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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-08 14:52:00
  • 98


关于”激励人的句子“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Inspiring sentences。以下是关于激励人的句子的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Inspiring sentences

1、Nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。

2、Lord of the Rings books and films have inspired people around the world. 《魔戒》系列书籍和电影激励了全世界的人们。

3、The intense beam creates an artificial "star" in the atmosphere by exciting atoms 56 miles (90 km) up. 强烈的光束由于激励了高达56英里(90公里)原子,创造一个大气中的人造“星星”。

4、The unflagging optimism of a good leader energizes everyone. 一个好领导者的不倦的乐观情绪可以激励每一个人。

5、He still has that power to inspire people—without even opening his mouth. 他仍然拥有激励人们的力量――即使不张开嘴。

6、Thee most motivating thing in the world is progress. Any trivial progress can motivate and boost positive emotions that will help build a productive momentum. 世界上最激励人心的事情就是进步。任何微小的进步都会激励和促进积极情绪,而那会让你的高效工作更有劲。

7、My duty s me on. 责任感激励着我。

8、The experiment was carried out using a transversally excited flow CO2 laser. 该实验是用横流电激励CO2激光器进行的。

9、The primary resonance bifurcation problems are discussed for an arch structure with parametric and forced excitation. 研究拱型结构在参数激励与强迫激励联合作用下的主共振情形的分叉问题。

10、At incentives, Stone will light; do not know her, will be buried gold. 善于激励,石头也会放异彩;不懂赏识,金子也会被埋没。

11、What is motivating the workers at NUMMI? 什么事情激励了NUMMI的员工。

12、Everyone needs to be re-focused and re-energized. 每个人都需要重新定位,重新受到激励。

13、Experimental modeling of a middle-rise office building via ambient modal identification is presented. 通过环境激励模态识别技术对一座中高层新结构大楼环境激励试验建模研究。

14、It encourages deeper intrsonal relationships. 它激励大脑深处的关联性思维

15、Surround yourself with inspiring people from a wide variety of fields who encourage you and stimulate your creativity. 让你的身边充满各个领域能激励你并激发你创造力的有抱负的人们。

16、Thus it can be seen that the stimulating fiscal policy is effectual. But I think this policy still has some insufficiencies and need to be mended. 由此可见,激励型财政政策确实起到了一定的激励作用,但是笔者认为此项激励型财政政策中仍存在一些不恰当之处,有待进一步完善。

17、Personal development and self-help, to the average person, sounds sketchy. 个人能力拓展和自我激励,对于普通人而言,听起来太笼统。

18、The theory of motivation factor and health protective factor is raised by American behavioral scientist Fredrick Herzberg, which is also called dual-factor theory. 双因素理论是行为科学中激励理论的重要组成部分,它揭示了影响人的积极性的两个方面:激励因素和保健因素。

19、Patient, heal thyself- the true meaning of self-help. 所以病人们,请自我疗伤吧! 这才是自我激励的真谛。

20、All that is fine, it sounds good that managers should be given options because it will incentivize them to work for the benefit of the corporation. 这样不错,向经理人提供期权激励听起来不错,因为这样可以激励他们,为了公司的利益而努力工作

21、Shronda's grades were lousy because no one pushed her to do better. 史朗达的分数非常糟糕,因为没人去激励她上进。

22、History will inspire people Kwok-hing and scale new heights. 辉煌的历史将激励和兴人再攀高峰。

23、Two-factor theory and work characteristic model unveiled the key incentive effect of internal incentive factors on employee. 双因素理论和工作特性模型都揭示了内在激励因素对员工激励的重要作用。

24、The empirical test results suggested that non-material incentives are more effective than material incentives in promoting the enterprises' performance. 实证研究表明,目前国有企业对高管人员的非物质激励比物质激励更能有效提升企业绩效。

25、Traditional incentive theories based on commonness neglect inter-individual disparity and surrounding factors and have poor effect in incentive. 传统激励理论以人的共性为出发点,忽视了不同个体间的差异性及情境因素的影响,激励效果较差。


26、But there is no incentive to build new low-income housing, or even to keep existing low-income housing in good repair . 然而,人们缺乏激励去建造新的低收入住宅,甚至缺乏激励去保障现有低收入住宅的修缮。

27、You should never take more than you give. 一直激励我的话。

28、Above all you are expected to demonstrate a potential to motivate and lead the team. 尤其是, 人们指望你表现出能激励和领导一班人的潜力。

29、Humans must have this reward "Incentive" to do anything meaningful. 人必须有此报酬“激励”来做任何有意义的事情。

30、The most important content of agent-construction contract is to determine incentive coefficient of cost and incentive coefficient of time. 代建合同的重要内容是成本激励系数、工期激励系数的制定。

31、The good life ys one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. 美好的人生是靠爱所激励。由认知所引导的生活。

32、As mid level managers are the backbone of the enterprise, the internal incentive and the self-incentive of the mid level management personnel become the key problem of the enterprise management. 中层管理人员是企业的中坚和脊梁,对中层管理人员的内部激励和自我激励逐渐成为企业管理的关键问题。

33、The author hopes to contribute to the construction of employee motivation, especially the motivation of middle-class managers for the enterprise through the study of this thesis. 希望通过本文的研究,能在理论和实践上对企业在人员激励,特别是对中层管理人员的激励方面起到一定的推动作用。

34、A succe ful person i ires everyone around him to become succe ful! 成功的人会激励身边的人都变得成功!

35、His lofty spirit has greatly activated others. 他的崇高精神大大地激励了别人。

36、Why are we still subsidizing and incentivizing oil companies and we won't incentivize the solar energy project? 为什么我们仍补贴和激励石油公司,而我们不激励太阳能计划?

37、Love is a strong motivator . 爱是个很好的激励因素。

38、Except the thought guiding, we also discuss the outer prompting and the self-prompting in behavior guiding. 在行为引导方面,除了思想引导外,还探讨了对项目经理的外在激励和自我激励。

39、However, the practice proved that executive stock incentive may solve this problem, moreover it may solve the long-term incentive in the private-owned enterprises. 然而,实践证明,经理人股权激励可解决民营企业股权结构问题,而且可解决民营企业中的长期激励。

40、Corresponding to the prinl - agent risk, I try to change contract form, adopt benefit compatible incentive mechanism and promote competition among external fund managers. 对于委托风险,本文讨论了通过改善契约结构,建立激励兼容的激励机制,形成外部经理人竞争市场来管理。

41、It is something that can inspire as well as sadden people. 爱情能够激励一个人也能使人悲伤。

42、Caraway seeds will stimulate the release of progesterone for those suffering from loss of hormones in ascension or menopause. 香菜将激励黄体酮的释放,帮助那些在提升或绝经中遭受缺乏荷尔蒙之苦的人们。

43、Self-motivated individuals are also able to turn the negative into the positive. 自我激励的人能够把消极的因素转化为积极因素。

44、How does your club motivate and recognize member achievements? 您的分会如何激励与奖励会员达成各项荣衔与成就。

45、affirmation success fighting inspiration bright 我的回答你还满意吗~~

46、The world will give way to those who go ahead for their aim. 向着自己的目标前进的人,整个世界都会给他让路。

47、Today, I had two exhausting, yet interesting, brainstorming sessions. 今天开了两场有点累人但很有意思的智力激励会议。

48、His lofty spirit has greatly attracted and activated others. 他的崇高精神大大地吸引并且激励了别人。

49、May you have happiness in the Heaven. You've inspired a lot of people. 希望于娟在天堂幸福,你激励了很多人!

50、The most motivating thing in the world is progress. Any trivial progress can motivate and boost positive emotions that will help build a productive momentum. 世界上最激励人心的事情就是进步。任何微小的进步都会激励和促进积极情绪,而那会让你的高效工作更有劲。


51、Secondly, I establish a motivation model used for incenting knowledge workers in high-tech companies. 其次,笔者从这些激励因素出发,建立了高科技企业知识员工激励模型;

52、I know ‘tis the season to decry all things materialistic, but just as we’re inspired by people we are also inspired by things. 我想这是谴责所有事情物质化的时候了,然而正如我们被人所激励一样,我们也受事物的激励。

53、We also focus on the incentive in KIBS. 论文还重点探讨了知识型人力资源的激励问题。

54、This encourages many homeless people living in Russia to dig for old, empty bottles or tins. 这激励了许多居住在俄罗斯的挖旧的空瓶子或锡罐。

55、Under the basic, the article carries on the drive design, and introduces the drive model in order to incent the R&D of the high-tech enterprise. 在此基础上,进行激励设计,引入高技术企业研发人员知识共享的激励模型。

56、Their fearlessness inspires others to overcome their own fears. 她们的大无畏精神激励别人战胜自身的恐惧。

57、Instead, people who change the world live differently and inspire others to do the same. 相反地,改变世界的人都过着不同的人生,激励别人也这么做。

58、Encouraging management, particularly the importance of human resources management to mention. 激励对管理特别是人力资源管理的重要性自不待言。

59、Can't evaluate properly - lack motivation. 评价不到位——缺乏激励。

60、The experimental study on an electron-beam-initiated hydrogen fluoride laser with SPG-200 pulsed power generator is introduced. 介绍了利用SPG-200脉冲功率源产生电子束激励氟化氢激光的实验研究情况。

61、The ever-developing research for talent-stimulation aims at spurring the Sci-Tech talents effectively to dig out their more potential and capability. 人才激励研究不断发展,目的是有效的对科技人才进行激励,发挥其更大的潜力和作用。

62、They had not noticed the human ingenuity that incentives can draw forth. 他们忽略了人类特有的独创性:激励诱发前进。

63、So what inspires you? 那么,是什么激励了你?

64、Motivation. I had more reasons to succeed with polyphasic sleep than most people. 我的确比很多人受到更多的激励来适应多相睡眠。

65、Inspires yu to do yur best. 激励你做到最好。

66、But this is about incentives and control. 但要做的是激励和控制。

67、A well-thought-out approach should both inspire and sustain. 考虑完善的方法应该是激励人且持续的。

68、And improving long-term incentive in their salary structure, it can play skillfully a strong incentive effect. 而提高长期激励在其薪酬结构中所占比例,则可以起到四两拨千斤的强激励效果。

69、Many people have found '10-10-10' galvanizing. 许多人发现’10-10-10‘这本书很有激励作用。

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