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  • 2022-07-19 19:42:39
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关于”保护熊猫的句子“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Protecting pandas。以下是关于保护熊猫的句子的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Protecting pandas

1、A cub is released into the reserve's semi-natural environment in Feburary, 2011. 2011年2月,一只熊猫幼崽被放归到保护区的半自然环境中。

2、Working with captive animals at China's Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda, Charlton's team played audio recordings of bleats of different males to females. 查尔顿率领的研究小组在中国大熊猫保护与研究中心对圈养起来的大熊猫开展相关研究工作。他们先把几个熊猫哥儿们的不同唱腔录制下来,然后分别放给几位熊猫姑娘欣赏。

3、Anti-Cat-Abuse; Protect all the Cats! 赶走虐猫者; 保护猫子民!

4、pandas sport black. The cub still hasn't opened its eyes nor walked, said experts with Foping Giant Panda Reserve in Shaanxi Province. 陕西佛坪大熊猫保护中心的专家说,这只熊猫宝宝本该是黑色的皮毛是棕色的,它现在还睁眼、也不会走路。

5、China has poured considerable resources into protecting the giant panda, its unofficial mascot. 中国已经投入了很大的财力物力来保护大熊猫,它在民间象征着吉祥。

6、The wild tiger tops WWF's list of "10 to Watch in 2010", followed by polar bears, pandas and rhinos. 在世界自然基金会发布的"2010年10大保护物种"中,野生虎超越北极熊、熊猫和犀牛,被列于首位。

7、But as I said, we work on much more than just pandas! 但是正如我所说的,我们的工作不仅仅是保护大熊猫!

8、In the interests of conservation, ZSL had stated they would not encourage the collection of wild pandas. 为了有利于保护,ZSL表示他们不会鼓励野生 熊猫的收集。

9、The agreement also begins a cooperative study on panda breeding between the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Wolong and the Smithsonian’s Conservation Biology Institute. 这项协议也促使位于卧龙的中国大熊猫保护和研究中心以及史密森学会的生物保护所(Conservation Biology Institute)就熊猫繁殖开展合作性研究。

10、Bamboo resources and its relation to giant panda in Foping Reservation. 标题 佛坪自然保护区竹资源及其与大熊猫的关系。

11、Although bamboo blooming can accelerate the population extinction of giant panda, it will not cause a catastrophic effect since the Nature Reserve has quite a few bamboo species. 竹子开花虽能加速大熊猫种群的绝灭,但由于保护区分布有多个竹种,因此并不会对大熊猫种群产生灾难性影响;

12、The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. 川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。

13、Caitlin Burrell, a zoo science intern said, “It is important to increase the number of births of [pandas] in captivity for the preservation of their future.” 在动物园实习的一名动物学科的学生凯特林·伯勒尔(Caitlin Burrell)说:"为了保护熊猫的未来,增加圈养熊猫的产崽数量具有重要意义。"

14、An estimated 1,600 wild pandas live in nature reserves in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. 估计有一千六百只野生猫熊生长在四川、甘肃和陕西省的自然保护区。

15、However, according to WWF estimates, 43 per cent of panda habitats and 29 per cent of its population are not yet effectively protected by nature reserves and protected areas. 然而,据世界自然基金会估计,43%的大熊猫栖息地和29%的大熊猫没有得到有效保护。

16、For other uses, see Panda (disambiguation) and Panda Bear (disambiguation). 其它用法,参见“熊猫”(澄清)和“大熊猫”(澄清)。

17、According to reports, in Chengdu, the panda base will turn off the colors of ice are melting panda base light source, a symbol of global warming, conservation of biological diversity. 据介绍,在成都,熊猫基地将关掉正在融化的七彩冰雕熊猫群光源,象征着遏制全球变暖、保护生物多样性。

18、3 hours outside Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, is the Wolong Nature Preserve, the largest panda reserve in China. 距离四川省会成都3小时车程的卧龙自然保护区是中国最大的熊猫保护区。

19、Giant pandas eat carrots at Bifeng Gorge Breeding Base of Wolong Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Ya'an, Sichuan Province, China, October 27. 10月27日,中国四川省雅安卧龙大熊猫保护研究中心。笔锋峡谷培育基地的大熊猫正在品尝新鲜的胡萝卜。

20、"It is vital to the survival of this species that measures are taken to protect panda habitat outside nature reserves, " said Xu. “采取各项措施,保护自然保护区以外的大熊猫栖息地,这对该物种的生存来说至关重要。” 徐伟华说。

21、Since 2003 biodiversity monitoring has been implemented in 17 nature reserves in this area. 从2003年开始,岷山17个大熊猫自然保护区实施了野外大熊猫及其栖息地监测。

22、It has 10 species under first-class protection including giant pandas and golden monkeys. 里面有十种一级保护动物,包括大熊猫和金丝猴。

23、A baby panda munches at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China. 在成都大熊猫繁育基地一只熊猫宝宝在大口嚼竹子。

24、It was a photo up-to-date for nine baby pandas at the Wolong Panda Center in China. 中国的卧龙熊猫保护中心拿出了一张关于九只熊猫宝宝的近照。

25、To learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve was really interesting. 了解到卧龙熊猫保护区的情况真有意思。


26、Of those, Panda Anti-Virus and Panda Internet Security needs no further introduction, while Panda Global Protection is a new product. 其中,熊猫防病毒和熊猫互联网安全的需求没有进一步的介绍,而全球大熊猫保护的新产品。

27、The Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve, the largest habitat for giant pandas in China, is now home to 67 pandas above the age of six months. 卧龙大熊猫自然保护区,目前是我国最大的大熊猫基地,更是67只熊猫的家,这些熊猫的年龄都在6个月以上。

28、They are born at a facility in China and are being closely watched by officials there. 它们在中国一熊猫保护基地出生并由当地研究人员悉心看护。

29、About 170 of Qin Ling's 240 pandas are now in protected areas. 目前秦岭山区的240只大熊猫中有约170只就生活在保护区内。

30、These kittens ran to their mother for protection. 这些小猫跑去找母猫寻求保护。

31、But bringing up the panda highlights a problem which goes beyond the sad extinction of the Baiji. 提到大熊猫的保护更使濒临灭绝物种比如说白鱀豚的问题更为严重。

32、All 86 giant pandas at the China Wolong Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Sichuan are safe and well, according to the State Forestry Administration. 在四川省的中国卧龙大熊猫保护研究中心中的86只大熊猫安然无恙。

33、Most of the captive pandas in Wolong were relocated to Bifengxia after the earthquake in May 2008 destroyed facilities there 2008年5月汶川大地震毁坏了卧龙自然保护区的设施,大部分在卧龙保护区圈养的大熊猫的被搬迁到碧峰峡这里的新家来了。

34、The Wolong giant panda breeding centre plans to have four pandas raised in captivity live with a specially trained police dog or other animals, the Chengdu Daily quoted reserve officials as saying. 据《成都日报》援引保护区官员的话说,卧龙大熊猫饲养中心计划将四只大熊猫与一只特别训练过的警犬或其他动物圈养在一起。

35、They were all born in Ya'an Bifengxia base, China Giant Panda Protection Research Center after the deadly Wenchuan earthquake last year, healthy, lively and lovely. 这些大熊猫宝宝都是汶川大地震后,在卧龙中国保护大熊猫研究中心雅安碧峰峡基地出生的,身体健康、活泼可爱。

36、Researchers dressed in panda costumes check the body temperature of a panda cub at Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Center, Sichuan Province, China. 在中国四川省卧龙大熊猫保护中心,身着“熊猫装”的研究人员给一只熊猫宝宝测量体温。

37、Panda cub fares well! 熊猫崽子活得很好。

38、Minshan Mountain is one of the biodiversity protection hotspots on the globe. There are the biggest giant panda population of the world. 岷山山系是全球生物多样性保护的热点地区之一,有着全世界最大的大熊猫种群和面积最大的大熊猫栖息地。

39、Ye Ye, a 16-year-old giant panda, lounges in a wild enclosure at a conservation center in China's Wolong Nature Reserve. 卧龙自然保护区保育中心,16岁的大熊猫晔晔正在悠闲地休憩。

40、Technical staff of Foping Conservation Area of Shaanxi Province have found a panda cub in white and brown, who is the 5th of this species recorded in the world. 陕西省佛坪自然保护区的科技人员近日发现了一只罕见的棕色大熊猫幼仔,这是有科学记载以来世界上发现的第5只棕色大熊猫。

41、Keepers said the pandas were in good condition. 看护人说熊猫的各方面情况很好。

42、You’ve done the panda reserve and tasted the legendary spicy Sichuan cuisine, so what’s next? 游览了大熊猫自然保护区,品尝了闻名遐迩的川菜,下一步是什么呢?

43、The 60 other giant pandas at the reserve were safe. 保护区中的其余 60 只大熊猫则安然无恙。

44、Xiang Xiang, 5, was released at the Wolong Nature Reserve for Giant Pandas in the mountainous southwestern province of Sichuan in April last year. 去年四月,五岁的祥祥被放到四川西南卧龙大熊猫自然保护区。

45、Zhang Hemin, of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda, said thepanda's "um" was an expression to show she was happy. 中国保护大熊猫研究中心的张和民表示,熊猫发出的“嗯”是一种表示她很高兴的表达方式。

46、Both pandas were born at a China research and conservation center dedicated to studying the Giant Panda. 梅香和天天都出生在中国大熊猫研究保护中心,该中心一直致力于对大熊猫的研究工作。

47、'The money is used mainly to develop protection for wild pandas, ' said Zhang Hemin, director of the Wolong Nature Reserve Giant Panda Protection Center in China. 卧龙自然保护区管理局局长张和民表示,这笔钱主要是用来保护野生大熊猫。

48、As with popular animals like elephants, pandas and tigers, or special kinds of plants, we can talk about ex-situ or in-situ conservation and debate on how to protect them. 类似大象、熊猫、老虎这样的明星动物,或者一些植物,我们可以谈论迁地保护还是就地保护,争论如何保护它们。

49、'Four Japanese-born giant pandas recently returned to the Chengdu Panda Base. They are hence bilingual, ' the ever-diplomatic Japanese Pambassador said in a written statement. 这位有外交官风范的日本熊猫守护使在一份书面声明中说,四只出生在日本的大熊猫最近回到了成都熊猫基地,所以它们能听懂两种语言。

50、The pair -- female Xiannu and male Bili -- headed to the zoo Monday night after landing in Japan's Narita airport a day after leaving the panda preserve in southwestern China's Sichuan province. 这对大熊猫——母的叫仙奴,公的叫比利——从中国西南部的四川省熊猫保护基地出发,经过一天的飞行,已于周一降落在日本成田,并在


51、"It is vital to the survival of this species that measures are taken to protect panda habitat outside nature reserves," said Xu. “采取各项措施,保护自然保护区以外的大熊猫栖息地,这对该物种的生存来说至关重要。” 徐伟华说。

52、2 --Pandas love/like bamboo. 熊猫喜欢吃竹子。

53、Lord Shen. I saw a pandas. -A panda? 沈王爷。我看到一只熊猫了。-一只熊猫?

54、"I was really thrilled to read this, " says conservation scientistDonald Lindburg, former head of the Office of Giant Panda Conservationat the Zoological Society of San Diego. “我真地很高兴看到这个东西,”圣地亚哥动物学会大熊猫保护中心办公室的前任主任、保护学家唐纳德 林德伯格说。

55、So far, most people know that giant pandas are China's national treasures but they do not know how to protect them. 尽管大熊猫是人尽皆知的国宝,但大熊猫的保护工作对不少人来说还很陌生。

56、The center has already taken 53 pandas that had been living at the Wolong Nature Reserve. 中心已经收容了卧龙自然保护区内的53只大熊猫。

57、Sichuan's Wanglang Nature Reserve is a haven for giant pandas. 四川王朗自然保护区是大熊猫的庇护所。

58、All the pandas at the world's most famous panda preserve were reported safe late Tuesday, more than a day after China's worst earthquake in three decades closed off the remote, mountainous area. 星期二的晚些时候,即中国三十年来最惨烈的地震封山后的第一天,据报道称在举世闻名的大熊猫保护区的大熊猫们安然无恙。

59、Artificial insemination was a significant breakthrough in panda conservation. 人工受精是熊猫保护领域的重大突破。

60、10 giant pandas were evacuated Tuesday from the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Wolong, Sichuan to avoid threats of possible geological disasters after the May 12 earthquake. 24日,四川卧龙中国保护大熊猫研究中心的4只圈养大熊猫被转移到福建省福州大熊猫研究中心寄养,另有6只大熊猫被转移到四川省雅安市的碧峰峡熊猫基地。

61、As you know, wild pandas eat only bamboo, so to save them, we have to save the forests they live in. 众所周知,野生大熊猫只吃竹子,所以,要救助它们就必须要保护它们赖以生存的森林。

62、This scheme was partly to promote international relations, but also to further the conservation of pandas at home in the wild, and to fund the extraordinarily high-tech Wolong Panda Breeding Centre. 这项计划一方面是为了增进国际关系,但另一方面也是为了加强对原产地野生熊猫的保护,并且可以给超高科技的卧龙熊猫繁育中心提供资金。

63、I hear (that) one of the pandas has a baby. 我听说有只熊猫生了个小熊猫。

64、The Population Dynamics of the Gia… 宝兴县大熊猫种群动态及保护对策;

65、It is all rare protected animals of our country to be such as giant panda, golden-haired monkey, but their quantity is limited, we must protect them. 像大熊猫、金丝猴等都是我国的珍稀保护动物,但是它们的数量有限,我们必须保护它们。

66、Part of the reserve's mission includes placing the pandas it has bred back into the wild. 保护区的职责之一就是将圈养的熊猫放归野外。

67、An official at the world's most famous panda reserve, the Wolong Nature Reserve, said the baby pandas there were not fed milk formula. 中国最负盛名的熊猫自然保护区(卧龙自然保护区)的一名负责的官员说道,熊猫幼仔从来不用喂食牛奶的方式抚养。

68、The 3 Fat Pandas - having their lunch break This is the world largest panda conservation center in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. 发熊猫- 吃午饭休息这是全球最大的大熊猫在成都,四川,中国保护中心。

69、Habitat selection by the sympatric species, Giant panda and Red panda was studied in Yele Natural Reserve, Mianning County of Sichuan province from 1994 to 1996. 1994年至1 996年,作者在冕宁县冶勒自然保护区设点,对同域分布、以同种竹子为食的大熊猫和小熊猫的生境利用进行了历时两年多的对比研究。

70、Panda conservationists may stand up and say, "It's a flagship species. 熊猫保护论者也许会站起来说,“这是最重要的物种。

71、But even in these the panda were prey to poachers. 然而,即使在这些保护区内,大熊猫也往往惨遭偷猎者的毒手。

72、The two-month old baby has brown fur where normal pandas sport black. The cub still hasn't opened its eyes nor walked, said experts with Foping Giant Panda Reserve in Shaanxi Province. 陕西佛坪大熊猫保护中心的专家说,这只熊猫宝宝本该是黑色部分的皮毛是棕色的,它现在还没有睁眼、也不会走路。

73、In theory, the annual fee that Edinburgh will pay to China must be used to support those animals in the wild. 理论上说,爱丁堡付给中方的年费需用于保护野生大熊猫。

74、A Ueno veterinarian and a panda keeper are ing the pair to Tokyo on an aircraft decorated with a black-and-white panda design. 来自上野公园的兽医和熊猫饲养员全程护送这对大熊猫乘飞机抵达东京,这架飞机机身使用了黑白相间的熊猫设计。

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