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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:52
  • 104




1、Country Mouse:Mmm. It's so soft, so sweet, and so very delicious. 乡下老鼠:恩。它很软、很甜又这么地好吃。

2、Then I would become to be a unique blueberry bagle… 我要去拜访一个做蓝莓甜甜圈做得很棒的师傅。

3、There is no doubt that other people find these doughnuts irresistible. 毫无疑问,其他很多人觉得甜甜圈是不可抗拒的。

4、Europan" has really good pastries, desserts. uropan有很棒的点心和甜点。

5、ABSTRACT: This article introduces a tail recipe that may remind you of Brazil. 摘要: 不止酸酸甜甜,这款鸡尾酒还很“巴西”哦!

6、She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalizing. 她站得离我很近,头发上的香气撩人心魄。

7、Aromas of sweet black gallons, the vanilla taste and the mineral fragrance. 有很多种甜黑加仑子的香味、香草味和矿物的香味。

8、The world is a giant doll machine. I stand around the window and just want you. 这世界就是个巨大的娃娃机,我站在橱窗周围,只想要你。

9、Look at you secretly, think of you secretly, love you secretly, and finally cry secretly. 偷偷地看你,偷偷地想你,偷偷地爱你,

10、Very sweet and juicy , firm flesh with few seeds. 很甜美多汁,果肉公司与数。

11、She has a voice of gold and sings beautifully. 她有一副金嗓子,唱歌很甜美。

12、Laura: Oh, I know Tangyuan. It's a sweet snack, good for dessert. 哦,汤圆我知道。它是一种甜的小吃,用来做甜点很好。

13、She was so sweet, so soft-looking in her thin white dress. 她穿着那身轻薄的衣衫,显得很甜蜜,很柔软。

14、Childhood, , once found ten cents. Bought a lot of apricot, call a few children with, eat teeth almost gone sour, but said: "very sweet, very sweet". 童年,曾拾得一毛钱。买了一大堆杏子,叫上几个童伴,吃得牙都快酸掉了,却都在说: :“很甜,很甜”。

15、I wanna visit a baker who makes blueberry best . 我要去拜访一个做蓝莓甜甜圈做得很棒的师傅。

16、She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalizing6. 她站得离我很近,头发上的香气撩人心魄。

17、A boyish leather belt and a stack of cuffs give this sweet cotton sundress a rugged twist. 一条很男孩子气的皮带和一堆手链为这套很甜美的棉裙创造了不平衡美。

18、Bouquet: The nose offers up copious quantities of sweet black currant fruit, vanilla, and minerals. 气味:有很多种甜黑加仑子的香味、香草味和矿物的香味。

19、They owe aromatic, semisweet or sweet, the alcoholicity is not high; 它们都具有果味,半甜或很甜,酒精含量不高;

20、Those small oranges are sweet. 那些小橘子很甜。

21、Tiramisu is a tasty dessert. 提拉米苏是一种很好吃的甜点。

22、At the end of the day, said Ms. Asselin, the vendors are very tired, very thirsty (much of the food is very sweet, very salty or both) and not much richer. 一天结束了,艾瑟琳说,这些卖者都很疲惫,很干渴(大部分食品都很甜,很咸,或又甜又咸),但他们没有变得更富有。

23、The chicken soup with cream corn is the soup with corn and minced chicken. 鸡茸玉米羹是用甜玉米和鸡茸做的,很鲜甜。

24、The man's" taste" is also very sensitive, if you always fragrance floats, will lift up others endlessly to ponder. 汉子的“味觉”也很敏感,若你老是喷鼻氛飘飘,必然会撩起他人不尽的幽思。

25、Persimmon is small and red , and the taste is sweet . 柿子很小且呈红色,味道则是甜的。


26、Chandler: I think it's great. Y'know, it's sweet, it's romantic… 我觉得这很好,你知道的,很甜蜜,很浪漫…

27、She prefers conservative trousers to provocative cheongsam that slit at the sides from the thigh down, as she thinks wearing the latter would hamper her movement. 她宁可穿保守的裤子,而非两边大腿开叉的旗袍,她觉得穿起旗袍很撩人,但行动会不便。

28、God, I've missed you! 甜豆 天啊,我很想念你!

29、In Beijing, it soon morphed into the rolled-up-shirt look. 在北京,它很快就转化成的撩起衣衫的架势。

30、He went out through the bead curtain. 他撩开珠帘子走了出来。

31、I wanted to cry out to wake you, but you slept so deeply, so soundly. 我想大哭,想叫醒你,但你睡得很重,很甜。

32、Looking back suddenly at the lamp, waiting for the rain of the ethereal life to blur your and mine. 灯火阑珊处蓦然回首,等候空灵一世的雨模糊你我的相顾。

33、Indeed, her voice is sweet and melodious . 确实,她的声音很甜润。

34、B. They are very sweet, they must be in season. 它们很甜,一定是应时的。

35、The tutor loves that hfirstymawayhed girl seriously. 老师很喜欢这个嘴甜的小妞妞。

36、Lychee is a very good fruit, taste is still sweet. 荔枝还是一种很不错的水果,味道还是很甜的。

37、The my everyday's performance is very good, lovely, has been sweetly smiling, can I know, my finger stroke shed tears of keyboard. 我每天表现很好,很乖,一直甜甜的笑着,可我知道,我的手指打击着流泪的键盘。

38、Rice dumplings in black bean paste - refreshing, sweet and utterly delicious. 汤团在黑豆糊中--很清新,甜甜的,超级好吃。

39、These tomatoes are sweet. 这些西红柿很甜。

40、Alice: Me too, they are sweet. 我也是,因为它们很甜。

41、He couldn't stand the imps; but when he stole a glance inside, the first Mrs. Yang in charge of the tipping pool seemed to be taking her job very seriously. 他讨厌这群猴子,可是偷偷往屋中撩了一眼,大太太管着头儿钱,像是很认真的样子。

42、ShangGuanRui is gold floor of singing woman, looked like very enchanting, beg Ceng Nianan honeyed words very glad. 上官蕊是金楼的唱歌的女子,长像很妖娆,甜言蜜语很讨曾念安欢喜。

43、It should be sweet, very intoxicant. 它应该是甜甜的,很醉人的。

44、I am not your moment, I am your forever and ever. 我才不是你的一瞬间,我是你的永永远远。

45、I know its crazy but you still can touch my heart. 我知道这很疯狂,但你仍能撩动我的心弦。

46、The teacher likes this honey-lipped girl. 老师很喜欢这个嘴甜的小姑娘。

47、But in my country we have very good sour and sweet apples and plums. 但是在我国我们有很好的酸和甜的苹果和李子。

48、The fruit vendor told her plums of black-red color were very sweet. 卖水果的小贩告诉她,红青的李子很甜。

49、The soup tastes very sweet . 这汤尝起来很甜。

50、I like apples. Thay aer sweet. 我喜欢苹果。因为它很甜。


51、The girl smiled a sweet smile. 那个姑娘笑得很甜。

52、This was a very sweet story! 这是一个很甜蜜的故事!

53、Pull up your skirt. 把你的裙子撩起来。

54、There are many beautiful things in the world, only you are my favorite. 人世间有百媚千红,唯独你是我情之所钟。

55、Li Tiantian has a good memory. 李甜甜记忆力很好。

56、It sounds really soppy saying it, but it's true. 这样说很甜蜜,但那是真的。

57、She smiles brightly. 她笑得很甜。

58、This new variety is sweet. 新品种口感很甜。

59、My cat and I miss you very much, but I don't have a cat, nor you. 我和我的猫都很想你,可是我没有猫,也没有你。

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