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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 05:08:00
  • 161


关于”适合写的句子“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Sentences suitable for writing。以下是关于适合写的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences suitable for writing

1、The results show that it is suitable to write azopolymer long-period optical fiber gratings using the polarization direct writing method and amplitude mask method. 结果表明:目前比较适合用于偶氮苯聚合物长周期光纤光栅刻写的方法有偏振直写法和振幅掩模法两种。

2、The plain, direct writing, devoid of metaphor, suits the genre well. 而平白直接的写法,缺乏隐喻同样适合这样的风格。

3、For rone thing, these ss don't suit you. 一方面,这双鞋子并不合适你;

4、Is Jane a possibility as a wife for Richard? 简是做理查德妻子的合适人选吗?

5、The trousers are all right; now the waistcoat; aha, right again. 裤子合身;再请穿上背心试试;啊哈,也很合适。

6、Conveniently, for the purpose of this article, he died almost exactly five years after recording "The Ballad of Jimi." 顺便说一句,切合这篇文章的写作意图,他差不多刚好在”The Ballad Of Jimi”录制后五年时逝世。

7、In a music industry may not be appropriate in the right broker. 在音乐制作行业中合适的未必在经纪行里合适。

8、B4C coating is not fit for shield fast neutrons. B4C涂层不适合屏蔽快中子。

9、In other words, I can simply take the integer portion of the output and use that as the appropriate digit of the expected output code. 换句话说,我可以只取输出的整数部分并使用它作为预期输出代码的合适位。

10、Accelerator is quite well suited for writing stencil-style data parallel programs. Accelerator非常适合编写 模板风格的数据并行处理程序。

11、To write in letters of gold - take quicksilver , pour it into a suitable vase and add gold leaf. 用黄金写信-拿来水银,将水银倒入一个合适的瓶子里,加入金叶。

12、The blue skirt becomes Mary very well. 这条蓝裙子玛丽穿上去很合适。

13、Writing this thesis aims at exploring suitable way of forming junior middle school language accomplishment of writing and bring some inspiration to the Chinese teachers in language drills ? 本篇论文的撰写目的就在于探索一条适合初中语文写作语言素养形成之路,为一线的语文教师进行写作语言训练带去一点启示。

14、I knew that this job was tailor-made for me and hurried to my typewriter to begin this letter to you. 看了你们的招聘广告,我感到这项工作正适合我,于是我立该给您写信。

15、If we treat it well by being eco-conscious, the earth stays a clean place, perfect for living, for ourselves and for our children. 如果我们个个都有环保意识,好好地对待地球,那么地球会保持干净,非常适合生活,不仅适合我们,也适合我们的子孙。

16、a w And the amount of weight available, a w, for available weight. 合适的重量的个数是,也就是available,weight的简写。

17、Then, write a quick summary of the conversation why you are perfect for the job. 然后,写一个谈话的快速择要以及为什么你非常适合这份工作。

18、NMR was highly suited for investigating molecular interactions under approximately physiological conditions and was particularly suited for the study of low-affinity, transient complexes. 核磁共振适合研究在接近生理条件下的分子相互作用,特别是适合研究低亲和力的瞬态的复合物。

19、In essence, the mixing of tags and code is just a convenience for the code -- which means you don't have to create a lot of write statements. 基本上,标签与代码的混合仅仅是为了方便编写代码——这意味着您不需要编写大量的写语句。

20、You could say, "I really enjoyed our conversation about your first years at Boeing. " Then, write a quick summary of the conversation and why you are perfect for the job. 你可以说,“很高兴能和你聊到你在波音公司的那些日子。” 然后,写一个谈话的快速摘要以及为什么你非常适合这份工作。

21、These later, more worldly writings better suit our modern taste—more concrete, less high-flown. 后来这些写作变得更为世俗,更适合我们现代的品味——形象具体而不抽象形而上。

22、Calligraphy notepads are the best option for primary students that want to practice their writing. 字帖儿最适合小学生用来模仿写字。

23、The phrase "rightly dividing" is a metaphor derived from the stonemason's craft of cutting stones straight to fit into their proper place in a building. 这句话,其实是个比喻,描写石匠巧妙切割石头,好把石头用在建筑物最适当的地方。

24、That was too soft for a son of his — he would have preferred me to work on cars or do what he considered to be manly things. 写写画画对他的儿子来说太文弱了——他宁愿我鼓捣鼓捣汽车或做一些他认为适合男人干的事情。

25、Designed for fishing clear water lakes and rivers where long casts are required to avoid spooking fish. 这款竿子适合在清水湖泊和江河里使用,适合远投,以避免让鱼受惊。


26、Hybridization is a more objective translation strategy. 3) Appropriate hybridity is meaningful to enrich Chinese language, culture and literary genres as well as writing techniques. 适度的杂合有利于丰富汉语语言、文化、文学体裁及写作技巧。

27、The day had not yet come that was the right day for drowning. 适合自溺的日子还没有到来。

28、axydx Let's say for which a and b is a xy dx plus - Oh, it is not going to fit here. 假定a和b满足,哦,它在这里写不合适。

29、The book is written as a textbook, with the treatment as a whole appropriate for graduate or postgraduate students, while earlier chapters are also suitable for final-year undergraduates. 书被作为一本教科书写, 由于整体上适合于毕业生或者研究生的处理,而前几章也适于最后年的大学生。

30、Add your MP3s and sort them into playlists. Set the mood for writing. 将你的MP3分类放进来,设定成适合你写作的播放模式。

31、The modern and rustic table is perfect for dinner parties and large walls with high ceilings great for art. 现代但质朴的桌子非常适合举行晚宴,挑高天花板的大墙则适合悬挂艺术作品。

32、Furthermore, we discussed on the contents of digital Circuit which are suitable for the higher vocational academy students on electronic engineering. Compliling outline enclosed. 结合数字电路课程讨论了适用于高职工科电子类的数字电路教材内容,并附有编写大纲。

33、The template, however, is great to use as the example for this tutorial. 但是这个模板非常适合作为本教程的例子。

34、You need to comply with SQL coding standards and guidelines when you write your SQL statements. 当您编写 SQL 语句的时候,需要符合 SQL 编码标准和指导原则。

35、It is made of superior PP materials, telescopic pothook designed, helpful hand to write. 采用优质PP材料,伸缩式挂钩设计,适合书写及悬挂。

36、However, the proper skill to grasp in the writing to arouse students' interest is also the difficulty in solving the problem. 而掌握适当的写作方法,提起学生写作的兴趣又是解决写作教学问题的难题。

37、Good writing justifies itself: no general rule applies in every case, as thoughtful writing engenders its most appropriate form. 优秀的写作其本身就证明:没有适用于任何情况的普遍规则,有见地的写作自然形成它最合适的形式。

38、It is considered suitable and proper that women should think, and write, and be teachers. 妇女应该思惟、写作和做教员被以为是适宜的和合理的。

39、Eliot once said something I think is appropriate as we come to the conclusion to our visit together. 艾略特曾说过一句话,我认为很适合用来做此行的结束语。

40、The optimum temperatures of photosynthetic electron transportation and photosynthetic CO2 fixation were about 28℃ and 35-40℃, respectively. 光化学、光合电子传递最适温度在28℃左右,光合碳同化的最适温度在35~40℃。

41、Write in the proper style. 找准适当的写作风格。

42、So the idea of writing a book was not one that was in my wheelhouse. 所以写书这个主意对我来说并不合适。

43、Ms. Lunday was unsure how her son, who is dyslexic, would cope. Lunday女士不能确定她有读写困难的儿子能适应新的学校。

44、Then, write a quick summary of the conversation and why youare perfect for the job. 然后,写一个谈话的快速摘要以及为什么你非常适合这份工作。

45、When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no time left to write a proper com¬position for Mr. Fleagle. 当我写完它的时候,已经很晚了,而且已经没时间为弗利格尔先生写一篇合适的作文。

46、Continuous spectra are appropriate to the of cymbals. 连续谱适合于描写钹的碰撞声。

47、The products with their characteristic vividness, liveliness and exquisiteness, serve best as ornaments on a writing desk for one's real enjoyment. 产品的特点是鲜亮、活泼、精美,最适合放在写字台作为装饰品欣赏。

48、Works best when the problem can be readily decomposed into subproblems. 最适合易于分解成子系统的问题。

49、Teachers can make suggestions about how to sound out a word or when to use a capital letter. Other skills to address include punctuation, prefixes, and suffixes. 老师同时也教授孩子们如何发音每个单词并指出如何使用字母的大写,还有包括断句、前缀后缀等写作技能。

50、I'll show you the steps by which Jazzy identifies a misspelled word and then provides a likely correction. 我会向您展示 Jazzy 识别拼写错误的单词并提供合适的修正。


51、In a sense, files are best used when viewed as read-only or write-only. 对于只读或只写的数据,适合使用文件。

52、A 2004 Southern Australian Shiraz would be very suitable. 2004年产自南澳洲的设拉子很合适。

53、The cations with high positive charge and small ionic radii are suitable to forming hard gl, and those with low oxidation state and large radii are suitable to forming soft gl. 具有高正电荷,小离子半径的阳离子适合形成硬质玻璃,而那些低氧化态、大离子半径的阳离子则适合于形成软质玻璃。

54、I enjoyed having all that alone time. It was great for writing, since I’d never be interrupted. 一开始我是很享受这种独处的感觉的,这种不受打扰的时间很适合写作。

55、Afternoon field: suitable for afternoon leisure, team parties, business meetings, reading and writing. 午场:适合午后休闲,团队聚会,商务洽谈,阅读写作。

56、Auto-fill for fields. 自动填写为领域的合作。

57、But perhaps smart work is a better description. 但或许称它是一项很需要动脑子的工作更合适。

58、First of all, you need the right JDK when programming JTA applications. 首先,在编写 JTA 应用程序时,您需要合适的 JDK。

59、The written or electronic request for a sonogram should provide sufficient information to allow for appropriate performance and interpretation of the examination. 手写的或电子的超声检查申请应当提供充分的信息以规定检查的合适表现和解释。

60、This small brush head is ideal for a child's mouth. 这个小刷头非常适合孩子的嘴。

61、The crosspiece of the trousers is not made well. 这条裤子横裆处做得不很合适。

62、In other words, Gruber is a real authority, and the obvious person to fill a needed role. 换句话说,格鲁伯是一个真正的权威,显然是填补需要的合适人选。

63、Select one of the desired choices for the subunit conversion. 为子单元转化选择一个合适的选项。

64、Any good kid-friendly apps to recommend? 有什么适合孩子的应用程序可以推荐吗?

65、The jackal's four paws suit some actions. 豺狗的四个爪子对某种行动是适合的。

66、‘Woodrow’ isn’t a proper name for a boy. ‘伍德罗’不适合一个男孩子。

67、This dress is not suitable for the office . 这条裙子穿来上班可不合适。

68、This applies not only to writing, but to all kinds of creative activity. 这不仅对写作适用,对其他任何形式的创造性活动也都适用。

69、Then, if the mix of waste is correct, the carbon and oxygen atoms involved recombine to form carbon monoxide and the hydrogen atoms link up into diatomic hydrogen molecules. 接下去,如果废物的组合是合适的,碳原子和氧原子会重新组合形成一氧化碳,而氢原子则结合起来形成双原子的氢分子。

70、If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief. 如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。

71、His epitaph for himself would have well suited man as he wanted him to be. 他为自己写的墓志铭非常适合像他所期望成为的那种人。

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