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翻译句子用英语怎么说 19个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-27 00:41:40
  • 72

翻译句子用英语怎么说 19个

1. 我们需要尽快制定一个计划来解决这个问题。We need to come up with a plan to solve this problem as soon as possible.

2. 我们昨天晚上看了一场很好的电影。We saw a great movie last night.

3. 她的演讲在会议上引起了广泛关注。Her speech drew widespread attention at the conference.

4. 她一直都是个非常聪明的孩子。She has always been a very intelligent child.

5. 这个项目需要更多的资金才能继续下去。This project needs more funding to continue.

6. 我们决定在新年期间去旅行。We decided to travel during the New Year period.

7. 他是一位非常有才华的音乐家。He is a very talented musician.

8. 这个城市的交通拥堵非常严重。The traffic congestion in this city is very severe.

9. 我们期待着在未来几年内看到更多的科技创新。We look forward to seeing more technological innovations in the coming years.

10. 这个地区的气候非常适宜种植水果。The climate in this region is very suitable for growing fruits.

11. 我们需要更加关注环保问题。We need to pay more attention to environmental protection issues.

12. 他一直都是我的好朋友。He has always been my good friend.

13. 我们必须采取行动来防止气候变化。We must take action to prevent climate change.

14. 这个机器能够自动完成很多任务。This machine can automatically complete many tasks.

15. 我们需要更多的人力资源来支持我们的业务。We need more human resources to support our business.

16. 她是一个非常有耐心的教师。She is a very patient teacher.

17. 这个国家的经济正在快速发展。The economy of this country is developing rapidly.

18. 我们需要更多的时间来完成这个任务。We need more time to complete this task.

19. 这个事件引发了很多争议。This event has generated a lot of controversy.

20. 我们需要更加注重培养青年人才。We need to pay more attention to cultivating young talents.

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