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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-10 08:00:26
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关于”对孩子学鼓励的话“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Encourage children to learn。以下是关于对孩子学鼓励的话的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage children to learn

1、An advocate of 'total education, ' Vincent urges students to partite fully in university life. 作为“全人教育”的拥护者,郑元山鼓励学弟学妹们全面参与大学各项活动。

2、The Nottingham Business Schoo DBA provides a supportive environment, encouraging networking between peers, academics and guest speakers. 诺丁汉商学院的DBA课程提供了一个支持性的学习氛围, 并鼓励学员, 同僚与特约演讲者之间的沟通与互动。

3、I think it is kids’ preference to pair up and have that one best friend. “我认为小孩还是偏爱成双成对和拥有亲密朋友的,作为成年人、导师和顾问,我们却在鼓励他们不要那样做”。

4、Thirdly, right policies and incentives have to be put in place to encourage every worker to acquire a positive attitude towards life-long learning and skills up- grading. 第三,正确的政策和奖励措施必须到位,以鼓励每名员工以积极的态度面对终身学习和技能提升。

5、He values education – when we were younger, he would tell me and my brother to constantly seek improvement in ourselves through learning. 当我们兄妹俩还是少年时,他就鼓励我们锐意进取,在学习中不断提升自己的价值。

6、Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. 母亲对这些信号的麻木,将会钝化这种互动的作用,因为孩子得不到鼓励就只能发出明显的信号。

7、While you’re whipping up dinner with your children you are encouraging healthy eating habits as well as teaching cooking, measurement, teamwork, and improvisational skills. 在手忙脚乱跟孩子们一起准备晚餐的过程中,你不仅可以鼓励他们养成健康的饮食习惯,还能教授他们烹饪、量度、团队合作、即兴发挥的技能。

8、They buried the toddler, with his rattle and plastic bat, by the Hindon River. 他们将这个还在蹒跚学步的孩子连同他的拨浪鼓和塑料球棒一起埋在了HINDON河。

9、Bachuan Junior Middle School, which she attends, awarded her the money to encourage her win more honor for Chongqing. 她的初中母校巴川中学奖励她20万元,鼓励她继续为重庆争光。

10、Speaking of eyes, children need to learn to fake eye contact. Encourage them to look at the mouth, the forehead, the bridge of the nose – whatever works. 多提及眼睛,孩子们需要学会进行眼神的交流。可以鼓励他们看嘴,额头,鼻梁,只要能够起到作用,看什么都是可行德。

11、Grandma was impressed with my competence and pleased me to proceed. 祖母非常赞赏我的能力,她鼓励我继续学下去。

12、She said girls outperforming boys in communication and creativity was of particular concern and boys should be encouraged to develop these skills so they did not lag behind in school or later life. 她说,值得特别关注的是女孩在交流和创造力方面的表现要优于男孩。因此,我们应该鼓励男孩提高这些技能,这样他们在学校或日后生活中才不会落后。

13、This contrasts with evidence from girls-only schools where girls are encouraged and perform far better in the sciences. 这与来自女校的证据形成了对比,在女校,女孩得到了鼓励,而且在科学上的成绩远远更好。

14、When his boysstart playing bagpipes and snare, he practices with them, whomping a bass. 他的孩子们开始练习风笛和行军鼓时,他也会和他们一起练,弹他的贝斯。

15、Encourage them to be self-reflective when they get it right -- help them to think about the hows and whys. 内昆都伦#截教6当孩子做对了,要鼓励他们进行思考——帮助他们想一想是怎样和为什么把事情做得很好的。

16、Jolie, who is raising her kids with partner Brad Pitt, said encouraging the kids' sense of self-expression was an important part of their upbringing. 安吉莉纳跟布莱得比特提到他们常会鼓励小孩子们的自我表达, 因这是他们注重的教育方式。

17、Teachers may notice a problem first, and shouldn’t single out kids who won’t partite in class but encourage them through group activities, she advises. 老师们可能是最早发现问题的,不要把不上课的孩子孤立出来,而要通过小组活动来鼓励他们。

18、In order to encourage our students to eat more fruit, a campaign called "Weeks for Fruit" is underway from 19th April to 30th April. 为鼓励孩子们多吃蔬果,由四月十九日起至四月三十日推行为期两周的「水果双周」活动。

19、The boy's pants bagged at the knees. 那男孩的裤子在膝盖处鼓了出来。

20、I was crying. The nurses were clapping. 孩子在哭, 我也在哭, 护士们在鼓掌。

21、They believed that the not best clever would learn more when they work with the best clever. 他们相信,那些“不太聪明”的孩子们同那些聪明的孩子一同学习会学到更多的东西。

22、But getting children of all sizes to think more about their bodies, not necessarily favourably or unfavourably , makes them much more receptive to campaigns about losing weight and keeping healthy. 但,不管有无帮助,都要尽量使各种体形的孩子重视自己的体重,鼓励他们参加“减肥促进健康”活动。

23、In this class I am going to encourage you. 在我们的课上,我会鼓励你们。

24、Help your children stay healthy by encouraging them to wash their hands properly and frequently. 通过鼓励你的小孩正确洗手和勤洗手来帮助他们保持身体健康。

25、It is essential not just that more girls stay in school, but also that they are taught science well, encouraged into science careers, and helped to stay in them. 关键不仅仅在于让更多的女孩上学,而且还在于好好地教给她们科学,鼓励她们从事科学职业,以及帮助她们坚持下去。


26、Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me to continue. 祖母非常赞赏我的能力,她鼓励我继续学下去。

27、Traditional teaching advocates regurgitation whereas progressive education encourages critical thinking. 传统教学主张照本宣科;开明教育鼓励批判思考。

28、In our experience, encouraging students to pair with different people is imperative; otherwise, one student may always be doing the driving, while the other becomes more passive. 从我们的实践来看,鼓励学生与不同的人结对学习,势在必行;否则,一个学生可能越学越有动力,而另一个越来越被动。

29、So while children who study music for two years demonstrate better verbal memory than children who have not studied music, children who continue to study music 因此,学过两年音乐的孩子,他们的非文字记忆比没学过音乐的孩子要强得多,而继续学习音乐孩子的记忆会随之提高。

30、‘Companies can now use new technologies to encourage children to market to each other and by-pass any parental controls, ’ said report author Dr Tim Lobstein. 报告的作者蒂姆.洛布斯坦博士说:“食品企业现在能使用新的技术,来鼓励孩子们间互相推销,且不受家长控制。”

31、A new study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology examined how parents and teachers could encourage their kids and students to spend more time on their homework. 实验社会心理导报的一项新的研究对家长和教师如何能够鼓励孩子和学生花费更多的时间在作业上这一研究进行了考察。

32、This, more than anything, delays childbearing, encourages greater spacing between children or even opens up the option of not having children at all. 这比其他任何事都能延缓生育、鼓励生育间隔拉长甚至开始有了完全不要孩子的选择。

33、Regardless of how many parenting articles we read, how much emotional support we give, or how many teachers we bribe, our kids will have failures. 不管我们读过多少育儿读物、付出多少精神鼓励、 讨好多少老师,孩子始终会遇到挫折。

34、When the children got overly excited by their Blue Man Group-style drumming, they calmed down with breathing exercises. 当孩子们因学黑衣蓝脸的敲鼓法玩的过于兴奋后,他们就会停下来,学习如何保持健康的呼吸方法。

35、DFI, positioning itself as a design school of tomorrow, encourages its students to reflect the meaning of creativity and the responsibilities of a designer. DFI作为面向未来的设计学院一直鼓励着它的学子们思考创意的真义和设计师的责任。

36、Another program supports schools and communities that "encourage enrollment of Cambodia’s special-needs children, notably minorities, the disabled and the very poor," Carlson said. 卡尔森说,另一个项目支持柬埔寨鼓励有特殊需要的儿童入学的学校和社区,尤其是鼓励少数民族、残障和十分贫穷的儿童接受教育。

37、While we were both working so industriously, I watched my kid very deliberately. She was such a tiny thing, between an infant and a toddler, with such a round little tummy. 勤劳工作之余,我细细地观察我的孩子,她是如此的小巧,介于婴儿和刚学步的小孩,填着个圆鼓鼓的小肚子。

38、As your kids get a bit older, encourage them to create their own businesses think of pet sitting, pet walking, designing websites etc. 当你的孩子再大一点的时候,鼓励他们做些小小生意,比方说看宠物,带宠物散步,设计网页等。

39、One way to promote integrine is to let the children of immigrhelpless ishs participdined on in Singapore schools. 让移民的孩子到我们的学校就读,就是鼓动协调的有用方法。

40、I indeed learned quite a lot. As we helped and encouraged each other, many of us have become good friends since then. 大家在学习中相互帮助、相互鼓励,从开班到现在,我们很多学员都成了非常好的朋友。

41、They understand that we're all learning, so they patiently encourage you to begin again, and again, and again. 他们明白我们都在学习阶段,所以会耐心地鼓励你一遍一遍地重新开始。槅。

42、God, please, applaud for this brave child… 老天阿,为这个勇敢的孩子鼓掌吧…

43、Until more is known about the possible carcinogenic effects of cell phone use, curb your kids’ cell phone habits by encouraging texting or using a landline instead. 在了解到更多手机可能致癌信息之前,控制小孩使用手机的习惯,鼓励他们多发短息、多用座机。

44、He always instigates the boy to do evil. 他总是鼓动那孩子做坏事。

45、Encourage your child to naturally respond to music, such as tapping his feet, nodding his head, shaking his hands or swinging his body. 随时鼓励孩子对音乐做自然的反应,像是踏脚、点头、甩动双手或摆动身体等动作,来帮助儿童感受音乐。

46、It also encourages people to nap at work and recommends awarding "catch-up days," particularly to those with young children. 报告还鼓励人们在工作中间尽量抽出时间小憩一下,特别是对一些家中有小孩儿的人。

47、It was she who told him about the competition and encouraged him to go for it. 也正是这位女孩告诉肖遥有这个比赛并鼓励他参加。

48、It suggests that teachers encourage boys to engage with science by allowing them to ask more questions, while ignoring girls, giving them inadequate replies or criticising them for minor errors. 它提出,教师通过允许男孩问更多的问题的方式鼓励男孩参与科学,而忽视女孩,对她们的回答不够或者因为小错误而批评她们。

49、Now, Ms. Budnitz and a growing number of like-minded parents are fighting back by encouraging unstructured, hands-on creativity. 如今,为改变这一状况,包括蒂娜在内的越来越多持相同理念的家长们开始鼓励孩子们从事自由组装的手工创作活动。

50、We ask children, how do you like to learn? 我问孩子们,你们认为学习怎么样啊?


51、Wang suggested rural children be discouraged from attending university, “because as soon as rural kids start studying, they won't go back to their ancestral homes, which is a tragedy. 考虑到城市化对中华民族“5000年”的农耕文化的影响作用,王平建议,农村儿童不应被鼓励上大学,“因为农村的孩子一旦开始了学习,他们将不会再回到祖祖辈辈生活过的家乡,这将是一场悲剧。”

52、We had a dynamic English teacher, a bachelor who had plenty of time for us boys and inspired my life-long love of literature. 我们有一位精力充沛的英语老师,一个可以把大把时间用来照顾我们这些男孩子并鼓励我走上文学之路的单身汉。

53、Women should be advised that it's best not to lose weight too quickly and should be encouraged to eat healthily, keep active, and breastfeed their babies. 妇女们最好不要快速减肥,而应该被鼓励吃得健康些、保持积极主动和用母乳喂养她们的孩子。

54、The child is learning to talk. 孩子正在学说话。

55、Grandfathers can be powerful influences in a child's life when we encourage them to be. It's been said that "when an old person dies, a library burns down." 当我们鼓励他们的时候,他们对我们小孩的影响会更加深远,俗话说:“家失一老,如失一宝”,确保你们的小孩能够经常陪伴父亲。

56、If the above suggestions do not entice your persistent night nurser to cut back, yet you still feel you must encourage him to do so, try another sleeping arrangement. 如果上面的方式仍不奏效而你觉得必然要鼓励孩子这样,尝尝的方式。

57、Since movement is crucial to this learning process, it should be encouraged from birth. Thus Rousseau was hostile to swaddling infants and to controlling toddlers with leading reins. 既然活动在这个学习过程是重要的,从婴儿时期就应该鼓励运用。因此卢梭反对所谓的缰绳引导,它们束缚了婴儿和控制了孩子的成长。

58、This festival encourages smearing mud all over yourself. 鼓励我们浑身都沾满泥。

59、A teacher has to walk a narrow path: you want to encourage kids to come up with things on their own, but you can't simply applaud everything they produce. 对教师而言,这无疑是条羊肠小道:你要鼓励孩子发展他们自己的东西,但又不能动辄就对他们报以掌声。

60、We need to encourage scientists from other areas, such as immunology, even nanotechnology. 我们也需要鼓励诸如免疫学、甚至是纳米技术等其它领域的科学家参与。

61、From now on, we’ll be able to encourage the progress at schools like Ricci’s. 从现在开始,我们将鼓励能像里奇这样取得进步的学校。

62、In addition, interactive teaching has encouraged teacher to build up the idea of lifelong learning and helped the teacher's continuous development. 除此而外,互动式教学鼓励教师树立终身学习的信仰,有助于教师的持续性发展。

63、The study vindicates those parents favouring the less-is-more, "cry-it-out" method of encouraging infants to sleep through the night. 这份报告也为那些赞成少做就是多做,鼓励让孩子“哭到筋疲力尽”后安睡一晚的父母开脱。

64、Dyslexic children often think they are unable to learn. 有语言障碍的孩子常认为他们对学习无能为力。

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