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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-30 00:31:03
  • 174


关于”我最喜欢的季节5句话“的英语句子24个,句子主体:My favorite season。以下是关于我最喜欢的季节5句话的五年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:My favorite season

1、winter is good ,so is summer. but autumn is really my cup of tea. (我最喜欢冬天。

2、I like the scenery of nature, no matter the season or late autumn is the Yang-chun. 我喜欢自然界的景物,不论这季节是阳春还是深秋。

3、Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter? 春、夏、秋、冬四季中你最喜欢 哪个?

4、In the plant kingdom, I do not like dainty peony and do not like the fragrance of the rose, I only like ordinary fairy mountain. 在植物的王国里,我不喜欢娇艳的牡丹,不喜欢芬芳的月季,我只喜欢平凡的仙人山。

5、I like Japanese style cake very much. It have the feeling of the season. Lovely, cute and elegant. 我非常喜欢日本点心。有季节感,可爱,美丽,优雅。

6、It is the season for the climbing fig to blossom. I like that flower very much. 又到了木莲树开花的季节, 我特别喜欢这种花。

7、My favourite TV programme is comedy, which give us happiness and edification. 我最喜欢看的电视节目的喜剧片,它给人带来快乐,从快乐中得到启迪。

8、My favorite season is winter because it is the only season that feels cool and needs to wear long-sleeved clothing in Guangzhou. 我最喜欢冬季了,因为这是广州唯一可以感到凉爽的季节,也是唯一需要穿长袖衣服的季节。

9、  当冬天来了,sometimes i will make a snowman with my friends,the ground will be covered sonw。

10、So that's my favorite one. 我很喜欢这个节日。

11、Which season does Chenjie like best? 陈杰最喜欢哪个季节?

12、Like all outdoor-minded people, we inhabit the current season, whichever it is, with passion, though we also take great pleasure in antiting the next one as well. 像所有喜爱户外的人一样,我们充满热情地住在当季里,不管是哪个季节,尽管我们也很喜欢下个季节。

13、Jane: Which season do you like possiblyst? 简:你最喜欢哪个季候?

14、我喜欢玩篮球 I like to play basketball 我最喜欢打篮球 I like to play basketball

15、Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather. 在这四个季节当中,我最喜欢冬天,虽然那很冷,我喜欢那样的天气。

16、I love the traditions that come along with this season. 我喜欢这个季节一同尾随而至的传统。

17、Jimmy's Gran loved roses and early summer. 吉米的外祖母很喜欢玫瑰,也很爱初夏的季节。

18、Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

19、Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节?

20、Zhangpeng: Which season do you like best? 张朋: 你最喜欢什么季节。

21、" have turned body "say truth, I do not like cold season, especially wind big just cold weather. 说实话,我是不喜欢寒冷季节的,特别是风大且冷的天气。

22、Valentines day is one of Allie’s favorite holidays so I need to go all out. 情人节是 Allie 最喜欢的节日所以我要全力以赴。

23、My favourite programmes are cartoons and detective films. 我最喜欢的节目是动画片和侦探片。

24、“I like a sense of humor, ” Zyama said. “我喜欢有幽默感的。” 季曼说。

25、too hot,not too cold in this season. 这给季节不太热不太冷。


26、Music shows are my favourite . 音乐节目是我喜欢的。

27、I like sports, but I don't like watch sports programs. 我喜欢运动,但是我不喜欢看体育节目。

28、What happens to the leaves on the trees in your favourite season? 在你最喜欢的季节里,树木的叶子会怎样?

29、I like autumn. 我喜欢秋季。

30、That program es with my favorite quiz show. 这个节目与我最喜欢的智力竞赛节目时间冲突。

31、Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate. 打小时候起,我最喜欢的季节就是冬天。我喜欢在雪里玩,喜欢喝热巧克力。

32、It is my favorite Chinese festival. 这是我最喜欢的中国节日。

33、848. My favorite winter sport is skiing. I belong to a ski club. 我最喜欢的冬季项目是滑雪.我在一个滑雪俱乐部里.

34、I love all the seasons,because they are beautiful.我喜欢所有的季节,因为它们都很美.

35、I like sports programs best. 我最喜欢体育节目。

36、And we can fight with snow. Which season do you like best? 而且我们可以打用雪球打雪仗。你最喜欢哪个季节?

37、Which seasons do you like best? 你最喜欢哪些季节?

38、In this season,I will go to the country to have fun, 在这个季节,我喜欢去农村游玩.

39、Candy corn is my favorite Halloween candy. 玉米糖是我最喜欢的万圣节糖果。

40、My favorite winter sport is skiing. I belong to a skiclub. 我最喜欢的冬季运动是滑雪,我是滑雪俱乐部的成员。

41、B:I like variety shows. 我喜欢综艺节目。

42、I like.summer best.(My favourite season is summer.) 你最喜欢什么季节?

43、It is the most popular program all over the world and also my favourite progamme. 这是世界上最受欢迎的节日,也是我最喜欢的节日。

44、Autumn is my favorite season, because I can harvest the apples. 秋季是我最喜欢的季节,因为这意味着可以摘苹果了。

45、In this season ,I like to go out for watching the beautiful scenery. 在这个季节,我喜欢到外面欣赏美丽的风景.

46、Because of the chrysanthemum 's sake, is deeply like autumn, like the turning cold, some profound and full of tenderness in season. 因为菊花的缘故,就是深深地喜欢秋季,喜欢这个寒意渐浓,有些深邃的且蘸满了柔情的季节。

47、So what is your favorite TV program? 那么你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?

48、I love all the seasons, because they are beautiful. 我喜欢所有的季节,因为它们都很美。

49、Then, what's your favorite winter sport? 那么,你最喜欢的冬季运动是什么?

50、My favorite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. 我最喜欢的节日是龙舟节。


51、Spring is the season I like best, the green grassland, a wide variety of flowers, red, purple, yellow, white and so on. 春天是我最喜欢的季节,绿油油的草地,各种各样的花儿,红的,紫的,黄的,白的等等。

52、which senson do you like best? 应该是这样 favourite 比如Summer is my favourite season.夏天是我最喜欢的季节 You like winter best Winter is my favourite season

53、Watching films, especially comedy, is my favorite pastime although (or, but) I don’t like films with a lot of violence or horror films. 我最喜欢的消遣是看电影,尤其是喜剧片。但我不喜欢看带有很有暴力和恐怖情节的电影。

54、The festival I like most is Double-Nine Festival of the lunar calendar because it is my birthday. 我最喜欢的节日是重阳节,因为这一天是我的生日。

55、I like fast music. 我喜欢节奏快的音乐。

56、I like basketball best! It'smy favourite. 我最喜欢打篮球!它是我最喜爱的运动。

57、Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

58、favourite是最喜欢的 我最喜欢吃的水果是苹果 My favourite fruite is apple.

59、That is a killer show, and one of the most popular TV shows in history. 那是我最喜欢的电视节目之一,每次播那个节目,我绝对不会错过!

60、Jim:I like autumn, too. The days are clear and the sun is warm. It's neither too hot nor too cold. It's the best season in Beijing. 我也喜欢秋天。秋天天气晴朗,阳光温暖,既不太热又不太冷,是北京最好的季节。

61、So do I . But I like the Heroes of the Marshes most. 那也是我最喜欢的书之一。不过我最喜欢《水浒传》。

62、I like a slower life. 我喜欢慢节奏的生活。

63、which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

64、What season do you like best? 我问乐乐,她最喜欢什么季节?

65、What's your favorite festival , Yang Ling ? 杨玲,你最喜欢的节日是什么。

66、  When winter comes ,和雪玩耍也让感到很快乐,where i can go skiing footloosely jusr like a bird(我最喜欢的季节是冬天。

67、which season do you adore most? winter is good ,so is summer. but autumn is really my cup of tea. (我最喜欢冬天。

68、This is four seasons of Beijing. I love all the seasons, because they are beautiful. 这就是北京的四季。我喜欢所有的季节,因为它们都很美。

69、What's your favorite holiday, Wang Tao? 你最喜欢的节日是什么, 王涛。

70、你的弟弟最喜欢哪个季节翻译成英语Which season is the most like your brother

71、I love Hunan food. Stinky Tofu is my favorite. 我喜欢湖南菜。臭豆腐是我最喜欢的。

72、I like.summer best.(My favourite season is summer.) 你最喜欢什么季节?

73、I love you.(我喜欢你)I love you very much.(我非常喜欢你)I love you the best.(我最喜欢你)

74、It's kind of like a relaxing season. I like autumn. 这就好像是一个令人放松的季节。我喜欢秋季。

75、"I love Halloween and I love dancing, " Ciston said. "Everybody loves 'Thriller. '" “我喜欢万圣节,有喜欢跳舞,”西斯顿说,“大家都喜欢颤栗。”

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