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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 02:38:49
  • 199


关于”好听的短句“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Nice short sentence。以下是关于好听的短句的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Nice short sentence

1、After listening to pigs, feel aggrieved: I just look at messages, I move Sheire Who? 猪听了,觉得很委屈:我只是在看短信,我招谁惹谁了。

2、We took brief, restless naps, struggled to understand the intermittent broadcasting of Radio Prague, ... 我们短短地、不安地睡了几次,竭力想听懂布拉格电台断断续续的广播……

3、This is because their average length in the job is brief and if they screw up the short term, they get chucked out. 这是因为这种工作的平均寿命很短,如果他们搞不好短期效益,就会被炒鱿鱼。

4、"Monsieur, " shereplied curtly, "I am very pleased to have heard you. “法国人,”她的回覆很简短,“朕很高兴听到您的见解。

5、Now, fortunately, Fib of 0 is short. 现在,幸运的是fib很短。

6、Now a chiming sound signals a new message, and Becky's shoulders relax as she reads it: "Brain and bodily functions seem to be working as 'normally' as possible." 这时,她听见一串悦耳的的短信提示音,贝基全身放松下来,她读着短信: “大脑和身体机能似乎很‘正常'。”

7、Activity2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. 通过听短文填词,进行有目的的听力训练。

8、Their eyesight and hearing improved significantly in as little as a week. 他们的视力和听觉有明显改善,在短短一周时间内。

9、The eagle flew a short distance and then dropped the hat. 鹰飞很短的距离,然后把帽子。

10、He seems friendly, and he has short hair. 他似乎很友好,并且他有短的毛发。

11、Now I've heard a lot of scuttle about a food shortage. 我听了很多关于食物短缺的闲话。

12、This is very hard at first, but the more you practice, the better your phrasing will become. 一开始这是很困难的,但是你练习的越多,你的句式听起来越棒。

13、B:It's kangaroo, an interesting animal with short front legs. 是袋鼠,很有意思的,前腿很短。

14、There's a very snooty phrase that-- I don't know if you ever heard it before. 有一个听上去很傲慢的短语,不知你们之前是否已经有所耳闻

15、One day the Hare laughed at the short feet and slow speed of the Tortoise. 一天,兔子嘲笑乌龟的脚短和速度很慢。

16、I've made a lot of really good friends in a really short time span. 在很短的一段时间里,我就交了很多好朋友。

17、It has an alpha numeric keypad and is a good handset for messaging. 它有一个字母数字键盘,是一个很好的手机短信。

18、This journey is brief. 这次旅程很短暂。

19、What he means by very short is molecular-length scales. 他说的很短的距离是指分子长度的鳞。

20、Let's listen now to the dialogue at a normal speed. 现在让我们常速听听这篇短文。

21、Applause briefly broke out after the sentence was announced. 判决公布后, 旁听席爆发出短暂的掌声。

22、"An 11-millisecond delay is brief, but it means, for instance, that a child with ASD, on hearing the word ‘elephant’ is still processing the ‘el’ sound while other children have moved on, " he said. “十一毫秒的延迟很短暂,但这意味着,如果一个患自闭症谱系障碍的孩子在听到‘大象’这个词时刚听到‘大’字,其他孩子已经听到‘象’了。” 他说。

23、Spin locks work well in cases where lock durations are very short. 当锁被占有的时间很短时,自旋锁的效果非常好。

24、"There are lots of ways to shorten or lengthen the half-life of a molecule, " Shepard says, while adding that dimerization that does not involve HER2 is an important event in certain cancers. 薛帕德说:「有很多方法可以用来减短或增长某个分子的半生期。」同时他还加了一句:对某些癌症而言,没有HER2参与的双聚反应,可是重要事件。

25、Mr. Lippmann courted clients by giving away T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan: "I am short your house." 李普曼讨好先生赠送的T恤衫印有客户的口号:“我很短你的房子。”


26、Did you hear Li Yang likes to gossip? 你听说了吗? 李阳喜欢说长道短。

27、I think my legs look stocky , so I rarely wear such short shorts. 我觉得我的腿很粗,所以很少穿这麽短的裤子。

28、Life is very short, I am willing to go along with you. 一辈子很短,我愿意和你将错就错。

29、But if it racked up big numbers in just a month, don't risk your reputation. 但要是它在短短一个月里网上转帖的频率就很高的话,千万别再转,会很糗。

30、A good way to reduce your nervousness is to do plenty of research before the speech and to write down some of the main ideas that you will talk about. 如果你把讲演稿逐字逐句地写下来,然后照本宣科,你的演讲听起来会很无聊。好的方法是把主要观点和一些要点词和短语写下来,然后即兴发挥。

31、This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. 这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法。

32、However, I didn't think our time together would be so short: 23 years from our first meeting (at Kanaka Creek Regional Park, I'm pretty sure) until I died? Not enough. Not nearly enough. 不过,我真的没有想到我们在一起的岁月会如此短暂:23年,从我们初次相遇(卡那卡溪区域公园,我记得很清楚)到我死去,短短的23年。太短了。真的太短了。

33、After listening to pigs, feel aggrieved: I just look at messages, I move Sh EIre Who? 猪听了,觉得很委屈:我只是在看短信,我招谁惹谁了?

34、Well,that hamster over there looks nice. He seems friendly, and he has short hair. 好,那仓鼠看起来不错。他似乎很友好,并且他有短的毛发。

35、My mom looks like meand except with short hair a veryd laugusth lines. 我妈妈和我长得很像,除了她短短的头发和笑纹。

36、Hourly billing serves both of these ends. 以小时计费很好的弥补了双方的短板。

37、They saw certain patterns or certain ways of elaborating patterns that the teachers were talking about and, lo and behold, the fifty minutes was over and everybody had had a pretty good time. 他们听着老师以某一种,特别的方式进行讲解,瞧,短短的五十分钟很快就过去了!,而且每个人都听得很开心。

38、A listener sent SMS like "I'm jealous because you and Tearliner are talking very friendly and very closely with each other." 一位听众发短信进来说,很嫉妒你和Tearliner之间友好亲密的谈话。

39、Two- and 3-year-olds love to mimic what they hear, and soon they'll begin to understand the meanings of short words and phrases. 2-3岁的孩子喜欢模仿他们所听到的,很快他们就能理解这些短语的意思。

40、Now let's listen to the story, this time at a normal speed. 现在让我们听听这则短文,这次是常速。

41、His smile faded; for the faintest of instants he looked troubled. 他的微笑慢慢淡去;在短得不能再短的一刹那,他看起来很困扰。

42、You cut short hair, ask me very good-looking, I said good-looking, you very happy; 你剪短了头发,问我好不好看,我说好看,你很高兴;

43、They chummed up in a short time. 他们在很短时间内就成为好朋友了。

44、I always hear about women who have really short labors. How common are they? 我经常听说有人临盆过程很短。她们是怎么做到的?

45、This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. 这是一种非常好的 翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互 学习,取长补短的方法。

46、The results show that all the single-factor models cannot match dynamic change of the short interest rate, and the CKLS model does the best among them. 实证结果表明所有的单因子短期利率模型都不能很好地描述中国上海证券交易所债券市场上的短期利率变化,CKLS模型是它们中表现最好的单因子利率模型。

47、Who has ever heard of several thousand shops selling nothing but ? 有谁听过几千间店子只卖短袜,不卖其它?

48、Then he said slowly, "I'm sorry I can't understand you." 然后他一字一句地说:“我很负疚我听不懂你说的话。”

49、All my short life I had been told this, and I had no answer to it. I stayed silent, listening to these painful reminders. 在我短短的一生中,总是听到这样的话,而我又无以对答。我沉默着,痛苦地听着她们的提醒。

50、It has been a year since i have joined in the CCPS, in this short year, I experienced a lot. 想来加入文教已经一年了,在这短短的一年里,我经历了很多很多。


51、In this lesson, we will listen to 10 short dialogues and we will practise using phrasal verbs and gerunds. 在这一科中,你将听到10个短的对话以及练习使用短语动词和动名词。

52、Phrase books are all very well, but listening is the best way to learn. Audiotapes are a good alternative. 各种短语词汇书是必要的,但学习语言的最好方法是听。

53、The GSD feet are short and compact, with well-arched toes; GSD脚是短和紧凑的,与很好被成拱形的脚趾;

54、Within a short time, everything on the submarine was oned up. 在很短时间内,潜水艇上一切都封闭好了。

55、My mom looks like me, except with short hair and laugusth lines. 我妈妈和我长得很像,除了她短短的头发和笑纹。

56、I always hear about women who have really short labors. 我经常听说有人临盆过程很短。

57、You can still hear a lot on shortwave, at least in locations without too much electrical noise from TVs, computers, rechargers etc. 您能在短波听到好多电台,至少当地不会从电视、计算机、充电器等发出许多电子噪声。

58、The radio had been turned so bound that no one would miss a word . 收音机的音量被调得很大,没有人会听漏一个字句。

59、Mark Twain's short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. 马克吐温著的短篇小说《百万英镑》是一部很好的作品。

60、Did she wear really high heeled ss and pants, or a skirt. 她会穿很高的高跟鞋吗?她会穿裤子还是短裙?

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