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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:51
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1、The major themes into modern poetry, and published in the first time, it is the poet poetry art test. 而以现代重大题材入诗,且要在第一时间发表,正是对诗人诗艺的考验。

2、The poetic nature of Zhou Tao's proses is inseparable to his own poetic personality. The unique growing experience gives him peculiar life experience, forming his poetic insight and thinking. 周涛散文的诗性与他本人具有的诗性人格分不开,独特的成长经历给了他特异的人生体验,形成他诗的眼光和诗性思维。

3、It's a poem on which this very young poet is cutting his teeth. 这首诗让这个年轻的诗人变得成熟。

4、He also wrote a number of poems that ilrated truthful ideas and history. 另外他还有一些理趣诗、咏史诗等。

5、One prominent feature of Xie Ling-yun's poem is that his poem has obvious relation with the Zhou Yi. 谢灵运山水诗一个突出的特征,就是其诗明显与《周易》存有关联并成为诗中的有机部分。

6、Poetry volume. 诗一卷。

7、His poetics is an ecological poetics, laying emphasis on the unity. 他的诗学是强调整体论的生态诗学。

8、This is the vocation of poetry in this pastoral lexicon. 在田园诗范畴内诗的职业就是牧羊。

9、I thought about writing her a love poem and proposing in the poem. 我曾想过给她写一个情诗,在诗中向她求婚。

10、This is a modern dance of a village poet (or a bard). 这是一位乡村诗人(或游呤诗人)的现代舞表演。

11、Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a apeaking picture. (Simonides, ancient Greek writer) 画是无言之诗,诗是有声之画。

12、And the poem? 那么诗呢?

13、There are two aspects that Chan permeates through poetry: fusing Chan into poetry and explaining poetry with the doctrine of Buddhism Chan. 禅对于诗的渗透,其切入点有以禅入诗、以禅喻诗两个方面。

14、His treatise on poems emphasizes the unevilness of expressing emotions and meanings and application of cultivating moral character and dealing with affairs. 孔子的“诗论”可以从学诗与作诗的兼容性方面去理解,孔子的“诗论”注重抒情与表意的“无邪”性和修身与处事的应用性。

15、Milton claims that epic poetry is the highest ambition for a poet and then he goes on to explain how it is that the epic poet should comport himself. I love this. 米尔顿声称史诗文学应当是一个诗人所有的最大的野心, 他接着解释了自己与史诗诗人这个头衔是多么的相配。

16、Dave: Hmm… Poetry eh? You mean like limericks and funny jokes? 嗯…诗啊?你是指打油诗和滑稽的笑话吗?

17、Dumb vision (from left) hazy representative poet. Chinese poets and GuoXueGu. 哑默(左起一)朦胧派代表诗人。中国诗人、国学家。

18、Unlike free verse , they are traditional metrical verses and semi-metrical verses. 不同于新诗,它们是旧体或变体的格律诗。

19、His acts on traditional Confucian poetics on the one hand, and peruses the rugged and peculiar poetry-style on the other hand. 他秉承儒家传统的诗学观,又形成了追求粗犷雄豪、奇崛警迈诗风的诗学思想。

20、In fact, in the poetic circle in the years of Daoxian, there"s a general fashion of Song-advocacy which consisted of Song poetry school, Tongcheng poetry school and life-experience school." 事实上在道咸年间的诗坛存在着一种普遍的宗宋风气,这种宗宋诗风是由“宋诗派”、桐城诗派和经世派共同形成的。

21、The origin of Confucius' school symbolical idea of poetry and its characteristic had been discussed in this article. 本文试从孔子象征诗学观的来源及其象征诗学观的具体表现来论述孔子的象征诗学观。

22、His theory "poem" the core is Confucianism's poem teaches the principle. 包世臣论“诗”的核心是儒家的诗教原则。

23、As a distinctive thought of the poet, " transience means eternity" in this poem represents his poetic wisdom as well as his life wisdom. “瞬间即永恒”的思想内蕴于中,此诗恰彰显了诗人独特的诗学与人生智慧。

24、Zeng Zhuo is very influential in the history of Chinese modern poetry. 在中国新诗史上,曾卓是一位颇有影响的诗人。

25、By writing, you are doing the legwork in understanding other poets. 通过写诗,你就可以更好的理解其他的诗人。


26、And the poetry that he stands for the fisherman stands for like all of Yeats's poetry is a poetry again of symbols. 这首诗代表了,渔夫代表了,和叶芝所有的诗一样,这是关于象征的诗。

27、The core of Bao Shi-chen's poetics is poetic principle of Confucianism. 包世臣诗论的核心,是儒家的诗教原则。

28、He published his first volume of poetry called, Tamerlane and Other Poems. 之后发表了第一首诗,名为《帖木儿及其他诗》。

29、Her poems have been published in Qingdao Literature and many others. 诗作散见于《青岛文学》《中国诗人报》等报刊。

30、The Poetics Culturology is the theory of Culturology in Poetics. 诗学文化学是「诗学」中体现的文化学理论。

31、The new definition of Xuan Xue Poems includes not only the doctrines of Buddha but also the category as philosophical poems. 玄言诗的新定义承认了佛理内容,也将玄言诗置于说理诗范围做出标定。

32、Comparing the selects of KongZi' s Remarks on Poem of ShangHai museum with Mao' s Poetic Preface and exploring the deferences between their explanations can give us aid to study the dev… 把上博《孔子诗论》简与《毛诗序》进行比较,探讨它们《诗》学阐释的差异,可以为我们研究《诗》在秦汉之际的衍变提供帮助。

33、That poem! 又是那首诗。

34、Poems of fairyland excursion is emerged as an important type of Chinese classical poetry as far as Six Dynasty period , which stood among the most important types: pastoral poems and landscape poems. 游仙诗早在六朝就已成为堪与山水诗、田园诗鼎足而三的一个诗歌品种,但它却远未获得与后两者同等的重视,尤其是对唐前游仙诗,一直缺乏系统与深入的研究。

35、Placing Liang's poetics in the context of the modern poetics in China, and applying the influence study, we explain the sources of his poetics and his contribution to modern poetics in China. 将梁宗岱诗论置于中国近现代诗学语境下,运用影响研究阐述其诗学主张的来源及对中国现代诗学的贡献;

36、Poetic mood is the noumenon and basis, and also the basic mood of the poetry. 兴是诗的本体或依据,是诗的基本方式。

37、The article discusses the poems of the Singapore poet Han Chuan. 文章探讨分析了新加坡诗人寒川的诗作。

38、Poet of Yuanjia Style made in exploration, in order to later provide a writing experience of the poet and art reference. 元嘉诗人在诗体方面作出的探索,为后来的诗人提供了写作经验和艺术借鉴。

39、Liu Yin indited 76 poems that are Collected Poetry in Reply to Tao Yuanming in the author"s later years." 元初大诗人刘因在其晚年创作了76首《和陶诗》,并在《和陶诗》中对他的一生进行了总结。

40、First, its premiss consisted of the integrative theory of poetry and music; 首先,“真诗乃在民间”的理论前提是诗、乐一体说。

41、The Psalmist says. 诗篇作者说。

42、Do you agree that the poet had seldom written anything but doggerel? 你不认为那个诗人写的只是打油诗吗。

43、Shen Zengzhi has made some explicit explanations on this insight in the aspects of poetic origins, poetic history and poem-creating. 此一识见,无论是诗学渊源、诗史评说,还是诗境创造,沈氏都有精微的阐说。

44、The ritual has its origin in poem and its spirit is represented by poetics. 礼的本体是诗,其精神方式是诗学。

45、With five other poets, they co-founded the Windmill Poetry Society in Tainan in 1933 and published a journal under the same name. 他们和其他五位诗人在一九三三年共同创办了风车诗社并出版同名诗刊。

46、Secondly, "Earth poems" as concept of poetic art. 二是作为诗学艺术观的“大地之诗”(第二章)。

47、Since many illusive poems prevailed in the poetic circle in early Qing Dynasty, the Ming loyalists promoted "genuine poetry" again. 针对墐钱木偶盛行的诗坛现状,清初遗民诗人接续前人的求索精神,重提“真诗”。

48、Ban Gu, the originator ot epics, created the tradition of narrating history with poems. 班固首创咏史诗,开创了以诗叙史的传统;

49、The past record of New Poetry in China's modern era has never witnessed any but Modern Poetry Club's passion and efforts in promoting vehemently Concrete Poetry theoretically and practically. 在中国现代新诗史上,还没有一个诗社像现代诗社这样大张旗鼓地在理论和实践上都注重符号诗创作。

50、Hair Q: "Please" give a full epic story "of" the Philippine Bidasari? 诗问:请您给予充分的史诗故事Bidasari菲律宾文?


51、For his, a few feminine poets in Baiyangdian poetry tribe has irreplaceable value in the development of new poetry. 基于此,白洋淀诗群中的几位女性诗人就具有不可替代的新诗史价值。

52、Chapter three:The origin of Yuexiang Shu's poems and his poetry ideas. 第三章:舒岳祥的诗学渊源及其诗学主张。

53、People caught material just lost form, grasps the poetry but neglect poetics, remember the "poetic" art, but "the poetic" life forgotten what they have learned. 人们抓住了质料却丢掉了形式,掌握了诗艺却忽略了诗学,铭记了“诗性”的艺术,却将“非诗性”的生命遗忘得一干二净。

54、It points out that his poetics has an original theoretical sense, for he blends Chinese traditional poetics and Western modern poetics with his own experience of creation. 指出由于融化了中国传统诗学、西方现代诗学和诗人自己的创作经验,其诗论颇具匠心独得的理论意义;

55、The Muse does not inspire all poets equally. 诗神并不一视同仁地赐予所有诗人以灵感。

56、But poetry! 但是诗!

57、Zhang Wentao has no particular work for poetic theory, yet his understanding and interpretation of poetry are manifested in his considerable poetic works. 清人张问陶虽没有专门的诗学著作,其诗学见解却广见于他的诗作中。

58、In the chapter of poem, studying the content of topic, and the feature of art; 新诗一章,探究隐地诗作的主题内容、艺术特色,探寻其诗作所体现的文化内涵及人生智慧。

59、These monk poets had enormous effect on his outlook on life and world, his creation and theory in poems. 杭州诗僧对苏轼的人生观、世界观、诗文创作和诗文理论都产生了很大的影响;

60、Ashima:a narrative folk epic current among the Yi nationality of Yunnan. 《阿诗玛》:流传于云南彝族中的一部民间叙事长诗。

61、In our opinions, it is mostly because of the real self-image in Tao's pastoral poetry. 即其诗作是诗人在躬耕自资的过程中完成的,其中贯注了诗人对田园最真实的感受。

62、Though not as a pioneer research work about Mao's Poetry, Study on Mao's Poetry is still an important material for today's researches into Mao's Poetry! 《毛诗学》虽为二线《毛诗》研究著作,但今日研究《毛诗》,仍不失为一部重要著作。

63、Both were great admirers of poetry, and began to try their hands in little pieces. 两个人都欢喜作诗,每以小诗示人。

64、In this sense, "Confucian Poetics" is consistent with "The Preface". 而《孔子诗论》的这个思想,也是 与传世《诗序》一致的。

65、He not only wrote a large number of powerful frontier fortress poems and obscure poems, but also wrote a lot of popular farewell poems. 王昌龄是盛唐著名诗人,他不仅创作了大量雄浑豪迈的边塞诗和委婉含蓄的宫怨诗,而且还创作了大量内容丰富脍炙人口的送别诗。

66、Medieval 'mystery' play cycles, e. g. the Chester cycle, the York Cycle. 中世纪神秘戏剧,例如,切斯特的组诗,约克组诗。

67、"Siming Poetry" is an outstanding poem in the Ming Dynasty of the study. 《四溟诗话》是明代一部卓越的诗学论著。

68、On Dichtung it indicates: Dichtung is the nature of all art; 其诗论认为;诗是一切艺术的本质;

69、In composing such poems, Laurence follows the basic principles of imagism. 在意象诗的创作中,他遵循了意象诗的原则。

70、His "Chinese literary epic" by the rules of the form, poetic flavour ground emersion the development course of Chinese literature. 他的《中国文学史诗》采用格律诗的形式,诗意地再现了中国文学的发展历程。

71、Along with my translations, he also published some of my poems. 他同时也把我自己写的一些诗在该诗刊上发表。

72、Chanting on Epic displays the magnificent harmony of emotions and senses in poetry. 《咏史诗闲话》体现了诗性与智性的和谐融合。

73、In recent years, more and more monks and their poetry favored by scholars, researchers and works on monks and poetry on constantly emerging, so that research in this area continues to develop. 近年来,诗僧和僧诗越来越受到学者的青睐,研究僧诗和诗僧的论著不断涌现,使这一领域的研究不断深入。

74、By preserving history in poetry, the Collected Works of Cangshange truly embodied the epic spirit. 《藏山阁集》“以诗存史”,体现了诗史精神。

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