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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-24 00:35:14
  • 78


关于”中常用的句型“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Sentence patterns commonly used in。以下是关于中常用的句型的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns commonly used in

1、Metaphor is one of the rhetoric devices. 隐喻是英语中一种常用的修辞手法。

2、cannot emphasize the importance of … too much. (再怎么强调…

3、The semicolon just separates this from the rest. 其中的分号只是用来间隔两条语句。

4、It also explores the usage of Task-based teaching method in Junior Enghish teaching. 探讨任务型教学法在初中英语教学中的运用。

5、The following results were found in the experiments:1). Chinese senior students often rely on native language-strategy while comprehending English relative clauses; 研究结果如下:1)。中国中学生在理解英语关系从句时经常使用母语策略;

6、I should like to see him tomorrow. 句中should不可省略,可用would代替,但不符合“标准英语”。

7、Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. QYK英语作文网

8、Facing reporter, not too speaks English Sony to say two words very stiffly with English: "Chen Jin!" 面对记者,不太会英语的索尼用英语非常生硬地说出两句话:“陈金!

9、They record every word he says, including his frequent obscene outbursts of rage. 她们把他的每一句话都记录下来,包括他常常在盛怒中破口而出的言秽语。

10、Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.  张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。

11、The thesis holds that the above relation between prominence and word order is the cognitive motivation of the canonical and inverted word orders of English sentences. 文章认为,突显与语序之间的上述关系即是英语常式句和倒装句语序形成的认知理据。

12、Social Pragmatic Failure mainly perform that comments greeting do not use usually, the title-based greeting does not meet the Chinese habit; 社交语用失误主要表现在评论型招呼语不常使用,称谓型招呼语使用不符合汉语习惯;

13、There is no denying that + S + V。(不可否认的…

14、The English Figure of Speech is a deviation from the ordinary use of words, with a view to increasing their effect. 英语修辞法是一种使文字表现更为有力的比喻或将词语用异乎寻常的方法使用的辞句用法。

15、Chinese will soon replace English as the most-used language on the web. 中文将很快取代英语,成为互联网上最常用的语言。

16、How important a thing it is to keep our promise! 遵守诺言是多么重要的事!

17、Simile, as a kind of commonly used rhetoric, plays a vital role in people's daily life. 明喻,作为英汉语言中一种常用的修辞手法,在人们的日常生活中起着无法比拟的作用。

18、And quite often when English idioms come in two parts like this, people won’t even mention the second half. 类似这种由两部分组成的英语习语,人们通常只说前面的半句。

19、Born of a poor farmer’s family,Li Hua had little schooling. 英语作文中描述人物外貌的常用词语 1. 漂亮的beautiful

20、The next section provides sample statements for commonly requested queries in the area of volume and response information. 下一节提供了样本语句用于在容量和响应信息区域中进行常用的请求查询。

21、Which language do you use the most, pure English, pure Cantonese or code-mixing?! 你通常会用什麽语言与人沟通, 纯英语, 纯粤语, 或是中英夹杂的言语?!

22、The most common language of international communication is English. 国际交流中最常用的语言就是英语。

23、It will be interesting to see what this diverse community make of Closures and how the common idioms evolve. 看到这个多样的社区中闭包的诞生和常用语句的演化其实是一件很有趣的事。

24、Define an SQL statement to add a table row 定义用于向表中添加一行的 SQL 语句

25、This method is mostly used in writing argumentations. 在英语写作中,这种方法常用于论述文的写作。


26、The schwa is the most frequent vowel sound in English speech. 在英语中,中元音是最常用的元音。

27、Use parameter markers '?' when using the PASSTHRU statement in ESQL. 在 ESQL 中使用 PASSTHRU 语句时,请使用参数标记“?”

28、The echo-question sentences are often used in the English editorials (6.28%), whereas few echo-question sentences occur in the Chinese editorials (0.3%). 其四,英语社论中常运用一定的反问句(6.28%),而在汉语社论中则很少出现(0.3%)。

29、But the passive voice is often used in more formal sentences, like this one, where the actor—here, the invisible writer of this sentence, who is the one using the passive voice—is hidden from view. 但是被动语态却更常在正式场合中使用,像这句,演员在哪里-这里,这句话的隐形作者,也就是使用被动语态的这个人-从当前默默隐去了。

30、Some typical collocations and senses of get used by native speakers are underused or even never used by Chinese learners and not listed in the vocabulary syllabus. 有些典型短语及其义项经常被英语本族语者所用,而中国非英语专业学习者并不常用甚至不用,《大学英语教学大纲词汇表》中也未列出这些短语及义项。

31、The pragmatic function of the ergative sentence in English is to introduce the discourse partint. 英语作格句的语用功能是引导话语参加者。

32、Born of a poor farmer’s family,Li Hua had little schooling. 英语作文中描述人物外貌的常用词语

33、In a J2SE environment, if the statement cache is too small or the batch size too large, you may receive SQL exceptions resulting from inconsistencies in the statement cache. 在一个 J2SE 环境中,如果语句缓存太小或批量太大,您可能会因语句缓存中的不一致性而收到 SQL 异常。

34、Where do you use mixed-code most frequently?! 你在什麽地方最常用中英夹杂的言语?!

35、The regression model for contaminated data is a useful model in biostatistics. 染数据回归模型是生物统计中常用的模型。

36、Nevertheless, about half of the most commonly used words in Modern English have Old English roots. 然而,现代英语最常用的词语中,大约就有一半起源于古英语。

37、Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。

38、The underuse and misuse of relative clauses in Chinese learners' English writing can be accounted for by differences in the relative construction of the two languages. 中国英语学习者在写作中对于关系分句的使用不足或误用可以从关系结构在两种语言中的不同表现中得到解释。

39、This thesis is devoted to the corpus-based study on Concessive Adverbial Clauses in Maritime Engineering English (MEE). 这篇论文旨在研究和分析让步状语从句在轮机英语(MEE)中的应用及其特点。

40、The more books we read, the more learned we become. QYK英语作文网

41、Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.  海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

42、Facts may take the form of natural language statements or as attributions, relationships, or generalizations within a formal model. 事实可以采用自然语言语句的形式,也可以作为一个规范模型中的属性、关系或概要。

43、Overwork does harm to health.             工作过度对健康有害。

44、二十八、Get into the habit of + Ving = make it a rule to + V(养成…

45、PS(在英语不用may I invite u to do something)这是典型的中国式英语

46、Gender misuses of third-person singular ouns are very common in Chinese EFL learners'oral English. 中国英语学习者英语口语中第三人称单数代词性别误用非常普遍。

47、Can I talk to you in English? 我能用英语和你聊几句吗?

48、b While-task procedures: activities are suggested for teachers to teach new words and patterns, and help students understand the meaning and the usage of the language through practice. b 任务中程序:这儿的活动是介绍给教师用来在练习过程中教授新单词、新句型,帮助学生理解语义和了解语言用法的。

49、Chinese senior students can easily identify the mistakes in ungrammatical word ordeT, but often ignore that in other three cues. 中国中学生在理解英语关系从句时能很容易识别出语序提示中的错误,但却经常忽视主谓一致与格变化中的错误;

50、Both epics are written in an impersonal and formal verse, using language that was never used for normal speech. 这两首史诗是以客观的和正式的诗句写的,使用了从不在通常言语中使用的语言。


51、More than 750million people speak English, either as a first or a second language. 英语是世界上最常用的语言。每五个人中就有一个人能够讲英语,或者至少懂英语!

52、The monolithic nature of English is not questioned when literary essayists like Emerson contrast poetry and common speech. 本句的大意是:在爱默生辨别出诗歌与常用语的差别之前,没有谁曾经怀疑过英语牢不可破的统一性。

53、The first step in a SimPy simulation is a few general import statements SimPy 模拟中的第一步是几个常规的导入(import)语句

54、然而,现代英语最常用的词语中,大约就有一半起源于古英语。Nevertheless, about half of the most commonly used words in Modern English have Old English roots.

55、不同 as a matter of fact 事实上 yet仍;

56、三十一、Leave much to be desired (令人不满意) QYK英语作文网

57、They are confused by idioms, half- sentences, references to ancient TV programmes, or simply the British habit of not saying what you mean. 习语、断句、引用老电视节目的话,以及英国人拐弯抹角的表述习惯,常常让他们摸不着头脑。

58、On no account can we + V… (我们绝对不能…

59、Speakers of standard American English use reduced English much of the time. 使用标准美语的人都会常常使用英语弱音。

60、Furthermore, S_3 often appears in non-event sentences such as "Lian" sentences. The "subjectivity" and "subjectivisation" is the formative motivation of S_3. S_3常出现在连字句等非事件句中,语言的“主观性”和“主观化”是S_3形成的动因。

61、二十八、Get into the habit of + Ving QYK英语作文网

62、Variables specifically defined by the user using the %DEFINE statement (define in PHP). 用户使用 %DEFINE(PHP 中的 define)语句特别定义的变量。

63、We argue that as languages differ, while English boasts its "end-weight principle", Chinese is free from the so-called principle in terms of "weight" at sentence level. 由于语言类型差异,在句子层面,英语中确实存在“末端重量原则”,汉语中其实并不存在“重量”方面的“原则”。

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