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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-06 13:28:57
  • 95


关于”旅行的句子“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Travel sentences。以下是关于旅行的句子的九年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Travel sentences

1、As a tourist, Harriet was touring a famous city for the holidays. 作为一名旅行者,哈丽特要去一个著名的城市度假旅行。

2、The traveller's face was covered with insect bites. 旅行者满脸都是被虫子叮咬的疙瘩。

3、Frank: Ok, my idea of a swell vacation would be to take the car and go on a nice long trip, and tourist cabins and tourist homes are a lot cheaper than hotels. 好吧,我最好的度假设想就是开辆车作长途旅行,那些旅行者小屋和旅行者之家比旅馆便宜多了。

4、Finally, a travel companion can make the journey easier and safer. 最后,结伴旅行可以让旅行更自在,而且更安全。

5、For our guests' convenience, traveler's checks cashed here. 为方便本店旅客,本处承兑旅行支票。

6、Travel, most people believe, is best when shared—an attitude that makes the solitary traveler one of life's losers. 大多数人都相信,有人陪伴的旅行才是最好的旅行——这一观点将孤独的旅行者纳入了人生失意者的范畴。

7、They can study where to take their trip after the wedding. 他们可以决定婚典后到哪里去旅行。

8、For the trace of a traveler himself, someone's stop or a glance is enough. 一部旅行者自己的旅行轨迹,驻足或是一眸,就足够了。

9、Surprisingly, even those travelers who described the trip as “relaxing” showed no additional jump in happiness after the trip. 令人惊讶的是,那些形容旅行“放松”的旅客,旅行过后也并没有显示出幸福感暴涨。

10、I like to go hiking. Just the thought of it makes my heart skip a beat. 我喜欢徒步旅行。一想到旅行,我就心痒痒。

11、Mom: A station wagon. 妈妈:旅行车(?)

12、Why not take a pleasure trip to some tourist resorts? 为什么不去些旅游点作愉快的旅行。

13、Honeymoon trip is, in my imagination, a trip of this couple or any couple, a trip like those in David Lynch's films. 蜜月旅行是我想像中的这对新人或任何一对新人的一次旅行,一次有点类似大卫・林奇电影中的旅行。

14、Stick Breaking Problem, Two Dimensional Travel Problem, Travel with a Barrier Problem. 截线问题,二维旅行问题,途遇障碍的旅行问题。

15、Corporations apparently are pressuring their TMCs to get onboard with mobile solutions that will enable business travelers to better-manage their trips while adhering to corporate travel policies. 近年来,企业均向差旅管理公司施加压力,要求他们尽快拓展手机解决方案,以帮助商务旅行者更好地管理他们的行程,保证企业差旅政策的执行。

16、They argued about traveling by train versus traveling by plane. 他们争论乘火车旅行好还是坐飞机旅行好。

17、Select advanced journey options such as quickest journey, fewest stops, avoid lines and quickly display return journey details. 选择先进旅行选择例如迅速旅行,最少停车站,避免产品并且迅速显示返回旅行细节。

18、In sports and journeys men are known. 从体育和旅行中可以望出男子的品德。

19、In the future the gifts children receive might be journey packages, which will make the kids enjoy a happy journey and recognize more friends. 将来孩子们收到的礼物可能是旅行套票。它将会让孩子们享受一个愉快的旅行并结交更多的朋友。

20、Life is a journey. Enjoi the ride. 生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快。

21、Part 3: what is the difference between business trip and tourist trip? 商务旅行和观光旅行之间有什么不同?

22、A model of fussy comprehensive sment of the quality of travel agency service has been set up, then an empirical study has been done with Linyi Taoranju International Travel Agency as the case. 运用模糊数学的方法,建立了对旅行社服务质量进行的模糊综合评判的方法;并以山东省临沂陶然居国际旅行社为例,对服务质量进行了实证研究。

23、He journeyed on foot. 他徒步旅行。

24、He's traveling. Larkin told me I could ask the travel agent for his plans. 他要出门旅行,拉金告诉我可以向旅行社打听一下他的飞行计划。

25、When booking your trip, choose an eco-friendly travel agent too. 如果还要预订旅行,也选一个环保的旅行社吧。


26、Have a discussion with each other and choose a place to visit. 四人一组,讨论并决定去哪里旅行。

27、Many travel companies offer trips for the wedding couple to faraway places. 许多旅行公司为新婚夫妇提供远程旅行路线。

28、Are you a tourist, or a traveller? 你是一个旅游者,还是一个旅行者?

29、她的朋友喜欢远足旅行 Her friends like to go hiking. 她的朋友喜欢远足旅行 Her friends like to go hiking.

30、Travel agencies should settle with the foreign travel agencies in foreign exchange when organizing domestic residents travel abroad. 旅行社组织境内居民自费出境旅游必须以外汇与境外旅行社结算团费。

31、Would you please talk about your most loving way to travel. 乘火车旅行很有趣,你喜欢那种旅行方式?

32、In less than 30 years' time the Star Trek holodeck will be a reality. 不出30年,《星际旅行》中描述的全方位旅行将成为现实。

33、As we know, a rapid growth in business travel has led to increasing travel-related stress on hard-working business travelers. 据我们所知,商务旅行的快速增长已经导致辛勤工作的商务旅行者与旅行相关的压力增加。

34、Nick and I usually don't travel by train. We travel by plane. 我和尼克不常乘火车旅行。我们乘飞机去旅行。

35、The Travel Service will make you up a packet of food for the journey. 旅行社会替你准备好旅行时随带的一包食品。

36、Travel is so great, it just, it twitches. I love travel. 旅行真是太棒了。它,它发抖。我酷爱旅行。

37、The China Travel Service (or the CTS), the first travel service of New China, is now one of the key elements in China’s travel industry. 中国旅行社,(或称中旅社)作为新中国成立后创立的第一家旅行社, 使中国旅游业的重要组成部分。

38、Travellers find it convenient. 行旅称便。

39、Preferred travel agencies shall be invited for price-bidding for all group travel for more than ten (10) persons. 对于超过十(10)人的团体旅行,应邀请指定旅行社进行竞价。

40、Our company is the member units of China Tourism Association (CTA), China Travel Association (CATS), Luoyang Travel Agency Association. 目前是中国旅游协会(CTA)、中国旅行社协会(CATS)、洛阳旅行社协会的会员单位。

41、They are intent on enforcing all the regulations regarding passengers and their baggage, while keeping to a minimum the inconvenience to honest passengers. 他们坚决执行所有有关旅客及其行李的规定,同时给诚实的旅客带来的不便利达到最小化。

42、You may overspend if you travel this week; however, the trip will be one to remember. 如果本周旅行,你可能会超支。不过,如果去旅行,则其将会是比较难忘的一次旅程。

43、But, through it all, the journeys changed the travellers in powerful ways. 不过即便如此,这些旅行经历也强烈地改变了旅行者。

44、Take a bike trip? 来次自行车旅行?

45、For example, some card companies can only hold one trip at a time, causing problems to travellers on a multi-country trip. 例如,某些信用卡公司每次只支持一个旅途的支付,这就对进行多国旅行的旅行者造成困扰。

46、They decided to begin their trip from the beginning of the Lancang River. 他们决定从澜沧江的源头开始旅行。

47、So, that is why I ask if anyone have joined the tour ? 请问有冇人跟和联旅行社去过昆明丽江旅行。

48、He feels that they are his fellow-travelers, journeying along the same road. 他觉得他们是他旅行的伴侣,在相同的道路上旅行。

49、United's new International Business Class isn't business as usual. It's the all-new standard for business travel across the Pacific. 美联航新近推出的国际商务舱决非通常的商务舱,它将成为横跨太平洋商务旅行的全新旅行标准。

50、Smith, aka @twitchhiker, plans to begin this extraordinary trek March 1, and continue as far as the goodwill of fellow Twitterers will take him. 也可以叫他@twitchhiker,计划从3月1日开始这场奇特的旅行,旅行时间取决与这些友善的Twitter追随者们的支持。


51、Travel is written all over your chart, so you won't lack opportunity, for sure! 你的星盘上写满了旅行,肯定会有机会出去旅行。

52、The journey begins. 旅行开始了。

53、You were happy travelling alone and, anyway, I was not free to accompany you. 你曾喜欢独自旅行,至少我不能够陪你旅行。

54、Pricing has to accommodate a new trend in business travel. We are seeing a shift from extended-stay to frequent short-term repeat visits. 定价还需要考虑商务旅行的趋势,如今短期的商务旅行比长期的商务旅行要频繁。

55、Individual drugs, the majority of people travel kit of essential goods, especially with baby travel, but also the needs of emergency preparedness. 个人药品是大部分人旅行时行囊中的必备品,尤其是与孩子出门旅行,更要防备紧急之所需。

56、Thankfully, there’s a new e-book in town, The Art of Solo Travel, by seasoned globetrotter, Stephanie Lee. 令人欣慰的是,世界观光旅行家斯蒂芬妮▪李出了本新的电子书《独自旅行的艺术》。

57、邀请他和我一起,去旅行 Invite him to go with me. 邀请他和我一起,去旅行 Invite him to go with me.

58、maybe buy some horses. And travel. Travel a lot, I want, you know, 还可能会买一些马。我还想去旅行,去很多地方旅行,

59、Weihai China International Travel Service is a member of CITS Group. And it is also a member of China Travel Association. 威海中国国际旅行社系中国国际旅行社集团成员,中国旅行社协会会员。

60、Henry: I know travel agencies have inexpensive packages for maybe 10-14 day trips. 亨利:我听说旅行社有10到14天的廉价旅行。

61、He decided to stretch his trip in Europe for another week. 他决定把他在欧洲的旅行再延长一个星期。

62、I tike traveling by bike. 我愿意骑自行车旅行。

63、After retirement, our friends Jim and Evelyn began traveling around the United States in a motor home, towing their compact sedan behind. 我的朋友吉姆和依娃林退休后,开始用他们的家庭式旅行车进行环美旅行。他们在旅行车后面还施着一辆小桥车备用。

64、Travel Experiences - offers travelogues, advice, message board, photos, and more by and for backpackers worldwide. 旅行经验-提供适合全世界背着背包徒步旅行者的旅行见闻讲座,建议,留言板,照片及其他。

65、Marco Polo Press, a publisher of adventure, travelogue and traveling literature. 马可孛罗,一个以探险、旅行史、旅行文学为主的出版社。

66、In June, Voyager 1 relayed data that showed it was no longer traveling amongst the outward flow of solar wind particles. 今年6月,旅行者1号发回数据表明,它不再在向外传送的太阳风粒子流中旅行。

67、Slowly but surely, British tour operators, safari specialists and travel agents are beginning to re-engage with Zimbabwe. 缓慢地,但步伐坚定地,英国旅行经营商,狩猎旅行专家和旅行社开始重返津巴布韦。

68、Generally, travel agencies out there with a travel agency liability insurance. 通常情况下,跟旅行社出游会有一份旅行社责任险。

69、Sure, you may have an ideal time when you want to travel, but what if you could cut your travel costs in half by traveling a couple of days earlier or later? 当然,如果你在想要旅行的时候去旅行,你可能度过美妙的时光。但是如果提前或者推后两天旅行可以削减一半的旅行成本,怎么样?

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