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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:39
  • 110




1、Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativ IT y. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论而出名。

2、These unique thinking patterns model after geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, etc. 这思考模式更被著名天才如达文西、爱因斯坦,毕卡索等使用。

3、Drawing direct inspiration from the first language acquisition, Wittgenstein put forward the famous conception of "Linguistic-Game" Theory. 在第一语言习得过程的直接启发下,维特根斯坦后期提出了著名的语言游戏说。

4、A 2-year-old girl has been hailed as the smartest child in Britain with an estimated IQ of 156, almost as high as Albert Einstein's. 英国一名2岁大的女孩智商高达156,接近爱因斯坦,被称为该国智商最高的儿童。

5、So Oseen pushed hard to give the prize to Einstein for "the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect." 所以Oseen力推以“发现光电子效应”的名义给爱因斯坦颁发诺贝尔奖。

6、In the list of "History's 100 Most Influential People", Cai Lun is ranked as No. 7, far higher than our well-known figures such as Columbus, Einstein and Darvin. 在《影响人类历史进程100名人排行榜》中蔡伦名列第七位,远远排在我们所熟知的哥伦布、爱因斯坦、达尔文之前。

7、So they kept the initial A and named him Albert Einstein. 于是他们保留了字首A,取名为阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦。

8、Albert Einstein was person of frugality and simplicity. He was straightforward, approachable, and indifferent to fame and fortune. 爱因斯坦是一个简朴,直率,平易近人,淡泊名利的人。

9、You've probably heard the name Albert Einstein. 你也许听过亚伯特•爱因斯坦这个名字。

10、His thinking was also stimulated by a medical student who came over once a week for dinner and lively chats. 爱因斯坦的思想还受到一位医科学生的启迪。此人每星期都来爱因斯坦家一次,与爱因斯坦一家共进晚餐,一起谈天说地。

11、The average Miletian may have heard the mane of Thales, just as the average New Yorker has probably heard the name of Einstein. 米莱图斯人一般都知道泰勒斯,就像一般纽约人都久闻爱因斯坦的大名一样。

12、In other words, in Einstein's view everything in the world is physically determined. 换句话说,在爱因斯坦的观点看来,世上的万事万物都是依据自然规律的。

13、This one here, that's Einstein. 这个是爱因斯坦。

14、Prince Einstein: I'm Prince Einstein. I'm the most knowledgeable person in the world. 爱因斯坦王子:我是爱因斯坦王子。我是世界上最博学多闻的人!

15、Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it. 没有生活保障的科学何乐之有。这是爱因斯坦说过的一句话。

16、There were a number of well-known scientists in the last century, but Albert Einstein was one of the more interesting ones. 上世纪有许多著名科学家,但是埃·爱因斯坦是其中较为有影响的一个。

17、Einstein accompanies John Lennon and Andy Warhol on Forbes’s list of top-earning deceased celebrities. 爱因斯坦陪伴约翰·列侬和安迪·沃霍尔出现在《福布斯》娱乐界已故最赚钱的名流之中。

18、Not only was Einstein a world famous scientist, but also a fairly good violinist. 爱因斯坦不仅是世界闻名的科学家,而且还是一个相当不错的小提琴家。

19、Albert Einstein was famous for many things, but his greatest brainchild is the theory of relativity. 艾伯特●爱因斯坦在很多问题上都是很有名的,但是他最大的心血结晶却是相对论。

20、Beer. SW: Yeah, that's right. But you don't like to drink beer, Einstein. You like to drink water. 爱因斯坦:啤酒。襌斯蒂芬尼:是的,没错。但是你不喜欢喝啤酒,对不对爱因斯坦? 你喜欢喝水。

21、He was first nominated for the prize in 1910 by the chemistry laureate Wilhelm Ostwald, who had rejected Einstein's pleas for a job nine years earlier. 在1901年,爱因斯坦首次由化学界泰斗Wilhelm Ostwald提名奥斯卡。Wilhelm Ostwald那时九年之前还拒绝过爱因斯坦要他帮忙找份工作的请求。

22、Some would rather live anonymously in other neighborhoods, but Emma Stanislawski gets a kick that her father is “famous whenever we get stopped.” 也因此有些情愿住进其他社区以便能过上匿名的普通人生活,但是像爱玛·斯坦尼斯洛斯基父亲那样著名的教授,爱玛也体察到他们无论到哪都会被拦住。

23、Famous thinkers and writers such as Albert Einstein and Roald Dahl have been notorious for their untidy desks. 阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦和罗尔德?达尔等著名思想家和作家都以桌子的凌乱而“著称”。

24、Einstein is a brilliant physicist. Einstein says relativism is true. 爱因斯坦是一个著名的物理学家,爱因斯坦说相对论是真的。

25、The lecturers and professors who taught Einstein's theories and work were blacklisted. 那些向学生们讲授爱因斯坦的理论及作品的讲师和教授们也被列入了黑名单。


26、If you want self-respect, and respect from others, you don't have to be an Einstein or a super-model. 想自重并受人尊重,不一定非得是爱因斯坦或超级名模。

27、872 children and 1,832 students have been trained in Kazakhstan. 在哈萨克斯坦培训了872名儿童和1,832名学生

28、Nobel laureate Werner Heisenberg was blacklisted as he taught the students the quantum probability. 诺贝尔奖得主沃纳.海森伯格就是因为向学生们讲授爱因斯坦的量子概率而被拉入黑名单的。

29、Degenhart also predicted that Einstein "would never get anywhere in life." 狄根哈特还预言爱因斯坦“永远不会有出息”。

30、In that sense, Einstein is still going strong. 由此而言,爱因斯坦还是很有天赋的。

31、The name of Albert Einstein is still reverenced by the scientists all over the world. 爱因斯坦的名字仍然受到世界各地科学家的崇敬。

32、When a team of physicists announced that they had proved Einstein wrong, even they weren’t convinced. 近期,当一支物理学家小组宣称爱因斯坦的著名的狭义相对论的理论是错误的,他们甚至都无法确信。

33、Ulrika Jonsson:What distinguished prize did Albert Einstein win 1921 for his work in physics? 主持人:爱因斯坦在1921年因在物理方面的工作得到哪一著名奖项?

34、He was up for the Nobel Prize in medicine and in literature; didn't get either one of them; didn't get the prize in medicine because Albert Einstein-- Everybody loves Albert Einstein. 他曾获得过诺贝尔医学奖和文学奖的提名;,但却都未能最终获奖;,没能获得诺贝尔医学奖则是因为爱因斯坦-,大家都喜欢爱因斯坦。

35、“Sir, my name is Einstein, Albert Einstein.? 「教授,我的名字叫做艾尔伯特.爱因斯坦。

36、Police and hospital officials said the man died from his wounds. 警方和医院方说,这名巴勒斯坦人因伤势而死亡。

37、Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2, outlines how energy is equivalent to mass times the square of the speed of light. 这个道理可以参考著名的爱因斯坦质能方程式,E=mc2, 能量E是质量m乘以光速c的平方项。

38、This never before published image is from an al named "Sailing Trip with Professor Einstein" taken at the physicist's summer home near Berlin in 1919. 这一从未公开的照片来自于一组名叫《与爱因斯坦教授的航海之旅》,拍摄于1919年爱因斯坦位于柏林附近的夏季度假屋。

39、Einstein's chrono technology at it's finest. 爱因斯坦的最好的超时空科技。

40、A repeater would work through what Albert Einstein famously called "spukhafte Fernwirkungen, " spooky action at a distance. 中继器能运作,靠的是爱因斯坦著名的「幽灵般的超距作用」(spukhafte Fernwirkungen)。

41、I love this quote. 我喜爱这则名言。

42、Einstein's father, a Hermann Einstein, is a small businessman blossom, and his favorite thing is to do every evening in the living room to read Schiller, Heine , and others work. 爱因斯坦的父亲,名赫尔曼·爱因斯坦,是个不得志的小商人,一生最喜欢做的事情就是每到晚上都要在客厅里朗读席勒、海涅等人的作品。

43、Pakistan is sending 21 athletes in total and 16 officials, according to the Pakistan Olympic Association. 据巴基斯坦奥委会介绍,巴基斯坦派出的奥运体育代表团包括21名选手和16名官员。

44、Due eto his white-grey colour, Albert, who lives in Sagebrush Fine Art in Salt Lake City, Utah, was named after the famous physicist, who was known for his wild, grey hair. 艾伯特生活在犹他州盐湖城艾蒿美术馆,它有着灰白色的绒毛,因此人们以著名物理学家艾伯特·爱因斯坦的名字给他命名(爱因斯坦经典发型:银白色狮子头)。

45、Sir, my name is Einstein. Albert Einstein, and I am a Jew. 「教授,我的名字叫做艾尔伯特‧爱因斯坦。」 ♥。

46、The cover of Einstein in Love features a photograph of a young Einstein and a young Maric, implying that this is their love story. 《恋爱中的爱因斯坦》的封面是一张年轻的爱因斯坦和年轻的玛丽克的合照,这本书是讲他们的恋爱故事。

47、But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research. 4 By 1919, scientists who had been watching the stars supported his work and he quickly because world-famous. 到1919年的时候,那些一直在观察恒星的科学家支持爱因斯坦的工作,于是爱因斯坦很快就闻名于世了。

48、Two years later Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus was published anonymously. 两年后,《弗兰肯斯坦》(又名《现代普罗米修斯》)匿名出版了。

49、The world's most famous scientist Einstein also admitted that he thought the ninety-nine percent time is wrong. 世界上最著名的科学家爱因斯坦也承认自己的思想百分之九十九的时候都是错误的。

50、Plug more mass into Einstein’s most famous equation and the energy produced increases as well. 将更多的质量塞入爱因斯坦最著名的方程中,产生的能量也会增加。


51、Pakistan Djilas rock-paintings are famous. 巴基斯坦吉拉斯岩画十分著名。

52、"How to Make Steel" author Ostrovsky had a famous saying: "Looking back, would not be wasted years remorse, no shame . 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》作者奥斯特洛夫斯基有一句名言:“回首往事,不会因虚度年华懊悔,不会因碌碌无为羞愧。”

53、The electrons give off packets of pure energy, which decays into matter and anti-matter, following the predictions by Einstein's famous equation that relates matter and energy. 电子失去能量,能量变为物质与反物质,这正是爱因斯坦著名的质能方程所预言的物质与能量的关系。

54、About the former Spinoza and Einstein are well-known examples. 斯宾诺莎和爱因斯坦就是犹太人中著名的例子。

55、Blame Einstein for the mess. 这一团糟全怪爱因斯坦。

56、Einstein's father owned and operated a small electrochemical factory. Einstein's mother was interested in music, Beethoven in particular. 爱因斯坦的父亲拥有并经营着一个小电化厂。爱因斯坦的母亲喜爱音乐,特别是贝多芬。

57、Einstein himself was spinositical agnostic. 爱因斯坦是个不可知论者。

58、In 1971, after Einsteins death, two scientists were able to carry out a crucial experiment. 爱因斯坦去世后,1971年,两名科学家完成了一项重要实验。

59、Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦发现了相对论。

60、Adam realizes that by changing his name he's made himself a spokesman for Tensta. 亚当认识到通过改名能让自己成为坦斯达的代言人。

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