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加油的句子英语 11个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-26 19:00:29
  • 73

加油的句子英语 11个

1. Keep moving forward and never give up.(不断向前,永不放弃。)

2. Success is right around the corner.(成功就在眼前。)

3. You have the strength to overcome any challenge.(你有足够的力量克服任何挑战。)

4. Believe in yourself and your abilities.(相信自己和自己的能力。)

5. With hard work and determination, anything is possible.(凭借努力和决心,一切皆有可能。)

6. Keep striving for excellence in all that you do.(在所做的一切中都要追求卓越。)

7. Every failure is a step towards success.(每一次失败都是通向成功的一步。)

8. Never let fear hold you back from reaching your goals.(永远不要让恐惧阻碍你实现目标。)

9. Take one step at a time and don't rush the journey.(一步一个脚印,不要急于求成。)

10. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.(重要的不是终点,而是旅程。)

11. Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.(一直让自己走出舒适区。)

12. Stay focused and stay positive.(保持专注和积极。)

13. Great things never come from comfort zones.(伟大的事情从来不是来自舒适区的。)

14. Take risks and don't be afraid of failure.(去冒险,不要害怕失败。)

15. Believe in the power of hard work and patience.(相信努力和耐心的力量。)

16. You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.(你有能力实现你想要的任何事情。)

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