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高考英语句子摘抄 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-16 10:50:37
  • 165

高考英语句子摘抄 13个

1. All the hard work was worth it when I received my acceptance letter from my dream college.(所有的辛勤工作都是值得的,当我收到了我梦想大学的录取通知书时。)

2. The teacher's passionate speech inspired me to pursue my dreams despite any obstacles.(老师充满的演讲激发了我追求梦想的决心,无论面临什么难以度过的困境。)

3. As I looked out at the vast ocean, I felt a sense of peacefulness and calmness wash over me.(当我看着浩瀚的海洋,我感到一种平静和宁静的感觉袭来。)

4. The sense of community in this small town is truly special, everyone knows each other and is always willing to lend a helping hand.(小镇社区的凝聚力真的很特别,每个人都互相认识,总是愿意伸出援手。)

5. After years of hard work and dedication, I finally achieved my goal of becoming a doctor.(经过多年的努力和奉献,我终于实现了成为一名医生的目标。)

6. The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me, no matter how many times I see it.(自然的美丽总是让我吃惊,无论我看到它多少次。)

7. The kindness and generosity of strangers can truly make a difference in someone's life.(陌生人的善良和慷慨可以真正改变某人的生活。)

8. As I stood on the podium, holding my trophy, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.(当我站在讲台上,拿着我的奖杯,我不禁感到一种自豪和成就感。)

9. Despite the setbacks and obstacles, I never lost hope in achieving my dreams.(尽管会遇到挫折和障碍,但我从未失去过实现梦想的希望。)

10. The support and guidance of my family was instrumental in helping me become the person I am today.(我家人的支持和引导对我成为今天的我起到了至关重要的作用。)

11. The beauty of music is that it has the power to connect people from all walks of life.(音乐的美在于它有能力连接来自各行各业的人。)

12. The importance of education cannot be overstated, it is the key to unlocking opportunities and success.(教育的重要性不可高估,它是开启机会和成功的关键。)

13. The world is full of possibilities, it's up to us to take advantage of them and make our dreams a reality.(世界充满了可能性,是我们自己利用它们,实现梦想。)

14. The value of hard work and perseverance cannot be replaced by natural talent, it is what sets successful people apart.(勤奋和毅力的价值无法被自然才能代替,它是成功人士的区别所在。)

15. The joy of laughter and the warmth of friendship are two of the most important things in life.(欢笑的快乐和友谊的温暖是生命中最重要的两件事。)

16. The power of forgiveness and letting go of grudges can lead to inner peace and happiness.(宽恕和放下怨恨的力量可以带来内心的平静和幸福。)

17. The importance of treating others with kindness and respect cannot be emphasized enough.(尊重和善待他人的重要性无法强调得足够。)

18. The value of honesty and integrity are essential for building trust and good relationships with others.(诚实和正直的价值对于建立与他人的信任和良好关系至关重要。)

19. The power of love and compassion can heal the deepest wounds and bring light to the darkest moments.(爱和同情之力可以治愈最深的伤口,给最黑暗的时刻带来光明。)

20. The importance of living in the present moment and enjoying the little things in life cannot be overlooked.(生活当下,享受生活中的小事,这种重要性不可忽视。)

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