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关于春节英语句子 14个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-04 16:42:55
  • 147

关于春节英语句子 14个

1. 春节是中国最重要的传统节日。- Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China.

2. 我们在春节期间会吃很多美食。- We will eat a lot of delicious food during the Spring Festival.

3. 春节一般在农历正月初一。- Spring Festival usually falls on the first day of the lunar calendar.

4. 春节期间,人们会贴春联、贴窗花等装饰物。- During the Spring Festival, people will decorate their homes with Spring couplets and window decorations.

5. 红包是春节的传统风俗之一。- Red envelope is one of the traditional customs during Spring Festival.

6. 拜年是春节期间重要的礼仪之一。- Paying New Year's visit is an important etiquette during the Spring Festival.

7. 在春节期间,游客会涌入中国各地旅游。- During the Spring Festival, tourists will flock to various parts of China for travel.

8. 是节日期间最受欢迎的活动。- Spring Festival Gala is the most popular activity during the festival.

9. 农村地区的春节习俗与城市有所不同。- The Spring Festival customs in rural areas are different from those in cities.

10. 在春节期间,家人相聚是最重要的事情。- During the Spring Festival, family reunion is the most important thing.

11. 春节期间,许多人会放烟花爆竹庆祝。- Many people will set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate during the Spring Festival.

12. 春节期间,大扫除是必不可少的活动。- Spring cleaning is an essential activity during the Spring Festival.

13. 春节期间,人们会参加许多民俗活动,如舞龙、舞狮等。- People will partite in many folk activities during the Spring Festival, such as dragon and lion dancing.

14. 春节是一个重要的购物季节,许多商家会推出促销活动。- Spring Festival is an important shopping season, and many businesses will launch promotional activities.

15. 在春节期间,人们会送年货给亲友。- During the Spring Festival, people will give New Year's gifts to their relatives and friends.

16. 春节期间,人们常常感受到浓浓的年味。- During the Spring Festival, people often feel the strong flavor of the New Year.

17. 春节期间,许多人会穿上传统的汉服。- During the Spring Festival, many people will wear traditional Han costumes.

18. 在春节期间,许多公司会放长假。- Many companies will have a long holiday during the Spring Festival.

19. 春节期间的交通很拥挤,许多人选择坐火车回家。- The transportation during the Spring Festival is very crowded, and many people choose to take the train home.

20. 春节是一个快乐的节日,人们会度过愉快的时光。- Spring Festival is a joyful festival, and people will spend a happy time.

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