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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-06 13:57:36
  • 101


关于”可以每天背句子的软件“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Software that can recite sentences every day。以下是关于可以每天背句子的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software that can recite sentences every day

1、You can use this feature to distribute software that comes with Everyplace Access as well as customized software packages for your own applications. 可以使用这个特性来分发软件,这些软件与 Everyplace Access 一起且可以为您自己的应用程序定制软件包。

2、More than 10 back words every day, and write. 每天背单词10个以上,并且默写。

3、More backgrounds can be downloaded from the application’s website. 还可以在软件的官网下载更多的背景图片。

4、You can set the backups to occur either weekly or daily, and you can get email digests of backup activity. 你可以设定每周或每天备份一次,还可以得到备份活动的邮件摘要。

5、Raw Head intoned softly, his voice a deep rumble that raised the hairs on the back of the hunter's neck. 软软地被吟诵的未加工的头,他的声音举头发在猎人的脖子背面的一个深刻的隆隆声。

6、"Agentless discovery" means the software automatically crawls an IP network to record every device and piece of software attached to it. “发现”是指软件的自动抓取一个IP网络,以记录每件设备和软件的重视。

7、At the end of the day, there is no magic wand that will optimize your software for you. 在每天日落时,并没有魔法杖可以帮助您优化软件。

8、Today’s startups stand on the shoulders of older technologies. Simpler technologies can reach more people. 是的,开发芯片可能比开发软件要“难”,且开发互联网软件也许会更容易,但今天的创业都站在旧技术的肩上,而简单的技术可以普及到更多的人。

9、Packaged software became widely available for microcomputers so that today most software is purchased, not developed from scratch. 用于微型计算机的软件包随处可得,因此今天大多数的软件可以购得,而不需从头开始开发。

10、Packages usually contain precompiled software, but you can also package source code. 软件包通常包含的是预编译的软件,但您也可以打包源代码。

11、You can either install this resulting software package directly or use it to update another software package. 可以直接安装这个软件包,也可以使用它来更新另一个软件包。

12、Sure . You can send E-mail to each other every day through the internet. 当然。你们每天都可以上网发电子邮件给对方。

13、For all machines with force presetting via software, it might be necessary to keep the machine management software in background. 对所有通过软件预置力的机器,可能有必要把机器管理软件保持在背景下。

14、The specific software within each virtual image is represented by the software module name metadata. 每个虚拟映像内的特定软件使用软件模块名称元数据加以表示。

15、E-mail is faster and cheaper than letters, so you can write to your e-pals every day and you don't have to wait for a letter to arrive. 电子邮件比信要快而且更便宜,所以你可以每天都给你的网友写电子邮件,而且你不需要等信到达。

16、This screen shot shows you what the small application looks like on your desktop. 这个截屏可以看到这个小软件在你桌面的样子。

17、Daily stand-ups, continuous integration and iteration demo’s can help to foster inspection and adaption of the architecture as well as the development of software. 每天站立会议,持续集成和迭代演示不仅可以帮助软件开发,也可以有助于架构的检查和改进。

18、If you'd like, you can then have your publishing software fill in details for each covered work. 如果需要,可以随后让发布的软件为所涵盖的每个作品填上细节。

19、Everybody involved in a software project can do a lot to avoid a BBM and to smooth its dramatic impact. 软件项目中的每个人都可以做很多以避免 BBM 并平滑其巨大的影响力。

20、There are three ways to make the Internet safer for your children-hardware, software, and underwear. 有三种方法可以让你们的孩子使用网络时更安全些--硬件,软件和内衣。

21、Main Categories menu, each classification of the main menu can have numerous sub-menu, more convenient management software. 有4个主分类菜单,每个主分类菜单中可以有无数子菜单,更方便管理软件。

22、Application Settings: If you look within the AppData folders, you'll see directories for each and every application you're running. 软件配置文件夹:在AppData文件夹里,你可以看到每个你在运行的软件的文件夹。

23、It is a "world wide celebration of Free and Open Source Software and the community behind it." 这是“自由与开源软件以及背后社区的全球庆祝会。”

24、Classen noted that any hospital can use the Global Trigger Tool. 克拉森指出,每家医院都可以使用”全球触发”软件。

25、And then you go to a recitation instructor. 那你们可以去找背诵课的讲师。


26、XP teams build software in two-week "iterations", delivering running useful software at the end of each iteration. XP队伍通过两周的“迭 代”来建立 软件系统,在每一个迭 代结束时提供可以运行的有实际用途的 软件系统。

27、Summary: Andromeda Sky View is a planetarium software, that can show you an interactive sky map on your Windows Mobile device. 综述:Andromeda天空看法是天文馆软件你可以显示交互式的天空地图门窗移动装置。

28、We began talking and e-mailing each other daily for a while. 有段时间,我们开始每天谈话以及互相发电子邮件.

29、You can install whatever you want. 您可以安装任何需要的软件。

30、Each resource can be edited with the most appropriate software because it's stored in its own file. 每种资源可以用最合适的软件编辑,因为都存储在单独的文件中。

31、To make my Top 10, an app must deliver an experience you couldn’t findon your computer — something, in other words, that exemplifies the smartphoneat its best. 在我这份10大软件里,每一款都会给你不一样的体验,而且是在电脑上没有的,换句话说,可以它们可以把智能手机的优势发挥出来。

32、Every dusk, mother would waddles home with a heavy sack on her back. 每天黄昏,母亲都背着重重的袋子蹒跚而归。

33、That's easy. I can do that tomorrow. I'll bring my drill. 这个容易。我明天可以做这件事,我可以把我的钻子带来。

34、No use of black hat software. You must build links manually at 1-5 per day and spread them over 30 days. 没有黑帽子软件的使用。你必须手动在建立联系,每天1-5和蔓延超过30天。

35、By 1856, the company could produce 150 weapons per day. 到1856年,该公司每天可以生产150件武器。

36、For seeds of betrayal in return, sprouting from my memoir. 背叛萌芽在追忆里每一处柔软

37、When Madan trained software to hunt for this signature in the cellphone data, a daily check correctly identified flu victims 90 per cent of the time. 马丹训练软件获取手机数据里的这种签名。每天的检查可以使识别90%的流感受害者。

38、The programs it executes are configured through a set of configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the admin. 对于每个 事件, 其处理程序都可以通过软件包或管理员指定的一组配置文件定制。

39、The program can isolate the unique characteristics of each thrush species into algorithms much like voice recognition software. After processing, individual calls become more ounced. 该软件可以分割成算法,如语音识别软件大部分每个物种的独特性鹅口疮。处理后,个别通话更加明显。

40、But for readers who might be less familiar with your work, could you describe your background in software development? 但对于不熟悉您工作的读者来说,您可以描述一下您在软件开发方面的背景吗?

41、The beauty of this approach is that you can run the testing software as often as needed. 这种方法的美妙之处在于:每当需要时,就可以运行测试软件。

42、Best of all, Lotus Connections works with your existing email, instant messaging, and portal software. 最妙的是,Lotus Connections 可以与已有的电子邮件、即时消息和门户软件协作。

43、You can use MSN, yahoo and other chat programs to chat in English. 你可以用MSN,雅虎或其他聊天软件用英语聊天。

44、Is it not enough that malefactors of the world are writing and distributing new Malware every day? 世界上的犯罪分子每天在编写和扩散新的恶意软件还不够吗?

45、Designing our software can record every Personal audio information to finish the program, the discs can be taken away. 我们设计的软件可以记录下每个人的音频资料,节目做完, 还可以刻盘。

46、With software monitoring each wheel, stability and traction control can also be built-in. 用软件监测每个轮子的状况,稳定性和牵引控制就也可以嵌入了。

47、But we can--everything. 不,我们可以的,可以做到每件事。

48、Examples include 'MarkSim' to simulate daily weather for up to 100 years anywhere in the tropics, and 'Homologue' to compare climate and soil throughout the tropics. 例如他们用“MarkSim”软件模拟热带任何地方至多100年每天的天气,以及用“Homologue”软件比较热带各地的气候与土壤。

49、His wife corks her eyebrows every morning. 他的妻子每天早晨用软木炭把眉毛描黑。

50、Each development team member's workstation had the following software 开发组每位成员的工作站都有以下软件


51、It allows you to create professional-looking documents, brochures and reports. 该软体可以让你制作外观专业的文件,小册子和报告。

52、In addition, millions of well-balanced daily menus can be automatically generated by the software based on user's calorie specification. 此外,数以百万计的十分均衡的每天的菜单,可以自动生成软件基于用户的热量规格。

53、Yun Tianhe: He …Dad said that the girls' breast is different from boys. It's very soft and cannot been touched at random. 云天河:他、我爹说,女孩子的和男孩子的不一样,软软的,不可以随便乱摸。

54、And the fact that these payment apps can sit within messaging apps means you can settle bills without even interrupting your group chat. 而且因为这些支付软件是归于聊天软件之下的,那就意味着你可以不打断群聊就解决好账单。

55、Software-reliability evaluation can estimate and predict reliabilities of software. 软件可靠性评估可以估计和预计软件可靠性水平。

56、I repeated that every day, and almost every action I did was somehow aligned with that mantra. 我每天诵读,而且我做的每件事无论如何都与这句梵语相一致。

57、I began to carry her downstairs every morning, and upstairs every night, and my aunt came every day to look after her. 我开始每天早上背她下楼,每天晚上背她上楼,姨婆也天天来照顾她。

58、Talk to either your recitation instructor, come in and talk to me. 可以和你的背诵导师,也可以来我谈话。

59、Software with high quality, good reliability, good reusability, good maintainability, can be obtained, when designed using the method of CBSD. 使用基于构件软件开发可以设计出质量好、可靠性高、可重用性好、可维护性好的软件。

60、You can install other software on it, you don't have to use the Apple Store, you can use third party stores. 你可以在上面安装其他的软件,你不需要使用苹果原装软件,可以使用第三方的软件。

61、You downloaded each as a ZIP file. 您可以下载每个软件的 zip 文件。

62、This means that code distributed under the ASL can be incorporated into GPLv3 software. 就是说在ASL下发布的软件可以集成到GPLv3协议的软件中。

63、One example is custom background colors for files and file-sets. 一个例子是对文件和文件夹可以自定义背景色。

64、Based on the MORTRAN software, a corrected method to consummate the all-sky background brightness is given. 提出了基于MORTRAN软件的修正完善方法,建立了全天空背景亮度数据;

65、You can set up the various auto-filers to execute automatically, where the user drops the e-mail on to an e-mail folder and each night the e-mail is automatically moved to a predetermined location. 您可以设置各种自动的文件归档程序,以便在用户将电子邮件放到某个电子邮件文件夹时自动地执行,并在每天晚上自动地将电子邮件移动到预定义的位置。

66、Licensees are free to combine open source and other software. 被许可方可以自由地组合开放源码软件和其他软件。

67、This software can be said to be one of the necessary software and strongly recommended. 此软件可以说是必备软件之一,强烈推荐。

68、In addition to the assigned practice periods, repeat the idea for today at least once an hour, looking slowly about you as you say the words unhurriedly to yourself. 除了指定的练习以外,至少每隔一小时就应复诵今天的观念一遍,当你慢条斯理地向自己复诵这句子时,同时缓缓地环顾四周。

69、Software component technology is the core technology that support software reuse, the design, development and use of reusable component can improve software quality, reduce development costs. 软件构件技术是支持软件复用的核心技术,可复用构件的设计、开发和使用可以提高软件的质量、降低开发的成本。

70、So, with techies, the mainstream, and kids on board, we are poised to enter this brave new world dominated by software. 所以随着技术人员、主流消费者、和孩子们步入软件时代,我们将进入一个美丽的新世界,那里是软件的天下。

71、At the end of every software development phase, such as SRS and LLD, we should re-estimate our software size and adjust our project plan. 在每一个软件开发阶段的结束,正如SRS和LLD,我们可以重新评估软件的规模并调整我们的项目计划。

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