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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-06 06:23:27
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关于”适合的诗歌“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Suitable Poetry。以下是关于适合的诗歌的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suitable Poetry

1、The mix of traditional Christmas songs with high-energy R&B, orchestral arrangements, and even gospel keeps the CD feeling fresh and diverse. 传统圣诞歌曲和充满力量的R&B歌曲的结合,管弦乐的编排,甚至赞美诗都让这张CD给人们带来新鲜感和多元感。

2、The second part introduces the translator Witter Bynner and his collaborator Jiang-Kanghu and the process of their translating work. 第二部分,介绍了译者宾纳的创作生平和其合作者江亢虎,以及他们翻译中国诗歌的进程。

3、With regard to futurist poetry,however,the case is rather difficult,for whatever futurist poetry may be—even admitting 然而关于未来派诗歌,情况就复杂得多,因为不管未来派诗歌到底是什么,—即使承认它有正确的理论基础——我们都很难称之为文。

4、This powerful song's slow tempo makes it great for your warm up or cool down. 这首强劲歌曲的慢节奏使它非常适合热身或者冷却。

5、The Chinese ancient music is mainly a music accompanied dance, which combines songs, dancing and music into one. 著名的《大武》就是综合了舞、乐、诗等艺术形式,表现武王灭商这一历史事件的情节性大型歌舞。

6、And poetry itself was I think a sight of cultural conflict. 我觉得诗歌也是,文化冲突的舞台。

7、She has written collections of poetry Harmonized in Marriage, Happiness Appointed Beforehand, and collections of prose: Sentimental Journey, and Singing Under the Fu Clock. 著有诗集:《合婚》、《预约的幸福》,散文集:《深情记事》、《傅钟下的歌唱》等。

8、Song of Tima is a glorious epic of Tujia. 《梯玛神歌》是一部辉煌的土家族历史史诗。

9、Ideally suited for performing musicians and vocalists , the new D108A delivers superior performance characteristics combined with world-class build quality. 适合表演的音乐家和歌唱家,新d108a提供性能优越的特点,结合世界一流的建设质量。

10、In doing so, she suppressed some of its originality, conventionalising Emily's odd punctuation. 在此过程中,她压抑了一些诗歌的独创性,将艾米丽奇怪的断句修改的符合传统认识。

11、That's not where you find the fount of the great poem. 在这些地方都找不到伟大诗歌的源泉。

12、However, it is a pity that their poetical construction theory was overed by radical anti-traditionalist poetry. 遗憾的是,他们的汉诗建设理论被激进的反传统主义主流诗歌史遮蔽了。

13、In English poetry, a caesura refers to a break within a line. 英文诗歌,一个停顿指的是打破内线。

14、From the day they hatch, the chicks listen to "age-appropriate" soundtracks: 15 days or younger listen to softer love songs; 小鸡刚被孵出来,就开始接受”与其年龄相适应”的音乐教育:15天以下的雏鸡适合听爱情慢歌;

15、When we sing the red songs, we can make sure the thoughts and ideas in our hearts are appropriate. 当我们唱起红歌的时候,可以保证内心的思想是合适的。

16、Notice, in fact, the cleverness of all this discourse in the poem! 注意,事实上,整篇诗歌语言的巧妙!

17、I am subsidized by The Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Diqing Prefecture in this era which seems like having nothing to do with poetry, that's why I am able to publish this poetry anthology. 在一个看似与诗歌无关的年代,得到迪庆州文学艺术界联合会的资助,我得以出版这本诗集。

18、That's all legitimate eidence. That is what one uses to build up the structure of the interpretation of the poem. 这些都是合乎逻辑的证据,都是人们用来,建构解读诗歌框架的工具。

19、Two concurrent flows can usually be felt intermingling naturally or spontaneously in her poems that carry the reader along. 通常可以在她的诗歌中看到两个彼此融合的流,自然而自发地推送着读者。

20、In the meantime, the poem of Lishen has the characteristics of diversification in poem style, skillfulness in narration & sentiment and combination of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhism thought. 同时李绅诗歌呈现出诗体多样化、长于叙事、善于抒情、儒道佛思想相融合等艺术特点。

21、The time-consuming challenge consisted of slowly scanning Google Maps looking for suitable letters. 这项耗时长的工作因为需要在每一寸的谷歌地图上搜索合适的字母。

22、We know poetry is a vital force in the global community. 我们深知诗歌是地球村的有生力量。

23、The poem is based most closely on Virgil's Tenth Eclogue. 这首诗取材于维吉尔的《牧歌》第十首。

24、With the words "runnin', runnin', runnin'" repeated numerous times within the first 30 seconds, this song is so perfect for running that I also included it in the Power Running Songs list. 在开始的30秒钟内,歌词“跑啊’,跑啊’,跑啊’”被重复了许多次,这首歌非常适合跑步以至于我还把它归纳在强力跑步歌曲列表中。

25、I understood what Mr. Hughes was saying: he was claiming his place in the chorus of American song. 我体会到休斯的诗句意蕴隽永:他希望发出自己的声音,加入歌唱亚美利加的大合唱。


26、Jiu Ge is a group of lyric poetry with a novel way of composition. 《九歌》是一组体制独特的抒情诗。

27、Third, being in office or being relegated poets to Bashu culture's sing. 三是任职、贬谪诗人对巴蜀的歌咏。

28、也许这个比较适合你 Maybe this one match you better. match适合

29、The poems of Li Qiao had great literary features and achievements. 李峤诗歌具有很高的艺术特色与成就。

30、I'm not much of a singer at all. Though my dad loves to sing and is pretty good at it, I don't seem to have any of those genes inside of me. 这种课不适合我,因为我不具备唱歌的艺术细胞,尽管我爸爸好像很有这方面的天赋,他的歌唱得非常棒。

31、This song has a nice slow and steady beat, so it's good for easy runs. 这首歌曲有非常好的慢和平缓的节奏,所以适合悠闲的跑步。

32、The translator is engaged in such a continuous search for poeticity contained in novel experience of source language, which infuses fresh sensibility into target language and discovers its vitality. 诗歌翻译者的工作即是不懈地寻求把蕴涵在源语言诗歌中的异质体验纳入到目的语中的最佳方式。

33、即使知道要见面 sara let the sunshine in frente 挺好听的!

34、But I also, I make music that suits the way I sing also, you know? I try not to overreach. 但我也会创作适合我演唱风格的歌曲。我尽量不做超过我能力的事。

35、It's fitting that the first poem of Milton's that we study in this class is "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity." 这节课我们首先学弥尔顿的,《圣诞清晨歌》是很合适的“

36、Its three ways to accomplish the combination of falseness and trueness are to turn trueness into falseness, turn falseness into trueness and assume falseness or trueness separately. 实现诗歌意境虚实结合的三条途径是:化实为虚、化虚为实、虚实分呈。

37、《i swear》 “i'll love you with every beat of my heart我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear我发誓 ” 这是真的承诺了,也是一首老歌,但却经久不衰。

38、Poetry is that which just sort of spills out of me. 诗歌“是一种从我内心深处迸发的东西。

39、Imagine how bleak it might seem without the songs. 想象一下,如果没有歌曲这个故事会显得怎样的阴森凄凉。适合五岁以上的人士观看。

40、There are three types of variation of poem language: abbreviation, variation of embedding and inversion. 诗歌语言突破日常语言规范有缩略、嵌合和倒装三种方法。

41、The fount of poetic inspiration is not to be found in an archive. 诗歌灵感的源泉并不在档案馆里。

42、This picturesque little valley is the ideal spot for hiking, horseback riding and building our best childhood fantasy resort. 如诗如画的小山谷,非常适合健行、骑马,并建立我们最佳的童年梦想度假胜地。

43、Natural themes are very obvious in W ·S · Merwin's poetry. 自然主题在W·S·默温的诗歌中非常显明。

44、Not just a great Who song, but a pretty good question to ask yourself. 《谁》不仅仅是一首伟大的歌,也是一个非常适合询问自己的问题。

45、Each writer has their own sensibility and, part of writing an eode, is choosing a song that fits both the show and the personality of the writer writing the eode. 每个编剧都有他们自己的对歌的感觉。写一集剧集时,挑选一首既适合电视剧又符合写这集的编剧个性的歌也是重要的一部分。

46、Chapter II is about the contents and spread fo Li Ye's poetry. 第二章,考辨李冶诗歌的流传及篇目。

47、Tranströmer has said "My poems are meeting places." 特兰斯特罗默曾经说过,“我的诗歌是交融之所”。

48、Those experiences made Schmidt the perfect fit when he joined Google as CEO in 2001. 这些经验使施米特在2001年加入谷歌时是适合担任CEO的理想人选。

49、These concerns that I'm laying out all inform his poetry. 这些我列出来的论点都体现在他的诗歌里。

50、But I also, I make music that suits the way I sing also, I try not to overreach. 但我也会创作适合我演唱风格的歌曲。我尽量不做超过我能力的事。


51、Generally, a person who cannot sing well is not a proper foreign language student, let alone dumb or deaf ones. 一般地,唱歌跑调的人不适合学口语,聋哑人更加免谈。

52、The first chapter mainly introduces the types and combination ways of images in Huang Jingren's poetries. 第一章主要介绍了黄景仁诗歌意象的类型和组合方式。

53、Effects of different characteristics of mentality and his poetic creation. 前后迥异的心态特征影响与其诗歌创作。

54、You cannot equate his poems with his plays. 你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。

55、Ifelt very strange because Iknew mum didn't enjoy popular songs. And I didn't think it was suitable formy middle-aged mother to sing any love songs. 我感到很奇怪,因为我知道妈妈不喜欢流行歌曲,而且我觉得已经中年的妈妈已不适合唱爱情歌曲。

56、It broke up into ss of songs and lay tered at your feet. 它裂成诗歌的碎片散撒在你的脚边。

57、By writing on these subjects, he gradually formed his poetic conception and style of leisure, quietness, languishment and exquisiteness. 同时也形成了他的淡远闲适、清迥幽雅和苦吟冥搜、具体细腻的诗歌意境和风格。

58、Mei Yaochen, in particular, contributed greatly to the poetry reformation. 梅尧臣在诗歌方面的贡献尤其突出。

59、This phenomenon was chiefly the result of both the alternation of refined and popular tastes and the coupling and separation of music and poetry. 这种现象的形成,决定于诗歌雅俗交替以及诗乐分合的嬗变规律,而由经济、思想、文化等构成的南朝特定的社会人文环境则是其中的催化剂。

60、For ages 0-2, with a caregiver. Stories, songs, bouncing babies, and lots of smiles! 适合0-2岁,有家长陪同。有故事,歌曲,带著小朋友蹦蹦跳跳,度过快乐的时光!

61、The character and singing style of Schumann's art songs are ilrated from the aspects of poetical atmosphere, combination of music and lyrics and expression of variable piano accompaniment. 从充满诗一般的意境、音乐与诗词的完美结合、丰富的钢琴伴奏表现力等方面分析了舒曼艺术歌曲的特点及演唱风格。

62、As the most outstanding poet of this period, Qianqi s poems naturally contain integration and collisions of the two kind spirit of the times. 钱起,作为这一时期诗人的杰出代表,在其诗歌中自然包含了以上两种时代精神的融合与碰撞。

63、The verse performance of Yuxi Liu is combination of two kinds art style: "bold and unconstrained" and "lucid and attractive". 刘禹锡的诗歌表现为豪健与清丽两种艺术风格的结合。

64、The poet wind is out over the sea… 诗之风,正出经海洋森林,追求它自己的歌声。

65、Korqin Shaman Divine Song is a type of original living songs with fixed paradigm, sung to the divinities during Shaman worshipping ceremony. 科尔沁萨满神歌是科尔沁蒙古族萨满结合歌舞形式,在萨满教祭礼仪式中,对神灵唱诵的具有固定程式的原始活态传统诗歌。

66、It's at this point in the pastoral elegy - the conventional, stereotypical pastoral elegy - that the poet-shepherd sings a mournful song. 在田园挽歌中,-传统的,老套路的田园挽歌中,-牧羊人诗人就在此时唱起哀悼的歌。

67、beautiful in white shane DreamPriscilla Aha 这两首可以听一下,都是结婚题材的

68、It was not very suitable to a place which felt as if nothing had ever grown there since the beginning of time, but it was the one he could remember best. 在一个似乎从一开始就没有牛长过东西的地方唱这种歌并不十分合适,但这是他记得最清楚的一首歌。

69、The second chapter describes possibility and necessity of modern translation of Li Shangyin's poetry and some researching results of his poetry. 第二部分,介绍了李商隐诗歌存在的今译可能和今译的必要——即今译空间,以及目前李商隐诗歌今译取得的一些成果。

70、The contents of paragraphs C and D would vary with the poem. 段C与段D的内容随诗歌而变。

71、So, we need the right kinds of accomplishments and the right kind of knowledge and the right kinds of relationships. 所以,我们需要合适的成就,合适的知识,以及合适的关系。

72、This is a movement that advanced modernism in arts which concentrated on reforming the medium of poetry as opposed to Romanticism, especially Tennyson's wordiness and high-flown language in poetry. 这一运动推动了现代派艺术的发展。在诗歌中,反对精工细琢夸夸其谈的语言,主张改革诗歌的媒体。

73、Korqin Shaman Divine Song is a type of original living songs with fixed paradigm, sung to the pinities during Shaman worshipping ceremony. 科尔沁萨满神歌是科尔沁蒙古族萨满结合歌舞形式,在萨满教祭礼仪式中,对神灵唱诵的具有固定程式的原始活态传统诗歌。

74、Nick Carter Do I Have To Cry For You 还满适合失恋时听的啦^^

75、I think she's fit for the job . For one thing , she dances . Also she's fond of singing . 我认为她适合这个工作。一则她会跳舞,再则她喜欢唱歌。

英文句子模板76:Suitable Poetry

76、This business building is good to be restaurant, bathing center and KTV, etc. 该商业楼非常适合做酒店、洗浴中心、KTV歌厅等项目。

77、Integration of Chinese and Western criticism of his poetry, starting from the actual text, to avoid the theory of empty and shallow. 他的诗歌批评融合中西,并从实际文本出发,避免了理论的空疏。

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