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  • 2022-06-17 09:32:24
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关于”简单的诗歌“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Simple Poetry。以下是关于简单的诗歌的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Simple Poetry

1、And the poetry's intellectuality performance has deep and vast characteristic, this mainly displays in its poetry life consciousness and space-time consciousness and its art performance. 而其诗歌的知性表现具有深宏广博的特点,这主要体现在其诗歌的生命意识和时空意识及其艺术表现两个方面。

2、Its "Yan Ge Xing" is China's existing seven-character poem earlier scholars; 其《燕歌行》是中国现存较早的文人七言诗;

3、Meanwhile, he puts great emphasis on the structure of literary works and has esteem for poems that are concise, rich in meaning and comprohensive. As a result, he thinks highly of late Tang poetry. 同时,他还认真指出了文章结构的重要性,提倡诗味说,推崇凝炼概括、内涵丰富、言简意深的诗歌。

4、It's important for thinking about Frost's place in modern poetry. 思考弗罗斯特在现代诗歌上的地位非常重要。

5、Group solicitude is a striking affective feature of Jin-cha-ji poems, which is an inheritance of modern poetic tradition, and at the same time the partition in constructing the tradition. 群体关怀是晋察冀诗歌情感的突出特征,这既是对现代诗歌传统的继承,也以自己的个性参与了这一传统的建构。

6、Quiet night, the imagination for a poem, is another kind of flight. 静夜,对一首诗歌的想象,是另一种飞翔。

7、Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. 要向他唱诗,歌颂,谈论他一切奇妙的作为。

8、The keynote in Hardys poetry is one of pessimism, but the self contradiction in his philosophical thinking prevents him from being an absolute pessimist. 文章认为哈代诗歌的总基调是悲观忧郁的,但由于哈代哲学思想的矛盾性, 使得他诗歌之中的悲观主义思想极不彻底。

9、I need a song to keep me upbeat - You are my melody . 我需要诗歌来帮助我的奋发----你是我的旋律。

10、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 诗人--飙风,正出经海洋森林,追求它自己的歌声。

11、He qifang's definition of poetry is obviously inclined to be formalism. 何其芳的诗歌定义明显具有公式化的倾向。

12、Du Yunxie is one of the most important poets in the Nine Leaves Poets in 1940s whose works mainly reveal the negative side of the reality and life by means of satire. 杜运燮是九叶诗派的重要诗人,他的作品以揭示现实的负面因素或对其给予讽刺作为主要手段,但这只是他的诗歌艺术特征的一个方面。

13、The poet's chief concern, maintain the New Critics, is how meaning is achieved through the various and sometimes conflicting elements operating in the poem itself. 新批评坚持认为,诗人主要关心的是,诗歌是怎样通过其内在的各种要素、有时是相互冲突的要素来表达意义。

14、Lately he has been trying his hand at poetry. 最近王教伟正努力在诗歌领域一试身手。

15、As the greatest famous works of Feng Zhi's poetry, the Collection of Sonnets embodied the spirits of his arts of poetry and included multi-aspect cognitive value and significance of practice. 《十四行集》作为冯至诗歌的扛鼎之作,体现了其诗歌艺术的精魂,具有多方面的认知价值和实践意义。

16、It elaborates the development of "campus poetry since the May 4th Movement of 1919 in China, and makes clear the position and role this poetry has taken and played in development of literature." 文章对中国“五四”以来的“校园诗歌”的发展进行阐述,并阐明了“校园诗歌”在文学发展中的地位和作用。

17、Langston Hughes; Black Poems; Cultural Hegemony; Afro-American Culture; 兰斯顿·休斯; 黑人诗歌; 文化霸权; 黑人文化;

18、The following poem is a tribute to sharing the world in harmony. 以下小诗就是一首共享和谐世界的赞歌。

19、Folk literature is one of major sources of his poems. For example, the images of evil spirit of forest and water in the poems are frequently used in Northern Europe . 民谣倾向是易卜生诗歌的另一个特色,诗歌的主要题材之一来自民间文学,最常用民间意象中的林妖和水精意象;

20、The poetics of negative capability seeks after truth and timelessness while Creeley's poetic measure deconstructs truth and timelessness. “消极能力”诗学观追求真理和永恒,而克里利的诗歌尺度则消解真理和永恒。

21、The second part are chiefly concerning about the main content of Cai Xiang's poetry. 第二部分分析蔡襄诗歌的主要内容。

22、As useful lyric songs, the formation of their final texts is affected by many factors sounds, such as singing method, background and application and so on. 《诗经》作为实用性乐歌,其文本形态的最后形成受很多因素的影响,比如歌唱方式、配乐、应用等。

23、Based near Avignon, the reclusive order was judged to have the finest singers of Gregorian chants. 位在亚维农,这间与世无争的修道院被评为拥有最佳歌手的葛利果圣诗歌咏班。

24、In contrast with the popularity and realism tendency in the rear base poetry, the poems in japanese occupied zone during the Anti-Japanese War Period shows the realistic and philosophized tendency. 与大后方诗歌的大众化和现代主义取向相呼应,抗战时期日占区诗歌呈现出明显的写实性与哲理化倾向。

25、Ezra Pound put it most succinctly when he defined poetry as "the news that stays new." 埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)以最简明扼要的语言定位诗歌,称之为"新意永存的新闻"(the news that stays new)。


26、The complexity of his emotions and thoughts influences the development and evolution of the mode of thinking, writing skills and stylistic characteristics. 对臧克家诗歌创作思维方式的考察。思想与情感的复杂矛盾影响了臧克家建国前诗歌思维方式、写作技巧及风格特征的探索与演变。

27、Zhang Dai chapter discusses the theory of literature and poetry that the two aspects, in which history, literature and other writings are the main brief. 第二章论述了张岱的著述及其诗歌理论主张两个方面,其中对史学、文学等方面的主要著述都有简单的介绍。

28、Second, The translation of English poetry into Chinese requires correct comprehension and high appreciation of the English language and the Chinese language. 其次,英诗汉译不仅要求译者有较高的英语理解和欣赏能力,亦要求有很高的汉语素养和诗歌才能。

29、The first volume focuses on the study of Haoran and Poem Ousia Study. 上编是对孟浩然及其诗歌的本体研究。

30、The art of musical and ballad poetry developed into further prosperity. 在此基础上,乐器与歌诗的联系更加紧密了。

31、After carefully examining all elements, state the poem's chief overarching tension and explain how the poem achieves its dominant effect by resolving such tensions. 精研细读所有要素,弄清诗歌的主要张力,解释诗怎样通过解决这些张力而达到显性效应。

32、In fact, locating the poetic creation of the three Cao and the Ye capital Literati Group has become the focus in deciding the periods of the poetic history and the poetic "self-conscious" era. 对“三曹”及邺下文人集团诗歌创作的定位,已经成为汉魏诗歌分期及其“自觉时代”确定的焦点。

33、Thirdly, it mainly discusses the poems of Song Qi. 第三部分,主要就宋祁诗歌创作进行论述。

34、The third part ia a research on the poetry of Wei Zhuang in Shu. 第三部分为韦庄蜀中诗歌研究。

35、There are a lot of feminine images in the poetry of Dai Wangshu. 戴望舒诗歌中女性意象繁多,并有着单纯、善良、温情、忧郁、缅想的精神气质。

36、You can't unhear the devilish lyrics once you know about them. 你不能沉寂于特别的诗歌中一旦你了解他们。

37、From the art of the Mongolian songs in Horqin district and the Mongolian epics, it studies the artistic factors. 从科尔沁说唱艺术和蒙古英雄史诗的传承研究了该民歌产生的艺术因素。

38、It broke up into ss of songs and lay tered at your feet. 它裂成诗歌的碎片散撒在你的脚边。

39、Poetry anthology is an extremely inclusiveness form of literary criticism. 诗歌选本是一种极具包容性的文学批评形式。

40、What's more, "Negative Capability" not only leaves a precious legacy in the literary treasure of the world, but also exerts a far-reaching influence on the poetic composition of modern poets. 济慈的诗歌不仅是世界文学宝库的珍贵遗产,“自我否定力”对后世的诗歌创作也有着及其深远的影响。

41、My song has put off her adornments . She has no pride of dress and decoration. 我的诗歌卸掉妆饰,她没有衣饰的骄傲。

42、He belittled folk songs and opposed scholars suggesting to learn from folk songs. This caused Chuanshans comments great limitedness . 贬损民歌,反对文人向民歌学习,从而使船山诗论存在较大的局限性。

43、Heidegger, Holderlin, And The Subject Of Poetic Language ( Perspectives In Continental Philosophy ) 海德格尔,荷尔德林,与诗歌语言主题。

44、Mysticism and demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group. 这些诗歌的显著特点,便是神秘与想象。

45、Therefore, when we either study the development of 20~(th) century Chinese poetry or discuss the achievements of Chinese poetry translation, Mu Dan is a figure that we could never bypass. 因此,不管是研究20世纪中国诗歌的发展历程,还是考察中国诗歌的翻译成就,穆旦都是无法忽视的重要作家。

46、His purpose is to rebel the art of hazy poetry and show the post - modernism spirits and the values of civilian. 其意在反叛“朦胧诗”的诗歌艺术,凸显后现代主义精神和平民价值观。

47、The sensitivity, soft tenacity and occultness of the soul are of the same case with poetry. 因此,这类诗歌的恰当称谓应是“城市中的心灵之书”,心灵的敏感、柔韧、潜隐,与诗同格。

48、My brother doesn't appreciate poetry--he has no soul. 我弟弟不喜欢诗歌——他根本没有鉴赏能力。

49、Architecture4, science, drama and poetry also flourished here. 建筑、科学、戏剧和诗歌也曾在这里盛极一时。

50、Compared with many impassioned and forceful anti-Japanese poems, it belongs to a different style—gloominess. 和当时许多慷慨激昂、充满战斗力量的抗战诗歌相比,它是属于另类的沉郁风格的诗。


51、Sally: Oh, don't you have to take that class on 18th Century Poetry? 噢,你不就需要上18世纪的诗歌那门课吗?

52、His pocus are of a high level of thought in philosophy and anthropology. 诗歌具有哲学和人类学的思想高度。

53、O my Luve's like a red, red rose' is a comparison. 诗歌常常充满意象,《一朵红红的玫瑰》也是这样的。

54、Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind. 也许无人可以成为一个诗人,或甚至欣赏诗歌,假如他没有一点神经质的话。

55、And the songs of every poet past and forever. 还有每一个诗人们的歌谣也已成为过去与永恒。

56、In Dali period, some factors of the Song culture begin to rise, so the poetry of "ten talents in Dali period" convey some characteristics of Song poetry. 大历时期,宋型文化的某些因素已经开始萌生,故而大历十才子诗歌已经开始具备宋诗的某些特征。

57、In chapter IV, the author makes researches on the topic of his poem respectively. 第四章对其诗歌的题材类型进行分析。

58、Metaphor is frequently adopted in the song, the artistic image is comparatively monotonous and concentrated, the content is direct and plain; some narrative songs adopt the form of multi-paragraphs. 常用比兴手法,艺术形象比较集中、单一,表现的内容比较直接朴 实,但也有多段体的分节歌式的叙事诗。

59、We had sung simultaneously the sunflowers growing up by the Don River and cherished the memory of the sun in Russian poetry. 我们同声歌唱过顿河上的向日葵,/也曾缅怀俄罗斯诗歌的太阳。

60、Instead, things in Frost are "made" in the sense of "constructed." 相反,弗罗斯特是以一种建造观来创作诗歌的“

61、GongZizhen's Poems characteristic of sorrowful– complaint and profound. 龚自珍诗歌在创作上具有悲怨深邃的艺术特色。

62、Poetry is a response to the daily necessity of getting the world right." 诗歌是对世界正确转动的琐事的反应“

63、Well , just hands for Tan Shiqi and her fabulous song ! 现在就让我们掌声迎来谭诗琪和她动人的歌!

64、Through all his crises, Poe produced many stories and poems which appeared in different publications, yet he didn't become famous until 1845, when his poem, The Raven, was published. 通过这些危机,坡创作了大量故事和诗歌,它们见诸于不同报刊,然而直到1845年他的诗歌《乌鸦》发表之后,他才出名。

65、This article gives a brief contrast of visual and audial images in the two English renditions of Nostalgia, and emphasizes that image actualization is of great significance in poetry translation. 本文主要对比了《乡愁》的两个英文译本的视象和音象,指出意象再造是诗歌翻译的灵魂,事关诗歌翻译的成败。

66、Series of Poetic Notes Taken by the Recluse of the Brook Tiao can be seen as a concise and imaginable history of Northern Song poetry. 《苕溪渔隐丛话》可视为一部简明而形象的北宋诗歌发展史。

67、Research on the content of this article briefly reviewed, the author briefly some experience singing in antiphonal style of poetry. 结语对本文的研究内容作了简要回顾,略谈了笔者对歌诗研究的一些体会。

68、In his poems, he warmly eulogized progressive social ideas and strongly satirized the authority of the dark rule. 他在诗歌中热烈歌唱进步的社会理想,表示了对黑暗统治势力的极大轻蔑;

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