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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-09 12:42:35
  • 231


关于”能分析句子的app“的英语句子20个,句子主体:App that can yze sentences。以下是关于能分析句子的app的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:App that can yze sentences

1、It would be better that app can proccess both catched and play music! 若能够把下载与播放分开进行会更好!

2、All in all,things worked out for the better. 总之,事情在好转。

3、The mini-jet plane is your key to deploy an App Engine project. 迷你喷气式飞机图标让您能够部署一个 App Engine 项目。

4、The relationship between the molecular orbitals energy levels and the biochemistry properties, electron spectrum are discussed. 分析分子轨道能级与生化性质和电子光谱的关系。

5、The soft X-ray PHA diagnostic measures the line-integrated emission, which the spectrum used to derive the electron temperature is not a local emission. 然后从理论上分析了软X 射线能谱测电子温度的优缺点,特别是对由弦积分和探头的分辨率带来的误差进行了系统的分析。

6、Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed with Neighbor-Joining method. 用邻接法进行分子系统发育分析。

7、The adsorption isotherms of adsorbents (NA and NB) were obtained by high-vacuum gravimetric method. 用热分析法对吸附剂的脱附性能进行了分析;

8、It's not the only chance in life to do well on a test.There'll be many more. 打起精神来!

9、Then we purified the protein complex by the gel filtration and anion-exchange column. 高纯度的复合物蛋白经分子筛层析和阴离子交换层析纯化后获得。

10、The implications for policy innovative mechanism in transitional period can make great influence and achi… 对影响因子的分析,也奠定了分析公共政策创新机制的基础。

11、It's also nice, by the way, that there are these electronic programs that immediately figure out the nutrient breakdown of what you're eating. 顺便说一句,好在现在很多的电脑程序,能快速分析出你所吃食物的营养成分

12、'I started looking at Apple's app store. 他说:“我开始查找苹果的网上商店(app store),看看能否找到米亚所需的应用。

13、The white crystals are identified the ammonium polyphosphate (APP) by use of FT-IR. 红外光谱分析此白色晶体为聚磷酸铵(APP)。

14、Scaling up app-group (app-group-scaleup; Listing 9). 扩展 app-group(app-group-scaleup; 清单 9)。

15、In the second section, an energy consistent method for ion (ECMI) and an ECMI potential function are proposed to study the potential energies of diatomic molecular ions XY? . 的势能函数的不同物理方法,然后在深入分析中性双原子分子XY与双原子分子离子XY。

16、Protein electron crystallography is now able to measure the three-dimensional structure of membrane proteins at atomic resolution. 蛋白质电子晶体学已能以原子分辨率解析膜蛋白三维结构。

17、This category contains 3 subcategories that focus on memory, profiling, and speed. 这一类别分为三个子类,分别关注于内存,性能分析和速度。

18、Copy app/paint/paintbrush.c and app/paint/paintbrush.h files to gradientbrush.c and gradientbrush.h on the same directory. 在同一个目录中复制 app/paint/paintbrush.c 和 app/paint/paintbrush.h files,分别重命名为 gradientbrush.c 和 gradientbrush.h。

19、Your app is not easy to find - app stores make apps easier to find and rate 你的应用不容易被找到 - 应用商店让应用的寻找和评分变得容易

20、而言 It's too cold for swimming today.今天游泳太冷了 for flying kites 是介词短语做后置定语,修饰season

21、With the new app, you can choose the als to scan - whether your own or those belonging to your friends - and the app will process the photos they contain. 使用这款新应用程序时,你可以选要扫描的相册——它可以是你自己的,也可以是你朋友的——这款应用就会对相册中的所有图片进行分析。

22、Objective To investigate the distribution of free zinc ions and β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) in the senile plaques of an Alzheimers diseased animal model, the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse. 目的研究阿尔茨海默病(AD)动物模型-APP/PS1转基因鼠大脑内游离锌离子和β淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP)在老年斑内的分布。

23、Researchers have undertaken a large-scale investigation into the molecular environment of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), a protein centrally associated with Alzheimer's disease. 研究人员已经开展了大规模的调查,淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)的分子环境,这种与阿尔茨海默病密切相关的蛋白质。

24、Unraveling a Latin sentence is an excellent exercise in thought, a real intellectual puzzle, and a good introduction to logical thinking," writes Scott Barker. 分析拉丁语的句法结构,是思考能力的最佳练习,是真正对智力的挑战,能够很好地培养逻辑能力。

25、This will create a directory, app-1.4, containing the source of app-1.4 这将在目录 source 中创建包含 app-1.4 源文件的目录 app-1.4。


26、Size distribution of the secondary organic aerosol particles was detected with an aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometer. 采用空气动力学直径粒谱分析仪分析了气溶胶粒子的尺寸分布;

27、Then, I study the types of the city function. 其次分析了城市功能的分类。

28、Apply the 9-step-process template of the heroic stories in business context. Analyze audience, draw a logical and credible diagram of a story, use APP software to create business story. 将英雄故事的9步骤模版运用于商业故事中,分析听众、撰写有逻辑的可信的剧情图,运用新颖的APP软件创作属于自己的商业故事。

29、Aialysis Proteins can be separated from small molecules by dialysis through a semipermeable membrane which has pores that allow small molecules to pass through but not proteins. 通过半渗透膜的透析,蛋白质能从小分子中分离出来,半渗透膜有孔隙,允许小分子通过,而蛋白质不能通过。

30、Moreover, the relation between heat or chilling tolerance and the proteins, and their chaperone function were discussed. 初步分析了叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白与植物的耐热性和耐冷性关系以及其分子伴侣功能。

31、This passage won't construe. 这一段不能分析。

32、While the IBM Portlet API divides a portlet application definition into a portlet-app and a concrete-portlet-app, the JSR 168 API defines only one portlet-app. IBM Portlet API 将一个 portlet 应用程序的定义划分为一个 portlet-app 以及一个 concrete-portlet-app,然而 JSR 168 API 仅仅定义了一个 portlet-app。

33、The factors that affect the properties of foam floater were discussed in details. 对影响环氧发泡浮子性能的因素进行了分析。

34、Google also provides tools like App Inventor that reduce the barrier of entry, allowing even non-developers to experiment with app creation. 而且,Google提供的App Inventor之类的工具,降低了准入门槛,使得甚至是非专业开发人员也能够尝试软件开发。

35、rdoc_files.include('app/**/*.rb') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('app/**/*.rb')

36、Annealing characteristics of damage has been examined by double-crystal X-ray diffraction. 本文应用X-射线双晶衍射分析高能离子注入硅的损伤演变。

37、It still retains its APP-cleaving properties, though. 而它仍然保留有APP切割功能。

38、The physics characteristic of silicon optoelectronic switch is discussed through the experiment. 通过实验分析了硅光电子开关的物理性能。

39、Mr. Kaushik used an example from Skullcandy, which created a unique app experience. Kaushik举了Skullcandy的例子,其发布过一款有着独特用户体验的app。

40、This course will introduce both atomic and molecular spectroscopies . The principles, instrumentations, functions, and practical applications of these techniques will also be included. 本课程将分别介绍各种原子及分子分析光谱仪器的原理、功能及实际的应用。

41、In CDA researches, SFG is regarded as an efficient instrument for investing ideology and power in public discourse. 在批评语篇分析中,系统功能语法是分析公共语篇意识形态和权利关系的有效的分析工具。

42、Delivery must be within 5-10 days. App must be fully functioning and working! 交货必须在5-10天。应用程序必须得到充分的职能和工作!

43、All in all,things worked out for the better. 不管怎么说,一切都在好转。

44、For this example to work as written, you need to download the "Powered by Grails" on to the grails-app/web-app/images directory (see Resources). 为了让这个示例能正常工作,还需要将 “Powered by Grails” 按钮下载到 grails-app/web-app/images 目录(请参阅 参考资料)。

45、The app folder contains several subfolders where a developer stores scripts. app 文件夹包含几个存储脚本的子文件夹。

46、Sentence Category Analysis System is an important technology of HNC theory in NLP practice. 句类分析系统是HNC语言理解技术的重要支柱。

47、Prom the energy distribution, energy region, inertial sub-region and dissipation region can been observed, the characteristics of these regions are concluded. 从能谱分布可以观察到含能区、惯性子区和耗散区的存在,文中对各区的特性进行分析。

48、Understand the stereo-isomerization of cyclic compounds and the chirality for other chiral compounds without chiral carbons. 了解潜手性分子与不对称合成,并能正确进行构象分析。

49、Analysis and Studies on the Capability of Resistance to Oxidation of Phyllanthus Emblica L. 野生植物余甘子提取物抗氧自由基性能分析研究。

50、The methods of process signal include a time-domain, frequency-domain, wavelet, cepstrum and calculation kinds of function feature. 信号处理的方法包括时域分析、频域分析、小波分析、倒频谱分析及多种性能指标的计算。


51、Google's (GOOG) YouTube has tens of millions more users than other content distribution platforms, such as Apple's (AAPL) iPhone App Store or Amazon's (AMZN) Kindle e-book store. 比起苹果的App Store或者Amazon的Kindle电子书商店这种内容分发平台,Google的YouTube比它们多几千万用户。

52、There are main components to the Google+ mobile experience are the free Google+ Android app (of course), and the mobile web app (accessible via the mobile browser on most Web-enabled phones). Google+在移动客户端的体验,最主要的部分当然是Android手机的应用以及智能手机的应用(google+对于大多数能够上网的手机都有应有)。

53、The app will support all the features you'd expect in a Google Reader app - unread counts, sharing, starring, and liking. 这个应用会支持谷歌浏览器的所有功能——未读文章数统计,“分享”标签还有“喜欢”标签。

54、Mechanical properties at elevated temperature and fire endurance of fire-resistant and weathering construction steel; 利用透射电子显微镜对高性能耐火耐候建筑用钢中的第二相析出进行了观察和分析。

55、This study discusses the language function of light tone in Cangzhou dialect from three aspects: distinction of meaning, word formation and sentence construction. 从区别意义、构词、构句三个方面分析和探讨了沦州方言的轻声的语言功能。

56、AHP is app lied to determine the weight of each indicator and the comprehensive indexes for the eco-environmental quality of the region are calculated. 通过层次分析法,确定各评价指标的权重,计算出研究区的生态环境质量综合指数。

57、So what can travel give to its Mac-loving, app-hungry users? 那旅行能给热衷于Mac和 App的用户带来什么呢?

58、The actual app features most of the options you would expect from an eBook reader. 这款应用具备了您预期的电子书阅读器所会拥有的大部分功能。

59、You can find out more details about the Google App Inventor app for Android over at the App Inventor homepage. 更多的详情可以访问 google app inventor 的主页!

60、The as-prepared composite nano-particles were characterized by some techniques. 用多种分析手段对复合粒子进行了性能表征。

61、Comparing with these two methods, the hybrid method will be the future direction on Chinese partial parsing. 指出统计与规则相结合的特点是汉语部分句法分析研究的新趋势。

62、Methods F-ion selective electrode method was used for the detection of fluoride(F), flame atomic absorption spectrometry for that of aluminium(Al). 方法氟的分析采用氟离子选择性电极法,铝的分析采用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法。

63、A kind of hepatocyte growth factor was purified from cow placenta through high speed centrifugation, salting out, affinity chromatography, ultrafiltration and anion exchange chromatography. 用高速离心、分段盐析、亲和层析、超滤和阴离子交换层析法,从牛胎盘中分离纯化出一种肝细胞生长因子。

64、Most of the features needed for the app would be on the back-end side. 大部分的应用程序将需要在后端方面的功能。

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