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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:50
  • 103




1、Family around the big table and eating the steaming reunion dinner, watching the wonderful Spring Festival gala, waiting for the arrival of the New Year. 一家人围着大圆桌,吃着热气腾腾的团圆饭,看着精彩的春节联欢晚会,等待着新年的到来。

2、During this Spring Festival season dance lovers in Beijing had their eyes opened to the ever-changing world of contemporary dance by Rambert Dance Company of Great Britain. 在春节期间,北京的舞蹈爱好者有幸观看到了英国兰伯特舞蹈团的精彩演出。

3、Wu Pan chooses or eat green meal. 吴盼选择还是吃青春饭。

4、Get a swing in spring for the 2011 Ladies Challenge with rich prizes at Silport. All ladies are warmly invited! 春暖花开,正是挥杆好时节。2011女子挑战赛诚邀各界女士精英齐聚旭宝!丰富奖品等您赢取……

5、Choose different rotor and relevant screen basket according to stock type and process position. It can be used for fine screening or co screening. 根据不同浆料和不同的工艺位置选择不同的转子及相应的筛鼓,可分别用于粗选或精选。

6、Modified bytecode can be shared by using the modified= suboption to -Xsharecl. 可以使用 -Xsharecl 的 modified= 子选项共享经过修改的字节码。

7、Microclimate factor class factor is the chief factor in den site selection. 影响沙狐春季洞穴选择的前三位主要因子是微气候、人为干扰和食物。

8、The main factors of foraging habitat selection of Oriental White Stork in spring are hidden factor, water factor, vegetation factor and food-factor; 其中春季东方白鹳觅食生境选择的主因子表现为隐蔽因子、水因子、植被因子和食物因子;

9、To this end, Hangzhou land resources bureau Spring Festival organizing a market survey. 为此,杭州市国土资源局春节期间精心组织了市场调查。

10、Women might want to buy some new spring makeup or a fragrance. 女孩子们是时候去选购春季的流行彩妆和新款香氛了。

11、Thee tourism department of central China's Hubei Province has also picked 20 travel routes for tourists looking to appreciate floral beauty in the countryside. 中国中部湖北省的旅游部门也精选了20条旅游线路,以方便游客欣赏乡村美丽的春色。

12、Reality TV competition can certainly never be wonderful as super stars' concerts. 选秀节目当然不可能像明星演唱会一样精彩。

13、Different characteristics of the 13 partiting programs, brilliant. Nam Theun mine sending large audio Poem. 参赛的13个节目各具特色,精彩纷呈。南屯矿选送的大型音诗画。

14、Compare the eco-performance of similar appliances to choose the most cost efficient option. 运用节能计算机比较同款家电的节能表现,助您精明地拣选节能产品。

15、The details establish the formal rhythm, the building's finely fractionated scale. 细节确定了合理的节奏,以及房子精美的层级比例。

16、Its composition and related equipment should be optimized and selected on the principle of cost-effectiveness. 其组成环节和相关设备,应以经济高效为原则加以优化和精选;

17、Hope! Wish ah, see the Spring Festival is coming soon, think about it, I couldn't help laughing, before the Spring Festival, people all beaming, all in high spirit. 盼啊!盼啊,眼看春节就快到了,想到这,我不由得笑了起来,在春节前,人们个个喜气洋洋,个个精神饱满。

18、It means the spirit of adventure which can overcome poor-spirited masculinity and the love of easy life. 青春意味著一种可以克服软弱的男子气和对舒适生活的贪恋的冒崄精神。

19、And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow 时间会刺破青春的华美精致

20、Ji, just to send you the essence of wishes, happy Spring Festival! 玑,只为传送给你最精髓的祝愿,春节快乐!

21、Such optimization results can provide a theoretical basis for selecting the rational interference fit precision. 分析结果可为选择链节合理的过盈配合精度提供理论依据。

22、A shopper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, typifies the festive spirit of the month. 在马来西亚的吉隆坡,一位购物者正在挑选本月的节日精灵。

23、The dividing-wall distillation column (DWC) offers an alternative to conventional towers, with the possibility of savings in both energy and capital costs. 相对于常规精馏塔序列,隔壁精馏塔可作为一种既节能又减少成本投资的选择。

24、The spirit and seed of everythings waking up and growing up strongly in spring take root in my heart, The wish and dream just like spring will not brake forever. 万物复苏、倔强生长的春天的精神和扎根在心里,像春天般的希望与梦想永不破灭。

25、subtreeScope applies the filter to the entire sub-tree of the baseDN node. subtreeScope 将筛选器应用于 baseDN 节点的整个子树。


26、Vincristine is one that causes acute problems for children because it has an effect on the ability to have good fine motor speed. 长春新碱会给孩子带来严重的问题因为它会影响孩子们具有良好的精细运动速度的能力。

27、The gracious spirit of spring pervaded the entire menu. 整份菜单都弥漫着春天慷慨的精神。

28、Select kidneys and maintenance, so that my energy away from the valedictory lackadaisical days of fatigue! 选择肾部保养,让自己精力充沛,远离疲劳告别无精打采的日子!

29、The reason why the recovery efficiency of cleaning is low is that the classification effect of cyclone is not good and the technical equipment is backward. 精选回收率低的主要原因是旋流器分级效果差及工艺设备落后。强调铜钼分离作业是精选工艺降铜排泥的关键环节。

30、Abstract:Objective To optimize the technological parameters of separation and purification of vinblastine and vincristine from Gatharanthus Roseus. 目的优选分离纯化长春花中长春碱和长春新碱的最佳工艺参数。

31、To help you choose the best places to experience the Chinese New Year, here are five of the biggest celebrations in 2015 in the country. 为了帮你选择最好的地方去感受春节氛围,列出五个2015年最大的欢庆盛事。

32、Objective To optimize the technological parameters of separation and purification of vinblastine and vincristine from Gatharanthus Roseus. 目的优选分离纯化长春花中长春碱和长春新碱的最佳工艺参数。

33、Main purpose: The separator can make wheat, rice, sorghum, bean, benne, and grazing seeds fine clean, grade and it is good for mechanization precision planting. 主要用途:该机通过筛片更换和风量调节,能对小麦、水稻、高粱、豆类、胡麻、油菜、牧草等及颗粒状化肥进行精选、分级,有利于机械化精量播种。

34、I think it's the most exciting audition I've ever seen in the show. 这是我在节目中看过最精彩的海选。

35、The production "erfly"was chosen as My Favorite Performance of Spring Festival Evening in 2003. 2003年一部《化蝶》被观众评选为“我最喜爱的春节联欢晚会节目特别奖”。

36、Selecting a tree node in the target pane of the Mapping node editor will select and highlight all statements in the script pane that correspond to the target node you have just selected. 在映射节点编辑器的目标窗格中选择一个树节点,这时将在与刚选择的目标节点相对应的脚本窗格中选中和突出显示所有的语句。

37、Genuine carefully selected materials, meticulous to every detail, and no "smart" and counterfeiters can not copy. 正品精挑细选的用料,一丝不苟到每个细节,是任何“高明”的仿冒者都无法复制的。

38、the children are so happy that they jump up and down 上海精锐教育 春申中心

39、In order to improve forecast accuracy, the fuzzy optimization method is used to optimize forecast factors. 为了提高预报精度,尝试采用模糊优选法对预报因子进行优选。

40、Also featured in the line is Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Volume Molding Crème. 还精选了线替代鱼子酱抗衰老卷成型霜。

41、Every Chinese New Year, no matter the city or the country, every family to select a pair of bright red stick in the Spring Festival couplets on the door, increase for the festival festival atmosphere. 每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴于门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛。

42、Please choose a rhythm for excerpt one you can choose rhythm A which is or you could choose rhythm B So I'm about to play a piece. It's by Chopin. 请选一个和你听到的相符的节奏,你可以选节奏甲,也可以选节奏乙,我现在要弹一段,肖邦的曲子

43、The old adage has for decades weighed on the minds of consumers who fret over responsible food choices. 这句古话好几十年来一直都是那些为选择食物而着急的消费者的精神负担。

44、Selecting any of the tree nodes in the source pane highlights all statements that reference that source tree node. 在源窗格中选择任何树节点,将突出显示所有引用了该源树节点的语句。

45、Conventionally, high-order approximation (three orders over) is always chosen to obtain a certain regulating accuracy. 按常规法设计,总是选用高次近似(三次以上的近似)来获得一定的调节精度。

46、The tale of Jamie Freel, here called "The Halloween Changeling, " is the selection for Halloween. 杰米弗雷尔的故事,这里被称为“万圣节换子”,是在万圣节的选择。

47、xupdate:update replaces all the child nodes of the selected node. update替换所有选定节点的子节点。

48、If the framework of a sentence is too rigid, or word choices are too precise, life is ed right out of the writing. It becomes stilted, or wooden, or vapid. 如果句子结构太僵硬,选字太严格精确,文章就会失去生气,变得矫揉造作、呆板,甚至乏味。

49、My hometown hunan leiyang has a beautiful and spectacular scenery, hometown of the Spring Festival also like the scenery of it, so wonderful. 我的家乡湖南耒阳拥有着美丽壮观的风景,家乡的春节也如它的风景一样,那么精彩。

50、Together with the carefully selected consistent and hypnotizing beats it is one after another mind tease. 加上精心挑选的,一致的,催眠的节奏,这是一个又一个的头脑戏弄。


51、祝你新的一年快乐幸福 Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family

52、During the Spring Festival, China Railway twenty-five Council staff do not seize the duration of relaxation, and carefully built the first pier Lei River Bridge. 春节期间,中铁二十五局员工抢抓工期不放松,精心打造出耒河大桥第一墩。

53、The Spring Festival I may have to return home, then must prepare a little gift for personal house thanks, BBS has wonderful days with! 今年春节本人有可能要回到家乡,届时一定备薄礼一份,亲自登门言谢,感谢有论坛陪伴的精彩日子!

54、And the braided neckline is a nice detail too. 并且辫子形的领圈也是一个精致的细节。

55、The Fuchun River Yan Ziling, a hook to a fishing platform, adhere to the spirit of dignity. 富春江边的严子陵,一舟一钩一钓台,坚守着精神的尊严。

56、I watched her carefully select several leeks and ake mushrooms and ask the clerk, who knew her well, for peanuts and tofu. 我看着她精挑细选了几棵韭葱和一些蘑菇,在跟她很熟的菜贩子那里买了花生和豆腐,两人还聊了几句家常。

57、Actually go to Europe to swim a lot of choice, eat live play in Europe, complete with a special New Year's holiday Tours. 其实去欧洲游很多的选择,吃住玩乐行在欧洲,完成一个特别的春节假期游。

58、Every Spring Festival, regardless of the city or the countryside, each and every family will select a red spring couplets on the door, in order to increase the festive atmosphere. 每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一幅大红春联贴于门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛。

59、Just as we tend to go inside and get more compacted in our movements during the winter, the smaller, denser, and more compacted foods make good choices during this season. 如同我们在冬天更喜欢在屋子里,减少运动,小巧, 高密度 ,精致的食物是这个季节更佳选择。

60、So when you use the cursor to select text, you get only the words you want. That's a real time-saver. 这样,当你使用滑鼠选择文字时,便能选到你想要的字句,为你节省大量宝贵的时间。

61、Select some from each of the early, mid and late spring bloomers for a long sequence of bloom . 从早春、中春和晚春开花的水仙花中各选一些,就有一个长期的开花顺序。

62、City performs excellence, youth changes future! 城市演绎精彩,青春炫动未来!

63、Spring Festival is over, they formed a leading group of crack troops to deploy all aspects of public relations forced to research and development planning. 春节一过,他们就组成领导小组,抽调各方面的精兵强将策划研发公关。

64、The criteria for the award included the quality of inflight entertainment, best movie selection, TV and documentary programmes, and best audio choices. 奖项评选的标准包括机上娱乐节目的质量、最佳精选电影、电视和纪录片以及最佳音频节目。

65、To save space in the mail-in database, you can also use an option to remove attachments from child crashes (both exact and partial). 为了节省 mail-in 数据库中的空间,还可以使用一个选项从子崩溃(包括精确匹配和部分匹配)中删除附件。

66、Congratulations, spring more in spring, More and more exciting year. 恭贺新春,有春更有喜;年年有余,有余更精彩。

67、On New Year's Eve the whole family had a sumptuous feast of reunion.     一家人围着大圆桌,吃着热气腾腾的团圆饭,看着精彩的春节联欢晚会,等待着新年的到来。

68、This festive period, Crowne Plaza Shenzhen brings you a selection of gourmet festive hampers, cakes, pastries and party platters . 在节日期间,深圳威尼斯皇冠假日酒店为您精心准备了各式精美的节日礼篮、蛋糕、点心和派对套装以供您选择。

69、Chinese New Year's Eve is a time of family reunion and feasting. 年夜饭是春节家人团聚的重头戏,精心设计的瑶池年夜饭将喜庆带上餐桌!

70、USA Prime steak chargrilled to perfection. Served with mashed potato and chef vegetables. 精选上等纽约牛排,精心炭烤至您指定的熟度,配厨师精选蔬菜及芝士土豆泥。

71、Hangzhou land resources bureau during the Spring Festival this meticulously organized market survey. 为此杭州市国土资源局春节期间精心组织了市场调查。

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