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英语句子五种基本句型 16个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-12 21:03:23
  • 78

英语句子五种基本句型 16个

1. The cat sat on the mat. 这只猫坐在垫子上。

2. I am going to the store. 我要去商店。

3. He ate a sandwich for lunch. 他午餐吃了个三明治。

4. She is playing tennis with her friends. 她正在和朋友们打网球。

5. The book on the shelf belongs to me. 架子上的那本书是我的。

6. They are watching a movie at the cinema. 他们正在电影院看电影。

7. We walked to the park yesterday. 我们昨天步行去了公园。

8. My brother likes to swim in the pool. 我兄弟喜欢在泳池里游泳。

9. The car drove past us quickly. 那辆车迅速地驶过我们。

10. The teacher explained the lesson twice. 老师讲解这个课两遍。

11. I am cooking dinner for my family. 我正在为我的家人做晚餐。

12. The sun sets in the west. 太阳在西边落山。

13. They are playing video games all night. 他们整夜都在玩游戏。

14. She painted a beautiful picture of the beach. 她画了一幅美丽的海滩画。

15. The dog barked loudly at the mailman. 狗对着邮递员大声叫。

16. I am happy that I passed the exam. 我很高兴我通过了考试。

17. She always reads a book before bedtime. 她总是在睡前读书。

18. They bought some fruit at the market. 他们在市场买了些水果。

19. The baby cried loudly for milk. 宝宝大声哭着要喝奶。

20. He will visit his grandparents next week. 下周他会去拜访他的祖父母。

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