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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 12:16:32
  • 124


关于”适合婚礼的诗“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Wedding Poetry。以下是关于适合婚礼的诗的八年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Wedding Poetry

1、我非常想参加她的婚礼 I really wanted to attend her wedding. 我非常想参加她的婚礼 I really wanted to attend her wedding.

2、They were married by a Baptist minister, the first divine they found convenient. 他们结婚了,由一位浸礼会牧师主婚,这是他们所能找到的第一个合适的神职人员。

3、A man before marriage that very few women for their own marriage, I felt a lot for your woman 男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多

4、Maternity wedding dresses are so much nicer than they were in the past, and now you can find beautiful gowns to choose from for your wedding. 现在的孕妇婚纱与过去相比要好看得多,你一定可以从中挑选出适合你的婚礼的婚纱。

5、If your parents are unable to contribute very much towards the cost of your wedding, it would be most ladylike and gracious to lower your sights and have a modest wedding as befits both your incomes. 如果你的父母不能掏很多钱为你筹办婚礼,你最好还是贤淑一些,把眼光放低,办一场更适合你俩收入的婚礼。

6、Below are some of products that are made from recycled products and are great to give as a gift during weddings 接下来我们就一起来看看适合送给新婚夫妇的可再生材制的创意礼品。

7、A small beaded bag is wonderful for weddings elegant attire. 精巧镶珠饰的包比较适合参加婚礼的优雅服饰。

8、At the wedding, if we are single, we will always be seated next to the designated Eligible Male. 在婚礼上,如果我们单身,一定会被安排坐在指定的合适的男性旁边。

9、Firstly, in that society, "Ceremony does not descend to the common people", so free love was widespread among the folk, and many poems were about amativeness, missing each other, sweat date etc. 周代社会,“礼不下庶人”,所以民间自由恋爱较为普遍,出现了很多写恋爱、相思、欢会的诗;周礼强调“婚姻以时”,所以有一些写婚姻“即时”和“失时”的诗;

10、Her T$50, 000 ($5, 675) wedding comes after online publicity that has netted 1, 800 largely sympathetic comments. 她的婚礼计划在网上曝光后吸引了1800条评论,大多是表达同情和支持的。婚礼花费了5万新台币(合5675美元)。

11、Traditionally, performances take place at weddings, circumcision ceremonies and private gatherings and can last between 50 and 100 hours. 传统的史诗吟颂只有在婚礼、割礼仪式和私人聚会上才进行表演,每次通常要持续50至100个小时。

12、But when you're dressing for a wedding, you'll want to look just as beautiful and be just as appropriately-dressed as the other wedding guests. 但是当你打扮的婚礼,你要看起来也只是美丽的适当,与其他穿着婚礼的宾客。

13、Give yourself enough time to select the best wedding dress for your Montpelier wedding. 要让自己有充足的时间去选择最适合自己的结婚礼服。

14、The epic is chanted by Ifugao women usually at harvest time, funeral wakes, and weddings. 依富高的女性通常都是在收割、丧礼与婚礼时吟颂此史诗。

15、In the Northern Dynasty, various nations were related through marriage frequently and the wedding custom are integrated with each other. 北朝时期,各民族间的通婚频繁,婚礼习俗彼此融合。

16、That is, an old-fashioned (legal) wedding with all the traditions and ts. 我希望我的婚礼是一个传统的,像平常人一样的婚礼。

17、As George introduced Peter and Sarah it is only fit (and proper) that he should be best man at their wedding. 因是乔治介绍彼得与萨拉相识的,由他来作他们婚礼的男傧相是最合适的。

18、These articles are appropriate for Christmas gifts. 这些物品适合做圣诞礼品。

19、Men might think that few women fit them before their marriage, and contrarily when they get married. 男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多。

20、Please trust a man who looked at choosing the perfect bridal gown before hand. 请相信一个人看着选择合适的婚纱礼服占便宜。

21、This Agreement shall take effect only upon the lawful solemnization of the marriage between the parties. 这项协定生效后的唯一合法的婚姻双方婚礼。

22、A wedding strikes him as the appropriate way to solemnise a 25-year relationship-and besides, it is about time his straight friends gave him some presents. 斯特恩认为用一场婚礼来庆祝和纪念他们长达25年的伴侣关系是再合适不过,而且也该轮到他的异性恋朋友们给他送结婚贺礼了。

23、I'm thinking of getting a new pantsuit to wear to Jame's wedding. M:I just hope that my old suit still fits. 本人正思索买套新套装在詹姆斯的婚礼上穿 M: 本人希望本人的旧套装可以合适你。

24、I think rain could really ruin a wedding that featured this getup. 我想如果穿这种服饰参加婚礼的话,雨会毁了婚礼。

25、For industry: wedding photo studio, advertising, decorative painting. 适合行业:婚纱影楼、广告、装饰画。


26、A bridal bra/corset mold and shape the upper body into a desired shape to fit the wedding dress. 新娘式乳罩束腹的模式和形状,是因为设计上需要适合上身的婚礼服。

27、High class induction heater, gift package, suit for Chinese new year. 高档电磁炉,礼品包装,适合过年送礼。

28、The rose poem of her youth that her marriage sang is far behind. 她少女时的那首玫瑰情诗,曾在她婚礼中被咏唱,如今已经远去。

29、Ready for marriage; of a marriageable age or condition. Used of young women. 适合结婚的准备结婚的;具备结婚年龄或条件的。用于年轻女子。

30、Superiority:One-stop serve, save time labour saving. 优势:时尚个性,适合主题类婚礼。

31、"Divorce is a very personal matter and not really suitable for the idea of gift vouchers which are presents from other people," he said. 他说:“离婚是一件非常私人的事,将这种优惠券作为礼物赠送他人的想法很不合适。”

32、Churches make you uncomfortable which is an absolute no-no on your wedding day. 教堂让你感到不自在,所以教堂婚礼对你而言完全不合适。

33、Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral. 葬礼时大笑和开玩笑是不合适的。

34、Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily whenthey get married. 男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多。

35、passing away, you’re smiling but lookerson are crying. 15.男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多

36、Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily when they get married. 男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多。

37、Cloud 9 is the most appropriate pub for chatting and dating use. Still, two foreigners have rented here for their graduation ceremony. 上海最适合聊天、约会的酒吧,还有两个老外将这里包下来,进行他们的婚礼。

38、He wanted to give his daughter a proper wedding, including new jewelry for the bride, gifts for every relative and a large reception. 他想办一个合乎体统的婚礼,包括为新娘准备的新珠宝、为每位亲友和一个婚礼大接待处准备礼物等。

39、The event is being billed as the first ever wedding presided over by a robot, a fitting marriage for the couple who met through the machines. 由于是第一场由机器人主持的婚礼,所以它被广泛关注,然而对于这对因机器而相识的夫妇来说,这样的婚礼真是再合适不过了。

40、The Associated Press reported the wedding cost $130,000. 据联合通讯社报道,整个婚礼的在130,000美元。

41、Go to a supermarket rambling however, you seldom discover however can one pair is in aptly spousal the appropriate and bridal s in the sky. 然而去超市逛逛,你却极少发现能有一双适宜在结婚仪式上空的合适婚礼鞋。

42、ABSTRACT: This guide will teach you what wines work best for your wedding and how much wine to have on hand. 摘要: 如何将我们的婚礼办得体体面面风风光光呢? 本文将从婚宴用酒的角度给您支招,帮您选出适合自己的婚宴用酒。

43、Wedding guests, literally left empty-handed, had no recourse but to find a suitable substitute for the costly wheat cakes. 婚礼上的客人,一般是空手离开,人们没有找到另一种合适的东西代替昂贵的小麦蛋糕送给客人。

44、Determine the appropriate wedding company, and wedding planning at the first interview is very important, because it is judged the wedding planner and whether you are attuned to the important basis. 确定合适的婚庆公司后,与婚庆策划时的第一次面谈非常重要,因为这是判断婚礼策划师与你是否合拍的重要依据。

45、As George introduced Peter to Sarah it is only fit and proper that he should be best man at their wedding. 因为是乔治介绍彼得认识萨拉的,所以乔治当他俩婚礼的 男 傧相就再合适不过了。

46、It will be very like Jenna and Henry. 这场婚礼很合詹娜和亨利的口味。

47、Betrothal marriage is the legal marriage reflected and recorded in The Book of Songs and The Book of Rites. 聘婚是周人的合法婚姻。这在《诗经》和《礼记》中均有反映和记载。

48、Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 运动衣不适合正式婚礼。

49、The wedding will take place in the spring or summer of 2011, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course. 婚礼将于2011年的春季或夏季在伦敦举行,更多关于婚礼的细节将会适时公布。

50、The Grand Ballroom, which accommodates up to 400 people, is suitable for all kinds of grand events and meetings as well as weddings. 而最多可容纳400人的龙蟠宴会厅适合于各种大型活动和会议,也是婚礼的理想场地;


51、Flowers and fruits are always fit presents. 花及水果总是合适的礼品。

52、Widely use in the garments, Christmas' gifts, packaging, decoration of hotels and so on. 适合于 服装服饰、圣诞 礼品、礼盒包装、酒店装饰、婚庆装饰、鲜花干花装饰等。

53、A formal gown befits the diplomatic reception. 一套礼服适合外事招待会。

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