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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 07:33:41
  • 251




1、Over time, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day. 随着时间的推移,寒食节被清明扫墓所代替了。

2、Methods:46 patients(49 knees)with osteoarthritis of knee were treated by arthroscopic debridement and intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate after the operation. 方法:对46例49膝的膝骨性关节炎患者行关节镜下关节清理术,术后关节腔内注射透明质酸钠。

3、Chapters are read in chronological order and make sense. 章节应该按照编年体的顺序来安排,并且应该清楚明了的。

4、From that day on, Cold food Festival and Ching Ming Festival became the grand festivals among the people. 此后,寒食、清明成了全国百姓的隆重节日。

5、Riverside Scenes at the Qingming Festival depicts the bustling scene in the then capital during the festival. 《清明上河图》描绘出节日中的京城的繁华景象。

6、Multiple nodes were in 6 cases, which presented clear border and lightly enhanced. the kidney's shape had no significantly outer convex. 多发结节型6例,增强后结节边缘清楚,呈轻度均质强化或强化不明显,肾外形无明显外凸;

7、Jet Fresh Oysters, Poached Prawns, Sea Scallops, Steamed Crab, Sashimi. 新鲜生蚝, 白灼节虾,鲜海带子,清蒸肉蟹,刺身。

8、A man named Wei Minghe explained that each mound represented a house for the dead, and local tradition called for them to complete the Qingming ritual before dawn. 一位叫魏明河的男子解释说,每一座坟墓代表一个亡人的家,当地的传统要求他们在天亮前完成清明节的仪式。

9、The Cold Food Festival was usually one day before the Qing Ming Festival, on that day people didn't allow to cook but swept the tombs , the two Festivals were later combined. 由于寒食节通常在清明节的前一天,而寒食是民间禁火扫墓的日子,渐渐地这两个节日就合二为一了。

10、Objective To investigate the clinical effect of arthroscopic debridement plus Chinese herbs by iontopsis on knee osteoarthritis. 目的:观察关节镜下清理术联合中药离子导入治疗膝骨关节炎的的临床效果。

11、Chinese painting got adrift frome the realism through the Qing and Ming dynasty. 经过明清两代的发展,中国绘画愈加与现实脱节。

12、Qingming relatively short-lived vacation, people choose to travel more than short-long-distance travel, the Qingming Festival to promote the role of air travel is not obvious. 清明假期较为短暂,人们选择短程旅游多于长途旅游,因此清明节对航空旅游促进作用并不明显。

13、The power frequency voltage withstand test and the simulated brushing test show that the robot has great insulating ability and good application prospects. 工频耐压试验和模拟带电清扫试验表明,关节式带电清扫机器人有良好的绝缘性能,并具备了明朗的应用前景。

14、I could not do something in Tomb Sweeping Day for many years. 很多年我都没有办法在清明节这天祭奠祖人。

15、Sustainable energy and energy-efficient solutions provide cleaner air, cleaner water, and cleaner environments for our children to grow up in. 可持续能源和节能的方案能为我们的孩子们成长提供更清洁的空气,更清洁的水和更清洁的环境。

16、In these early ballets, Robbins favored clear-cut dramatic situations. 在早期的芭蕾剧中,罗宾斯更喜欢那些简明清晰的戏剧情节。

17、"( 28) One Cold Food is still a large section of the various sections, and "clear and bright Cold Food, then section of the most splendid palace. 其中寒食仍是各节中的大节,而且 “清明寒食,宫廷于是节最为富丽”。

18、The new agency to swallow, pear behind qingming. 燕子来时新社,梨花落后清明。

19、Chinese Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties places of worship of Confucius. 中国元、明、清三朝祭祀孔子的场所。

20、Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. 字面上的意思就是“清楚”(清)和“明亮”(明),这个中国节日在早春,在冬至后的106天。

21、Be Sensitive to Traditions: Find out whether your business greeting card recipients observe Christmas, Hanukah, or Kwanzaa. 注意传统习惯:事先调查清楚你要寄商务贺卡的人是喜欢过圣诞节,光明节还是宽扎节。

22、Kite-flying % is also the Tomb Sweeping Festival is one of the favorite activities. 放风筝 也是清明时节人们所喜爱的活动。

23、The present invention provides a high-efficient water-saving cleaning machine. 本发明提供了一种高效节水的清洁机。

24、Every qingming day, people not only BaiTianFang, also put on at night. 每逢清明时节,人们不仅白天放,夜间也放。

25、Fossil woods with distinct growth ring show that the climate has seasonal change obviously during that time. 化石木清晰的生长轮表明当时气候具明显的季节性。


26、To fully understand Romans 8:28-29 you must consider it phrase by phrase. 要完全明白罗马书八章28-29节,你必须逐句细读。

27、Eating Sanzi (or deep-fried dough twist)on Qingming Festival is a convention throughout China. Sanzi is a kind of fried food. People called it cold food in the old days. 中国人有在清明节时吃“馓子”(或者叫油炸面团)的习俗,馓子是一种油炸食品,古时候被称为“寒具”。

28、Night in the kite or the wind under a steady pull strings of colored lines hung a small lantern, like a flashing star, known as the Magic Lamp. 放风筝也是清明时节人们所喜爱的活动。每逢清明时节,人们不仅白天放,夜间也放。夜里在风筝下或风稳拉线上挂上一串串彩色的小灯笼,象闪烁的明星,被称为神灯。

29、Hiking, flowers, incense and graveyards, "Ching Ming"Is a celebration of the dead. 登高、鲜花、香烛、坟墓,清明是死人的佳节。

30、Which one is the Qingming Festival food in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province? 哪一个是江浙一带清明节的传统食品?

31、A sedan covered with wickers atop amid a throng is a sure sign that the sedan rider is just coming back home from tomb sweeping. 其中一个队伍有轿子一乘,轿顶上插满柳条,说明是清明扫墓而归的情节。

32、It reopened to former residents during Qingming, or tomb-sweeping day, in April. 四月份的清明节期间,对原该县百姓开放。

33、Xiang City, beginning from the Ching Ming Festival, about half the months to come. 香市从清明节开始,约半个来月。

34、Deletion of macrophage HO-1 reduced expression of the dormancy regulon. 巨噬细胞HO-1的清除可以降低休眠调节子的表达。

35、Conclusion is made that calculation and test of the attraction force is key important in the probe design. And some guiding advice is given to the design of the electro-magnet. 明确了电磁铁吸合力的计算、实验是电子清纱器检测头设计的重要基础环节,进而对电子清纱器检测头电磁铁的设计方法给出指导意见。

36、The Tomb Sweeping Festival is not only an occasion to commemorate death, but a happy break for those who remain alive. 清明节不仅仅只是祭悼先者的节日,也是我们难得的一个休息的假期。

37、Did you"visit"your forebears in the Tomb-Sweeping Day this year? 今年清明节, 都做流浪汉了,你为故往的亲人扫墓了吗。

38、I could not forget that I still fight in the laboratory in the New Year, Ching Ming Festival, May Day and so on. 我无法忘记在元旦,清明节和五一节等节日时,我仍在做实验的场景。

39、After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases. 清明节之后,气温上升,雨水增多,是春耕和播种的大好时间。

40、According to our traditions and customs, flying kites usually happen at the Qing Ming Festival. 据中国传统习俗,人们通常在清明节放风筝。

41、Huang pointed bamboo multi-ridden, Tomb Sweeping Festival is bursting onto the scene. 黄尖竹多丛生,清明时节破土而出。

42、Then thou, whose s doth make bright, How would thy 's form form happy show To the clear day with thy much clearer light, When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so! 你的影子既能教黑影放光明, 对闭上的眼照耀得那么辉煌, 你影子的形会形成怎样的美景, 在清明的白天里用更清明的光!

43、The ancients have already know the tomb-sweeping day is a good season, is a martyrs for an outing outing family drinking party day. ⊙、古人早已经知道清明是一个好时节,是一个祭扫踏青郊游亲人聚会饮酒作乐的好日子。

44、Green lighting : new high efficiency energy-saving lighting lamps, LED lighting, efficient energy-saving electronic ballasts, efficient energy-saving lighting control equipment, etc. 绿色照明: 高效节能新光源、LED照明、高效节能电子镇流器、高效节能照明控制设备等。

45、The rain did not stop at all, wetting the boy entirely. 清明节的雨不知道停,把男孩淋了个透。

46、Inspired by ancient ballads, he wrote many elegant and original verses imbued with lift and local flavour. 七言绝句受到民歌的启发,写得明快清新,富有生活气息和地方色彩。

47、Our hometown's traditional custom is to burn fake money to ancesters and forefathers in Tomb Sweeping Day. 我们家乡的习俗,每到清明节都会去给祖人烧纸。

48、Listing 7. gnosis.xml.objectify lossy iteration over all children 清单 7. gnosis.xml.objectify 对所有子节点进行的有损耗的迭代

49、The follow-up survey period were from 1 to 3 years. After operation the pain of knees was decreased and the activity of knees was improved. 关节清理术后随访1~3年,患者关节疼痛明显缓解,关节功能恢复良好,疗效满意。

50、On the Pure Brightness, we burned some grave clothes for our dead Grandpa. 清明节那天,我们给去世的爷爷烧了些冥衣。


51、One or two days before the Qingming Festival were designated as "cold food days", during which hot cooking is banned. 清明节前的一两天被称作“寒食节”,这个时间是不准吃热的食物的。

52、Cassia seed tea: Cassia has a lower blood pressure, blood fat, Liver eyesight and other effects. 决明子茶:中药决明子具有降血压、降血脂、清肝明目等功效。

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