧。

23、The cereal diet : Like the Subway diet, the cereal diet is silly because it requires you to buy a specific food substitute, and eat it on a regular basis. 谷物减肥法:就像地铁减肥法一样,谷物减肥法也一样愚蠢,因为它要求你买一种特定的食物替代品,并且规律的食用它。

24、A great way to allow for cheats is the Three-bite rule … basically, if you want a sweet or some other sinful food, don't deny yourself … allow yourself a little indulgence, but just three bites. 一个自己骗自己的方法,就是“三口法则”——基本意思就是,你要是想吃甜的,或者其它忌口的东西,那就吃——放纵一下自己,但是只能吃三榨汁机减肥食谱, 震动减肥机, 用跑步机减肥, 减肥跑步机, 口。

25、The decrease of cucumber's output due to water saving techniques could be offset by increasing basal manure quantity. 减少追肥对黄瓜蒸腾速率、气孔导度的影响效果较减少基肥量的效果好;


26、The liposuction with tumescent technique was suitable for local proliferation of fat tissue. The reduction of stomach with endoscopes was suitable for obesity of whole body. 负压抽脂减肥术较适合于局部皮下脂肪堆积的肥胖症,内镜胃体缩小减肥术较适合于全身重度肥胖症。

27、No other diet or weight-loss approach is remotely as effective as bariatric surgery. 没有什么节食或减肥方法比减肥手术更加立竿见影。

28、EX:That reminded me of the time when I had to lose weight by just eating instanceles. 那让我想起过去那段只吃青苹果减肥的日子。

29、Only 30 percent, however, joined their partner in a diet after the baby arrived. 然而,仅有30%的人会在孩子出生后和妻子一起节食减肥。

30、Julia had a plan of losing weight. First, she went to the famous weight control center. 就这样,朱丽叶有了减肥的计划。首先,他去了一间著名的减肥中心。

31、She said she was banting. 她说她在节食减肥瘦身。

32、It shown that casualty of the fertilizer would be decreased, would not agglomerte and fertilizer would be increased, by mid - scale test. 经中试结果,证明石油助长剂作为碳铵肥料添加剂具有减少肥损、增加肥效、减少板结的效果。

33、Now we double-S official website weight loss capsules weight loss capsules is doing double-S package promotions. 现在我们双S减肥胶囊官网正在做双S减肥胶囊套装促销活动。

34、Losing weigh may decrease uric acid in the body. 减肥可以减少身体尿酸的水平。

35、The enemy know the 'new Tingmei slimming capsule' try the effect of really bad. 引荐你(新婷美减肥胶囊),我是吃它减肥的,一个月不到就恢复一般体重了。

36、She has set a target of 80 kg. 她已经确定了一个减到80公斤的减肥计划。

37、EX:That reminded me of the time when I hingzheimerwis disease to lose weight by just eating pears. 那让我想起曩昔那段只吃青苹果减肥的日子。

38、Weight loss product safety has become the most concern us, and a weight-loss products have no side effects and weight loss directly affects the orientation of consumer choice! 减肥产品的安全性成为了大家最最关心的问题了,一款减肥产品有没有副作用以及减肥效果,直接影响着消费者的选择取向!

39、Okay, so I'd like to end with a little show of diet books and diet plans. 这节课将以展示一些,减肥书籍和减肥计划作为结束

40、Jade Beauty: nursed back to health with blood, soothing UFA, and can lose weight ( it i. 玉美人:调养气血、润肤乌发,又能减肥瘦身(它是皇宫里贵妃们专用的减肥茶)。

41、Carletto, what am I doing wrong? 卡洛,我的减肥计划错了?

42、Ghrelin levels rise in dieters who lose weight and then try to keep it off. 当节食者减肥并且努力维持减肥效果,他的胃促生长素水平就会升高。

43、There's rice, coconut, cabbage soup diets, so you could use that kind of theme. 比如米,椰子,卷心菜汤减肥法,你也可以写这个主题

44、Foodless Diet?ing: Slim Yourself Beautiful, the book was called; The Diet Book of the Century! 这本书名叫《节食减肥:让你苗条又动人》,是本世纪减肥最有效的书。

45、What kind of poetic weight loss Omer? Poetry used to lose weight, said Omer look, there is weight loss taking Omer long poem can be seen results? 欧麦诗减肥效果怎样样?用过欧麦诗减肥的说一下,还有就是服用欧麦诗减肥多久可以见到效果?

46、Kettlebells are effective weight loss tools. 壶铃是有效的减肥工具。

47、你要减肥了 You want to reduce weight

48、I really need to lose some weight. 我真的需要减肥了。

49、Can swimming help me lose weight? 泅水能帮我减肥吗?

50、Just like the Hollywood diet, this detox requires that you drink nothing but juice for a specific period of time. 马萨的葡萄减肥法:就像好莱坞减肥法一样,这种断食减肥法要求你在一段特定的时间内除了果汁外什么也不喝。


51、EX:That reminded me of the time when I had to lose weight by just eating apples. 那让我想起过去那段只吃青苹果减肥的日子。

52、Here’s a peanut er diet book, the ice cream diet book, the bikini diet, none of these books agrees on what you should or shouldn’t eat. 这里有花生酱减肥的书,冰激淩减肥的书,比基尼减肥的书,这些书在什麽东西该吃,什麽东西不该吃这个问题上从来没有相同的观点。

53、To lose weight has a lot of, in the choice of methods reducing weight should be to lose weight and reduce physical diet, should not give priority to oral medications. 减肥办法有很多,在选择减肥方法时应以物理减肥和减少饮食为主,不应该以口服药物为主。

54、Can the obese persons with Climacteric syndrome take this product? 更年期综合症引起的肥胖可否用该产品减肥?

55、This is often called behavioural therapy, because it works through changing people's behaviour. 这种减肥方法常被称做行为疗法,因为它是通过改变人们的行为来减肥。

56、China launched the first man to lose weight in specific brands and growth of young park to lose weight. 目前中国首家推出男士减肥的专一品牌和青少年成长乐园减肥。

57、Reduce weight tea: reduce weight tea for those who are not very obese, and effective for weight loss not high demand, the woman is ideal conventional weight loss products. 减肥餐:如今的减肥餐可根据其服用方法分为代餐类和辅餐类。代餐类就是代替正餐的减肥食品。

58、Honey citron tea on weight loss so there is very helpful. 所以蜂蜜柚子茶对减肥有是非常有帮助的。

59、Beauty and sliming, is a woman in a lifetime to do. 美容和减肥,是女人一辈子都在做的事。

60、I must to do banting! 我必须要减肥!

61、What is the best diet? 什么是最佳的减肥餐?

62、So you need to lose weight? You can do it bed. 想减肥吗,在床上减吧

63、I'm trying to lose some weight. 我正在努力减肥。

64、Since she has lost weight that skirt bags on her. 因为她减肥了,她穿那条裙子显得太松垂了。

65、Conclusion:LGSG can decrease olanzapine-induced weigh gain in rats, which might not be associated with the serum leptin and adiponectin. 结论:LGSG对奥氮平诱导的肥胖大鼠有显著减肥作用,但其减肥作用可能与瘦素和脂联素的调节无关。

66、To adiposity have very good clear grease effect reducing weight. 对肥胖具有很好减肥清脂作用。

67、Slim Fast : Again, another product-based diet that offers little more than ineffective substitution. 快速苗条减肥法:另一个以产品为基础的减肥法又提供了和无效替代品一样的东西。

68、Results The air pressure slimming unit could work on the existing external counterpulsation with desirable results. 结果:气压减肥组件可在现有的体外反搏装置上进行减肥,能达到满意效果。

69、Simple obesity, postpartum obesity, General belly fat, seasonal or in part, obesity, weight loss many times a loser. 单纯性肥胖,产后肥胖,将军肚脂肪,季节性或部分,肥胖,减肥多次失败者。

70、A person has to follow a considerable diet regime strictly in order to affect the weight loss process. 减肥的人必须严格遵守一个十分合理的节食计划,以作用于减肥的过程。

71、Fertilizer nitrate was decreased significantly by the barriers of the localized compaction and ridge. 而成垄压实条件下施肥区的障碍层可显著减少施肥区肥料氮的淋溶。

72、Succe ful weight management requires a long-term commitment in order to lose weight succe fully and for good. 成功的体重管理需要网资团队长时间地投入才能成功减肥,持久减肥。

73、EX:That reminded me of the time when I hoffer to lose weight by just eating pears. 那让我想起已往那段只吃青苹果减肥的日子。

74、In order to lose weight and let oneself hungry belly is not thin body effect. 为了减肥而让自己饿肚子是没有瘦身效果的。

75、Globally most people say cutting food intakeis thebest answer, followed by 43 percent who do more exercise. 从全世界范围看,超过半数的人称节食是最佳减肥法,43%的人选择运动减肥。

英文句子模板76:Sentences to lose weight

76、The functions of SCP in reducing weight and fat were studied. 研究了北五味子多糖的降脂减肥作用。

77、Then there is the tapeworm diet. 还有“绦虫”节食减肥法。

78、No milk. I'm slimming. 不要牛奶,我正在减肥。

79、If you want to lose weight, visualize yourself feeling the benefits, thinking, 'If I work hard, I will look so good, and feel so good,' he says. 如果你想减肥,就想象一下减肥以后的各 好处,对自己说:“我要努力减肥,我的外型会变得很好,这 感觉真棒。”

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