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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:33
  • 120


关于”孩子的短句“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Children's short sentences。以下是关于孩子的短句的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Children's short sentences

1、But children who lost a mother fared even worse—they were shorter, poorer and did not live as long as fatherless orphans. 但是失去母亲的孩子就过得更糟了——他们更矮,更穷,还比丧父的孤儿活得更短。

2、The children clapped when he finished his speech on Children's Day. 当他结束他的儿童节演说时,孩子们都鼓起掌来。

3、Talk to your child clearly without talking down. Communicate with respect and give the child the gift of language, new words and expressions. 口齿清楚地同孩子讲话,不要说着说着没声了。和孩子交流的时候要尊重孩子,告诉孩子新的词和短语,给孩子语言的天赋。

4、Blown girl hair short skirt, Xiao Ling Tong ss thin clothing. 吹得女孩儿发长裙短,小龄童衣单鞋薄。

5、Today, I was texting a girl that I've liked for some time. 今天,我和一个喜欢了一段时间的女孩子发短消息。

6、In a matter of one video, my friend’s daughter was about to lose her sandbox innocence. 就短短的一个视频,我朋友的女儿就将要失去孩子的天真烂漫了。

7、Standing in the corner on the left was Anu, a girl with a short 4)hairdo and still shorter skirt. 站在左边那个角落的是安努,一个留短发穿短裙的女孩,裙子比头发还短呢!

8、Our comprehension results showed that children who received SVO models predominantly used SVO to interpret NVN sentences (94% of the time). 理解测试结果显示,得到SVO语句输入的儿童使用SVO来理解NVN测试句的比率高达94%。

9、Piccolo that shepherd boy, young girl; 那牧童短笛,小伙姑娘;

10、DinoShake and Dinomins are the rights ones to provide your kids with the perfectly balanced nutrition, helping them grow and mature in a healthier way. 儿童营养素粉及儿童营养口嚼片正是为您的孩子提供了最为均衡的营养,让您的孩子能够更健康的生长发育。

11、When you're a runner, your people are the girls with hair elastics on their wrists and the boys with shorts shorter than yours. 当你做奔跑者的时候,你的同伴会是那些手腕上有用来扎头发的橡皮筋的女孩子们以及那些穿着比你裤子还短的短裤的男孩子们。

12、Perhaps as many as 1 out of every 20 kids under the age of 18 have characteristics of ADHD. 也许在18岁以下的儿童中,每20个孩子当中就有1个孩子有ADHD的特征。

13、Areyou aware that this generation of children may be the first generation ever tolive a shorter lifespan than their parents? 你有意识到这一代的儿童可能是有史以来第一代比他们父母的寿命更短的儿童吗?

14、Usually, I don't give in to my kids-say-the-darndest-things impulses, but I can't resist repeating here a remark made by the Big Girl during the Fourth of July weekend. 通常,对于那些孩子们的”童言无忌“我会不以为然,但是这次忍不住要说一说大女儿于七月四号周末说的一句话。

15、In acquiring properties of language: phonological, semantic and syntactic knowledge, children have acquired metalinguistic awareness. 儿童在习得语言各特征:语音、语义、句法等特征的同时,也在逐步习得元语意识。

16、All the kids were school age and we rotated homes to watch each other’s kids during the summer. 所有的孩子都应是学龄儿童,在夏天母亲们轮流到别人家照看孩子。

17、In just three decades ‘childhood’ has been cut back by a year and a half as youngsters develop earlier. 在过去的短短三十年里,童年期由于青少年的过早发育被缩短了一年半。

18、Background :Temporary elbow stiffness after the treatment of a supracondylar humeral fracture in a child is often a concern of parents. 背景:儿童肱骨髁上骨折伤后短暂的肘关节僵硬常令许多患儿父母所担忧。

19、Watch children play: Go to a children's park and watch children play 看孩子们玩耍:去儿童公园,看孩子们玩耍。

20、The English Short Play which is full of delight can rise children's interest. 充满童趣的儿童剧可以提高孩子们学习英语的兴趣。

21、When you were young, especially before you turned 3, the eustachian tubes were very small and less able to keep germs out. 当孩子小的时候,尤其是三岁以下的儿童,耳咽管非常短,不能有效地将微生物阻隔在外面。

22、For the first time in his short life, Rhys was able to start mixing with other children and playing outdoors. 在里斯短短的生命历程中,他第一次能与别的孩子交往并到户外游戏。

23、"My aunt, uncle, and cousin are in Tripoli, " Amina, a 10-year-old girl with short hair, told me. “我的阿姨,叔叔和表兄都在的黎波里,”头发短短的10岁女孩儿Amina告诉我。

24、Four children have died, 53,000 have been taken ill and there is no end in sight. 四名儿童死亡,53,000名儿童致病,事态在短期内不会平息。

25、Kids texted an average of four people a night. 孩子们平均一个晚上给4个人发短信。


26、All these 132 children are school-age kids with oldest ones attending middle school. 所有132名孩子都是学龄儿童,最大的上中学。

27、Children acquired the compound sentence from easiness to difficulty gradually. 儿童复句由易到难逐步发展起来;

28、Conclusion:Children Meningioma was comparatively rare and rised fast, the course of which was short. 结论:儿童脑膜瘤较为少见,其病程短,起病快,症状以颅内压增高症为主。

29、Who 's that girl with two short plaits? 那个留两根短辫子的女孩是谁。

30、Kids might go from 28 days of runny noses to 24 per year. 儿童则可能把每年流鼻涕的时间从28天缩短到24天。

31、On the international children's day, children are dressed in their holiday best. 在国际儿童节,孩子们身穿节日盛装。

32、You may discover that she likes to see out the window but the car seat sits too low for her to do so, or that her car-seat buckle pinches her when you turn corners. 你可能会发现原来孩子想看窗外,而儿童椅太矮,或者,儿童汽车椅的安全带夹得孩子疼。

33、Twin-bearing moms also had slightly shorter time spans between having children. 育有双胞胎的母亲生育孩子的时间跨度上也稍短。

34、A Son’s Sacrifice won the Silverdocs audience award for short films. 《儿子的献祭》获得本届银城电影节短片观众奖。

35、Within five years, 150 test-tube babies had been born worldwide. 短短5年,全世界有150位试管婴儿诞生。

36、That girl with short hair? 那个留短头发的女孩?

37、Mother with her toddler perambulated the infant in tow. 母亲与蹒跚学步的孩子一起用童车推着婴儿走。

38、The children from Burkina Faso were found to have more than double the concentration of their Italian counterparts. 结果是来自布基纳法索的儿童体内拥有比另一组儿童高两倍的短链脂肪酸浓度。

39、The arms are a little short, can they be lengthened? 袖子有点儿短,能改长点儿吗?

40、What is World Vision Child Sponsorship? How do sponsored children benefit from the programme? 甚么是「助养儿童计划」?「助养儿童计划」怎样改善助养孩子的生活。

41、The boy had two short awkward letters from Ben. 这孩子来过两封措词生硬的短信。

42、This piece of string is too short. Join another piece on to it. 这条绳子太短, 再续上一截儿吧。

43、Objective To study the effect of short-term inhalation of glucocorticoids on bone turnover markers. 目的研究短期吸入小剂量糖皮质激素对哮喘儿童骨转换指标的影响。

44、The children didn't have childhood sicknesses. 孩子们没得儿童病。

45、The film also stars a boy who plays the son. 短片的主演还包括一位扮演儿子的男孩。

46、In 5, the exam cheating, many children can be to send a message. 羭 考试中的作弊,不少孩子发短信都可以盲打。

47、Ear plugs: Lecturing and threatening may only motivate your child short - term . 耳塞: 教训和威吓只能短期地促动孩子。

48、Local health workers send in SMS reports for each child’s malnutrition, malaria and diarrhea status. 当地医务人员呈送记录每个儿童的营养不良、疟疾和痢疾情况的短信服务报告。

49、Happy playing partners when children are young, . Elegant house decorations after children are grown up. Proof of the children's wonderful childhood. 孩子年幼时的快乐玩伴,孩子长大后高档的家居饰品。孩子对儿童时代美好回忆的见证。

50、I could cut your father's trousers down for the boy. 我可以把你父亲的裤子改短给这男孩穿。


51、Some road races offer kids' races either before or after the main race. The distances are always short -- anywhere from 25 feet to a mile, depending on the kids' ages. 一些路跑比赛会在赛前或赛后安排儿童赛跑,路程往往很短,25英尺到一英里左右,因孩子年龄而定。

52、Son: Why are hen’s legs so short? 儿子:为什么母鸡的腿这么短呢?

53、To learn: Don't play in the street, don't jump around and fight, eyes wide open, ears wide open, clever boys and clever girls look left and right. 学习(短语或句型):不要在街上玩耍,不要在街上到处乱跳和打架,眼睛睁得大大的,耳朵张得大大的;聪明的男孩和女孩(过马路时)要向左看,向右看;

54、But, some say, even to the children that thread parents, like chopsticks so short; 但是,有人说,孩子连向父母的那根线,就像筷子那么短;

55、Among those recently released were nine girls. 在最近释放的童子军中有九名女孩儿。

56、Conclusion Expectorant can shorten the duration of moderate and severe acute exacerbations of asthma in children. 结论祛痰药能缩短中重度儿童急性哮喘的病程。

57、Syntactic awareness means the individuals' ability to reflect on the structure of sentences, which is an important part of metalinguistic awareness. 对儿童来说,句法意识是其注意控制能力的一种表现。

58、Conclusion ESWL had characteristics of safety, dependence , effectiveness and short hospital stay, and it was the first choice to treat the school age child with urinary calculi. 结论运用ESWL治疗学龄期儿童的尿石症安全、可靠、有效、住院时间短,是治疗学龄期儿童尿石症的首选治疗方法。

59、How do sponsored children benefit from the programme? 「助养儿童计划」怎样改善助养孩子的生活。

60、If you cut down this T-shirt, it'll fit your son. 如果你把T恤改短,就能适合你儿子穿。

61、Bells on bobtail ring. 铃儿在短尾巴上叮当响。

62、Concerning "the Children's Day is since" whenever time of"61" international Children's Day, the children all spend joyfully an own festival jubilantly. 关于“儿童节由来” 每当“六一”国际儿童节的时候,孩子们都兴高采烈地欢度着自己的节日。

63、Some of these children are left behind, some are children of the mountains, but also the city of my love honey, as well as natural disease, children with disabilities. 这些孩子们有的是留守儿童,有的是大山里的孩子,也有城市蜜罐中的乖宝贝,还有天生疾病的残障儿童。

64、From the north wall of the courtyard to the middle point of this short distance, Tongshi strong sprint in general seem to do their utmost to fight. 从北墙到院子中间这短短的一点距离,童世强仿佛冲刺一般拼尽全力。

65、Children are the first to show signs of malnourishment during a food shortage. 儿童在食物短缺时会最早显现出营养不良的迹象。

66、Mothers hold their childrens hands for a while, but hold their hearts forever. 母亲只短暂地牵孩子的手,却永远掌握住孩子的心。

67、Outdoor sporting for children, bring your kids to play! 儿童户外活动设施,带你的孩子来玩吧!

68、Currently two customized family-friendly packages are on offer. 酒店目前提供两款客户定制的配套服务:儿童配套服务及家庭短期假日服务。

69、There are men, women and children, some as young as six. 他们中有男人、妇女和儿童,有些孩子只有六岁。

70、Objective To explore the diagnostic value of the ambulatory electrocardiography(DCG)in children with paroxysmal symptoms. 目的探讨动态心电图对儿童短阵发作症状的诊断价值。

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