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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-26 15:20:48
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关于”常用的短句“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Common short sentences。以下是关于常用的短句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common short sentences

1、The Kansas City Star demanded that its reporters write short sentences. It wanted reporters to see the unusual details in an incident. Hemingway quickly learned to do both. 堪萨斯明星报要求他们的记者写稿时,要用短句。报社还要求记者注意新闻事件中一些不寻常的细节。这两样海明威很快就学会了。

2、Physically, they often have a flat face with a short neck and smaller hands and feet. 常为平脸、短颈、手和脚较短。

3、The paragraph uses common words but contains almost all of the sounds used in English. Here is that sixty-nine-word paragraph read by our own Bob Doughty 这段短文使用一些常用词,但却包含了英语使用的几乎所有的发音。

4、English-speaking listeners most often grouped perceived alternating short and long tones as "short-long." 说英语的测试者常常把交替的短和长的音调归类作为“短-长”。

5、Wonderfully versatile—can be worn with pants, capris, shorts, skirts, and dresses. 非常的万能——可以搭配长裤,紧身裤,短裤,短裙和连衣裙。

6、One of the smallest chidren jumped to her feet. "But, Ma'am, what about the plant out there?"She pointed a stubby finger toward the kitchen. 一个年龄很小的孩子跳起来,用她那短短胖胖的手杖指着厨房,说到:“但是,校长,那株常春藤怎么办呢?”

7、Who do you often message? 你经常和谁发短信?

8、It is designed to be used over a much longer timeframe, unlike atomic transactions which you normally associate with having very short lifetime. 它被设计成用于更长的时帧。而不像原子事务,正常地您 与它联系一个非常短的生命期。

9、In his instrumental works, Brahms has been often revealing the programme content by means of textual adjuncts, poetry citation and folk-song quotation etc. 勃拉姆斯常常通过在器乐作品中附加文字、引用诗句,借用民歌主题等方式透露作品的标题内容。

10、Since its life is especially short, the consumption of cooling pipe is very high. 冷却管的使用寿命非常短,消耗量相当大。

11、Pirouettes (half-pirouettes) are usually carried out at collected walk or canter, but can also be executed at piaffe. 定后肢回旋通常用缩短慢步或跑步实施,也可以用原地踏步实施。

12、Huffman coding uses a specific method for choosing the representation for each symbol where the most common characters using shorter strings of bits then are used for less common source symbols. Huffman 编码使用一种特定方法选择每个符号的表示,使用当时短位字符串的最常见的字符被使用,而不使用不常见的源符号。

13、Using this feature, even large queries can often be processed with subsecond timing. 使用此功能,即使大型查询通常也只需很短的时间即可处理完成。

14、MS Duo called short bar, application of all kinds of volume in the SONY very small camera. MS Duo称为短棒,应用在索尼各类体积非常小的相机上。

15、With this algorithm the transient short circuit current of HV distant transmission line can be easily calculated. 因而用该算法可以非常容易地计算在高压远距离输电线短路故障的暂态短路电流。

16、Food shortages often occur in time of war. 在战争期间常常发生粮食短缺的情形。

17、But the rations are short, very short--so short, Dr. Livesey, that we're perhaps as well without that extra mouth. 但是口粮短缺——非常的短缺——如此的短缺,利弗西医生,我们也许,少掉一张嘴,也好。

18、A middle or short term anomaly was broken year; 出现破年变异常时多为中短期异常;

19、This method is usually recommended when grinding short rigid shafts. 这种方法通常在磨削较短刚性轴时推荐使用。

20、There are always some skits in the Space Studio Claoom. 空中英语教室中常常有些滑稽短剧。

21、There was a moment's pause as brown eyes connected with blue. Then, very softly; “不……”两人的视线交汇了短暂的一瞬,真嗣用非常温柔的声音继续说着。

22、Because other components work for only a short time with a connection, this delay is usually short. 因为其他组件只对连接占用很短的时间,因此这种延迟通常较短。

23、Brief were my days among you, and briefer still the words I have spoken. 我在你们中间的日子是非常短促的,而我所说的话是更短了。

24、That vegetable peddler often gives short measure. 那个菜贩经常短斤少两。

25、The magazine contains a lot of useful information in typical article format, usually offering one focus article with many other shorter articles throughout. 该杂志有非常多有用的信息,通常会有一篇文章阐述主旨,其他短小的文章作为补充。


26、What "stupid little checklists" do you use in your everyday work? 在日常工作中,你用什么“笨而短小的检查列表”了吗?

27、Short styles usually suit round faces. 短发通常比较适合圆脸。

28、The celebrations may be brief. 庆祝仪式可能非常简短。

29、Often, you have many local variables that are short-lived within a method, but the method itself is invoked repeatedly and frequently. 在方法中常常有许多短期存在的本地变量,但是方法本身会被频繁地反复调用。

30、The traditional phrase filtering methods are inclined to measure the cohesion of the inner words, and own less discriminate ability with these active noisy. 常用的短语过滤方法都是侧重于计算短语内部词语之间的黏合度,对这些干扰项的鉴别能力并不强。

31、It's a great phrase. 这是一个很非常了不起的短语

32、The paragraph uses common words but contains almost all of the sounds used in English. 这段短文使用一些常用词,但却包含了英语使用的几乎所有的发音。

33、Premature failure of the usually long-life, low-energy light sources may also be occurring. 使用寿命短,节能灯的光源会经常引起事故。

34、Keep file names short by using common abbreviations, such as "MTG" for meeting or "ACTG" for accounting. 使用常见缩写的方式令文件名简短,比如用“MTG”表示会议(meeting)或“ACTG”表示会计(accounting)。

35、EM and STRONG are used to indicate emphasis. The other phrase elements have particular significance in technical documents. These examples ilrate some of the phrase elements. EM以及STRONG用来表示强调。其他的短语型元素在技术文档中会有非常大的用处。的例子展示了一些短语型元素。

36、This tool is useful for short-term and long-term capacity planning. 该工具对于短期和长期的容量规划都非常有用。

37、Joint tunnel is a kind of short tunnel, which is often used with slope . 连拱隧道一般应用于中短隧道,常常与边坡结合在一起。

38、This particular section may be very short. 这个特定的部分可能非常短。

39、Spattering occurred in both normal and instantaneous short circuiting processes. 在正常短路与瞬时短路两种过程中均能产生飞溅。

40、Covetousness is always short-lived. 贪婪总是短暂无常的。

41、At present, food, kerosene used for heating is very short. 目前,食品、取暖用的灯油非常短缺。

42、Undetermined, but it’s convenient to argue that Twitter use enables that short attention span. 仍未确定,但很容易地使用人认为,使用推客(Twitter)的人注意力非常短。

43、With wires of the thermostat contacts short sub commissioning, heating normal. 用导线将温控器的触点短接试机,制热正常。

44、A short, ankle-length boot, usually made of suede, having two or three pairs of eyelets. 短靴,高帮皮靴一种短的到脚踝的靴子,通常由。

45、The information flow is usually represented using a short phrase that can either be a noun or a verb. 信息流通常使用名词或动词短语表示。

46、Keep file names short by using common abbreviations, such as " MTG " for meeting or " ACTG " for accounting. 使用常见缩写的方式令文件名简短,比如用“MTG”表示会议或“ACTG”表示会计。

47、Some typical collocations and senses of get used by native speakers are underused or even never used by Chinese learners and not listed in the vocabulary syllabus. 有些典型短语及其义项经常被英语本族语者所用,而中国非英语专业学习者并不常用甚至不用,《大学英语教学大纲词汇表》中也未列出这些短语及义项。

48、Check valve and erfly valve combinations are very popular; normally a short spool piece is required between the valves. 止回阀与蝶阀的连接是经常发生的事,通常需要在这两种阀门之间加上一节短短的阀槽。

49、A fool always comes short of his reckoning. 愚人常短于心计。

50、The multifidus muscle is a powerful spine stabilizer as it has short and powerful fibers that enable it to produce large forces over short distances. 多裂肌具短而力地肌纤维,能够在短距离内产生巨大肌力,因而对稳定脊柱非常重要地作用。


51、The method for cutting down imaging time used usually in clinical application is called segmented K-space imaging. 为了缩短成像时间,常常采用部分K空间成像技术。

52、Take a moment and review this list of commonly misused words and phrases. 花一小会儿时间回顾一下这张表上常被误用的单词和短语。

53、A little body often harbors a great soul. 伟大的灵魂常寓于短小的驱体。

54、Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. 短期目标是指那些通常处理当前的活动,我们可以应用在日常的基础。

55、Dacron was usually used to make short-sleeve shirts. 的确良 ”通常用来做短袖衬衫。

56、One of the smallest children jumped to her feet. "But, Ma'am, what about the plant out there?" She pointed a stubby finger toward the kitchen. 一个年龄很小的孩子跳起来,用她那短短胖胖的手指指着厨房,说到: “但是,校长,那株常春藤怎么办呢。

57、Mobile phone short messages are widely used in China for a variety of different types of communication. 手机短信在中国使用得非常广泛,并且它的通信种类非常多。

58、The phrase earning a degree" summarizes the evils of extrinsically oriented education." 常用短语挣一个学位总结出重在表面上的教育的弊端。

59、Empirical models are often used to represent the variations of the electron density with height in the ionosphere, since radio propagations are concerned with electron density. 短波频段中的传播情形与电离层中的电子密度有关,在一般短波软体中常用经验模型来表示。

60、The short-term training prior to track and field events is the training method adopted by the common universities. 田径赛前短期训练是普通高校经常采用的训练方法。

61、Linguistic information in television can be orthographic, but more often it is oral and, as with audiotape and radio, transient. 电视中的语言信息可以是正确拼字的,但常常更口语化,并且因为使用录像带和磁带,是短暂的。

62、Obviously it is very convenient for plastic bags to be used in people's everyday life. 显然,这长短常便利的胶袋可用于在人们的日常生活中。

63、This jacket is for everyday wear. 这件短上衣供日常穿用。

64、Frequent short breaks are better than less-frequent, long breaks. 经常性的短暂休息比非经常性的长时间休息要好。

65、The SPDs must be referenced to the metal cabinet by very short leads. SPD必须用非常短的接地连线连接到金属箱体。

66、The HMMs can be used to predict whether a sequence is "abnormal" or "normal". According to the percent of the abnormal sequences, we can conclude whether the process is intrusion or not. HMM用来检测一个系统调用短序列是否异常,根据异常系统调用短序列占该进程所有短序列的百分比来判断该进程是否是入侵。

67、If an application creates too many short-lived objects, GC occurs frequently. 如果应用程序创建了太多的短生存期对象,那么就会经常发生 GC。

68、Short Wave, Single Tube NIR Infrared Heaters from Heraeus are suited for situations requring high temperatures in the shortest possible time. 短波,单管红外加热器非常适合最短的时间内高温加热的应用。

69、Methods Ejection fraction (EF), fractional shortening (FS) were sed in control group and hypertensive patients by M_Mode Echocardiography. 方法应用常规二维、M型超声心动图测量射血分数(EF)、左心室短轴缩短率(FS);

70、Besides, the anomaly from Jiashi quake had complete styles:trend, short-term, the impending and exponential anomaly, the Zhaosu quake only had two styles: short-term and the impending anomaly. 伽师地震异常类型齐全(趋势、短期、临震异常、指数型异常),昭苏地震只有短期和临震异常。

71、The elite player's services spot are often left half table's shortness. 改大球后左短与中短是优秀运动员常用发球落点。

72、The symptoms of pyelonephritis usually develop over just a few hours, but they can come on very suddenly. 症状通常是肾盂肾炎发展超过短短几个小时,但他们可以来就非常突然。

73、Due to its unique features, ultra-short pulse source have been widely used in many fields. To produce the ultra-short optical pulses, people often utilize the mode-locking technology. 超短脉冲光源凭借着其特有的性质在众多领域都得到了广泛的应用,而锁模技术是产生超短光脉冲的常用方法。

74、You may need to briefly quiesce an application for the (very short) duration of the snapshot process. 在快照过程中(持续时间非常短),您可能需要短暂地停顿应用程序。

75、It turns out to be a far more irritating poem than its oft -quoted lines suggest. 结果发现这首诗比起它常被引用的那几句来更加恼人。

英文句子模板76:Common short sentences

76、They really mimic depression, but are usually shorter-term. 这种症状真的很像抑郁症,但通常是非常短期的。

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