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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-20 19:04:29
  • 138


关于”习惯的句子“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Customary sentences。以下是关于习惯的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Customary sentences

1、By the time we got to Denver, we got used to walking with the gait of ducks; we got used to the sway of the bathroom; we got used to strangers. 当我们到达丹佛时,我们已经习惯了用鸭步走路,习惯了晃动的卫生间,也习惯了陌生人。

2、He has a peculiar idiom. 他有独特的习惯用语。

3、Sorry, I have been used to the things which I'm not supposed to. 对不起,我已经习惯了不该习惯的习惯。

4、We first make our habits, then our habits make us. - John Dryden. 我们首先创造出习惯,然后习惯创造出我们。

5、Miss just a habit, habit not to miss anyone. 思念只是一种习惯,就习惯一下不去思念任何人吧。

6、Soon enough, your diet will simply become the way you eat. 很快,您的饮食习惯就会成为你的习惯吃法。

7、Get used to it as one gets used to living with a backache? 习惯它就象习惯自己的背疼一样?

8、   Please say hello to your mother for my wife and I! Best wishes yours sincerely XXX 为了语句通顺和英语的使用习惯有小部分意译 署名部分按照了一般英语的习惯 若不放心可再请人检查一下 希望你的帮上忙。

9、Could you please explain for us the characteristics of idioms? 您来给我们讲一讲习惯用语的特点,好吗?

10、Mr Thomas is used to brickbats. 托马斯已习惯于旁人的言语中伤。

11、One habit overcomes another. 用习惯去克服习惯。

12、For instance, if you fail an exam, more often than not the reason might be found in your study habits (or lack thereof). 举个例子,假如你考试没通过,究其原因通常是由于你的学习习惯(或缺乏好的习惯)。

13、One wolf represents good habits while the other represents bad habits. 一匹狼代表了好习惯而另外一匹代表坏习惯。

14、Do we have good eating habits or bad eating habits? 我们有好饮食习惯还是坏饮食习惯?

15、And a number of different sports have contributed idioms to the English language. 许多不同的运动都为英语贡献了很多习惯用语。

16、It is a bad habit. Write in English. 这是个坏习惯,请用英语写作。

17、They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. 他们在自己既定习惯和生活方式中太久了,习惯了掩饰感觉,习惯了伪装情绪,也习惯了在人前堆起笑脸。

18、thank you, ladies and gentlemen 英语习惯中 一般不用uncle aunt,这两个是称呼

19、Habit is second nature. You will benefit from a good habit but a bad one does endless harm. 习惯成自然,好的习惯让你获益,坏的习惯贻害无穷。

20、Himself a hundred miles away from home in the Shantou, all is not used, not used to this weather, are not used here, eating habits, not used to life here. 自己一个人在远离家乡几百里的汕头,一切都不习惯,不习惯这样的天气,不习惯这里的饮食习惯,不习惯这里的生活。

21、Idiomatic patterns represent common design idioms in your code. 惯用模式代表代码中常用的设计习惯。

22、Are you used to using bick? 你习惯用自行车吗?

23、to live on a borrowed time 是一个习惯用语, 习语的翻译都是比较麻烦的。

24、So we must have gond study habit. 坏的学习习惯的害处;

25、The customers are would wismost wisl times the disgusting custom. 顾客们习惯了令人憎恶的习惯。


26、So develop a good habit to replace the bad habit. 因此要养成一个好习惯来替代坏习惯。

27、Look at the idioms below. Each one is connected to horses. 请看下列习惯用语,它们都与马有关。

28、习惯用语 flatter oneself 自鸣得意 They flattered themselves that they would win. 他们自以为会一定获胜。

29、With several months of practice the good habit will take over, and you’ll begin to forget that you ever struggled with the old. 经过几个月的练习,好习惯就会取代坏习惯,然后你就会开始忘记你曾经纠结过以前的坏习惯。

30、The habit of geography study includes being used to preparation, being standard in class, taking part in meaningful social practice and performing properly during the exams. 地理学习习惯包括良好的预习习惯、规范的上课习惯、有意义的社会实践习惯和有效率的复习与考试习惯等。

31、Second, the students who had good learning habit had stronger English self-direct learning abilities. 第二,具有良好学习习惯的学生的英语自我导向学习能力较强。

32、The emphasis in human life should be to step away from the stream consciousness of habits, or put it differently negating the "Alaya" of habits. 人类生活的重点应该是走出习惯意识之流,或者换句话说,否定习惯的“阿赖耶”。

33、We’re creatures of habit and habits are hard to break. 我们是习惯的生物,而习惯是很难打破的。

34、One group learned about the lifestyle-related causes of obesity, such as dietary and exercise habits. 一组学生学习有关生活习惯引起肥胖的课程,例如饮食习惯和锻炼习惯。

35、Cognitive reappraisal is the process of replacing your distorted thought habits with healthy ones. "认知重新评价",是用健康的思想习惯取代扭曲的思想习惯的过程。

36、Good habit: Embrace high cohesion 好习惯:利用高内聚力

37、The life of people is habit to those who are not used to the habit of habit. 荪翦人的一生就是习惯去习惯那些不习惯的习惯。

38、Sorry,I have been used to the things which I'm not supposed to. 对不起,我已经习惯了不该习惯的习惯。

39、It is a book of English phonetics , grammar and usage all in one. 这是一本英语语音,语法和习惯用法合为一体的著作。

40、I say virtual habits because none of us have any real habits to speak of, good or bad. 我说虚拟的习惯,是因为没有哪个人有真正的说得出来的习惯,不管是好习惯还是坏习惯。

41、Many foreigners have got used to chopsticks. 许多外国人已习惯使用筷子。

42、Once you’ve formed that habit, focus on drinking only water. 一旦你养成了那个习惯,接下来养成只喝水的习惯。

43、English is a language abounding with idiomatic turns of expression. 英语是一种习惯表达方法丰富的语言。

44、Besides good habits, she had some very bad habits too. 但一切奉献的好习惯旁边, 阿梅也有些很不好的习惯。

45、Today, our focus will be on football idioms. 今天我们来学习与足球相关的习惯用语。

46、I have developed a early wake-up and late sleep habit, a english learning habit, caring about IT news habit. 幸运的是,这一年,我养成了早起和晚归的习惯,养成了学习英语的习惯,养成了思考的习惯,养成了关注IT新闻的习惯。

47、Your habits fulfill needs. 无论习惯的好坏,你的每一个习惯都是迎合需求的。

48、Habitus is another fundamental notion corresponding to field. 惯习是与场域对应的一个基本概念,惯习与场域紧密结合。

49、Not every idiom translates with such ease. 要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。

50、The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it are convinced of its bad effects on their interests and tastes. 这种坏习惯可能很顽固,但若有此习惯的人相信这种习惯对他们的兴趣和品味有不良影响时,这种习惯也可能被克服。


51、In other words he's saying lawfulness like every other virtue is a habit it is a habit of behavior and the habit of destroying disobeying even an unjust law will make people altogether lawless. 换句话说,他是在讲守法,像其它的美德,是种习惯,那是种行为的习惯,就算是,摧毁与违抗不公法律的习惯,也将让全民无法可循。

52、The fanfic habit isa literary habit. 同人小说习惯是一种文学习惯。

53、I hate to see these old customs. 我看不惯这些旧习惯。

54、Good habits are the crosscut to success. 好习惯是成功的捷径。好习惯是成功的捷径。

55、Look at the idioms below. 请看下列习惯用语。

56、I was unhandy with forks and knives in the beginning. 刚开始我不习惯使用刀和筷子。

57、的习惯) We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

58、I put this first because I think it’s the keystone habit that will help you form the other important habits. 我把这个习惯放在第一位,因为我认为这个习惯可以帮助大家培训其他的重要习惯。

59、Generated from the United States, is the original without the other's are not used in, once accustomed to this not used to produce it from the nature of the role. 距离产生美,是原于没有了对方的不习惯,一旦习惯了这种不习惯,距离就产生它本质的作用。

60、Good habits, a lifetime ever. 养成好习惯,一辈子受用不尽。

61、  有预习和复习的习惯 Have dry run and habit of reviewing

62、Maff can use couples of idioms at the age of four. 玛夫四岁的时候就能说很多习惯用语了。

63、You learn how to add five healthy habits, break five unhealthy habits and adopt another five bonus healthy habits. 你要学习如何养成五个好习惯、改掉5个坏习惯,并再增加额外的5个好习惯。

64、It's a book of English phonetics, grammar and usage(all)in one. 这是一本英语语音、语法和习惯用法的综合性著作。

65、Poker-faced life habits, habits hard to make our hearts hard. 习惯面无表情的生活,习惯让自己的心很硬很硬。

66、“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” - John Dryden 首先我们培养习惯,然后习惯塑造我们。

67、Paddy : Yeah, that's just their idiom. 帕迪 :是啊,这只是他们的习惯语。

68、As several self-help authors note, one sneaky way to inculcate new habits is to "chain" them to things you already do. 一条训练自己新习惯的捷径是将这些新习惯和我们已有的习惯“链接”在一起。

69、Seniority is a force of habit is a habit behind sbish. 论资排辈是一种习惯势力,是一种落后的习惯势利。

70、Your Habbit start up as a baby and advance to full grown Habbit. 你的习惯开始为一个婴儿,推进到成年的习惯。

71、Resembling or having the nature of an idiom. 要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。

72、She is still used, the daily habit of thinking of you, get used to you. 她依旧还是习惯了,习惯了每天惦记着你,习惯着对你唠叨。

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