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劳动节英语句子大全 17个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-16 16:19:39
  • 135

劳动节英语句子大全 17个

1. Labor Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries to honor the contributions of workers.(劳动节是许多国家庆祝的节日,以纪念工人的贡献。)

2. Many people use Labor Day as a time for relaxation and a break from work.(许多人利用劳动节放松休息,远离工作。)

3. Labor Day is a time to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of workers.(劳动节是一个时间,认可和感激工人的辛勤工作和奉献精神。)

4. The history of Labor Day dates back to the late 1800s and the labor movement in the United States.(劳动节的历史可追溯到19世纪后期和美国的劳工运动。)

5. Many businesses and organizations close on Labor Day to allow their employees to celebrate the holiday.(许多企业和组织在劳动节关闭,以便让他们的员工庆祝节日。)

6. In some countries, Labor Day is celebrated with parades and speeches honoring workers.(在一些国家,劳动节是通过和演讲来庆祝工人的。)

7. Labor Day is a reminder of the importance of fair wages, safe working conditions, and workers' rights.(劳动节提醒人们公平工资、安全劳动条件和工利的重要性。)

8. Many people use Labor Day as a time to travel or take a vacation with their families.(许多人利用劳动节和家人一起旅行或度假。)

9. Labor Day is a time to honor the contributions of workers in all different fields and industries.(劳动节是一个时间,纪念所有不同领域和行业的工人的贡献。)

10. On Labor Day, we reflect on the progress that has been made in the fight for workers' rights, but also acknowledge there is still work to be done.(在劳动节,我们反思为争取工利所做的进步,但也承认还有工作要做。)

11. Labor Day is a time for workers to come together and advocate for their rights and better working conditions.(劳动节是一个时间,工人们聚集在一起,争取他们的权利和更好的劳动条件。)

12. Labor Day is also a time to remember those who have been injured or lost their lives while on the job.(劳动节也是一个时间,纪念那些在工作中受伤或失去生命的人。)

13. Labor Day serves as a reminder that every job, no matter how big or small, contributes to the success of our society.(劳动节提醒人们,每个工作,无论大小,都为我们社会的成功做出了贡献。)

14. On Labor Day, we thank all workers who have dedicated their time and energy to their jobs and to improving our world.(在劳动节,我们感谢所有投入时间和精力在工作中、改善我们的世界的工人。)

15. Labor Day celebrates the achievements and contributions of workers, but also highlights the ongoing struggles for fair labor practices.(劳动节庆祝工人的成就和贡献,但也强调公平劳动实践的持续斗争。)

16. Labor Day reminds us of the value of hard work, perseverance, and dedication in achieving our goals.(劳动节提醒我们,通过辛勤工作、坚持不懈和奉献精神,可以实现我们的目标。)

17. Labor Day is a time to reflect on the impact that workers have had on our society and the world as a whole.(劳动节是一个时间,反思工人对我们的社会和整个世界产生的影响。)

18. On Labor Day, we honor the legacy of the labor movement and the progress that has been made in improving the lives of workers.(在劳动节,我们纪念劳工运动的遗产和改善工人生活所取得的进步。)

19. Labor Day is a chance to show appreciation for the people who keep our economy and industries running smoothly.(劳动节是一个展示感激之情的机会,感激那些使我们的经济和行业顺畅运转的人们。)

20. Labor Day is a reminder that all workers have the right to fair treatment, respect, and the opportunity to thrive in their chosen career paths.(劳动节提醒人们,所有工人都有受到公正对待、尊重和在他们选择的职业道路上蓬勃发展的权利。)

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