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考研英语句子翻译 14个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-25 16:29:16
  • 40

考研英语句子翻译 14个

1. The government’s strict measures have effectively controlled the spread of the epidemic. (的严格措施有效控制了疫情的传播。)

2. The company’s profits have increased significantly due to its successful marketing strategies. (由于成功的营销策略,该公司的利润大幅增加。)

3. The students’ academic performance has improved remarkably since they started attending the tutorial cl. (自从参加了辅导班以来,学生的学术表现显著提升。)

4. The new policy has caused a lot of controversy among the public. (新政策引起了公众的争议。)

5. The research findings suggest that there is a strong correlation between exercise and mental health. (研究结果表明,运动和心理健康之间存在着很强的相关性。)

6. Many people believe that globalization has both positive and negative impacts on the world. (很多人认为全球化对世界既有积极的影响,也有负面的影响。)

7. The novel’s intricate plot and rich characters have captivated readers around the world. (小说复杂的情节和丰富的人物形象吸引了全世界读者。)

8. The project requires a significant amount of financial investment, but the potential benefits outweigh the costs. (这个项目需要相当大的财务投入,但潜在的好处超过了成本。)

9. The professor’s lecture was so informative and engaging that the students didn’t even notice the time passing. (教授的讲课信息丰富,吸引人,学生们甚至没有注意到时间的流逝。)

10. The film’s stunning visual effects and powerful performances have earned it critical acclaim. (电影惊人的视觉效果和强大的表演赢得了批评的赞誉。)

11. The team’s hard work and determination paid off when they won the championship. (团队的努力和决心在他们赢得冠军的时候得到了回报。)

12. The company’s decision to diversify its products has proven to be successful in expanding its customer base. (该公司决定多元化产品,在扩大客户群方面证明是成功的。)

13. The artist’s unique style and vivid use of color have made her paintings highly sought after by collectors. (艺术家独特的风格和生动的色彩运用使她的画作成为收藏家追捧的对象。)

14. The conference brought together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in renewable energy. (会议汇集了来自世界各地的专家,讨论最新的可再生能源发展动态。)

15. The city’s infrastructure needs to be upgraded in order to accommodate the growing population. (为了应对不断增长的人口,这座城市的基础设施需要升级。)

16. The author’s eloquent writing style and insightful ysis have made her book a classic in the field of literature. (作者雄辩的写作风格和深刻的分析使她的书成为文学领域的经典之作。)

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