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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-28 18:08:22
  • 77


关于”学习的名句“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Learn famous sentences。以下是关于学习的名句的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Learn famous sentences

1、He is studying accountancy or he is an accountancy student. 他在学习会计学或者他是一名会计专业的学生。

2、First, please study Hiragana and Katakana. 首先,请学习平假名和片假名。

3、Which course will you study? 你将来要学习的课程名称是什么?

4、As an educator with 39 years experience, I know the importance of a quality education in an environment that is safe, secure and nurturing. 作为一名拥有39年教学经验的教育工作者,我深明学习环境安全可靠对学生学习的重要性。

5、In a word, we should learn from him. 他是一名劳模,我们应该向他学习。

6、Over one thousand outstanding students are trained in the band majoring in wind performing. 十年来,共培养了上千名从事管乐学习的学生。

7、As a student, I want to learn more effectively. 作为一名学生,我想更有效地学习。

8、The research samples are 70 average students, and 8 learning disabled students from Taichung Tu-Hsing Elementary School. 以台中市笃行国小五年级普通学生70名,学习障碍学生8名为研究对象。

9、Methods 15 achievers and 15 underachievers were recruited to partite the implicit social cognition experiment. 方法对某中学初二年级15名学习优秀学生和15名学习困难学生进行内隐社会认知实验。

10、Using the Learning Strategy Scale to test the general characteristics about applying learning strategies with 442 subjects selected randomly from two middle schools. 运用中学生学习策略量表对442名初、高中学生进行测试,考察中学生应用学习策略的一般特点。

11、This research explores the influence of learning strategies on the academic achievements of 545 middle school students. 通过用中学生学习策略量表测查545名中学生,考察他们的学习策略使用特点以及对学业成绩的影响。

12、Reading habits:literary classics or mystery novels? 阅读习惯:文学名著还是推理小说。

13、Methods ATT test was applied to survey 968 pupils. 方法采用《学习适应性测验》对968名小学生进行测试。

14、Should the applicants have right attitudes towards learning and excellent performance in study. Should the score of IELTS exam reach at least 6.0. 学习目的明确,态度端正,勤奋学习,学习成绩名列前茅,英语雅思考试成绩在6.0(含6.0)以上;

15、"It is also a good opportunity for Chinese companies to learn from domestic and world-famous companies," he added. 这对中国企业来说也是一个互相学习以及向世界著名企业学习的好机会。

16、We will study the etles of some famous writers next term. 下学期我们将学习几位名作家的书信。

17、In the current work, we explored the beliefs of language learning and English learning strategies of 606 university students. 通过问卷对606名大学生进行调查,考察其语言学习观念和英语学习策略的特点及关系。

18、A cohort of 51 sopres partited, by undertaking to learn on-line. 一群51名大学二年级学生以在线学习的方式参与了研究。

19、I will study hard. I will do my best to be a good pupil! 我将努力地学习,争做一名品学兼优的小学生!

20、I’m sociable, easygoing and good at communicating with others. 作为一名高三学生,学习和锻炼组成了我生活的全部。

21、This study aims to investigate two important incidental vocabulary learning strategies, contextual guessing and dictionary consulting, with 110 English learners in China University of Petroleum. 本研究通过对中国石油大学(华东)110名英语学习者的调查,意在研究词汇附带学习过程中的两个学习策略:语篇猜测与词典查用。

22、A college student goes to college to learn. 一名大学生要到大学去学习。

23、But he was sent to Harvard College to study to be a clergyman. 但是他被送到哈佛学院学习成为一名牧师。

24、As a student, I have an outstanding learning capability. I'm hard-working, creative and I'm pursuing excellence all the time. 作为一名学生,我具备出色的学习能力并且乐于学习、敢于创新,不断追求卓越;

25、To learn the general rules of countable and uncountable nouns. 学习符合规则的可数和不可数名词。


26、Hints: How many courses do you learn in school? Please name the list. 你在学校里学习多少门课程?请说出名称。

27、An investigation of the mental health and its relationship with learning achievement was performed on 71 advanced and 70 slow students in an ordinary middle school in Taiyuan, Shanxi province. 本文对太原市某普通中学71名学习优等生和70名差等生的心理健康状况与学习成绩的关系进行了调查。

28、More than 600 students a month have learned about gardening there. 每月都有600多名学生在这里学习种菜。

29、After studying at Caishi for nearly 3 years, we believe that good habits can be very important. 作为一名初三学生,在经过了两年多的学习后,相信都可以发现好习惯的重要。

30、However, as soon as my parents left, I signed up Classical Literature. 可是等父母一离开,我立刻报名学习古典文学。

31、If Intern employed, please provide the list of Intern, Tripartite Agreement signed by the School, the Facility and the Students. 聘用实习生,请提供实习生名单,学校、企业和实习生的三方实习协议。

32、About three thousand girls attended these schools. 共有三千多名女孩在这些学校学习。

33、Chinese language learning is for the fiery, in-school students for special offers can be! 汉语学习现正火热报名中,在校留学生报名还可获特别优惠!

34、I am a college student, learning the art of design. 我是一名大学生,学习的是艺术计专业。

35、Review the 9 holidays of P48. Part B. 教师带领学生复习巩固节假日名称。

36、Our summer school saw 200+ students learning English intensively. 我们的暑期班有200多名学生集中学习英语。

37、These differences predict the difficulties for Chinese students in learning English nominalization. 这些差别增大了中国学生学习英语名物化的困难。

38、At Roedean in Brighton there are six Chinese pupils, five of whom are studying for A—levels. 在布赖顿的罗顿公学里有6 名中国学生,其中5 名正在为通过高级考试而学习。

39、A calligraphy teacher at the Chinese learning room said nearly 100 athletes visited the room to learn to write Chinese characters every day. 中文学习室的书法老师说,每天都有近百名运动员来到中文学习室学着写汉字。

40、Keep studying and you can become a newsreader. 不断学习,你会成为一名新闻播音员的。

41、Wise skilled teachers will promote you to a new peak! 睿智的名师精湛的教艺力助中小学朋友迈向新的学习巅峰!

42、You are enrolled1 in a full-time informal school called Life. 你会在一个非正式的全日制学校学习,这个学校名叫生活。

43、He plans to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school. 他计划离开学校时学习成为一名兽医。

44、I learn《the Seavers vs. the Cleavers 》 today. 我今天学习了《家长的名誉》。

45、What are their presents? Look and say. 复习已学过的礼物的名称并板书。

46、The firm is sponsoring an engineering student at the university. 这家公司正资助一名工科学生在大学学习。

47、Top 10% of students? Top 25% of students? Lower half of students? 你的学习成绩排名第几?综合排名前10%, 25%还是中等偏下?

48、Since the study of vocabulary is always the focus of English study, many well-known linguists have put great emphasis and done much research on it. 词汇学习在英语学习中的重要性一直以来被外语教学研究所关注,许多著名的语言学家对词汇学习非常重视。

49、The personal report should include title, student's name, student number, process and contents about the practice responding to specific tasks, learning, etc. 个人报告要求有实习项目名称、学生姓名、学号、实习时间地点、实习过程与内容、实习体会收获等方面内容,并要求老师布置的数量完成任务;

50、Methods: The subjects I selected 360 nursing students, teaching scenarios were used (180) and the traditional teaching model (180). 方法:抽选我科实习护生360名,分别采用情景教学(180名)和传统教学模式(180名)。


51、Now there is a museum in her name, as well as the school whose pupils are learning to re-evaluate her. 现在这里有一座以她的名字命名的博物馆,一所以她名字命名的学校,那里的学生正学习重新评价她。

52、Using the method of Personality Test of Middle School Students and Academic Adaptation Test, 320 the first grade middle school students were collected as the samples. 以《中学生个性测验量表》和《学习适应性测验量表》为研究工具,以320名初一学生为被试,探讨初一学生个性因素、学习适应性与学习成绩的关系。

53、Practice with names and titles. Second set of tone combos (2.11.3). 练习姓名及称谓,开始学习第二套复音音节(第2.11.3章)。

54、The Chinese learners of English were undergraduates at English department, Jiangxi Normal University. They consisted of 86 students, with 21 males to 65 females. 英语学习组是江西师范大学外语系本科学生86名,其中男性21名,女性65名;

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