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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 18:37:12
  • 107




1、For example, if the post rate is 100 posts-per-hour, and your average user checks the feed once an hour, generate your feed so that it contains the 100 most recent posts. 例如,如果帖子比率是每小时 100 帖,并且一般的用户是每小时检查一次 feed,那么生成 feed 时让它包含最近的 100 个帖子。

2、These kids vary in height from 100 cm to 120 cm. 这些孩子的身高由100厘米到120厘米不等。

3、Adjustable neck and back tie. 100% cotton and machine washable. 可调整的脖子和后背系绳。100%纯棉,可机洗。

4、Not obsessed with the tiger 100 songs, 100 songs is just a legend of the tiger. 不执着于虎100首歌曲, 100首歌曲是一个神话故事的老虎。

5、At "The Hale House, " there would be about 100 children there a week. Lorraine, her daughter, would help take care of the children along with many other staff members. 在黑尔之家,大概每个星期有100个孩子,她的女儿洛林会和工作人员一起照顾这些孩子。

6、SK:This is my first idea. We surround the armor and wearer with a thick airtight plastic shell. Guaranteed 100% soundproof. 这是俺第一个点子。我们用一个厚塑料密封壳将盔甲与穿戴者包裹起来。保证100%隔音。

7、For every Stephen Wolfram there are 100 James Carters . 每有一个渥夫朗,就有100个卡特。

8、Instead I got busy working 100-hour workweeks. 然而,浪子不知回头是金,我仍然沉浸在每个星期100个小时的工作中。

9、Usain Bolt breaks the 100 meters world record. 乌塞恩?博尔特打破男子100米世界纪录。

10、He is 66 years old, and he has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren, all living under one roof - a four storied building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state in India. 66岁的他有39个妻子、94个孩子以及33个孙子,上百号人住在同一个屋檐下――印度米佐拉姆某山村中一幢有100多个房间的4层小楼里。

11、The factory has laid off 40 of its 100 workers. 厂子因此从100名雇员中辞退了40名。

12、He lives in his 4 story 100-room house with181 members of his family. 他的房子有100个房间,住着全部的181为家庭成员。

13、For example, if 100 people visit your landing page today and 20 of those people register then you have a conversion rate of 20%. 举个例子,如果今天有100个人访问你的着陆页,其中的20个人注册了,那么你的转化率为20%。

14、For example, by setting the threshold at 100 tokens, CPD shows only instances where at least 100 tokens have been duplicated. 例如,如果将阈值设置成 100 个标志,CPD 就会在至少 重复了 100 个标志的时候显示一个实例。

15、Antimicrobial peptides are relatively small molecules, less than 100 amino acids, which have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. 抗菌肽为一类小分子的,含氨基酸残基少于100个的,具有广谱抗菌活性的多肽。

16、The 100 sheep under the leadership of one lione are more fearful than the 100 lions under the leadership of one sheep. 一只狮子领导下的100只绵羊,要比1只绵羊领导的100头狮子可怕得多。

17、There's enough capacity to house 60 oceans. Or maybe 100. 地核可以储存60个,或者100个大洋的水。

18、If he likes music, just buy him a $100 guitar and tell him to pick-it-up when he wants and have fun. 如果孩子喜欢音乐,就买个100块钱的吉他,告诉他有兴趣的时候拿去玩。

19、By the time Barnardo died in 1905, there were about 100 Barnardo's homes, caring for more than 8,000 children. 巴拿度1905年去世时,已经有大约100个巴拿度的儿童之家,八千多个孩子。

20、I get about 100 e-mails a day. 我一天收100封电子邮件。

21、The newborn ratio for Shanghai was 100:115, or 115 boys for every 100 girls, much higher than the international standard of 100:103 to 100:107. 也就是说115个男孩比100个女孩。这个比例远远高于国际标准的100:103~100:107.

22、Around 3 children in every 100 have at least one febrile convulsion. 周围的3个孩子,在每100个有至少一个惊厥。

23、Tablets are each around 100-200 MB and each machine stores about 100 of them (they are stored in GFS). 每个Tablets大概有 100-200 MB,每个机器存储100个左右的 Tablets。底层的架构是:GFS。

24、I am 09 years South Zhenhua opened a hot for a Canon camera, remember 100 silver. 本人09年南振华开业时脑子一热买了台佳能摄像机,就记得个100。银色的。

25、On a typical day I get a 100-200 emails. 有一个特别例外的一天我收到了不下100-200封的电子邮件。


26、The daily rent for a 100-square-meter house was generally 500 yuan, with the monthly rent 3,000 yuan. 一间100平方米的房子,一天的租金是一般五百元,一个月的租金则是三千元。

27、In 2008, Ayittey was listed by Foreign Policy magazine as one of the "Top 100 Public Intellectuals" of our time. 在2008年, Ayittey被杂志《外国政策》提名为“100个公共知识分子”。

28、At each wheel is an electric motor that weighs 100 pounds and provides 195 horsepower (145 kW) of power. 每个轮子都是一个100磅的电动机,可以提供195匹马力的动力。

29、Come on, boys. The next event will be the 100-metre race. 加油,孩子们。下一个项目就是100米比赛了。

30、School sports began, first the 100 meters hurdles race, followed by 100 m sprint, then it was my turn, the women's 800 metres. 校运会开始了,先是100米栏的比赛,接着是100米的短跑,然后就轮到我了钯——女子800米长跑。

31、This avoids ion bombardment on an electron emitter (111) of the X-ray tube (100). 这避免了对X射线管(100)的电子发射器(111)的离子轰击。

32、I remember things about my youth when I was a lad of 100. 只记得我还是个100岁小伙子时候的事。

33、The biggest difference was between third or lower-ranking wives who had 106 daughters for every 100 sons compared with those in monogamous marriages who had 99 daughters for every 100 sons. 最大的区别在于:第三个妻子或那些等级更低的妻子,她们每生有100个男孩,就会有106个女孩; 而那些一夫一妻制家庭的妻子每生有100个男孩时,仅有99个女孩。

34、For most people, the first 100 readers are drawn from your own social circle. 对于大多数人来说,前100个读者是来自您自己的社交圈子。

35、The invention describes an X-ray tube (100) comprising an ion manipulation arrangement (140) having at least one ion collector electrode (141). 本发明描述了一种包括离子处理装置(140)的X射线管(100),所述 离子处理装置(140)具有至少一个离子收集器电极(141)。

36、I have walked into configurations which had over 100 e-mail rule records, 90 percent of which were query-based. 我曾经遇到过一个超过 100 条电子邮件规则记录的配置,其中 90% 都是基于查询的。

37、They all live in a four storied building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state, sharing borders with Burma and Bangladesh, according to reports. 据相关报道,在印度与缅甸和孟加拉国交界的米佐拉姆邦的一个山村中住着这么一户人家:1个老公,39个老婆,94个孩子和33个孙子,他们共同生活在一个有100间屋子的4层楼上。

38、SERVER_POOL_TASKS=100 (This specifies 100 worker threads -- the new R5 mechanism for actually carrying out the database work of all connected users.) SERVER_POOL_TASKS=100(指定 100 个 worker 线程 —— 这个新的 R5 机制实际承载所有连接用户的数据库工作。)

39、Was there a university professor who stood up and said, ‘If you have over 100 indicators you’re a good boy’? 有没有一位大学教授会站起来告诉你说‘如果你的指标超过100个你就是个好孩子’?

40、Lily was first in the girls' 100-metre race. 莉莉是女子100米赛跑的第一名。

41、For example, say you’re still planning on working on your abs, and want to do 100 crunches a day. 再举个例子来说,你打算锻炼你的腹肌,每天做100个仰卧起坐。那么你可以把这100个仰卧起坐分成4组,每组25下。

42、We would have 100 targets show up, all the threats light up, and the electronic environment of a war. 我们会面临100个的目标,每个都具有威胁性,并且是在电子对抗的环境中。

43、This storage tank can be a container that holds about 100 L. 2 rubber pipes are attached to the water storage tank. 这个存储槽可以是一个容量100升的容器。两根塑料管子与这个储水槽连接。

44、In our example, we've given a frequency of 1, 10, 100, or 1000 to each transaction. 在我们的例子中,我们为每个事务赋予 1、10、100 或 1000 的频率。

45、Families of five will get 100 rubbish bags a year and households of six or more will get 120. 五口之家每年能得到100个袋子,六口以上的人家能得到120个。

46、Reporting: Spreadsheet should be provided after every 100 backlinks created with the following information (to correct errors, if any). 报告:电子表格后,应包含以下信息创造的每一个反向提供100(纠正错误,如果有的话)。

47、Creates a second rectangle with upper-left corner at (100, 100). 创建第二个矩形,使其左上角位于 (100, 100)。

48、Humidity Resist: 100 hours at 100% RH and 100 degrees, no effect. 抗湿度:100%的洛氏硬度,100度,100个小时,不受影响。

49、Well, here I'm a little bit below 100 and in two, and test one a little bit below 100 as well. 好了我现在在试验2中有一个小于100的数,而实验1也得到了一个小于100的数。

50、Therefore, 100 parallel jobs will execute on 100 threads across the collection of multi-threaded GEE's. 因此,100 个并行作业将在一组多线程的网格执行环境中通过 100 个线程进行执行。


51、The typical 21 year old's social circle nearly hits 100, with 13 "best" friends, 17 "close" friends and 70 acquaintances. 比较有代表性的21岁年轻人的社交圈子,人数接近于100人,其中有13个“最要好的”朋友,17个“亲密的”朋友,以及70个熟人。

52、Right, this makes a lot of sense because if the entire atom was made up of nuclei, then we would have 100% probability of hitting one of these nuclei and having things bounce back. 因为如果整个原子,都是原子核,那我们就有100%概率,撞到一个原子核并被弹回来,所以如果我们。

53、For example, some dishes might sell for something like $100, but the commission percentage, if you were their affiliate, would only be something lik 5%. 举个例子,有些餐具卖100块,但是佣金比例,只有5%。

54、"We could have, " Cox added, "except that there is a 100-year-old bougainvillea just outside the kitchen. “我们本来可以,”考克斯说,“除非有一个100岁的叶子就在厨房。

55、This chair costs $100! What a rip off. 这张椅子要100元!真是骗钱的东西。

56、Today is the 100th day of school. He was very excited and told me everything he knows about the number 100, including that 100 was an even number. 今天是儿子上学第一百天的日子,他非常兴奋,把知道的所有关于数字100的知识讲给我听,其中就说了100是偶数。

57、T&G Hazelnut is made of 100% pure Hazelnuts . For 1L Ice-mix 60g to 100g Hazelnut paste. 榛子酱由100%天然榛子果仁制作而成。用量为每升冰淇淋混料加入榛子酱60~100克。

58、The students were given a surprise, and one after another, they said, "Sell out 100 combs within one month?" 学员们吃了一惊,纷纷议论说:“一个月推销100把梳子?

59、The bourgeon rate of its spores was 100%. 测得孢子的萌发率为100%。

60、Compile your best 100 blog posts into a physical book. 把你的100篇最佳博客帖子编写成一本书。

61、She is a manic person whose mind is constantly racing and she tries to do 100 things at once. 她是个狂躁的人,脑子总是不停地转,试图在同一时间里做好100件事。

62、T&G Hazelnut paste is made of 100% pure Hazelnuts . For 1L ice mix 60g to 100g Hazelnut paste. 榛子酱由100%天然榛子果仁制作而成。用量为每升冰淇淋混料加入榛子酱60~100克。

63、It weighed 100 pounds when it was born last month -- that's a big baby -- and it's already up to 165 pounds. 上个月他们刚出生时有100磅重,他们是大个子婴儿,现在已经165磅了。

64、My little son can number to 100. 我的小儿子读数能读到100了。

65、New York architects Multiplicities have designed a house for Inner Mongolia, China as part of the Ordos 100 project. 纽约建筑师多重设计了房子内蒙古的一部分, 鄂尔多斯100个项目。

66、Box 1 contains $100. Box 2 contains either zero or a million dollars, depending on what a certain “Predictor” has predicted. 第1个盒子里放有$100,第2个盒子里可能什么也没有,或者有$1M,这要看“先知”是怎么的。

67、Since March 16, more than 100 brands of pet food have been recalled because they were contaminated with melamine. 自从三月十六日,100多个牌子的宠物食品被召回。

68、To investigate the latter, the team measured the antibody-brain reaction in blood samples from 100 mothers with and 100 mothers without a child diagnosed with autism. 在以后的研究中,这个研究组从100个有自闭症孩子的母亲和100个没有自闭症孩子的母亲中检测血样中的脑抗体反应来诊断自闭症。

69、Each prediction is quantized to one of the 256 evenly spaced numbers between 0 and 100 (100*0/255, 100*1/255,...,100*254/255, 100*255/255). 每个值被量化成以 256 分之一间隔的 0 到 100 之间的数(100*0/255 100*1/255 … 100*255/255).

70、This is a "grave" of the first 100 mcripts culvert... 这是一个《第100个坟墓》的约稿涵……

71、Some people score as high as over 100. 有些人圈了100多个的。

72、"Gouzi with right index finger in his left palm intimating wrote a 100, say: "new varieties! " 狗子用右手食指在左手心上比划写了个100,说:“新品种!”

73、When we finish a building, it helps 100 families toward prosperity. 当我们建完一幢房子,它帮助100个家庭实现了富裕。

74、This will be 13.6 over 100 electron volts. 这相当于13。6倍的100电子伏特。

75、Nonetheless, after another six months, the bamboos soared to 100 feet high. 但是,仅在6个月之后,竹子就长到100英尺高了。


76、She spent 100 yuan_in_the new dress. 在…上花钱。翻译:她花了100元在新裙子上。

77、Fishermen in La Poile had caught a lot in one week. Lobsters filled up about twenty of these storage boxes, each of which contains 100 lbs. La Poile村的渔民在一周里面捉的龙虾装了大约二十个这个的箱子,每箱100磅。

78、Show 100 people this outfit and I'd bet a stuffed toy leopard not one of them would say, "Ooh, Givenchy haute couture!" 100个人看了这套服装后,我敢赌个豹子玩具,他们中没有一个人会说:“哦,这是纪梵希高级女装店的衣服!”

79、This number is based on an average e-mail size of 70-100 KB as we see it in our projects these days. 这个数字是在电子邮件平均大小为 70-100 KB 的情况下测到的,这个电子邮件平均大小是这些天我们在我们的项目中观察到的。

80、That's right — $100 for a stinkin' mat. 是的——100美元就为了那个难闻的垫子。

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