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万圣节英语句子摘抄 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-29 15:27:59
  • 47

万圣节英语句子摘抄 18个

1. Halloween is a time for ghosts, goblins, and other spooky creatures. (万圣节是鬼怪、小妖精和其他恐怖生物的节日。)

2. Children dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. (孩子们穿上服装,去拜访邻居要糖果。)

3. Halloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. (万圣节源自于古代凯尔特人的萨温节。)

4. The jack-o'-lantern is a popular Halloween decoration. (南瓜灯是万圣节流行的装饰品。)

5. Many people believe that Halloween is a time when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest. (许多人相信万圣节是生与死之间面纱最薄的时期。)

6. Halloween is celebrated on October 31st every year. (万圣节每年10月31日庆祝。)

7. Black cats are often associated with Halloween as they are believed to bring bad luck. (黑猫通常与万圣节有关,因为人们认为它们会带来厄运。)

8. Halloween is a fun holiday for both children and adults. (万圣节是孩子和都喜欢的有趣节日。)

9. Halloween parties often feature spooky decorations and Halloween-themed food. (万圣节派对常常会有恐怖的装饰和万圣节主题食品。)

10. It is rumored that on Halloween night, the dead come back to life. (传说在万圣节之夜,死者会重返人间。)

11. Many people enjoy watching scary movies to get into the Halloween spirit. (许多人喜欢看恐怖电影来进入万圣节的氛围。)

12. Halloween is a time when people can be wver they want to be. (万圣节是人们可以做自己想做的任何人的时候。)

13. Candy corn is a popular Halloween treat. (糖果玉米是万圣节受欢迎的糖果。)

14. Some people believe that Halloween has pagan roots and should not be celebrated. (一些人认为万圣节有异的根源,不应该庆祝。)

15. Halloween is a time to embrace the spooky and supernatural. (万圣节是拥抱恐怖和超自然的时候。)

16. The tradition of wearing costumes on Halloween comes from the ancient Celtic belief that it would ward off evil spirits. (在万圣节上穿着服装的传统来自于古老的凯尔特人的信仰,认为这样可以驱逐的灵魂。)

17. Halloween is a great time to decorate your home with creepy and spooky decorations. (万圣节是在家里装饰恐怖的装饰品的好时机。)

18. Many people carve pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns for Halloween. (许多人会在万圣节时把南瓜雕成南瓜灯。)

19. Halloween is an opportunity to have fun and let your imagination run wild. (万圣节是一个有趣的机会,让你的想象力发挥到极致。)

20. Halloween is a time when you can be scared, but also have a good time with friends and family. (万圣节是你可以感到恐惧,但也可以与家人和朋友一起度过愉快时光的时候。)

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