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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 07:53:34
  • 115


关于”校园生活句子“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Campus life sentences。以下是关于校园生活句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Campus life sentences

1、College students' community is an important carrier of campus culture in university, also an important section in campus culture life of college students. 大学生社团是高校校园文化的重要载体,是大学生校园文化生活的一个重要组成部分。

2、Brenan Academy students benefit from more than a standard college preparatory education; they get real life college experience. 柏瑞诺的学生得益于学校标准的大学准备课程,学生有机会真正感受大学校园生活。

3、As a freshman, he found his campus lonely and alienating. 大一的时候,沈新超发现自己的校园生活很孤单。

4、Developing e-commerce based on campus smart card can achieve each e-payment activity in the campus and on-line payment, and it is a good way to develop the campus e-commerce. 在校园环境下开展基于一卡通的电子商务能够实现校园内各项电子支付活动以及网上支付,是发展校园电子商务的良好途径。

5、The resourceful, active mind, dynamic personality and vigorous children are the most beautiful scenery of the school and their vivid life make a colorful and vibrant school. 手脑灵活、思维活跃、个性活泼、充满活力的孩子是校园最美的风景,他们灵动的生命让幸福的雅园满庭芬芳、生机勃勃。

6、Campus-culture is a kind of special cultural phenomenon which plays an important role in the growth and development of students. 校园文化是校园特有的一种文化现象。校园文化与房分学生的成长成才有极为密切的关系。

7、Everyone had gathered to say “GOOD-BYE” to the place where we had spent our schooldays. 所有人都聚在一起,向我们度过校园生活的地方告别。

8、Based on the concept 'invisible campus' brought up by Mr. Huang, we find that commercial activity is a very active factor in 'invisible campus'. 基于黄世孟先生所提出的“隐形校园”概念,研究发现:商业活动在“隐形校园”中是一个非常活跃的因素。

9、She enlisted more MIT students and alumni12) in recruitment and created a dynamic weekend campus-visit program, one of the first of its kind. 在招生的过程中,她争取到了更多的麻省理工学生和校友的支持和帮助,她还发起了一个充满活力的周末校园游活动——此类活动的“鼻祖”。

10、College students have unique thought, emotion, behavior and view on life, Their unique dorm culture is an important part of college campus culture. 高校学生以其独特的思想感情、行为方式、生活观念形成了独特的学生寝室文化,它是高校校园文化建设的重要部分。

11、"e-campus" is a new digitalized place of working, studying, living which set the teaching and learning, management, and entertainment in one. “数字化校园”则是以校园为背景的集教、学、管理、娱乐为一体的一种新型数字化的工作、学习、生活环境。

12、It takes new students a while to orientate themselves to college life. 新同学要花一定的时间来熟悉校园生活。

13、Students learn to study and work in a group, thus, bringing more vitality to the school atmosphere. 学生学习在团体中求学、活动,因此校园内生气蓬勃。

14、Eco-community and garden-style campus with fresh air everyday. 生态社区,园林校园,让孩子呼吸清新空气。

15、Teaching and living facilities, campus environment, elegant, strong academic atmosphere, is a post-graduate students to learn the ideals of the institutions. 教学、生活设施一应俱全,校园环境幽雅,学术氛围深厚,是一所学生学习深造的理想院校。

16、Recreational programs will enrich the student experience and contribute to the quality of life throughout the campus and local community. 娱乐性体育锻炼活动将丰富学生们的经历并通过校园和本地社区的活动提升他们的生活质量;

17、Through reconstituting the components of the campus landscape, highlight gardening scenes on university campus to achieve a new university campus concept of "campus in garden, garden on campus". 通过对校园景观构成因素的分析研究,突出园林景观及园林环境在大学校园中的作用,达到园林化校园的目标,以创造“校在园中,园在校中”的新的大学校“园”的概念。

18、Often times, off-campus housing is more expensive than on-campus housing and while living on campus, you don't have to worry about monthly rent payments and utility bills. 很多时候,校外住宿比昂贵的校内住房,在校园生活,你不必担心,月租费和水电费。

19、Campus English Corner "on campus English Corner" is the Department of Foreign Languages University, the Department held an event, I think this kind of activity can also be held in the school garden. 校园英语角“校园英语角”是我们大学时外语系系举行的一个活动,我觉得这种活动也可以在中学校园里举行。

20、Take the small road on campus, campus in May of green grass and vibrant. 走在校园的小路上,五月的校园绿草如茵,生机勃勃。

21、Campus life will lose its variety and vigor if marginalized clubs die out. 如果一些边缘社团消失了,那么校园生活也就失去了其多样性和活力。

22、The 15th week, I took part in the activities on the Parents Open Day, and experienced my child's kindergarten life, it was great! 第15周:本周参与了浩浩班的“家长开放日”,感受了孩子们真切的校园生活,感觉好极了!

23、Boys and girls, hope you would enjoy the learning as well as the school life at STCC! 同学们,盼望您们享受在迦南的学习及校园生活!

24、We will ensure that primary and middle school students do one hour of physical exercise in school every day. 保证中小学生每天一小时校园体育活动。

25、Movie and TV culture has enriched reader campus life. 影视文化丰富了读者的校园生活。


26、Having finally escapd from home, moved into student digs and thrown up at freshers' fair, the last thing you need is your mum and dad strolling on to campus. 近日,德国明斯特大学就向数百名大学生家长发出邀请,希望他们能走访校园,并亲眼看看自己的子女在学校里的生活。

27、She feels isolated from campus life and no peace at the apartment. 她感觉被校园的生活孤立,在宿舍也没有安静的空间。

28、Are there any special events held on your campus? 你们校园内有什么特别的活动吗?

29、Our company is a company specializing in the production of teaching reading, campus radio, campus radio and electronic products manufacturers. 我公司是一家专业生产教学复读机、校园广播及校园收音机等电子产品的厂家。

30、Share Beijing University of Technology campus living, learning, employment and other information. 分享北工大校园生活、学习、就业等信息。

31、With the rapid development of e-commerce and deepening of campus information, campus, and the rapid development of e-commerce came into being. 随着电子商务的迅猛发展和校园信息化的不断深入,校园电子商务应运而生并快速发展。

32、At last, the cultural environment of the campus should be optimized to guide students to prefect themselves in colorful extracurricular activities. 创建良好的校园文化环境,引导学生在丰富多彩的课外校外活动中完善自己。

33、Man is the main body in academic cultural construction, the combination of teachers and students. 校园人是大学校园文化建设的主体,是生活在校园中师生的结合体。

34、Upperclassmen and experts suggest a hobby-based selection of clubs, which might have a lasting impact on one's life and career. 作为校园生活的一部分,无论如何,社团经验都会对你的生活和职业带来影响。

35、Don't you form unrealistic picture of campus life. 你对校园生活可别抱着什么不切实际的想法。

36、On university campus, students' alter-class reading is the freest reading activity. 大学校园里,学生课下文学阅读是阅读活动中最自由的活动。

37、The campus is also known as 'Yan Yuan', the Garden of Yan. 校园又被称作“燕园”,燕子的花园。

38、When I was in elementary school the school held a "scholarly campus" activities. 在我上小学时,学校举办了一个“书香校园”活动。

39、The school is divided into four sections: teaching, sporting , living and greens for relaxation. 靖江外国语学校校园分教学区、运动区、生活区和绿化休闲区四个功能区。

40、BE what make the campus life that we enrich back a riotous color gradually? 是什么使我们丰富的校园生活渐退了缤纷的色彩呢?

41、He said "ragging" is banned and universities and colleges must must be held accountable and responsible if untoward incidents occurred as a result of illegal ragging activities in their premises. 大学是严禁拖尸活动,因此校方必须对发生在校园内的拖尸活动负起责任。

42、Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai branch campus environment, teaching and living facilities in the domestic first-class are called for students to learn in this life and provided good conditions. 北京师范大学珠海分校的校园环境、教学和生活设施在国内均堪称一流,为莘莘学子在此学习和生活提供了良好的条件。

43、This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life③, especially on campus. 这种现象在我们的生活中随处可见,尤其在校园里更加明显。

44、I was the cover boy of "Campus Life" magazine 2010 March issue. 我做了《校园生活》杂志2010年三月号的封面人物。

45、The “Not For Sale” belongings carry students’ precious memories of campus life. 但这些非卖品装载了他们校园生活的珍贵回忆。

46、Campus E-bussiness is very convenient to students' daily life, and it is also very useful to the management of schools and teachers' work. 校园电子商务的建立不仅能为学生的学习及日常生活提供了很大方便,而且对学校的管理、教师的工作也是非常有利的。

47、Let’s look into what a college campus would be like with each Disney princess present. 来看看每位公主所呈现的校园生活吧。

48、beautiful.I'm very happy in the school. 我是Beth.我今年十四岁,就读于杭州一中.我就读的学校(面积)非常62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333337383964大,而且还很美丽.我非常开心自己能上这所学校.

49、Campus greening is an important building of the modern part of the campus, its students improve the quality of life, improve the health of students of vital importance. 校园绿化是是现代校园建设的重要组成部分,它对提高学生学习生活质量,增进学生身心健康致关重要。

50、To enhance the ideological and political education and the management in the college life park is important and necessary to constructing a harmonious university. 加强大学生生活园区思想与管理工作是构建和谐校园的重要内容和必然要求。


51、Most students come back just as the semester gets underway. Qu's early return gave him time to readjust his body, and his mind, to campus life。多数学生在新学期开始时才返校,而曲萌的提早返校就让自己有时间来调整身心,更早地适应校园生活。

52、Yang advises students to shake off "worldly wisdom" during college years and enjoy campus life. 杨敏建议学生在大学期间摆脱世故,好好享受校园生活。

53、Get students discuss and compare the Chinese school life with Canadian school life. And share their ideas. 让学生分小组自由讨论:加拿大的校园生活与中国的校园生活有什么异同之处。

54、'Digital campus' establish with the campus net is a new environment that makes it a multi-functional center for teach, study, living, and entertainment. “数字化校园”是以校园网为背景的,集教、学、管理、娱乐为一体的新型数字化工作、学习、生活环境。

55、In order to make us live healthily, we need to beautify the environment of campus. 为了能让我们健康的生活,我们需要美化校园环境。

56、beautiful.I'm very happy in the school. 我是Beth.我今年十四岁,就读于杭州一中.我就读的学校(面积)非常大,而且还很美丽.我非常开心自己能上这所学校.

57、there are always people walking around, so there's a liveliness to it. 总是有人在校园里漫步,为校园注入了活力。

58、They voiced concerns about security and the threat of off-campus lifestyles getting out of control. 他们表示关切和对安全的威胁关闭校园生活失控。

59、You'll find yourself laughing over their trivial yet funny life on campus in the early 1990s. 上世纪90年代初,那些细微而有趣的校园生活令人莞尔。

60、More importantly, the school strives to fully include Options students in the school community. 更重要的是,学校努力将这些学生包括在校园的各项活动中。

61、To enhance teaching in the claoom, the school also actively organized the second claoom activities to enrich the cultural life on campus. 在加强课堂教学的同时,学校还积极组织开展第二课堂活动,丰富校园文化生活。

62、It is necessary to organize a variety of interesting out-of-class activities, which make our school life colorful. 组织各种各样使校园生活丰富多彩的课外活动是非常必要的。

63、It was a two-year program, and I really enjoyed campus life 上了两年,我非常喜欢校园生活,

64、Campus'popular language is a mirror reflecting state of mind of modern collegians. 校园流行语是反映大学生心理状况的一面镜子。

65、with being in New York, but also having this campus atmosphere 既在纽约生活,又拥有校园氛围,

66、In the German city of Münster hundreds of parents have been invited to descend on the university and check up on what their sons and daughters are doing. 作父母的都很关心自己的孩子在学校时的情况。近日,德国明斯特大学就向数百名大学生家长发出邀请,希望他们能走访校园,并亲眼看看自己的子女在学校里的生活。

67、Everyone had gathered to say "GOOD-BYE" to the place where we had spent our schooldays. 所有人都聚在一起,向我们度过校园生活的地方告别。

68、Most students come back just as the semester gets underway. Qu's early return gave him time to readjust his body, and his mind, to campus life. 多数学生在新学期开始时才返校,而曲萌的提早返校就让有来身心,更早地校园生活。

69、DMD is the organization that exclusively organizer the school & college autograph sessions & events. 制作殿堂是主办校园活动而成为各校办活动必联络邀请歌手的机构。

70、I can never forget the days when I stepped into my university. I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. 我永远不会忘记刚刚跨进大学校园的那几天:花园一样的校园,热情活跃的学生,特别是那里的学习气氛,给我留下了深刻的印象。

71、Mr. Erma's school is a showcase campus. Erma先生的学校被定为师范性校园。

72、Please keep silent during the NTUE class time. 非校园下课时间活动,请保持安静。

73、The campus culture has the other discipline education irreplaceable special function in the elementary school. 校园文化在小学校园生活中具有其他学科教育所不可替代的特殊作用。

74、They think it can colorful campus life and having responsibility. 他们认为,它将五彩缤纷的校园生活装于罐头而且有职责。

75、This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life③, especially on campus. 这种现象在我们的生活中随处可见,尤其在校园里更加明显。

英文句子模板76:Campus life sentences

76、Campus novel, with campus life as its theme, is the modern style of novel permeated with youthful qualities. Youthfulness is the indispensable element for this kind of novels. 校园小说是一种以校园生活为题材,洋溢着青春质素的现代小说样式。

77、And I think there's also a real life to the campus, 我觉得校园里有一股活力。

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