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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-22 03:15:53
  • 114




1、The vocabulary that we have to wrestle with for today's essay is taken in part from Jakobson's understanding of the relationship between metaphor and metonymy, and we will have more to say about that. 今天的论文中我们读来很费劲的词汇,一部分是从雅克布森,对暗喻和转喻的理解,我们将会在这方面讲更多。

2、The mirror is a clever metaphor for informational circuits. 镜子是一个有关信息回路的妙喻。

3、Perhaps it can allude also to the eschatological cloud which covers the elected people as found in Is 4:5. 或者是在依撒意亚四5所提及的,覆盖著选民的云烟的末世暗喻。

4、The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its solemn hymn to the ineffable dark. 夜的序曲始于落日之歌,在它庄严的赞歌中进入难以言喻的黑暗。

5、You don't know what a metaphor is. 你不懂什么是暗喻。

6、Condensation, in other words, is metaphorical in its nature, and displacement is metonymic in its nature. 换句话说, 凝缩本质上是比喻,移置本质上是转喻。

7、But this is a weak metaphor. A home is a richer environment than any serviced apartment can match, no matter how expensive. 目前酒店式公寓打出的宣传语是“离家时的家”,但是这是一个暗喻。

8、The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its Solemn hymn to the ineffable dark. 夜的序曲源于夕阳的余音,那不可言喻的黑暗而奏出庄严的赞歌。

9、Condensation, in other words, is metaphorical in its nature, and displacement is metonymic in its nature. 换句话说,凝缩本质上是比喻,移置本质上是转喻。

10、To vary Neurath's figure with Wittgenstein's, we may kick away our ladder only after we have climbed it. 我们可以用维特根斯坦的比喻来改写诺伊拉特的比喻:只有在爬过之后才能将踢开。

11、It orients us towards seeing the unpredictable events and cirtances as potentially fun and interesting challenges. 这个比喻强调了生命中不可预知的情况,并暗示我们将未知因素视为有趣的挑战。

12、The similarity of metaphor is one of three essential factors for which metaphor sentence is built, a theory put forward by Chen Wangdao in his book On Rhetoric. 比喻类似点是陈望道先生在《修辞学发凡》中提出的比喻句得以成立的三个要素之一。

13、It is easy to parry a spear thrust in the open, but hard to dodge an arrow shot in the dark. 明处来的枪容易躲开,暗中射来的箭难以提防。比喻种种公开的和隐蔽的攻击。

14、As for the use of allusion to usher in the supernatural scene, the purpose is to emphasize the existence of mysterious forces and God. 而超自然场景和引喻的使用则暗示着上帝和神秘力量的存在。

15、Foregrounding at the semantic level lies in the employment of a number of rhetorical devices, i. e. , simile, metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy, personification and pun. 语义层的前景化主要集中在明喻、暗喻、提喻、转喻、拟人及双关这些修辞手段的使用上。

16、Its power lies in the metaphor, for photography captures our minds more than we capture the subject. 它的强大力量在于暗喻,因为摄影捕捉我们的思想超过了我们捕捉的主题。

17、The gentleman sees righteousness; the petty man sees profit. 君子喻于义,小人喻于利。

18、And we talked about the parable of the wheat and the tare . 我们谈到了关于麦子和稗子的比喻。

19、The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes. 迷蒙沧茫的灰白暗喻中国水墨画烟云翻腾、烟岚缭绕的山水景观。

20、What do you think about the parable of the wheat and the tares? 你对麦子与粺子的比喻有何感想?

21、The story of the Prodigal Son, also known as the Parable of the Lost Son, follows the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. 浪子回头的故事,也作为著名的比喻失去了儿子,遵循的是迷失的羊和丢失的硬币的比喻。

22、The erfly, with its otherworldly beauty and silence, is, of course, a common metaphor for the soul. 那只蝴蝶无疑是灵魂的一个暗喻,带着另一个世界的美丽和安静。

23、"Circumference" is actually a metaphor for this extra meaning and the poetic structure itself is the center. “周延”实为这一层意义的暗喻,而诗本身即为“周延”的中心。

24、Foregrounding at the semantic level prinlly turns up in the news headlines. 语义层的前景化主要集中在新闻标题中暗喻、提喻、转喻及双关等的使用。

25、The realization of referential metonymy in language is nouns in lexicon. 指称转喻是转喻的一个分支,用以区分述谓转喻和言外转喻。


26、By using stale metaphors, similes, and idioms, you save much mental effort, at the cost of leaving your meaning ue, not only for your reader but for yourself. 使用陈腐的暗喻、明喻和习语,你省了不少思考的力气,代价是你的意义的模糊,不仅对读者,也对你自己模糊。

27、The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes. 迷濛沧茫的灰白暗喻中国水墨画烟云翻腾、烟岚缭绕的山水景观。

28、Example 16: To spread your wings in Asia. Share our vantage point. 在亚洲展开你的双翅,同我们一起飞高望远。(暗喻)

29、There may be more literal truth to the metaphor than he intended. 这句比喻在字面上的真实度或许比他预期的要多一些吧。

30、It remained, however, gentle and veiled in an ineffable half-light . 那种光却是柔和的,涵容在一种无可言喻的半明半暗的光里。

31、Mapping content and properties came easily, but what about the browsing metaphor? 内容和属性的映射非常容易,但是浏览暗喻会怎样呢?

32、There is being a kind of metaphor between "family" and "country". “家”与“国”之间存在着或明或暗的隐喻关系。

33、I don't understand what your metaphors are all about. 我不明白你暗喻的是什么。

34、Metaphors and mnemonic devices can increase retention by as much as 40%. 暗喻和记忆法可以把记忆力提高多达40%。

35、We believe (that) the proverb that all men are created equal is self-evident. 我们认为「世人生而平等」这句话不言可喻。

36、Use a symbol or metaphor in your story or scene, and have characters talk about it. 在你的故事或场景中使用象征或暗喻,并且让你的人物谈论它。

37、Check for similes metaphors metonymy and synecdoche. 看看有没有明喻、暗喻、转喻和提喻。

38、But actually the metaphor is little different and you’ll see what I mean. 但是实际上,诗歌中的暗喻与投资的意思还是略有不同。

39、For Bill Gross, all the world’s a gloomy metaphor. 对于比尔格罗斯来说,整个世界都是个灰暗的隐喻。

40、Compared with the Chinese idioms, the author gives typical examples from various documents, the popular legend, occupation and metaphor or simile to help English learner Wnderstand the idioms easily. 从不同的文献、传说、职业、暗喻或明喻中析出的典型英、汉成语进行对比,从而使其易于理解。

41、So what are we to do with this allusion? 我们怎样来看这个暗喻呢?

42、These images of contradiction are understood by the artist as a metaphor for modern times. 这些矛盾的意向可以被艺术家作为现代的暗喻来理解。

43、Lister said people should follow the 1946 advice of writer George Orwell: "Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. 李斯特说人们最好遵循作家乔治·奥威尔1946年提出的建议:“不要使用那些在各种出版物上频繁出现的暗喻、明喻或其他修辞格。”

44、We learned metaphors and similes , how to write a story well by using the following elements : characters, setting, conflict, climax and resolution. 我们学习了英语里的明喻和暗喻,讲故事的要点,那就是时间、地点、人物、矛盾、事件的解决等。

45、It was, in fact, a no-brainer, a perfect metaphor. 这件事实际上也是一个显而易见的、完美的暗喻。

46、The fiction ingeniously implies the major theme of rise and decline, weal and woe through its various plots related to the mirror. “风月宝鉴”是全书的一个大隐喻,书中通过各种与镜子有关的情节巧妙地暗示出“盛衰荣辱”的大主题。

47、It was a good metaphor for the confusion of the time. 这对当时混乱的局势是一个很好的暗喻。

48、You will find you can use similes and metaphors to create powerful images. 你将会发现运用明喻和暗喻能创造出强有力的图像。

49、Similes sand metaphors are fun to use! 明喻和暗喻能为文章增色不少! !

50、This is Lwin Lwin Htay, clearly joyous over her mother's recovered sight. 伦伦忒看到母亲摆脱黑暗,喜悦不言而喻。


51、The modern automobile is explained is "four wheel's computers". 现代汽车被喻为“四个轮子的电脑”。

52、It could be someone in a kind of an allegorical mood inscribing on the gravestone the death of culture. 可能是某人以讽喻的口气,刻下此话暗示文化的死亡。

53、Through the spread on Internet, Furong jj became famous in a night from obscurity. 通过网络传播,芙蓉jj一夜之间从(阴暗,不分明,身份低微)到家喻户晓。

54、So we've already seen the trope of the house. 我们已经看过关于房子的比喻。

55、Hassenzahl explains the hedonic and pragmatic qualities with a hammer metaphor. Hassenzahl用一组锤子暗喻解释了享乐主义和实用主义。

56、One Hundred Buddhist Parables , with the full name of One HundredBuddhist Epigrammatic Parables, was extracted from twelve canons in Xiu Duo LuoZangby Jiasina, a monk in ancient India. 百喻经》全名《百句譬喻经》,它是由天竺僧伽斯那从《修多罗藏》十二部经中摘录譬喻事类辑集而成的,以篇幅短小、设喻诙谐巧妙而备受人们青睐。

57、The painting implies that the bloomy flowers will be faded someday yet life is even more unpredictable than one's thought. 其实盛开的花卉终有枯萎的一天,花卉静物画无不暗喻著人生的虚浮无常。

58、The understandability of metaphor is between that of simile and metonymy, so it is adopted less frequently than simile and more frequently than metonymy. 暗喻的理解难度介于二者之间,所以使用频率也介乎其间。

59、Perhaps her doomed love affair with Narcissus is the ultimate metaphor for the relationship between Man and Machine. 也许她与纳西索斯命定的恋爱故事最终暗喻了人和机器间的关系。

60、Yin engergy prevails that of Yang; females perform better than the male. 阴气胜过阳气,比喻女子的表现胜过男子。

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