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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-07 04:46:21
  • 191


关于”吃饭的句子“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Eating sentences。以下是关于吃饭的句子的五年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Eating sentences

1、Even three family meals a week helped, with youngsters 12 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate with their families less often. 就算孩子每周只和家人一起吃三顿饭,他们超重的可能性也比其他不常和家人一起吃饭的孩子要低12%。

2、One day I forgot to feed my son. 有一天,我竟忘记了喂儿子吃饭。

3、I have eggplant and tomatoes for lunch. 我午饭吃茄子和西红柿。

4、Parents across the country will all have endured a frustrating mealtime as a fussy child refuses to eat. 全国各地的父母都经历过挑剔的孩子在吃饭时拒绝吃饭。

5、His stomach bulged after the dinner. 他吃过饭以后,肚子都鼓起来了。

6、By tea-time, however, the dose had been enough, and Mr. 吃饭的时候,班纳特先生几乎一句话也没有说;

7、While the other kids ate bologna sandwiches for lunch, I ate tortillas made from scratch. 其他的孩子午饭吃波洛尼亚三明治,而我午饭则吃现做的玉米饼。

8、You will definitely feel hungry if you don't eat. 如果你不吃饭的话就会饿肚子的哦。

9、When you eat with chopsticks, you can eat the bowl to her mouth, especially when you eat rice. 当你用筷子用饭时,你可以将碗端到嘴边吃,特别是当你吃米饭时。

10、When one dines in a restaurant, one likes a table to oneself. 人们在饭馆吃饭时, 喜欢独占一张桌子。

11、As a child, the little boy very poor family, food, rice is often not enough to eat, his mother took the bowl of rice to the children to eat. 儿时,小男孩家很穷,用饭时,饭经常不足吃,母亲就把本身碗里的饭分给孩子吃。

12、Come on, boys, get stuck in-you need a good meal in wintertime. 来吧,孩子们,专心吃饭-冬天要把饭吃好。

13、What do you have for supper every day? We have dumplings. 你们每天晚饭吃什么? 我们吃饺子。

14、When you eat, you should eat. 吃饭的时候就应该专注吃饭。

15、Stop messing with the s and finish your breakfast. 别摆弄匙子,快把早饭吃了。

16、in my opinion, we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves! [搜狗问问][1] 扩展资料: 例句 他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。

17、Don't take your foot as your food. 不要把脚丫子当饭吃。

18、The children tucked into the meal prepared by their mother. 孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃着妈妈准备的饭。

19、Do you eat out a lot in London? 你们在伦敦经常上馆子吃饭吗?

20、I want some meat, beef, a potato and rice for. 我午饭想吃肉丸子,牛肉,一个土豆和米饭。

21、They have a quick supper,and it's time for homework. 孩子匆匆吃完晚饭,就该做作业了。

22、Well, then, next is, do you generally eat the New Year's dinner at home or go out to a restaurant? 那么,的就是,你一般年夜饭是在家里吃还是上馆子,去饭店里吃呢?

23、It's not good manners to sound plates and gl at meals. 吃饭时使盘子杯子发出声响,这是不礼貌的。

24、It was a wonderful meal, and we all pitched into it as though we hadn't eaten for a month. 这顿饭好极了,我们放开肚子大吃大喝,好像一个月没吃过饭似的。

25、A:We Chinese eat with chopsticks. 我们中国人使用筷子吃饭。


26、The problem we have with them is every time when eating baby George would stand on the chair and try to climb on the table… 问题是,洋洋每次吃饭吃半截儿就开始踩在椅子上往桌子上爬。

27、Once upon a time , the son of a rich man liked eating dumplings in a restaurant but he only ate the meat filling while threw away the flour wrappers. 从前,一个财主的儿子喜欢到饭馆里吃饺子,但他只吃肉馅,把饺子皮全都扔掉。

28、The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。

29、She makes sure he eats well and takes his medications. 她还要确保儿子饭吃得香,并按时服药。

30、It’s annoying to see the way she eats as if the food tastes so bad that she can hardly swallow. 看到她那吃饭的样子实在是令人恼火,就好像饭菜的味道非常难吃,简直是难以下咽似的。

31、Jostling him with his meal tray. 用吃饭的盘子挤撞安德。

32、I come from the orcs, we eat with ss and forks, we love to eat our pork! 我来自兽族,我们用汤匙和叉子吃饭,我们爱吃猪肉。

33、She told the children not to talk while ( they are)eating. 她让孩子们吃饭时别说话。

34、After having a lunch at a Chinese restaurant, this happy journey came to an end. 在酒楼吃过午饭后,这趟愉快的旅程便划上句号。

35、As late as 1897, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered unmanly. 一直到1897年英国海军的船员还不容许用刀和叉子吃饭,因为用刀子吃饭被认为是没有男人气概。

36、You eat with a knife and fork. 你用一把刀和一去叉子吃饭。

37、Leave them with Dad for the evening and make plans to have dinner with a friend. 把孩子留给爸爸,出去和朋友们吃吃饭吧。

38、He has run out of food; his children are hungry. 他家揭不开锅了, 孩子们都等着吃饭。

39、The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. 一大家人在一张桌子上吃饭,可老父亲的手颤抖得厉害,又不能看清楚,吃饭很困难。

40、If you eat at your desk, clean up the food very carefully. No one like bugs at their station. 若是你在桌子上吃午饭,吃完后要扫除清洁。没有人喜欢他们的工作座位有小虫子。

41、Children eat like animals until they are civilized. We eat and run. 孩子们直到变文明以前,都像动物一样吃饭,我们是跑着吃饭。

42、吃午饭; We are having lunch. 我们正在吃午饭。

43、No Clean Plate Club: Eating communally with family style plates encourages less overeating. 不采用分餐制:大家用家庭式的盘子吃饭时让人不容易多吃。

44、I want to eat two bowls of rice. I like eating noodles / dumplings. I don't like porridge. 我想吃两碗饭。我喜欢吃粉条/饺子。我不喜欢喝粥。

45、After lunch my father dozes in his chair. 吃过午饭后我父亲总在他的椅子上打个盹。

46、A:I've got a sore throat and I can't eat food. 嗓子疼,吃不下饭.

47、My parents always told me that eat at ho me like you would eat outside. 我的父母常跟我说,在家吃饭时什么样子在外面吃也会一样。

48、A guy named John had just taken his wife Kelly out to dinner. 一名叫约翰的小伙子刚刚带他的妻子凯利外出吃饭。

49、在家吃午饭 Eat lunch at home 在家吃午饭 Have lunch at home 在家吃午饭 Eating lunch at home

50、Would you mind eating out this evening? 你介意今晚上馆子吃饭吗?


51、You should see the way those boys waded into the meal, as if they hadn't eaten for a week! 你该看看那些男孩子吃饭时狼吞虎烟的样子,好像有一个星期没吃东西似的。

52、you know, take my wife out to dinner. 带我的妻子去吃饭。

53、Would you like to eat beef or pork Chinese use chopsticks to eat. Use s to drink soup. 你想吃牛肉还是猪肉?中国人吃饭用筷子。喝汤用勺子。

54、He eats at the kitchen table and listens to the radio. 他在厨房的桌子旁吃饭,边吃边听着收音机。

55、Now they are able to feed and clothe their children properly. 如今他们能供孩子们吃饭、穿衣。

56、Students often go Dutch in these restaurants on weekends. 周末,学生常凑份子去这些饭馆吃饭。

57、We ate on the table, slept under the table and played around the table. 我们在桌子上吃饭,在桌子下睡觉,在桌子旁玩耍。

58、At night he would eat his supper alone and curl into his blankets. 夜晚他独个儿躲在那里。吃他的晚饭,吃完蜷着身子往毯子里一钻。

59、The boot at the dinner table chairs, squat down to eat, ma bu or horse stance just look they are painful to eat. 吃饭时众新兵没有椅子,蹲着马步吃饭,众人均吃的痛苦无比。

60、They usually eat out on Sundays. 星期天他们通常上馆子吃饭。

61、Westerners eat with forks and knives, while we Chinese eat with chopsticks. 西方人用刀叉吃饭,而我们中国人用筷子吃饭。

62、The child took sulks, and would not eat. 那孩子赌气不吃饭。

63、I saw the table was full of the dishes I liked that weren’t touched at all. 餐桌上摆了满满一桌我爱吃的饭菜,看样子,那些饭菜一筷子都未动。

64、However, the ox needed to graze and people needed to eat, so life became difficult. 可牛要吃草,人要吃饭,日子很难。

65、孩子们这顿饭吃得时间太长了。The children have lingered too long over their dinner.

66、G comes up to the dining table with a plate. 朱端着盘子到餐桌前吃饭。

67、But I don't cook special "kids only" meals every night - they have what we eat. 但是我不每晚特别去做只给孩子吃的饭——他们吃的和我们一样。

68、The children have lingered too long over their dinner. 孩子们这顿饭吃得时间太长了。

69、She managed to provide her children with food and clothing. 她设法使她的孩子有饭吃,有衣穿。

70、Tang sugar know path supergroup didnt eat will give range supergroup cook, two in cooking close appearance let TangGuanZhong couple saw. 唐糖知道程超群没吃饭便要给程超群做饭吃,两个在做饭时亲密的样子让唐冠中夫妇看到了。

71、Then, Man is to have children and live 15 years as a dog, guarding his house and eating the leftovers after they empty the pantry. 然后人有了孩子,要像狗一样活上15年,守卫着自己的家,孩子吃完饭,他才去吃他们的残羹剩饭。

72、It is like every time you eat you think all meals you must eat in your life! 这就好比你每次吃饭的时候都在想着你下半辈子每顿饭吃什么!

73、Or maybe during the meal, you are feeling a stomachache 又或者在吃饭的时候,你觉得有点肚子疼。

74、What shall we do about lunch: go to a restaurant, or have it at home? 我们打算怎么吃午饭,是下馆子还是在家吃。

75、If you eat persimmons, eat them after meals and peel them, since most of the tannic acid is in the peel. 柿子适宜在饭后吃,吃前要剥皮,因为柿子皮中含有大量的单宁酸。

英文句子模板76:Eating sentences

76、God gave you a pair of chopsticks, but you need looking for your bowl by yourself. 上帝给了你吃饭的筷子,可饭碗还得自己找。

77、The traditional way to eat bibimbap is to mix it very well with the s or chopsticks and then you can use either to eat it. 传统的吃拌饭的方法是先用匙子或筷子将碗里的食物充分拌匀,然后再用匙子或筷子吃拌好的食物。

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