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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-25 03:41:03
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关于”浪漫的爱情句子“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Romantic love sentences。以下是关于浪漫的爱情句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Romantic love sentences

1、Things don't seem to improve much even after the mood goes from ravenous to romantic. 即使当情绪从饥饿转变为浪漫时,事情看来也没有改善很多。

2、That’s why romantic love is always so tragic: because another human being is just another human being. 这就是为什么浪漫主义的爱情总是充满了悲剧:因为一个人仅仅是另一个人。

3、Speaking of her love, has become a romantic balderdash. 爱对她来讲,已经成为一种浪漫的梦呓。

4、Small cattle victory to give advice, romantic love to recover gold stupa, decided to use a variety of classic love movie clips packing cattle victory. 小万给牛胜利出主意,用浪漫的爱情追回金多宝,决定用各种经典爱情电影桥段包装牛胜利。

5、Even in long-running marriages, romantic, loving gestures can keep the embers glowing. 即便结婚很久,浪漫,充满深情的表示能够使逐渐淡薄的感情烯烧起来。

6、This romantic gold and rhodium-plated bracelet features two entwined hearts, symbolising unity and love. 浪漫,妩媚又时尚- 镀金色和镀白金色手链有两颗交错的心,象征和谐和爱情。

7、It appears dignified yet bears a tune of romance, reflecting the nation's thoughts and emotions. 它凝重而浪漫,体现着一个民族的思想与情怀。

8、A May-December romance that started in the first movie moves to a matrimonial phase in this sequel. 第一部电影中讲述了五月到十二月的浪漫爱情,在续集中到了他们的感情进入到了婚姻阶段。

9、The song soon became a karaoke favorite, and since then, each of her als has contained love ballads, such as Love You More and Hearsay. 从那时起,她的每张专辑都是浪漫情歌风格,例如很爱很爱你和听说。

10、Looked at romantically, though, it could be evidence of "love at first sight". 虽然从浪漫的角度看,这或许是“一见钟情”的证据。

11、In fact I did a brain study and we found that romantic love can be sustained. 事实上我曾做过一项大脑研究,我发现浪漫的爱情是可以维系的。

12、Unique forms of entertainment could capture your attention and bring about a romantic interest. 独特的娱乐方式会吸引你,为你带来浪漫情缘。

13、While women fantasise about love and romance, men fantasise about fast cars, bigger computers, boats and motorcycles. 当女人幻想爱情与浪漫时,男人幻想快速汽车、更大的电脑、船和摩托车。

14、Seeds of love between Lucky and Aditya are sown in the cemetery where they share many subtly romantic moments. 幸运之间的爱情和阿迪蒂亚播种在墓地,他们有着许多微妙的浪漫时刻。

15、Romantic love has no bearing on this process, say these lawyers, who consider prenups to be business agreements. 这些律师认为,婚前契约是一个商业协议,浪漫的爱情与此过程无关。

16、But once romantic love begins in earnest, it is one of the strongest drives on Earth. 真挚浪漫的爱情一旦开始,它就成为了地球上最强大的动力之一。

17、Each letter from one would bring forth warm response from the other as a seed falling on a fertile soil is likely grow into a plant. 每一封信都如一颗撒入肥沃的心灵之土,浪漫的爱情之花就要绽开。

18、Waiting for the perfect and romantic love, I've made preparations for the tempest in thunderous night. 我期待完美浪漫的爱情,就像是在雷电交加的夜晚等待暴风雨的到来。

19、Now the pair have teamed up for this romcom which follows their attempt to maintain a healthy relationship over a long distance. 如今这对情侣尝试合作这一部浪漫爱情喜剧,在剧中他们也同样试着在远距离下维持一段健康的感情。

20、A cute couple cycling in the park? Is that Ah Wu's idea of a romantic date? You got to watch the eode to find out! 可爱的小情侣在公园骑脚车?阿武的浪漫情节是这样的吗?看节目就知道啦!

21、Love looks very romantic, very pure feeling, end but the reality is cruel, because she can not stand, cooking sauce cooked in vinegar. ⊙、爱情看起来很浪漫、很纯情,可最终现实是残酷的,因为她经不起油盐酱醋的烹制。

22、A company that specializes in action movies is probably not the best place to send a romantic comedy. 对于专门制作动作片的公司来说,浪漫爱情片的剧本可能不会受到欢迎。

23、You probably appreciate a good romance novel or love story and would make a good marriage partner. 你可能会欣赏一部浪漫的小说或是爱情故事,也会是一个好的结婚对象。

24、Love in tragedies was for the most part loftily, romantic. 悲剧里的恋爱大多数是崇高的浪漫。

25、They aim their advice squarely at nubile girls who have falsely equated romantic love with happiness. 其目的是如实地建议就要结婚的女孩,不要错误地认为,浪漫的爱情就是幸福。


26、Wonderful though it is, romantic love is unstable—not a good basis for child-rearing. 尽管浪漫的爱情如此奇妙,但它却并不稳定——这绝非养儿育女的良好基础。

27、They can never be the thing that romantic love wants them to be: the answer to everything. 他们永远都不能成为浪漫主义爱情所要求的人:解答一切问题的答案。

28、Actress: Sohn Ye Jin is, as a young actress, the best actress in pure romantic dramas. 女演员:孙艺珍, 作为一个年轻的女演员,她是浪漫爱情电视剧中最好的女演员。

29、Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance and you find out you still care for that person. 爱就是当你把感觉,热情和浪漫通通拿掉后你任然珍视对方。

30、Others disagree, arguing that romantic love is more like the state of "being a wild pig". 其他人则并不认同,认为浪漫爱情跟“像头野猪一样”的情况更为类似,具有文化特异性。

31、And to love people and can not love people in the political arena This is the most romantic love of two. 和能爱的人,相濡以沫;和不能爱的人,相忘于江湖。这是两种最为浪漫的爱情。

32、Don't over-romanticize things now that the relationship is over. 既然关系已经破裂,就不要再把事情过分浪漫化了。

33、But Linden says these adaptations turn out to have some surprising payoffs, like romantic love. 但林登说,这些进化也有一些令人吃惊的回报: 比如说,浪漫的人类爱情。

34、Not romantic, and perhaps drop to forget a very important day, not like others and I'm angry! 没有浪漫情怀,也许会忘记很重要滴日子,不喜欢别人和我生气!

35、A third study found that fans of romantic comedies had far stronger beliefs in predestined love. 第三次研究发现,爱看浪漫爱情喜剧的人对于缘份的信奉远超过其他人。

36、Professor Helen Fischer, a biological anthropologist, divides love into three entities: , romance and attachment. 一位生物人类学家,海伦·费舍尔教授,将爱情分为“性,浪漫以及依恋”三种特性。

37、One might think such an experience would sour me to love and bring back, with a vengeance, my scowling hostility to romance. 也许有人认为这样的一段经历会让我憎恶爱情、让我对浪漫爱情的敌意重新唤起。

38、Edward Elgar, Romance for bassoon and orchestra, op. 62 爱德华爱尔加。浪漫曲, 巴松与乐队。

39、There is always someone indulging in the romance of River Seine. 总有人倾心于那塞纳河畔中源远流淌的浪漫人文风情。

40、Aphrodite The goddess of love and beauty, also called Cytherea. 阿佛洛狄忒——爱、浪漫和美之神。

41、The researchers also found that men get greater emotional benefits from the positive aspects of an ongoing romance. 研究者也发现男人也会从进行中的浪漫爱情中情感上可以得到更多的快乐。

42、This love series is related to ZhuangGuMing guide fu abortion in a romantic travel, find their own lover betrayed love oath. 这部爱情剧集是叙述庄家明与导游傅小月在一次浪漫的旅游时,各自发现自己的情人背叛了爱誓。

43、In the packaging and product design and development, Rong He has romantic love and cultural elements. 在产品的包装与设计及开发中,溶合了浪漫的爱情文化元素。

44、Have you chosen right wines for your beloved girls when Qixi Festival is coming? 转眼就到了中国浪漫的七夕情人节,你可为心爱的女孩挑选了合适的葡萄酒了吗?

45、Certainly loathing can spring from positive feelings, such as romantic love (in the guise of a former partner or perceived rival). 当然憎恨可以从正面的感情而来,比如浪漫的爱情(掩盖在前男、女友或感知到的情敌)。

46、Jennifer, posing alongside co-star Aaron Eckhart says that despite being unlucky in love she's still romantic and believes in love. 詹妮弗和阿伦·艾克哈特相拥,詹妮弗说尽管她的爱情之路很不顺利,但她仍然喜欢浪漫而且也相信爱情的存在。

47、Becker allowed nonmonetary elements, like romantic love and companionship, to be entered into courtship\'s profit and loss statement. Becker允许将一些非货币因素,比如浪漫的爱情和友谊,加入到求爱时期的损益表中。

48、But according to a study, romantic comedies such as Bridget Jones’s Diary and Notting Hill could be bad for your love life. 但一项研究显示,看浪漫爱情喜剧如 《BJ单身日记》 和《诺丁山》等,不利于你的感情生活。

49、Romantic ups and downs apparently have a greater effect on the mental health of young men than women. 很明显浪漫爱情的起起伏伏对男人在精神的影响比女人要多。

50、It has long been said that music is the food of love and many people will turn to romantic tunes such as those by Marvin Gaye or Barry White to create the right mood. 长期以来,音乐都被认为是爱情的养料,恋爱中的许多人都爱听浪漫情歌。


51、Loveis when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, andyou find out you still care for that person. ——所谓爱,就是当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之后,你仍然珍惜对方。

52、With Pinter's Betrayal as a template, The Night Watch records four love stories from sorry endings to romantic beginnings. 以Pinter的背叛为框架,《守夜》记录了从遗憾结局到浪漫开端的四个爱情故事。

53、From there, Barbary hopes to move to London, where their Second Life romance can continue. 从那以后,巴巴利希望搬到伦敦,他们的第二人生的浪漫爱情将在那儿继续下去。

54、Recently, Alexey Tymoshenko, a photographer from Ukraine, captured a romantic drama between two lizards. 近日,乌克兰摄影师阿克列谢•季莫申科拍摄到了两只蜥蜴的浪漫爱情故事。

55、On Valentine's Day people ususlly send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. 在情人节这一天,人们爱谁或想得到谁的爱,就可给那个人寄去充满浪漫情趣的卡片。

56、Daphne du Maurier's major work Rebecca is considered the first Gothic romance of the 20th century. 达夫妮•杜穆里埃的《蝴蝶梦》被认为是20世纪的最早的一部哥特式浪漫爱情小说。

57、Some people thought the tomato could promote love passion, so it had another romantic name— Love Apple. 也有人认为番茄具有“催情”的功效,所以又有另外一个浪漫的别称——爱神苹果。

58、Both of them love a long lasting relationship and there will be no dearth of loyalty and romance. 他们之间的爱情将是天长地久、至死不渝而又浪漫美好的。

59、Chocolate is the traditional gift of love, ranking right up there with roses as the most romantic gift one can give. 巧克力是爱情的传统礼物,在表达爱意的最浪漫礼物中有着与玫瑰同等的地位。

60、" final tattooist " the love that is a romance piece, with the setting photograph back of the Second World War. 《最后的纹身》是一个浪漫的爱情片,与第二次世界大战的背景相背。

61、Lover are specially affectionate and they ofter show their affection by giving each other romantic gifts. 恋人间更是洋溢着温情,他们常常来互赠浪漫的礼物来表达爱慕。

62、There is also a 280-meter long "Bamboo Corridor", quiet and romantic. 这里有一条长280米的“竹林长廊”,富有幽雅的浪漫情趣。

63、Edges to each other, the first in line… The romantic season, I wait for you…. 缘以彼此,情续线痕…那浪漫的季节,我等着你。

64、Most Westerners, even the most jaded cynics, still take an innately romantic view of love and marriage. 多数西方人,甚至包括那些玩世不恭者,对爱情和婚姻依然抱着浪漫的观点。

65、Make a Hanging Mobile: You can hang your love for someone with a romantic hanging mobile! 悬挂饰物:你可以把你对某人的爱情挂在一个浪漫的吊饰上!

66、This may sound terribly unromantic to some who are used to hearing talk about "falling in love" or being "head over heels in love. 这话对于那些习惯于嘴里喊着“坠入爱河”或者“对爱情顶礼膜拜”的人来说,听起来似乎感觉很不浪漫!

67、The archetype Hugh Grant romance, Four Weddings made British romantic comedies a massive international success. 这部剧是休 觥·格兰特式浪漫的原型,也造就了英国爱情喜剧在国际上的巨大成功。

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