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英语吐槽句子 10个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-08 21:22:29
  • 169

英语吐槽句子 10个

1. "I speak better English than you speak Chinese."(我说的英语比你说的中文好。)

2. "Your grammar is worse than Google Translate."(你的语法比谷歌翻译还差。)

3. "You sound like a broken record."(你说话就像磨损的唱片一样。)

4. "Your accent is so thick, I need a translator just to understand you."(你的口音太重了,我都需要翻译才能听懂你说什么。)

5. "Your spelling is so bad, I'm surprised you made it past grade school."(你的拼写太差了,我很惊讶你竟然能过小学。)

6. "Your vocabulary is limited to three words: um, like, and you know."(你的词汇量只有三个词:嗯、像和你知道的。)

7. "Did you get your English degree from a cereal box?"(你的英语学位是从麦片盒里拿到的吗?)

8. "I'm pretty sure your English teacher gave up on you a long time ago."(我敢肯定你的英语老师很久以前就放弃你了。)

9. "I can't tell if you're speaking English or just random noises."(我分不清你是在说英语还是在发出随机噪音。)

10. "You make Yoda sound articulate."(你让尤达听起来都比你好说话。)

11. "Your grammar is like a car crash: painful to watch, but hard to look away from."(你的语法就像车祸一样,看着很痛苦,但又忍不住想看下去。)

12. "Your English is so bad, even autocorrect can't save you."(你的英语太差了,就算自动纠正也救不了你。)

13. "Your unciation is so bad, it's like you're speaking a different language."(你的发音太差了,就像你在说另一种语言一样。)

14. "Your English is so basic, you couldn't even order a pizza in New York City."(你的英语太基础了,就算在纽约城你也点不了一份披萨。)

15. "Your English skills are on par with a toddler's."(你的英语技能就跟婴儿一样。)

16. "You sound like you're reading from a dictionary, but have no idea what the words mean."(你听起来像在从字典上读词语,但是不知道它们的意思。)

17. "Your English is so bad, it's like you're speaking in tongues."(你的英语太烂了,就像你在说方言一样。)

18. "Your English is so poor, it's a wonder you can even understand me right now."(你的英语太差了,我很惊讶你现在能听懂我说什么。)

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