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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-31 07:19:31
  • 147




1、Take time out to sleep properly, laze around, listen to music or have some form of leisure activity. 停下来花些时间好好的睡觉,好好的放松闲散下,听听音乐或者进行一些放松活动。

2、And the organ pealed, and the children's voices in the choir sounded so sweet and soft! 风琴奏着音乐。孩子们的合唱是非常好听和可爱的。

3、Description: This is the best chinese popular song I've ever listened. Thanks Mao Ning. 赞!好歌,这是我目前所听过的最好听及意境最好的一首中国流行曲。

4、She touched the son's head and said to his father, "You have such a good son. He is both obedient and hardworking." 她摸着儿子的头夸奖说:“你儿子又听话学习又好,你真有福气!”

5、Let's listen to this tape, shall we? 我们听听这盘磁带好吗?

6、听到这句话,他当时就沉下了脸。His face set when he heard such a word.

7、He heard the note of warning in her statement; 他听得出这句话的弦外之音,这是在提醒他;

8、It just happens to be good acoustically too. 这恰好是良好的听觉也。

9、OK, please listen to me. 好的,请听我说。

10、this car is crashed into a big mess. 以前听不觉得好听(音乐)慢慢的听的时间长了发觉还蛮好听的 I don't think it's a good song before, but shortly afterwards I listen to it quite often and start to enjoy it.

11、Helen: OK, why not. Let's hear it. 好吧。也好!说来听听。

12、Now, listen carefully. 现在,好好听着。

13、Take that Yankees. 好好听听,这是北方佬

14、东方女子乐坊的歌曲光芒,来听听吧 女子十二乐坊的歌曲胜利,听听吧 "Good good study and day day's up ^^" Have a nice day!

15、Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it's got a … 拉出一个小小的项链盒子,里面有张照片….beautifu .music box…超好听 …

16、The doctor nodded, "It's alright, now that we have your sinus' cleared up, we'll work on your hearing next! 医生点点头说:“好吧,现在你的鼻子看好了,下一步就该医治你的听力了。”

17、Mother: That just goes to show you, dear, that eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves. 妈妈:孩子,这只不过证明了,偷听者从来不会听到别人说自己的好话。

18、We\'ve all heard this. Maybe said this. 我们都听过这句话,也许还说过。

19、Class I, the teacher of each sentence, listen carefully. 上课,我把老师讲的每一个句段,听得仔仔细细。

20、Hope to hear better listen to the song! 希望能听到更好听的歌!

21、We can go to the cafe or restaurant afterwards。我们先去电影院吧, 我听说那里正在放一部很好看的片子。

22、I'm sorry. Okay. 没听清,好的

23、Underneath this, the informed listener senses, there must lurk the familiar four-bar phrase of popular music, but Mozart never once spells this out. 聆听这样的演奏,那些有着良好音乐素养的听众会暗暗期待,相信总会有类似流行音乐里的四小节分句的东西出现,但是莫扎特从来不曾让他的听众轻易地把握他的意图。

24、Listen to your middle schooler. 听听你上中学的孩子的想法。

25、OK, you're the boss. 好的,都听你的。


26、So listen carefully. 请竖起耳朵好好听哦!

27、"Undoubtedly, " replied Darcy, to whom this remark was chiefly addressed, "there is meanness in all the arts which ladies sometimes condescend to employ for captivation . 达西听出她这几句话是有意说给他自己听的,便连忙答道:“毫无疑问,姑娘们为了勾引男子,有时竟不择手段,使用巧计,这真是卑鄙。

28、Children at this age can hear the sound of letter combinations better now and can hear the phonic differences. 这个年龄的孩子已经可以更好地听清字词组合,也可以听清字词的不同处。

29、"Undoubtedly, " replied Darcy, to whom this remark was chiefly addressed, "there is meanness in all the arts which ladies sometimes condescend to employ for captivation. 达西听出她这几句话是有意说给他自己听的,便连忙答道:“毫无疑问,姑娘们为了勾引男子,有时竟不择手段,使用巧计,这真是卑鄙。

30、"All right, time to go —it's been charming, " she called out as she walked out the door. 然而,就在她走出“橡胶屋”大门的时候,她又喊道:“好吧,该动身了。这曲子听起来曾经是那么动听。”

31、A wise son heeds his father's instruction, but a mocker does not listen to rebuke. - Proverbs 13:1, The Bible. 智慧的儿子听从父亲的教训,好讥笑人的不听责备。-圣经:箴言13:1。

32、In other people'eyes, maybe I'm a docile child. Never to court disaster, study is also well, a typical representative who is a lambkin. 在别人眼里,我可能是一个听话的好孩子,从不惹祸,学习也挺好,是一个让父母省心的乖孩子的典型代表。

33、It is said that a real good mirror can't be stained by the dust; 我听说一面真正好的镜子,任何灰尘都沾不上镜面的;

34、Enjoy your English likes Chinese Pop music! 东方女子乐坊的歌曲光芒,来听听吧 女子十二乐坊的歌曲胜利,听听吧 "Good good study and day day's up ^^" Have a nice day!

35、We all sit quietly and pay attention teaching how to be good listeners is important too – and then wildly applaud when the speech is finished! 我们都安静的坐好并专心的听着--教孩子如何作一名好的听众也很重要--然后当演说结束后热烈的鼓掌。

36、Stop mouthing and listen to what I have to say. 别再装腔作势,好好听听我说的话。

37、Think about this example. 听听这个例子。

38、This is the best chinese popular song I've ever listened. Thanks Mao Ning. 赞!好歌,这是我目前所听过的最好听及意…

39、Listen to that child! 听听那孩子吧!

40、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;

41、And finally--get this--he folded her nightclothes and left them on a chair by the bed. 最后,你听这个,他把她的睡衣叠好放在床边的椅子上。

42、We could hear the experience, into a story, seem very light. 传给我们听得时候,变成了故事,好像很轻淡的样子。

43、Sorry, I didn't take it very well. 我没好好听你的意见。

44、Wow, It sounds fantastic. I also heard you guys make pretty good Japanese-style cold noodles. 哇,听起来好棒。我也听说你们的日式冷面很好吃。

45、But here's the example. 让我们来听听这个例子吧。

46、His face set when he heard such a word. 听到这句话,他当时就沉下了脸。

47、Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 不健康的言语,一句不可出口,只要随事说造就人的好话,叫听见的人得益处。

48、You're used to hearing words of praise. 你是听好话听惯了。

49、I don't know how to express"more than" 听起来很好听,他弹得很好。

50、When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrop on the erbur leaf. 下雨了,雨点溅在款冬叶子上发出好听的声音。


51、I have good hearing comprehension. 我的听解很好。

52、 Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;

53、He's helping them keep time. Without him, the music might not sound good. 他在帮他们打拍子。没有他,音乐可就没那么好听了。

54、I think they are, literally. It sounds like they're renovating. 我想他们是在拆房子,就跟你说的一样。听起来他们好像在装修。

55、A: Well, give me the walkman. I'll listen to the music then. 好吧,给我随身听,我听音乐好了。

56、Children can share their thoughts on them, because they are the best listener; 孩子可以对它们倾诉自己的心事,因为它们是最好的倾听者;

57、She touched the son's head and said to his father, "You he such a good son. He is both obedient and hardworking." 她摸着儿子的头夸奖说:“你儿子又听话学习又好,你真有福气!”

58、I would never have known what it meant to build a sandcastle or smell a flower or listen to great music or have a good friend. 我从来不知道建立一个沙子城堡是什么或者是闻一闻花或者是听好听的音乐或者是有一个好朋友。

59、In fact, we heard that kid is right here in the jungle. 实际上,我们听说那个孩子就正好在森林里。

60、A. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The unciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. 可以通过讲隧道的口语来进步听力。发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化。既然能说出来,当然能听懂。当然这样作有点难。

61、I am here here with you. 这是我喜欢听的歌!好听!

62、But to these words I hearkened in vain for a reply. I grew impatient. 谁知我说了这句话,怎么听都听不到一声回答。

63、Ed's wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose. 以德的妻子是一个好强的女生,他什么事都得听她的。

64、"你想有一个讲给老师听的好故事". you want to tell your teachers a good storey"你想给老师们讲一个好听的故事".

65、Listen then, brahman, and pay attention, I will speak. 那么,婆罗门啊!好好用心听着!我讲给你听。

66、If I could just come in here. I couldn't help overhearing. 我可以插句话吗?我无意中听到。

67、Thenardier pretended not to hear this unamiable remark. 德纳第只装做没有听见这句不大客气的话。

68、Cassio. Dost thou hear, my honest friend? 凯西奥你听没听见,我的好朋友?

69、That picture of the children being tasked to by the PrimeMinister is wonderful. 那张小孩子们正在聆听首相语言的照片照得十分好。

70、Now, when you listen to it then, again, knowing that, you hear it that way. 当你再次听到这句话时,你便知道,你是听到的是这个

71、OK,but listen carefully. 好吧,但你得仔细听好了。

72、There’s just one thing left for us to do, and it’s your only chance, so attend very carefully to what I tell you. 咱们只有一个法子,这是你逃脱的唯一机会,好好听我说。

73、Listen up! Can I have your attention? 听着!你能好好听我说吗?

74、In other words, it's no good repeating a weak argument to people who are listening carefully. 换句话说,对仔细听讲的听众而言,重复一个绵弱的观点是无益的。

75、All right, let's hear from defenders of libertarianism. 好,我们来听听自由主义者的辩护。


76、Hear them talk about their sweet-eating habits. 听听她们谈论各自的甜食嗜好吧。

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