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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:56
  • 224


关于”提建议的句型“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Suggested sentence pattern。以下是关于提建议的句型的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suggested sentence pattern

1、We weren't able to come up with any new suggestions. 我们提不出任何新建议。

2、The proposal deadline is Jan. 6, 2011. 提供建议的截止期为2011年1月6日。

3、Toward the end, the article gives some advice to further improve the quality and effectiveness of this approach. 文章通过调查和分析,就如何进一步提高实践型教学的质量和有效性提出一些有益的建议。

4、Specially, the folk custom exhibition of Beijing may be considered to carry forward the traditional culture and commented on it. 特别建议应建设北京民俗博物馆以继承传统文化,并对这种博物馆的形式提出了建议。

5、We make this recommendation for two reasons. 我们提出此建议有两个原因。

6、She made a suggestion in a very roundabout way. 她很婉转地提出了一个建议。

7、The board acted upon the suggestions the experts made. 董事会按照专家所提的建议办。

8、He suggested/ proposed/ demanded/ advised that they (should) read the rules carefully. 他建议 / 提议 / 要求 / 劝告他们要仔细阅读这些规则。

9、To support budget holders by providing ongoing training and advice. 向预算单位提供必要的培训并提供建议。

10、Dickerson and co make one suggestion. 迪克森和合作者提出一个建议。

11、For the capacity and ultimate bearing capacity of the K-type hollow concrete joint, has made a proposed formula. 对于K型钢管混凝土节点的承载力计算和极限承载力确定,提出了建议公式。

12、Matt started off by presenting the proposition to his boss. 迈特开始向他的老板提出建议。

13、I suggest changing this verse to "In dealing with employees, standards and directions must be clear." 我提议把这句改为“待雇员,规令明”。

14、He threatened to veto any proposal that cut medical care for the elderly unless it also raises taxes on the wealthy. 他还威胁将否决任何削减老人健保计划的提议,除非这个提议同时建议向富人增税。

15、Like the tool tip suggests, the build plug-in does a lot. 像工具提示建议的那样,构建插件将完成大量工作。

16、I am writing to ask for your advice. 我写这封邮件的目的是想请您提建议。

17、The suggestion you made is more practicable than the one Xiao Wu made. 你提的建议比小吴提的要切实可行。

18、On balance, Timothy 's suggestion is more acceptable. 总的说来,提摩西的建议更可取。

19、Can you give me some advice on my unciation? 你能就我的发音提一些建议吗?

20、Now let me gi vey ou some advice . 现在让我给你们提一些建议。

21、thank you for your comments(compliment, suggestions). 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)。

22、She made the proposal, and I readily consented to . 她提出建议,我欣然同意。

23、Eg. What did you suggest to the manager? 你向经理提了什么建议?

24、Two proposals made via the Staff Suggestion Scheme have been recently implemented to improve our performance for key clients. 机电工程署最近实施两项透过员工建议书计划提出的建议,大大提高对主要客户的服务质素。

25、I'm unable to improve on his suggestion. 我提不出比他的建议更好的了。


26、The feasible suggestion of industry experiment is proposed. 并提出工业性试验的可行性建议。

27、Someone came out with a most useful suggestion. 有人提出了一个非常有益的建议。

28、I would like to get some suggestion so that I can make some improvement. 提点建议,我也好有个提高。

29、I welcome any suggestions for naming mine. 欢迎大家为我提供命名建议。

30、Some suggestions have also been put forward. 文中并提出了若干建议供讨论。

31、Mary gave some counsel on how to learn English. 玛丽提了一些如何壆习英语的建议。

32、Finally some opinions on landscape evalution and plannings were p… 进而提出了有关聚落建筑景观评价和规划的建议。

33、Would you like to suggest a topic? 你愿意提出一些题目建议吗?

34、At last, the countermeasure and suggestion were given pertinently. 最后提出了有针对性的对策和建议。

35、May I venture to suggest a few improvements? 我能斗胆提几个改进的建议吗?

36、Present recommendations on how to continuously improve the SHE performance. 提出怎样继续提高安卫环保工作绩效的建议。

37、We are in process of reviewing your suggestion. 我们正在重新研究贵社所提出的建议。

38、Following Gil's advice will help improve the mileage in any car, not just in hybrids. 跟着吉尔的建议也会提高任何一辆车的燃油经济性,而不仅仅是混合动力车型。

39、The Design Advisor now provides advice on MQTs, MDCs, and DPF partitioning keys in addition to indexes. 除了关于索引的建议以外,Design Advisor 现在还可以提供关于 MQT、MDC 和 DPF 分区键的建议。

40、We also propose a self-organizing developing model of Chinese travel route network. The simulation results based on the model… 提出了一个中国旅游线路网的自组织演化建议模型,由此模型所得到的模拟结果与实证结果比较好地相符合。

41、In addition, suggestions for middle-water recycling were offered. 最后对中水回用提出了建议。

42、Is more than some of my recommendations and advise . 以上就是我的一些建议和提醒。

43、We value … highly. We value your suggestion highly. 我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议。

44、Sten to your problems and offer you advice. 朋友倾听你的烦恼,并给你提出建议。

45、Appendix II provides a mapping from the management functions in Recommendation M. 3208.1 to the Managed Objects defined in this Recommendation. 附录2提出了一种从ITU-T的M.3208.1建议中提出的管理功能到本建议中定义的被管理对象的映射关系。

46、In this context, I have the following proposals. 在此,我提出以下五点建议。

47、I'm curious, this is like advice the view of moment. 现在看来我们都在提建议。

48、He valued his lawyers' advice very much. 他非常重视律师所提的建议。

49、In 1845, the New York entrepreneur Asa Whitney presented a resolution in Congress proposing the federal funding of a railroad that would stretch to the Pacific. 1845年,纽约企业家Asa Whitney(最早倡议兴建横贯铁路的人)在国会提出一项提案,建议联邦投资建造一条延伸到太平洋的铁路。

50、I will submit that proposal to Congress for a vote –and we will push to get it passed. 我将会把这一建议提交给国会进行投票,我们将会推动这一建议的通过。


51、She stood up and put in a demurrer once the proposal announced. 这项建议在会上一宣布,她就站起来提出异议。

52、His proffer of advice was not accepted finally . 他所提供的建议最后没被采纳。

53、Suggestions on China's caprolactam industry are given. 对我国己内酰胺工业的发展提出了建议。

54、The problem is that heavyweight approaches say you should do all but the most trivial design tasks up front. 问题是重量型方法建议您做的不过是提前完成大部分琐碎的设计任务。

55、The proposal has been made to improve cooling table. 提出了冷床改进的几点建议。

56、Mulan and luchy want tongcheng Suggestions are put forward. 木兰跟吕希提出想要回桐城的建议。

57、to propose strengthened plans for the finance management; 提出加强财政管理的政策建议;

58、But before something of that kind shall be advanced in Contradiction to my Scheme, and offering a better, I desire the Author, or Authors will be pleased maturely to consider two points. 但我希望在提出某些与我的方案相冲突的内容和提出更好的建议之前,这个建议者或这些建议者能够成熟地考虑我两点意见。

59、The suggestions for developing the production technology of NiBR were made. 提出了提高我国镍系顺丁橡胶聚合技术的建议。

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