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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-06 03:21:27
  • 160


关于”骂人的话“的英语句子26个,句子主体:Swearing words。以下是关于骂人的话的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Swearing words

1、I wanted to lean my head back into his old lap and let him pour his eloquent curses into my ears forever. 我想把自己的头往后靠,谛听他的责备,以他动人的咒骂注入我的耳中。

2、Bear railing words with patience. Never meet an angry man with anger, nor return reviling for reviling. Smite not him who smites thee. 忍受责骂的言辞。不要以怒制怒,也不要以谩骂回报谩骂。不要折磨那折磨你的人。

3、If there's name-calling involved, you don't just have to sit and take it! 如果卷入骂人的话语,不要只是坐下来静静忍受!

4、When he saw the broken flagon, he uttered a blistering curse and demanded to know what had happened here. 当他看见碎裂的大酒壶时他狠狠的咒骂然后询问发生了什么。

5、The woman shrieked and railed , and demanded that someone defend her and chastise the soldier. 妇女开始大叫并且咒骂这个大兵,希望能够有人出来主持公道,惩罚这个家伙。

6、If someone says dirty words all the time, it shows that something is wrong with his mouth. You'd better persuade him to "watch" his mouth! 如果有的人总是骂骂咧咧,满口脏话,那就说明他的嘴“出了问题”。你最好建议他去“注意”嘴巴(注意言辞)。

7、Count to ten before scolding. 张嘴骂人之前先倒数十秒。

8、I am such a piece of s*** that he can abuse me; he wouldn’t dare do it someone else. 我就是这么个...以至于他可以咒骂我;而他不敢对其他任何人做相同的事。

9、My leadership began to take flight when I allowed myself to press people to change - whether they thanked me or cursed me. 当我迫使别人做出改变的时候,不论他们感激我抑或咒骂我,我都开始丧失我的领导力。

10、The ancients therefore denounced money as subversive of the economic and moral order of things. 因此,古代社会咒骂货币是换走了自己的经济秩序和道德秩序的辅币。

11、Kobe cussed at his teammate and no one mentions that Jordan often came to fists with teammates. 科比曾经咒骂他的队友,然而从没有人提到乔丹也经常与自己的队友发生争执。

12、What "traitors stooges", "pig friends as" friendly dog cursing, sometimes appeared on TV and oral English. 什么“汉奸走狗”,“猪朋狗友”之类的咒骂,不时出现在电视上和口语中。

13、Vick has been called so many names in two or three days that we've pretty much got it off our chests. 两三天以来,维克被无数人咒骂,以至于我们甚至以此为乐。

14、He always swears and blasphemes when he's drunk. 他酒醉后总是骂骂咧咧亵渎神灵。

15、The Save: So Gibbo's been a naughty boy and had some filthy, expletive-peppered rants splashed all over the news. 拯救策略:吉普森一直是个淘气男人,在各地的新闻里都有一些他肮脏胡言乱语的咒骂之词。

16、I wonder I waste my time entering his insulting observations in my diary. 我很疑惑我竟然会浪费时间把它骂人的话写进日记。

17、we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。

18、Everyone cursed dormitory Sister Furong. 宿舍每个人都大骂芙蓉姐姐。

19、The Add Standalone Snap-In dialog box lists the available snap-ins. 那把无与伦比的大声叱骂-加入对话方块列出可得的大声叱骂-在。

20、He always calls names without dirty words. 他经常骂人不带脏字。

21、For every man who tried to rub her head, there were three who muttered maledictions under their breath when she went by. 相对于每一个试图揉她脑袋的人来说,就有三个人在她经过时低声咒骂。

22、Among the findings: Young people swear more than older people, and older people talk about other people more than just themselves. 在结果中他们发现青年人比年长的人更容易诅咒谩骂,而年长的人则谈论他人多过谈到自己。

23、Jack would argue and eff all day long. 杰克常会整天争论不休骂骂咧咧。

24、For business owners, this word is the one most likely to inspire headaches and fits of cussing. 对于企业主,这个字是一个最容易激发头痛及适合的咒骂。

25、You dare curse Vietnamese? 你敢骂越南人?


26、Overwhelm with numerical strength demand, blame, shouting. 人多势众的需求,责备,叫骂。

27、Scientists from Keele University found that letting forth a volley of foul language can have a powerful painkilling effect, especially for people who do not normally use expletives. 基尔大学的科学家们发现骂出一系列脏话对减轻痛苦很有帮助,尤其对于那些平时通常不骂脏话的人。

28、Scientists at Keele University in UK have found that people can withstand pain longer if they swear compared to when using inoffensive words. 据当地媒体报道,英国基尔大学研究人员发现,人在不断咒骂时忍受疼痛的时间更长。

29、They shared movies, more fights, more cuss words. 让他们一起看电影,又打架骂脏话了。

30、Swearing actually is demonstrably beneficial, according to scientists in a different preposterous news story entirely. 根据一贯前后颠倒的不同故事,咒骂实际上是确确实实有益的。

31、Its owner tried to scold me, but the attempt was not a success, we both laughed so. 书的主人想要责骂我,却没骂出口,我们两个一笑了之。

32、Sharp Ears: They are cussing at you. 耳聪:他们是在骂人。

33、So it seems that light swearing can be useful, even in a relatively formal situation like a lecture. 这样看来,轻微的咒骂似乎是有用的,甚至是在比较正式的场合,如讲座。

34、Fucking Dumb Ass Stupid W Bitch 老实说,英文骂人意思挺黄的。

35、R is for Respond with consideration – don’t apportion blame and condemn, don’t make it about the other person being wrong. 体贴回应 – 不要责备或咒骂,不要指责成对方的错。

36、Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or of his mother: and all the people shall say: Amen. 与同父异母,或同母异父的姊妹同寝的,是可咒骂的。全体应答说:阿们。

37、At the time the ship's company were worried about her squawking expletives when meeting the Royal couple. 当时舰员们担心她在觐见女王夫妇时会发出咒骂。

38、Researchers suggest swearing can speed up heart rate and increase people's aggression levels while simultaneously reducing their sensitivity to pain. 据分析,人在咒骂时的心率增加,表现得更具攻击性,对疼痛的忍耐力也有所增强。

39、This man is for ever hurling insults against me. 这个家伙一直在大声叫骂些侮辱我的话。

40、You'd better hurry home. You'll catch it from father if you're late. 你快回家吧。回去晚的话,会挨爸爸“骂”的。

41、Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。

42、The deadlock continued for 20 minutes. The more I cursed him, he issued more bills. 就这样僵持了20分钟,我越咒骂他,他就开越多罚单。

43、When the cop asked the young man for his license, he became abusive. 当那位警官请这位年轻人出示驾照时他就开始骂骂咧咧了。

44、Let them curse, but bless thou: when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let thy servant rejoice. 任凭他们咒骂。惟愿你赐福。他们几时起来就必蒙羞,你的仆人却要欢喜。

45、I don't cuss. 我不乱骂。

46、Pig , The crazy increasable avoirdupois let you used to hear admiration. But have you ever heard oath? 猪,体重的疯涨让你惯听了赞美,可你曾听到咒骂?

47、A is half man and half goat in Greek and Roman mythology. 在希腊和罗骂神话中,森轮桩神是半人彪羊的样子。

48、Heathcliff groaned a curse, and strained Catherine closer: she never moved. 希刺克厉夫哼出一声咒骂,把凯瑟琳抱得更紧,她一动也不动。

49、think of the opprobrium that affected British local councils that held money in failed Icelandic banks. 听听那些对将钱存于破产爱尔兰银行英国地方议会的咒骂吧。

50、And so he went on scolding to his den beneath. 他就这么骂骂咧咧地回到他的窝里。


51、Their tongues were unloosed ; a conflagration of grins, oaths, and songs exploded. 一个个的舌头全灵活了,一阵笑谑、咒骂、歌唱的大火延烧起来了。

52、For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death 摩西说,当孝敬父母。又说,咒骂父母的,必治死他。

53、我又被妈妈骂 My mother was scolded 我又被妈妈骂 My mother was scolded

54、10For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother, ' and, 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.' 摩西说:'当孝敬父母,'又说:'咒骂父母的,必治死他.'

55、The Save: So Gibbo’s been a naughty boy and had some filthy, expletive-peppered rants splashed all over the news. 拯救策略:吉普森一直是个淘气男人,在各地的新闻里都有一些他肮脏胡言乱语的咒骂之词。

56、They swear no matter who is around them, they listen to their Walkmans while the teacher is talking to them. 他们不管什么人在场总是骂骂咧咧,当老师跟他们谈话的时候,他们却戴着随身听。

57、Yang Youqi they scold me, on-line scolded me! 杨友琦他们骂我,就在网上骂我了!

58、He would scold me. 他会骂我的。

59、She put on a professor's white coat and left amid a hail of insults and curses. 随后,她穿上一名教授的白色外套,在一片侮辱和咒骂声中离开。

60、The chat areas will be staffed with operators to provide assistance and prevent abuse. 这里的交谈区是安全的且有管理员提供协助及防止咒骂。

61、In a bad standpoint days, Bruce furious and complained that the street, then began cursing God. 在一个糟糕透顶的日子里,布鲁斯怒不可遏地抱怨、骂街,进而开始诅咒上帝。

62、If the students swore constantly, they could keep their hands submerged for an average of two minutes. 如果学生不停的咒骂,他们平均能保持他们的手浸没两分钟。

63、Referee, the coach of the Italy team insulted me just now. 报告裁判,意大利队的教练刚才说脏话骂我。

64、The boss jawed the lazy workers. 老板责骂那些懒惰的工人。

65、Sorry Yuri-sensei, I'm just speaking the truth. 由利老师别骂我,我在说实话啦。

66、The old woman is always scolding and chiding. 这位老太婆总是骂骂咧咧地没完没了。

67、Kaelling - Danish: a woman who stands on her doorstep yelling obscenities at her kids. 丹麦语:一个站在门口向她的孩子们骂脏话的女人。

68、The content of this chapter criticizes and curses the heavenly fate, this is exactly what Confucius said the feature of " mean person" who " defies Heavenly Fate" . 从这章内容看,它抨击和咒骂天命,正是孔子所谓的“不畏天命”的“小人”之貌。

69、He swears, shoves, threatens, and… 他骂街,推人,威胁,可是……

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