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句子用英语怎么说 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-20 02:27:19
  • 110

句子用英语怎么说 13个

1. I love spending time with my friends. (我喜欢和朋友一起度过时光。)

2. She is studying medicine at university. (她在大学学习医学。)

3. They are going to travel to Europe next month. (他们下个月要去欧洲旅行。)

4. My favorite color is blue. (我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。)

5. We had a delicious dinner at the new restaurant. (我们在新餐厅吃了一顿美味的晚餐。)

6. He plays soccer every weekend. (他每个周末都踢足球。)

7. The movie was really scary. (这部电影真的很吓人。)

8. She is always late for class. (她上课总是迟到。)

9. I want to learn how to play guitar. (我想学习弹吉他。)

10. They adopted a puppy from the animal shelter. (他们从动物收容所领养了一只小狗。)

11. He graduated from Harvard University with honors. (他毕业于哈佛大学并获得荣誉学位。)

12. She is a talented artist and painter. (她是一位有才华的艺术家和画家。)

13. We went camping in the mountains last weekend. (上个周末我们去山上露营了。)

14. He is an excellent chef and can cook anything. (他是一位出色的厨师,可以烹制任何菜肴。)

15. She enjoys reading books and learning new things. (她喜欢阅读书籍和学习新事物。)

16. They bought a new house in the suburbs. (他们在郊区购买了一座新房子。)

17. He is a famous musician and has toured around the world. (他是一位著名的音乐家,曾在全世界巡演过。)

18. She volunteers at the local animal rescue center every weekend. (她每个周末都在当地的动物救援中心做志愿者。)

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