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  • 2022-07-15 11:11:08
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关于”ins爆火的句子“的英语句子34个,句子主体:A sentence with a burst of fire。以下是关于ins爆火的句子的九年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A sentence with a burst of fire

1、On the morning of August 24, 79 AD, Mt. Vesuvius overlooking Pompeii suddenly shuddered and spewed out fiery volcanic ash. 公元七九年八月二十四日清晨,高耸于庞贝城的维苏威火山突然爆发,喷出炽热的火山灰。

2、The Minoan civilization disappeared suddenly at about the same time as the volcanic eruption. 米诺斯文明的突然消失与这次火山爆发几乎同时。

3、If an engine ingests a bird, it must be able to shut down safely without bursting into flames or exploding. 如果发动机吸入一只鸟,它必须能够安全关闭,不发生突然起火或爆炸。

4、Suddenly there was a loud crack and glass flew into the car. 突然“啪”的一声爆响,玻璃就飞进了车里。

5、Really a lot of time feels very helpless, but is have no dint so, frightened would at a certain break out, then disappear, is still that sentence, gossip is terrifying! 真的好多时候感觉到很无奈,却是那么的无力,害怕自己会在某天爆发了,然后消失掉,还是那句话,人言可畏!

6、Nor were there any indications of a sudden disease outbreak. 那里也没有突然爆发疾病的任何迹象。

7、Suddenly a huge air ship exploded. ? It came down, crashing near me. Red Martians were falling from the side of the huge ship. And then it exploded! 突然,一艘巨大的飞船爆炸了。它坠下来,碎裂在我跟前。红色的火星人从船舷一个个往下掉。接着飞船爆炸了。

8、The whole scheme for a big party suddenly blew up. 整个方案的一个大聚会突然爆炸了。

9、The eruption of an active volcano is a terrible phenomenon. 活火山爆发是一种可怕的自然现象。

10、The outburst startled even me, and I started laughing to myself. 突然的爆发把我自己也吓到了,我笑我自己。

11、EXAMPLE: The old truck made a sudden backfire which sounded like a firecracker. 旧卡车突然出现回火,声音像放爆竹一般。

12、An uncustomary access of rage shook my body. 一阵突然爆发的罕有愤怒使我全身发抖。

13、Although ash emissions had slowed by April 19, the eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull Volcano continued. 虽然4月19日的火山灰喷发有所减少,但是冰岛艾雅法拉火山的爆发仍然持续着。

14、Suddenly there was a flash and the coffee-maker exploded. 突然之间,有一道闪光,咖啡机爆炸了。

15、Many mines devote little attention to safety standards, resulting in frequent cave- ins , explosions, floods and fires. 许多矿井对安全标准不重视,塌方、爆炸、透水和火灾频繁发生。

16、Ash and cinders blazed down from the erupting volcano. 炽热的火山灰和火山渣从爆发的火山纷纷喷发落下。

17、A volcanic eruption — Iceland's revenge? 火山爆发是冰岛复仇记?

18、In Iceland’s most recent history the massive eruption of the Laki volcano in 1783 caused one of the greatest disasters in living history. 冰岛近代史上最强劲的一次火山爆发,是1783年的拉基火山爆发,给人类历史带来了严重的灾难。

19、But this month's sudden escalation surprised most Bahrainis. 但是,本月局势的突然爆发还是使得大部分巴林人感到震惊。

20、Those are the words, " announced a deep, booming voice, "that I have waited for one of you to speak. " 就是这句话!」一个隆隆作响、深沉的声音突然响了起来。「我一直都在等著你们当中,有人能够说出这句话。

21、Scientists say history has proven that whenever the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupts, Katla always follows -- the only question is how soon. 科学家称历史已经证明:每当EyjafjallajoKull火山爆发,Katla火山总会随之而来,现在唯一的问题是Katla火山要多久爆发。

22、This very hot aspect could produce angry outbursts. 这个火爆的合相将会带来愤怒的爆发。

23、Waterborne diseases were spreading, and authorities worried about an outbreak of malaria. 随着水灾后疾病蔓延,当局担心疟疾会突然爆发。

24、Then you know what happened. The pop spouted out and my shirt and pants were wet . 这时你知道发生了什么,这听罐突然全部爆出来把我的上衣和裤子打湿了。

25、Suddenly, the dirt underneath gives way and the car goes crashing down the cliff. 突然,车下的泥土垮塌了,车从悬崖上摔了下去,起火爆炸了。


26、His stomach pitched and gurgled like a volcano. 他的肚子叽里咕噜的叫,象火山要爆发。

27、But those artifacts could be from volcanic eruptions or natural fires. 然而这些痕迹也可能是火山爆发或自然火造成的。

28、It would describe the universe as it existed at the moment of its creation in the Big Bang. 换句话说,这个大统一理论能够描述宇宙的物理规律直指大爆炸那一创生时刻。

29、DEAFEN】A sudden explosion deafened us for a moment. 突然的爆炸声使我们耳聋了一会儿。

30、Volcanic earthquakes: earthquakes caused by volcanic eruptions. 火山地震:由火山爆发引起的地震。

31、Meanwhile, ou ou to burst, the tumor oppression caused a lot of bleeding. 而与此同时,卉卉的病突然爆发,肿瘤的压迫引发了大量出血。

32、When large volcanoes erupt, they dispersed times of the particals into the upper atmosphere where the particals then reflect light. 当大的火山爆发式, 它向地表喷出数吨的粒子, 这些粒子然后反射光。

33、Ground fighting flared up again after a twoweek lull. 经过两个星期的平静之后,地面战又突然爆发了.

34、The Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica erupts suddenly in February 2010, turning the sky an ominous yellow-brown. The volcano is one of the most active in the world. 2010年二月,位于哥斯达黎加的阿雷纳火山突然爆发,天空呈现骇人的的黄棕色。该火山是世界活火山之一。

35、Suddenly, the dirt underneath gives way and the car goes crashing down the cliff. It explodes into flames. 突然,车下的泥土垮塌了,车从悬崖上摔了下去,起火爆炸了。

36、A sudden explosion in the street sent people running in every direction. 街上的一声突然爆炸使人们四处逃散。

37、He's got a fiery temper and flares up at the slightest provocation. 他是火爆性子, 一点就着。

38、This dormant volcano suddenly fired up. 这座休眠火山突然爆发了。

39、The Oruanui eruption probably managed that, but a surer candidate is Sumatra's Toba blast, which released 2800 cubic kilometres of hot rock, ash and dust about 70,000 years ago. 奥努伊火山爆发就可能属于这一类,但是一个更有把握超级火山的候选者是苏门答腊岛的多巴火山爆炸。约在70 000年以前,多巴火山在爆发时释放了2800立方公里的灼热的岩石、火山灰和尘埃。

40、Fire, Bursting Pipes, Sprinkler Leakage & Explosion only. 保火灾、爆喉、自动灭火花洒渗漏及爆炸。

41、The house burst into laughter after hearing the joke. 听完这个笑话后满屋子的人发出一阵爆笑。

42、A massive fireball explodes out the front door, destroying Veronica’s apartment. 突然在门后发生大规模爆炸,摧毁了Veronica的房间。

43、Following the sudden burst of light , there was a terrible crash. 灯突然爆了,发生可怕的声音。完成可以写成。

44、The so-called Oruanui eruption was the most recent volcanic event to score the maximum 8 on the VEI – 10 times bigger than Tambora, and 100 times bigger than Krakatoa. 在这里的所谓奥努伊(Oruanui)喷发是最近的得分最高的火山事件,是10分的火山爆发指数(VEI)中得了8分,比坦博拉火山爆发要大些,比喀拉喀托火山爆发大100倍。

45、More than 100 volcanoes in Indonesia, October 26, 2010, Merapi volcano, photo shows the horrors of the first 10 days after the outbreak. 战争灾难等突发事情类新闻组照金奖2010年10月26日,印尼默拉皮火山爆出,组图为首次爆出10天后的惨状。

46、Suddenly a great cracking sound split the air . 突然,一声巨大的爆裂声响彻云霄。

47、You have, like lava emerging from a volcano, a rupture. 相反,就像岩浆从火山喷出一样,突然爆发。

48、Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are flashes of gamma-ray occurring at cosmological distances, being the most powerful explosions since the Big Bang. 伽玛射线暴是宇宙中的伽玛射线突然增亮的现象,是继大爆炸后最剧烈的爆发。

49、Ground fighting flared up again after a twoweek lull. 经过两个星期的平静之后,地面战又突然爆发了。

50、SYA who also considers response of the audiences is a great actress even though she doesn't release an explosive energy. 即使没有释放爆发性的潜能,宋允儿也是一位重视观众反应的优秀演员。(这句话翻得有点别扭。)


51、Only one explosion in recent history has made it to 7 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index – 10 times bigger than Krakatoa. 在近代历史上只有一次火山爆发达到了7级的火山爆发强度指数,它的爆炸力是喀拉喀托火山爆发的10倍。

52、Exploding in 1815, the eruption of the volcano Tambora was the largest eruption in recorded history. 塔姆波拉火山于1815年爆发,是历史上最大的一次火山爆发。

53、What's key in having volcanic eruptions affect the weather is both the duration of the eruption, and how high the ash gets blasted into the stratosphere, according to Hufford. 说如果Hufford仍持续的间断喷发的话,那么就值得我们担忧了。他称,火山爆发影响天气的关键因素是火山爆发期间和喷发到大气中的火山灰的高度。

54、With such high tempreture, such hugh tendency, how come it merges in the space and the exploded into a world instead? 这样高的温度,这样大的运动趋势,它怎么可以突然在空间出现,然后一爆爆成个世界?

55、All of a sudden , a shrill voice broke forth out of the darkness. 突然地,黑暗中爆发出一个尖厉的声音。

56、There was an outbreak of chickenpox at my son's school which spread like wildfire until nearly half the children caught it. 我儿子的学校里突然爆发的水痘象野火般迅速传开来,差不多有一半孩子染上了。收藏。

57、The data, however, show sudden bursts of activity and long quiet periods. 然而,数据显示的却是突然爆发的袭击行动和很长的平静时期。

58、Despite their global impact, the cause of the massive eruptions from supervolcanoes at times remains unknown. 尽管超级火山大规模爆发对全球有着巨大的影响,但是对这些火山爆发的原因,我们仍然还不太清楚。

59、Concentrated burst of sonic energy fired from Vespid neutron blasters . 音波能量的集中爆炸从黄蜂科之蜂中子爆破工点火。

60、Maybe one day it would just like a magic, Or a sudden thunder from the clear sky, Busting out " Our China!" 说不定是突然着了魔, 突然青天里一个霹雳爆一声: “ 咱们的中国! ” 这话叫我今天怎么说?

61、It didn’t explode as a supernova, but just sort of hiccuped a brilliant burst of light. 不过它并没有爆炸成超新星,而只是一次突然的光猝发。

62、An eight-point scale called the “volcanic explosivity index“ (VEI) allows you to compare eruptions and volcanoes. 你可以通过“火山爆发指数”(VEI)来比较喷发和火山,它把火山爆发分为8个等级。

63、Fireworks must be banned in thermal power stations to prevent explosions. 火电站一定要禁止烟火,以防发生爆炸。

64、The Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica erupts suddenly in February 2010, turning the sky an ominous yellow-brown. 2010年二月,位于哥斯达黎加的阿雷纳火山突然爆发,天空呈现骇人的的黄棕色。

65、The were spanking along nicely when suddenly a tyre burst. 他们的车正快速前进,突然一只轮胎爆了。

66、Suddenly a great cracking sound split the air. 突然,一声巨大的爆裂声响彻云霄。

67、SBL Basketball Super League, on the 8th night in Hsinchu outbreak of the history of the most popular post-conflict chaos! SBL超级篮球联赛,八号晚间在新竹爆发史上最混乱的火爆冲突!

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