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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-31 14:25:21
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关于”奥运会的句子“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Olympic sentences。以下是关于奥运会的句子的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Olympic sentences

1、That symbol is the one created by the host city. 这就是奥运会主办城市创作的奥运会会徽。

2、It's Pakhalina's third Olympic Games, who's the winner of the event in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the silver medallsit in the Athens Olympics with her former partner Vera Ilyna. 第三次参加奥运会的的俄罗斯选手帕卡琳娜,之前和维拉·伊利娜搭档,夺取了2000悉尼奥运会女子双人三米板金牌和雅典奥运会该项目的银牌。

3、London 2012 organizers last week published artists' impressions of how some of the yet-to-be-erected temporary facilities will look once the 'greatest show on earth' hits town next year. 上周,2012年伦敦奥运会的组织者颁布了多少幅艺术家的大作, 篮球比分,大家刻画出几座尚未建成的常设奥运场馆在明年“寰球最大嘉会”伦敦奥运会举行时的样子容貌。

4、Olympics organisers LOCOG launched its campaign to find volunteers to help deliver the Games on 9 July. 7月9日,奥林匹克组织者伦敦奥运会及残奥会组织委员会启动了为传递奥运火炬服务的志愿者的选拔。

5、The first Olympic backstroke competition was the 1900 Paris Olympics men's 200 metre. 奥运史上第一次仰泳比赛是1900年的巴黎奥运会男子200米仰泳。

6、The 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens was the fifth time the Cook Islands had competed since its first partition in the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. 1988年的汉城夏季奥运是库克岛第一次参加奥运。2004年雅典夏季奥运会是库克岛第五次参加的奥运会。

7、Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Two Games, Equal Splendor. Hello everyone, I'm today's host Luo Aiqi. Let's focus on 2008 Beijing Paralympics. 奥运会残奥会两个奥运同样精彩,大家好,我是今天的小主播罗爱琦。让我们一起来关注2008北京残奥会。

8、Up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, how many summer Olympics were there? 2008年北京奥运会是第几届奥运会?在这之前已经开了几届夏季奥运会?

9、The learning process and information provision on Olympic Games operations from one OCOG to the next through the IOC. 通过国际奥委会由一届奥运会组委会向下一届奥运会组委提供奥运会运行知识的传授和信息提供过程。

10、Olympics-online forums designed to share knowledge of the Olympic Games, News, to share the joy of bringing the Olympic Games. 奥运会在线·奥运会论坛旨在分享奥运会知识、新闻动态,分享奥运带来的快乐。

11、Famous trampoline athlete He Wenna has one gold medal and one bronze medal from the Beijing and London Olympics. 著名的蹦床运动员何雯娜曾获2008年北京奥运女子蹦床金牌和2012年伦敦奥运会铜牌。

12、Men's weightlifting was on the programme of the first modern Olympic Games in Athe in 1896, and women partited for the first time ever at the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000. 男子举重在1896年首届雅典奥运会时就是奥运会比赛项目了,而女子举重直到2000年悉尼奥运会上才成为正式比赛项目。

13、The 2004 Athens Olympics was the country’s seventh partition. Cyprus has yet to win an Olympic medal. 2004年雅典奥运会是该国第七次参加奥运会,塞浦路斯还未获得奥运会奖牌。

14、Eager to come back after two dormant Olympiads , the IOC offered the 1948 Games to London. 两届奥运会的休赛,使得国际奥委会急于重整旗鼓,它让伦敦主办1948年奥运会。

15、Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Two Games, Equal Splendor, I'm today's host Luo aiqi. Let's focus on 2008 Beijing Paralympics. 奥运会,残奥会,两个奥运同样精彩,大家好,我是今天的小主播罗爱琦。让我们一起来关注2008北京残奥会。

16、If Liu Xiang had given up his career after his failure in Beijing Olympic Games, he would never have won the championship in this Asian Games. 帮忙用虚拟语气翻译这个句子“刘翔如果在北京奥运会失利后放弃职业生涯,那他永远不在此届亚运会夺冠”。-招财猫问答。

17、With pleasure. We defined 2008 Olympics as Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics. 非常高兴。我们已经把2008年奥运会定义为“绿色奥运,科技奥运和人文奥运。”

18、Beijing Olympiad opens to full of people in that day, on the neighbourhood. (Switch over to be an allegory sentence) 北京奥运会开幕那天,街道上挤满了人。(改为比喻句。

19、The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games. 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。

20、And second is new understanding. We define Olympic as humanistic Olympics , green Olympics and Scientic Olympics. 第二种是对奥运会的新解,我们把它定义为“人文奥运,绿色奥运和科技奥运”。

21、People's yearning for the Acient Olympic Games and Baron de Coubertin's outstanding contribution realized the Mode… 人们对古奥运会的向往和顾拜旦对复兴奥运会的卓越贡献使现代奥运会得以兴起。

22、Both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held every four years . 夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会都是每四年举办一次。

23、People's yearning for the Acient Olympic Games and Baron de Coubertin's outstanding contribution realized the Modern Olympic Games' revival. 人们对古奥运会的向往和顾拜旦对复兴奥运会的卓越贡献使现代奥运会得以兴起。

24、At the 1994 Lillehammer Games, ski-jumper Stein Gruben literally leaped into the Olympic arena with the flame. 1994年的力利哈默奥运会上,高山滑雪运动员斯坦恩·格鲁本就真的是舞动着将奥运火炬带入奥运会场的。

25、Team win the championship? 中国女子排球队在哪届奥运会上获得冠军?


26、Olympic-related tourism has become one of the key economic legacies for host countries. 与奥运相关的旅游已经成为奥运会为奥运主办国所带来的主要经济财富。

27、China will fulfill its commitment to a wonderful, green and high-tech Olympics. 中方将会按照自己的承诺把北京奥运会办成一次精彩的奥运、科技的奥运和绿色的奥运。

28、"By all accounts, especially the athletes, the village is the best ever," he said after touring the compound on Friday. “据大家反映,尤其是入住的运动员们,他们认为奥运村是历届奥运会中最好的奥运村。” 罗格星期五游完奥运村后说。

29、Longterm mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair competition相互理解、友谊长久、团结一致和公平竞争

30、Unity, friendship, progress, harmony, partition and dreams团结、友谊、进步、和谐、参与、梦想

31、Laszlo Peteri, an Olympic wrestling referee from Hungary, says these Olympics have surpassed previous Games. 来自匈牙利的奥运摔跤裁判佩特里说,这届奥运会已经超越了过去所有的奥运会。

32、A fanfare is sounded, the Olympic fire is extinguished, and to the strains of the Olympic hymn the Olympic flag is lowered and the Games are over. 号声响起,圣火熄灭,伴随着奥运会歌的旋律,奥运会会旗降下,奥运会结束。

33、The next slate of the 2012 London Olympics. 下一届夏奥会是2012年伦敦奥运会。

34、A total of 34 world records were set, in addition to 77 Olympic records, and three Olympic best results. 本届奥运会共创立了34项世界记录,以及77项奥运会记录和3项奥运会最好成绩。

35、How will the gymnasiums be used after the Olympic Games? 奥运会结束后,这许多新建的奥运场馆又会如何被利用?

36、The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years. 奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。

37、That must give the real Olympics officials “Olympic-size headaches.” 这些“冒牌奥运会”真让正牌奥运会的官员们“大大地头疼”啊(Olympic-size headaches)。

38、The first Olympic medal for Qatar which was also a bronze medal was won by its runner, Mohamed Ahmed Sulaiman in the men’s 1500 race during the 1992 Olympics. 卡塔尔的第一枚奥运会奖牌是在1992年奥运会上,Mohamed Ahmed Sulaiman在男子1500米中夺得铜牌。

39、1988年的汉城夏季奥运是库克岛第一次参加奥运。2004年雅典夏季奥运会是库克岛第五次参加的奥运会。The 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens was the fifth time the Cook Islands had competed since its first partition in the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul.

40、Beijing Olympic Games must be a true "Green Olympics, People's Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics" from ourselves and from now on. 北京奥运必定会办成一个真正的“绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运”从我做起、从现在做起。

41、Indonesia also took home some medals, including the men’s doubles gold in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and 2000 Sydney Olympics. 印度尼西亚也获得了其他奖牌,比如1996年亚特兰大奥运会和2000年悉尼奥运会的男子双人金牌。

42、Aquatics include:Swimming ,Water polo ,Diving,and Synchronized swimming.Swimming has been on the Olympic Games programme since the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. 奥运会的水上运动包括:游泳,水球, 跳水, 花样游泳.从1896年雅典的第一次现代奥运会开始,游泳就是奥运会上的正式项目了。

43、After the Seoul Summer Olympics in 1988 and the Albertville Winter Olympics in 1992, the Paralympics begin to be held in the same city with the Olympics. 从1988年汉城夏季奥运会和1992年阿尔贝维尔冬季奥运会后,残疾人奥运会和奥运会开始在同一举办地举行。

44、Games Period A period of time beginning with the opening of the Olympic Village and training venues and ending with the closing of the Olympic Village. 奥运会期间 奥运会期间指从奥运村开村、训练场馆开放到奥运村闭村这段时间。

45、Olympics man kayak races and a woman kayak competition. 奥运会设有男子皮艇赛和女子皮艇赛。

46、Water sports are going on, and winter sports will be held in Winter Olympic Games. 奥运会水上运动在进行,冰上运动将在冬季奥运会进行。

47、If this is an example of how good Londons Olympics is going to be, then perhaps Boris should ask the Chinese to keep the Olympic flame in Beijing. 如果这是伦敦奥运会将会展现出来的样子,也许Boris先生应该叫中国人把奥运会旗留在北京!

48、Still, life is on, and here we stand. 岂止是奥运?生活也是。还是那句话。

49、"Humanistic Olympics"is the key ideas of the Beijing Olympic Games, and harmony is the spirit of the Beijing Olympic Games. “人文奥运”是北京奥运会的核心理念,和谐是北京奥运会的灵魂。“人文奥运”包含了身与心、人与人、国与国等丰富的和谐内容;

50、We defined 2008 Olympics as Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics. 我们已经把2008年奥运会定义为“绿色奥运,科技奥运和人文奥运。”


51、It's a full demonstration of the spirit and ideal of the Olympic Games, and also an important reflection of Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics. 它是奥林匹克精神和理想的充分展示,也是北京奥运会绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运理念的重要体现。

52、And second is new understanding.We define Olympic as humanistic Olympics , green Olympics and Scientic Olympics. 第二种是对奥运会的新解,我们把它定义为"人文奥运,绿色奥运和科技奥运".

53、The Games were meant to be China's coming-out party. 对中国而言,奥运会奥运会意味着一场亮相演出。

54、As one of the giant events in the world, the Olympic Games will bring many tourists when it is held but will make the host suffer the Post-Olympics effect after it ends. 奥运会作为世界大型事件的一种,在奥运会举办当年为本国带来大量游客的同时,举办国也将在奥运会结束后遭受后奥运会效应的影响。

55、The \"Green Olympics\" is one of the major themes of 2008 Olympics. 绿色奥运是我们承办的奥运会的主题之一。

56、The sport would return in a similar role when the Olympic Games returned after a 1500-year absence in 1896. 在古代奥运会中断1500年后,现代奥运会于1896年兴起,摔跤也随即找回了在奥运会中的位置。

57、Both Summer and Winter Olympics are held every four years . 夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会都是每四年举行一次。

58、The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894. 国际奥委会于成立。

59、The Artists' Olympics will gather artists to put in reflection, redefinition and reinvention the spirit of the Olympic Game. 艺术家奥运会邀请艺术家对奥运会的精神重新思考,解释和发明。通过艺术的眼睛去看奥运。

60、The ort would return in a similar role when the Olympic Games returned after a 1500-year a ence in 1896. 在古代奥运会中断1500年后,现代奥运会于1896年兴起,摔跤也随即找回了在奥运会中的位置。

61、"Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics, Cultural Olympics" is the main idea of the Beijing Olympic Games. “绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”是北京奥运会的理念。

62、Zhan eventually took the champion in the 77kg division in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. These two events pushed him to the climax of his sports career. 2000年,悉尼奥运会夺得男子77公斤级举重冠军,这两届奥运会使其运动生涯推至巅峰。

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