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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-25 02:10:52
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关于”描写情绪的句子“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Sentences describing emotions。以下是关于描写情绪的句子的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences describing emotions

1、The results suggest that those with a particular kind of highly emotional temperament are more likely to match the description of an orchid child*. 结果表明,那些具有高情绪化气质的特殊人群更可能符合兰花孩子的描述【*】。

2、Discusses how to implement multithreading in your components. 描述如何在元件中实作多执行绪。

3、Remember Paul Ekman's work on the basic emotions, the universals of emotional expression? 还记得Paul,Ekman对基本情绪的研究,情绪表达的共性吗?

4、Everything depends on my mood. If it is bad i listen to the quite and calm music and if it's good i can listen to the quick and mobile music. 任何事情都依赖于我的情绪,如果情绪不好就听安静的歌,如果情绪好,就听快歌!

5、Irregular bowel movements cause irritability and quick temper. 没有规律的排便会导致情绪变得烦躁,而且性子急。

6、An emoticon is a textual portrayal of a writer's mood or facial expression. Emoticon(符号表情)是书写者情绪或者面部表情的文字表现方式。

7、The administrators should pay much attention at the emotion and Emotion Regulation of employees, and they should keep tracing after the of emotion of employee. 管理者应重视员工的情绪与情绪调节,并就情绪做后续情绪追踨。

8、Write a script: plan to describe the situation and describe the impact it had on you. 写个底稿:准备好描述情况以及对你的影响。

9、The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions, and to regulate emotions to promote personal growth (Mayer &Salovey, 1997). 酝酿情绪,利用情绪激励思维,理解情绪,并能够调控情绪来促进个人发展的能力。

10、Molecular orbitals describe the location of electrons in a molecular environment under the influence of more than one nucleus. 分子轨道可用来描述分子中在多个核作用之下电子定域情况。

11、Our mood, tone and emotion can be felt and found inside the art works themselves; 我们的心境,情调,意绪都常常在作品中被感受到了,描绘到了;

12、To Zhu Note here, Mencius, the main type of poetry, psychological and emotional psychological directly with the population the same no longer exists. 到朱注这里,孟子式的诗意主体心理情绪同百姓心理情绪的直接同一不再存在。

13、“It's more about iceberg-mood,” says Seaman via e-mail. “这更像是冰山的情绪”,希曼在电子邮件中这样说。

14、If your emotions were flaring when you wrote the email, a little time can allow these emotions to settle, allowing you to evaluate the message in a different light. 如果你是在情绪激动的情况下写下这封email 短暂的休息时间能让你稳定情绪,让你对你刚才写的东西进行重新评估。

15、So if they were moving marbles upwards, they were faster at retelling stories with positive emotional content than those linked to negative emotions, and vice versa. 所以,当他们往上移动弹珠时,他们复述积极情绪故事的速度就会比复述消极情绪故事快。反之亦然。

16、They also rated answers for any descriptions of people or animals , for sensory descriptions and for emotions or actions. 他们又将此与人或动物的描述,感觉的描述和情绪以及行为联系在一起) (不太对劲儿。)

17、The model provides an map for the unconscious/implicit processing of emotion and how it influences other areas of consciousness. 这个模型描述了无意识/暗示性的情绪过程,并为这种过程如何影响意识的其他领域提供了参考。

18、Once you pinpoint the underlining emotions, you can work on better ways for dealing with your feelings. 如果你准确地描述突出的情绪,你可以更好地处理你的情感。

19、In the study, emotion labor included expression of positive emotion and suppression of negative emotion. 在本研究中,情绪劳动有「正向情绪表达」与「负向情绪克制」两种内涵。

20、Besides, the interaction between ability of regulating others emotion and suppression of negative emotion significantly predicted emotional exhaustion . 此外,调节他人情绪能力与负向情绪克制的交互作用可以显著的情绪耗竭。

21、Jordans team began their investigation by asking 63 undergrads to describe recent negative and positive emotional experiences they d had. 乔丹的心理小组邀请了63位大学生,请他们描述近来经历的正面和负面的情绪体验。

22、As the teacher known as Aaron states, you are in incarnation to grow from the inside of the nearly always, somewhat dark interior of the mental and emotional closet. 如同亚伦老师描述,你转生是为了从几乎是心智和情绪橱柜的黑暗本质中来成长。

23、A total of 30 videos were shown, three for each emotion. 总共有30个视频,每个情绪由三个视频来描述。

24、Vocal music is a very express art. It is particularly able to express subtleties of emotion, mood and even to set a scene using the varying timbres of the human voices. 声乐是通过运用人声的各种音色来表现情感、情绪和描绘情景的艺术。

25、Jordan's team began their investigation by asking 63 undergrads to describe recent negative and positive emotional experiences they'd had. 乔丹的心理小组邀请了63位大学生,请他们描述近来经历的正面和负面的情绪体验。


26、He used this pared-down style to create powerful groups of figures or psychologicing portraits. 采用这种简捷的风致瓦洛东创作出很多局面壮伟的画作以及情绪肖像描写。

27、Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason. 如何将理智和情感分开几乎可以说是他们所上的第一课。

28、Nobody carries a grudge better than this sign. 没有哪个星座比蝎子更容易产生怨恨情绪了。

29、Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn 雷诺兹已经不知道什么是快乐。

30、In comparison, healthy volunteers described their mood with a shade of gray only about 10 percent of the time. 相比之下,健康志愿者只有10%用灰色调来描述他们的情绪。

31、Just like a folk song of the same title describes, "You are delightful, kind and lively. Your smile is like a shining star." 这首燕子即是为妻子小苹而写,如同名民歌中描述「你的性情愉快亲切又活泼,你的微笑好像星星在闪烁」。

32、He described the Pigeon River, which flows from North Carolina into Tennessee. 他向我描述了从北卡罗来纳州流入田纳西州的鸽子河的情况。

33、The music begins with slow and repetitive melody changes, describes helplessness and sad mood of the Lady Zhaojun at different levels, music mainly focuses on the word "sad". 乐曲开头以缓慢的节奏,重复变化的旋律,有层次地描述了昭君出塞的无奈和哀怨情绪,乐曲著重在“哀”字;

34、Positive and negative emotion regulation strategies are correlated significantly with emotion regulation ability and have significant predicative effect on emotion regulation ability. 情绪调节能力和积极与消极情绪调节策略有着显著相关,积极与消极情绪调节策略对情绪调节能力有着显著作用;

35、It includes the preparations of primary emotions, emotions among teaching materials, and emotions of students. 教师在德育教学中的情绪准备内容包括:备主导情绪、备教材内容中的情绪、备学生的情绪;

36、“Hysterical” was how one man described to me the mood in his home, adding that the hysteria was followed by humiliation and shame. 一个人对我描述他全家的情绪,用的词是“歇斯底里”,并补充说,其次便是屈辱感和感。

37、An emoticon is a textual portrayal of a writer's mood or facial expression. (符号表情)是书写者情绪或者面部表情的文字表现方式。

38、The ability of affective perspective-taking predicted the development of emotion regulation. 幼儿的情绪观点采择能力能够情绪调节的发展。

39、The diary of one young woman described the scene at her cousin’s farm. 一位年轻女子的日记描述了在堂兄的农场里发生的事情。

40、Facial expressions don't merely reflect emotions; they also influence emotions. 面部的表情不仅仅反映人的情绪,还能影响人的情绪。

41、Images associated with the road is, "Yung-huai poem" There are a number of boarding and Travel description. 在《咏怀诗》中,阮籍常常通过很多路意象和远游举动的描写来表达其无望的情绪。

42、Secondly, according to the current research of the interrelation between emotion and theory, that positive emotion and negative emotion, ilrated how emotion effects prosocial behavior. 其次,针对当前的研究现状将情绪分为积极情绪和消极情绪来阐述情绪对亲社会行为的影响;

43、You describe it as "a stark portrait of where we are now". 你把它描述为“我们现在所处的情形的一幅鲜明写照”。

44、I remember trying to describe it to my mother and I could sense she felt it wasn't quite right - my emotions were too extreme. 我记得我曾试图向母亲描述这种感觉,我能感觉到她觉得这有些不对头——我的情绪过于极端了。

45、In other words, emotional eaters get a big boost from eating chocolate, while people who exhibit dietary restraint do not (though since this is only a correlation, we can't say why it's happening). 换句话说,情绪性的饮食者在吃完巧克力后情绪高涨,而饮食节制的人则不会(不过这只是一种相关性,我们无法解释其原因)。

46、Emotional labor and emotional management have significantly negative impact on emotional exhaustion. In addition, emotional labor has significantly positive impact on customer-oriented behaviors. 情绪劳务和情绪管理机制分别对情绪耗竭有显著负向影响,而情绪劳务对顾 客导向行为有显著正向影响。

47、Giving their kids some time, they will overcome their emotion. 给孩子多一点的时间,谈就会克服自己的情绪。

48、You've got to learn to loosen up at company socials . 你得学会在公司的工作圈子里(情绪)放松一些。

49、Her hands and her neck began to sweat. But she knew that no emotion was pertinent. 她的手和脖子开始流汗,但她知道任何一种感情都难以描述她此时的心情。

50、Often portrayed as longstanding engineering wisdom, "If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It" posture only promotes complacency. 这句话老少相传,可谓工程智慧的真实写照,然而,“如果没有坏,就不要修复它”只会滋生得过且过的情绪。


51、Studying results suggest that emotion can enhance attention intensity and novel emotional stimuli can be detected more easily. 研究发现,情绪可增强被试对情绪事件的注意强度,尤其是新异的情绪内容较易得到识别。

52、Here is how it worked: Parents would write Winthrop and other physicians letters describing their sick child's condition. 其过程如下:父母给温斯洛浦和其他医师写信,描述孩子们的病情。

53、To explore the exotic and strange aspect of psychological processes, Poe delved into accounts of madness and extreme emotion. 为了探究诡异奇特的心理活动,爱伦‧坡不厌其烦地描述人物癫狂极端的情绪。

54、Hell is a halffilled auditorium. Robert Frost 音乐家的艺术不在于直接描绘形象,而在于把心灵置于这些对象能够在心灵里创造的情绪中去。

55、“In karate there is an image that’s used to define the position of perfect readiness: “mind like water.” “空手道有一种用来描述完全就绪的说法,叫做:“心若止水。”

56、Nevertheless, Silvia thinks there is a good case to be made for considering confusion as a basic emotion, not least because it is so easy to spot. 然而,Silvia则认为,有一种很适宜的情况把困惑描述为基本情绪,特别是因为这种情绪非常容易识别。

57、It is described as being accompanied by widespread pessimism. 它被描述为伴之以普遍的悲观情绪。

58、Emotions differ from the prolonged emotional states that define moods. 情绪不同于长时间的情绪状态即我们所说的心境。

59、Depression is "feeling down," while euphoria is "being high. 抑郁是指情绪“低落”,兴奋则是情绪“高涨”。

60、Conclusion Emotional disorders and alexithymia are common in alcoholics . 结论纠正情绪和述情障碍可能有利于戒酒成功。

61、He describes male birds of paradise with their exotic plumage lekking (displaying) to attract mates—and also the New Guinea tribesmen who collect their feathers as a symbol of status. 他描述雄性极乐鸟用它们异国风情的羽毛吸引异性,还描写新几内亚部落男子收集它们的羽毛作为地位的象征。

62、Conclusion: Depression is a common negative emotion among empty nester, and group psychological intervention can improve the depression of empty nester. 结论 :空巢老年人抑郁等情绪是常见的负性情绪,团体心理干预能够明显改善其抑郁情绪。

63、Mid-way through the conference Katy started to describe in greater detail her feelings and emotions. 在走出会议室的途中,凯蒂开始用更加详细的细节描述她的感觉和情绪。

64、He and colleagues scanned the brains of 30 people -- 18 women and 12 men between 18 and 36 -- who were shown pictures of faces expressing strong emotions. 他和同事们让18到36岁间的18名女子和12名男子分别观看面部照片,并用语言描述出这些面部情绪,同时对他们进行脑部扫描。

65、Judging by its generally more sorrowful than angry tone yesterday, the art world's mood is healthily self-aware these days. 由艺术界的悲伤情绪强于愤怒情绪可以看出,艺术界这几天的情绪已经有了理性自我感知。

66、Yet it is flexible, too, as shown by its success in depicting varying shades of mood, in expressing those more intimate emotions which are so very nearly inexpressible. 但是它也是灵活的,可以从它成功地描写了情绪的不同层面,表达了那些细腻的几乎无法表达的感情看出来。

67、Being EmotionalWhen a woman is upset or emotional she may cry, wave her arms around and constantly talk using emotional adjectives to describe how she feels. 感情用事。当女人心烦或激动时,她也许会哭,或舞动自己的手臂,不停地说,使用情绪化形容词描述自己的感受。

68、He listened politely, though not very attentively, while his father took his turn, describing a feeling of worry that he'd had that day at work. 他有礼貌的聆听著,虽然他没有非常专心,这时他父亲开始了,他描述著他今天上班时所产生的情绪。

69、In women with PMDD, studies have shown a correlation between self-reported emotional distress and levels of a serotonin precursor as measured by Positron emission tomography (PET).[29] 对患有经前不悦症的妇女群体的研究显示,自述的情绪上的痛苦与正电子发射断层扫描仪(PET)测量的5-羟色胺前体水平二者之间具有一定的相关性。

70、Haidt's next idea was born of the choked feelings that people often report when they describe experiencing elevation. 因为当人们描述他们所经历的振奋情绪时,常常说会有窒息的感觉,Haidt有了另外一个想法。

71、The order of mean of each dimension by the self-report sub-scale is: emotional perceivability, emotional evaluation, emotional adaptability, emotional management, emotional expressiveness. 用自陈式分量表测得大学生情绪智力在各个维度上表现出来的高低水平依次是:情绪觉知力、情绪评价力、情绪适应力、情绪调控力、情绪表现力。

72、I experience far fewer negative emotions and far more positive ones. 我体验到更多的积极情绪,消极情绪则少了许多。

73、Without too much emotion whatsoever can write in a bad mood not bad. 没有太多情绪可言可写心情不好不坏。

74、Besides, emotion regulation can be divided into two aspects, that is, antecedent-focused emotion regulation and response-focused emotion regulation. 情绪调节还可以分为两个方面,即先行关注情绪调节和反应关注情绪调节。

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