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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-11 06:44:40
  • 204


关于”同性的句子“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Same sentences。以下是关于同性的句子的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Same sentences

1、Although different access paths for the same SQL statement produce the same result set, they most likely do not perform the task with the same level of performance. 虽然相同 SQL 语句的不同访问路径会产生相同的结果集,但是它们很有可能不会通过同样的性能级别来执行任务。

2、Furthermore, the polymers containing DOPO have good flame ancy and thermal stability and solubility and retain their physical propert… DOPO在提高高分子材料的阻燃性、热稳定性和有机溶解性的同时,保持了高分子材料的良好物理性能。

3、Now try to use that sentence to explain why s should or shouldn't get married. 你试试用这句话来解释同性恋者到底应该还是不应该结婚。

4、Parents, who don’t empathise with their child are quick to deform their child’s personality. 不同情孩子的父母会很快扭曲孩子的个性。

5、The authors prove the study from more aspects, showing that the different choices are used to express that psychological features in the third part. 复句和句群之间大多可以转换,并有着不同的主观视点和不同的心理特征。

6、"Radioisotopes" refer to a certain type of elements producing radiation decay that have the same atomic number but different mass of nuclides. 放射性同位素,是指某种发生放射性衰变的元素中具有相同原子序数但质量不同的核素。

7、Intraband electronic interaction has bigger influence on isotope effect than interband electronic interaction. 结果表明,带内电子性作用比带间电子性作用对同位素效应指数的影响要大。

8、Menciuss " theory of original goodness of human nature " and Xunzi s " theory of original evil of human nature " understand the humanity from different perspectives. 孟子的“性善论”和荀子的“性恶论”分别从不同的角度理解人性。

9、Based on mutual information, the redundancy-synergy coefficient of attribute set, a novel measure for redundancy and synergistic ability of attribute set, is defined. 首先在互信息的基础上定义了一个新的属性子集的冗余性和协同能力度量——属性子集的冗余协同系数;

10、Very important for the swelling behaviour Is the polar character of the water molecule. Experiments with nonpolar fluids like heptanor benzine showed no or only very small swelling. 同一岩样浸入极性和非极性的流体中,其膨胀性能是不同的,这与水分子的极化特性及其表面张力有关。

11、The effects of different kinds of antistatic agent such as anionic, cationic and nonionic on the fiber were studied. 详细的研究了阴离子、阳离子、非离子型以及两性抗静电剂在不同纤维中的抗静电性能。

12、Thirdly, it treats attributes and subelements identically. 第三,它以同样的方式对待属性和子元素。

13、Because of different magnetic polymer nanocomposite has different structure, so the preparation methods are also different. 不同的纳米磁性高分子复合微球,因其结构不同,制备方法也各不相同。

14、Atoms of different elements have different weights and different chemical properties. 不同元素的原子的质量不同,化学特性也不相同。

15、In other words, it is ferromagnetic, a property shared by no other instance of carbon's many structures (called allotrope). 换句话说,它是铁磁性的,这个性质在碳的许多同素异形物中,还是第一次出现。

16、The selection of regularizing operator and regularization parameter is dependent on the frequence and direction feature of each subband. 该算法根据图象小波变换各个子频段的不同频率特性和方向特性,分别采用不同的正则化参数和正则化算子。

17、If discovered, the heavy particle would definitively show that properties like electromagnetism and radioactivity are really different facets of the same force. 如果发现了,那重粒子将会决定性的展示出像电磁性和放射性的特性们是同一力量中十分不同的方面。

18、Though Mencius and Zhuangcius had different theory of humanness, they both advocated the regression to people's characteristic. 虽然孟子和庄子对人的本性认识不同,但他们都倡导对人的本性的回归。

19、The angular distribution of parent molecule ion is highly isotropic while that of the atomic ion is anisotropic. 母体离子的角分布呈现了高度的各向同性,而原子离子则呈现了高度的各向升性分布。

20、Compared with the relevant sentences in the cross-linguistic perspective, it can be concluded that its information function originates from the different features of referential expressions. 对比跨语言相关句式可以发现汉语右置句在信息功能上的特性,其信息功能特性来自不同指称语的特性所致。

21、Different understandings result in choosing different dictions in translations, and the reader having different judgment on Tixing. 理解程度不同,译文文本的遣词造句就不同,从而影响读者对“体性”的理解和判断。

22、Again depending on each of these statement attributes, they can be set at different times: before/after executing the SQL statement or at any time. 同样,这些语句属性可以在不同的时候设置,具体情况取决于每个属性:在执行 SQL 语句之前/之后或任何时候。

23、Strongly electropositive elements react with water and acids. 强电正性原子同水和酸反应。

24、The loop space functor and the suspension functor preserve the properties of topy regular; 由此,得到了比现有文献中闭路函子和同纬函子保持同伦正则性更为一般的结果。

25、To indicate different concepts' different importance, the sub-concepts are weighted in the improved algorithm. 为体现不同的子概念的不同重要性,在改进后匹配算法中,为子概念赋不同的权值。


26、It was showed at first that the loop space functor and the suspension functor preserve the properties of topy regular. 首先得到了闭路函子和同纬函子保持同伦正则性。

27、It was discovered that different crops or varieties had different sensitivity and endurance to plasma. 同时发现 ,不同作物或同一作物不同品种对等离子体的敏感度和耐受性有所不同。

28、Wu's son is , and both of them have been involved in activism in China for several years. 吴的儿子是男同性恋者,他们均已投入中国的同性恋(平权)运动多年。

29、This is nuclear and so these are nonpolar. 这是同核分子所以是非极性的。

30、To retain a number of different self-control of patient:"Zhishi, Shide" self-control almost no reservations; 使事自主性保留多少的不同:“致使、使得”字句中使事自主性几乎没有保留;

31、The effects of various metal ions and buffers on enzyme activity were also tested. 不同离子强度缓冲液,不同种类缓冲液以及金属离子对酶活性的影响也进行了讨论。

32、In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious. 换句话说,血清性肝炎也是传染性的。

33、and those children don't turn . 而且这些孩子没有变成同性恋。

34、Each subatomic particle has its antiparticle, its properties being equal and opposite to those of the particle. 每一种亚原子粒子都有其反粒子。反粒子的各种性质与对应的粒子相同或相反。

35、By preparing different squeezed atomic sample, the output molecular matter-waves have different squeezing effects and statistical distributions. 通过储备不同态的原子,输出的三原分子物质波具有不同的压缩特性及统计特性。

36、Different molecular m of LS have different influences on the suspension fluidity. 不同分子量的木钠对煤浆的流动性会有不同的影响。

37、Psychological verbs may be of attribute or non-attribute in the different structures. 在不同的句法结构中,心理动词的语义表现为属性义和非属性义。

38、The identical particles are the particles with inherent identical character in mass, electric charge, spin, etc. 全同粒子是指质量、电荷、自旋等一些固有性质相同的粒子,它们在散射时表现出一些特别的性质。

39、Bohr found that an electron has the qualities of both a particle and a wave, a concept known as wave-particle duality, which has become a cornerstone of quantum physics. 玻尔发现电子同时具有粒子和波的性质,这便是波粒二象性。波粒二象性构成了量子物理学的基石。

40、Isotopes have the same chemical identity but different nuclear properties. 同位素有相同的化学特性,但是原子属性不同。

41、Their distinctive function in ambiguity is not at the same degree in English and Chinese because the phonological features of the two languages are quite different. 英语和汉语由于各自的语音性质不同,其超音段特征在歧义句中所起的辨义作用也不尽相同。

42、The effect of solvent properties on molecular configuration and rheological behavior of ionic and non-ionic dilute polymer solutions was studied. 本文研究了不同溶剂对离子性和非离子性高分子稀溶液的分子构型和流变性能的影响。

43、Also disease resistance were linked with grain colour of varieties. 不同粒色的谷子品种其抗病性是不同的。

44、Furthermore, the polymers containing DOPO have good flame ancy and thermal stability and solubility and retain their physical properties. DOPO在提高高分子材料的阻燃性、热稳定性和有机溶解性的同时,保持了高分子材料的良好物理性能。

45、True, 66% of and transgender kids said they had heard phobic remarks. 事实上,66%的同性恋和有变性倾向的孩子听到过害怕同性恋的言论。

46、Putting polar molecules inside bucky may influence the chemical behavior of their outsides, and create new molecules with unique properties. 将极性分子放在足球烯中会使得他们的化学性质与在外面的有所不同,并且产生特殊性质的新分子。

47、It could be because of differences in the architecture of the hip in tall, as opposed to shorter, women. 这也许是由于在女性中,高个子同矮个子的臀部骨骼和结构有所不同。

48、The tunneling current is obstructed when the two ferromagnetic layers have opposite orientations and is allowed when their orientations are the same. 换句话说,它是铁磁性的,这个性质在碳的许多同素异形物中,还是第一次出现。

49、Ontology of the Cup is empty, but can appear in different ways. 杯子的本体是空性的,但是空性可以不同的方式来显现。

50、One metal iron had restrained different effect on one composition of feed fibre enzymes complex . 同一种金属离子对饲用纤维素复合酶中不同酶系的活性影响不同。


51、The substituent of methyl has different electrical effects in organic solvent with various polarities. 甲基在不同极性的溶剂中表现不同的电子效应;

52、Conclusion Allogeneic recognition of alloreactive CTLs to MHC molecules was antigenic peptide-independent. 结论同种反应性CTL对同种MHC分子的识别不依赖抗原肽。

53、It is equally applicable to any of the three defined regional data syntaxes. 他同样适用于三个已规定的区域性数据句法的任何一个。

54、An elementary particle has quantum properties, as well as relativistic ones. 一个基本粒子不但具有量子性质,同时也具有相对论性质。

55、Influnce of sowing time to characters had a regulars variation for seed color or matures. 子粒色泽不同、熟性不同的紫苏随着播期的推迟性状呈现有规律的变化。

56、Electrical conductivity of polymer-modified mortars (PMM) with different volume fractions of sand was measured using an alternating current impedance spectroscopy. 用交流阻抗方法研究了不同砂子粒径和不同砂子体积分数的聚合物改性砂浆在不同龄期的表现。

57、Adopted children don’t resemble their adoptive parents in personality. 被领养的孩子在性格上就与养父母不同。

58、The concept of T-unit ("the minimal terminable unit") is first introduced and then applied to test the students' writing ability. 第二章介绍“最小可终止单位”的概念并运用它来检测不同年级和同一年级不同班级学生的句法成熟性。

59、A rebellion of sorts may ensue and children of parents may struggle to come out. 各种叛逆情绪接踵而来,同性恋家庭的同性恋子女因为难以对外公开而备受煎熬。

60、The cause of obtaining gold nanoparticle with different size is the different space effect and hydrophobic property of PEG. 根据PEG分子的空间位阻、疏水性等解释了PEG分子量不同而获得不同粒径金纳米粒子的原因。

61、Because atoms with the same charge repel. 由于带同性电的原子会相斥。

62、Objective: To probe the hepatotoxicity of Dioscorea bulbifera alcohol extract with different polarity. 目的:探讨不同极性黄药子醇提物组分导致肝毒性的强弱。

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